
Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"You are a sign of coronary heart disease, watermelon can no longer be eaten!" The doctor said solemnly to Aunt Wang.
Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

Aunt Wang is the owner of a small supermarket and is usually very busy. On this day, she went to the bank ATM to withdraw money, and suddenly felt dizzy during the queue, and before she could react, she fell to the ground.

A few minutes later, Aunt Wang gradually woke up, and the people around her helped her to the side. She felt that something might be wrong with her body, so she hurried to the hospital for a check-up.

At the hospital, cardiologist Dr. Li asked Aunt Wang about her medical history and eating habits in detail. Aunt Wang explained that she has been feeling a lot of pain in her heart recently, and she has no appetite for eating, but she especially likes to eat watermelon, especially when the weather is hot, and she eats several slices every day.

Dr. Li frowned and asked, "Do you usually eat a lot of watermelon?" ”

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

Aunt Wang replied: "Yes, this weather is hot, eating watermelon to quench my thirst and quench the heat, I eat a lot every day." ”

Dr. Li shook his head and said, "Patients with coronary heart disease should not eat watermelon, especially if they eat a large amount, which is easy to cause adverse reactions. ”

Aunt Wang was taken aback, she always thought that watermelon was a healthy fruit, but she didn't expect that there would be so much exquisiteness.

Dr. Li went on to explain, "Although watermelon is good, it is a big hidden danger for patients with coronary heart disease. There are three main reasons why the condition can be aggravated if not taken care of. ”

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

The first reason is that watermelon contains a lot of water and sugar. Dr. Li said that watermelon is high in water and sugar, which can easily increase the burden on the heart. Especially after eating a large amount of watermelon, the blood volume in the body will increase, and the heart needs more strength to pump blood, which is undoubtedly worse for the heart that already has problems.

Dr. Li gave an example of a patient, Uncle Liu, 70 years old, who likes to eat watermelon after retirement. As a result, because of the large consumption of watermelon, the heart was overburdened, which caused angina pectoris, and had to be urgently hospitalized. It was only after the doctor advised him to control his watermelon intake that his condition improved.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

The second reason is that the sugar in watermelon can affect blood sugar levels. Dr. Li went on to explain that patients with coronary heart disease are often accompanied by chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the high sugar content of watermelon can easily cause blood sugar fluctuations and affect the stability of blood pressure. Unstable blood sugar and blood pressure can further aggravate the symptoms of coronary heart disease.

Aunt Wang listened attentively, thinking that there were so many ways to eat watermelon.

The third reason is that watermelon is a cold food. Dr. Li said that watermelon is cold and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort when consumed too much, especially for the elderly who are frail, and may cause diarrhea and indigestion. The increased burden on the digestive system will also indirectly affect heart health and increase the risk of coronary heart disease attacks.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

Dr. Li mentioned that some patients with coronary heart disease eat a lot of watermelon, which leads to diarrhea, stomach pain and other problems, which in turn affects nutrient absorption, which in turn affects overall health.

Hearing this, Aunt Wang suddenly realized that her problem might be caused by eating watermelon.

Dr. Lee adds, "Patients with coronary heart disease need to pay special attention to their diet, not only watermelon, but also other foods that are high in sugar, water and cold. Usually eat more light, low-salt and low-sugar foods to maintain a balanced nutrition. ”

Aunt Wang said gratefully: "Thank you, doctor, I am fortunate to have come to the hospital today, otherwise I would have been eating watermelon in a daze." ”

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

Dr. Li smiled and said, "It's okay, health problems are afraid of being ignored." You know it now, just pay attention to it later. ”

Aunt Wang decided to adjust her eating habits strictly according to the doctor's advice from today. She is still secretly thinking in her heart, whether to remind those friends who have the same coronary heart disease problems as her in the circle of friends, after all, health is no trivial matter.

Before leaving the hospital, Aunt Wang consulted the nutrition department of the hospital for some dietary advice for patients with coronary heart disease. The dietitian explained in detail some foods suitable for patients with coronary heart disease and reminded her to limit the amount of cold fruits such as watermelon.

After returning home, Aunt Wang began to adjust her eating habits, pay attention to less salt and sugar when eating every day, eat more vegetables and fruits, but control the intake of watermelon. At the same time, she also began to have a regular schedule, avoid overwork, and measure her blood pressure and blood sugar regularly.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

A few months later, Aunt Wang went to the hospital for a follow-up, and the results showed that her heart condition had improved, and her blood pressure and blood sugar had also remained within the normal range. Dr. Li was also very satisfied with the results and praised Aunt Wang for doing a good job.

This made Aunt Wang even more convinced of the importance of following the doctor's instructions. She lamented that health really can't be sloppy, and every detail may affect the final result.

However, Aunt Wang still has a question in her heart, since patients with coronary heart disease can't eat more watermelon, are there any other fruits suitable for relieving the heat that can be eaten?

Dr. Li listened to Aunt Wang's questions and explained in detail: "Patients with coronary heart disease do need to pay attention to some details when choosing fruits, but not all fruits that relieve the heat cannot be eaten. The following fruits are more suitable for patients with coronary heart disease to relieve the heat. ”

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

First of all, Apple. Dr. Lee said apples are rich in fiber and vitamins, which have a protective effect on the heart, and apples are low in sugar and do not cause large fluctuations in blood sugar. Eating an apple a day can help maintain stable blood sugar and blood pressure.

This is followed by grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and potassium, which help lower blood pressure and relieve the burden on the heart. Yuzu is also lower in sugar, making it ideal for people with coronary heart disease. However, it should be noted that some medications can react with grapefruit, so it is best to consult a doctor before eating yuzu.

Another suitable fruit is strawberries. Dr. Lee explained that strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress on the heart and protect cardiovascular health. At the same time, strawberries have a moderate sugar content and do not affect blood sugar much.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

Dr Lee also recommended kiwi. Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and dietary fiber, which is very beneficial for heart health. The low calorie and sugar content of kiwifruit also makes it one of the ideal fruits for patients with coronary heart disease.

Dr Lee concluded, "When choosing fruits for patients with coronary heart disease, they should try to choose fruits that are low in sugar, rich in vitamins and fibre, and avoid cold and high-sugar fruits. Eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, and having a regular schedule are key to keeping your heart healthy. ”

After listening to this, Aunt Wang's heart suddenly brightened, and she decided that she must choose fruits according to the doctor's advice in the future and strictly control her diet. She also wants to share this health knowledge with her family and friends, so that everyone can choose the right fruits and stay healthy.

Can't people with coronary heart disease eat watermelon? When the weather is hot, find out early, don't eat wrong

So, after returning home, Aunt Wang wrote an article about how to choose fruits for patients with coronary heart disease, which was posted in the circle of friends, which attracted the attention and discussion of many friends. Everyone thanked Aunt Wang for sharing, and some even said that they were going to go to the hospital for a check-up to see if their eating habits needed to be adjusted.

Through this experience, Aunt Wang not only learned valuable health knowledge, but also paid more attention to her own health management.

She believes that as long as she lives and eats according to the scientific method, health will definitely accompany her and her family.

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