
The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Doctor Zhang, is my chest pain a recurrence of coronary heart disease?" Uncle Chen asked with a worried face.
The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

At the beginning of the story, on an ordinary morning, Uncle Zhang was about to go to the business hall to pay the electricity bill. Uncle Zhang is 70 years old this year, and he was a primary school teacher before his retirement, and his body has always been tough. However, in the last year, he has often experienced chest pain, which worries him and his family.

Walking into the business hall, he unexpectedly ran into Dr. Li, an old classmate who had just been discharged from the hospital. Dr. Li is a cardiologist at the city hospital and was well-known in the medical community before his retirement. As soon as the two of them met, they started talking.

"Oh, Lao Li, your face looks good!" Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"No, just after the physical examination, the doctor said that I was fine." Dr. Li also replied with a smile.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the conversation quickly turned to health issues.

"Lao Li, I've had severe chest pain recently, could it be that coronary heart disease has recurred?" There was a hint of nervousness in Uncle Zhang's tone.

"I don't dare to jump to conclusions, it depends on your specific symptoms and test results. However, I do have a few good habits to share that may help you. Dr. Li patted Uncle Zhang's shoulder, and then said, "Have you heard the story of Uncle Xu?" ”

It turned out that Uncle Xu and Uncle Zhang were the same age and were also patients with coronary heart disease. A year ago, Uncle Xu's chest pain was very severe, and every attack made him feel painful. However, a year later, his chest pain has miraculously disappeared.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

"It can't be, right?" Uncle Zhang's eyes widened, "How did he do it?" ”

"It's actually very simple, mainly because he has developed three good habits." Dr. Li said.

The first habit is to get a moderate amount of exercise every day. Uncle Xu goes for a walk in the park every afternoon, and the walking time is about 30 minutes to an hour. At first, he also walked very slowly, stopping to rest at a time, but as time went on, his stamina gradually increased, and he walked faster and faster.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

"Exercise is very important for people with coronary heart disease. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise can improve heart function, lower blood lipid levels, and enhance physical fitness. "In addition, exercising consistently can help you lose weight and avoid the further burden of obesity on your heart." ”

The second habit is a healthy diet. Uncle Xu began to pay attention to the healthy combination of his diet, reducing the intake of salt, sugar and fat, and eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. He is particularly fond of drinking green tea because it is rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

"A lot of research supports the heart health benefits of this diet. For example, a study of more than 10,000 participants found that those who ate a diet rich in vegetables and fruits had significantly lower rates of coronary heart disease than those who did not pay attention to their diet. Dr. Li said.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

The third habit is to maintain a good state of mind. Uncle Xu spends a few minutes every morning meditating to relax and regulate his emotions. In the face of all kinds of stressors in life, he learned to deal with it with a positive mindset instead of anxiety and tension.

"Mental health also affects our physical health. Long-term stress and anxiety can lead to increased blood pressure, increasing the burden on the heart and thus increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. "Scientific research has also confirmed this, and people with a good mental state are more stable in their physical functions. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded frequently when he heard this, and he seemed to have a bottom in his heart.

"Oops, it's so easy to relieve chest pain, that's great!" Uncle Zhang said happily.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

Dr. Li continued, "However, everyone's physical condition is different, and the specific situation requires professional diagnosis and advice from doctors. You can try these three habits first, and at the same time go to the hospital regularly for check-ups to monitor your health. ”

Uncle Zhang decided to start implementing these good habits after he went back. He believes that his health will improve.

At the end of the story, Uncle Zhang really followed Dr. Li's advice to do an appropriate amount of exercise every day, maintain a healthy diet, and regulate his mood. After a few months, his chest pain was significantly reduced and he looked much more energetic.

But the story doesn't end there. At a community health lecture, Uncle Zhang asked Dr. Li a question: "Lao Li, these habits you said are indeed effective, but not all patients with coronary heart disease are applicable?" ”

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

Dr. Li replied with a smile: "That's a good question. In fact, everyone's physical condition and lifestyle habits are different, so these methods are not a panacea. The specific situation needs to be adjusted according to the individual's health status. For example, some people may need to limit their physical activity, while others need to pay special attention to certain components of their diet.

In addition, regular medical check-ups and professional guidance from doctors are also essential. Only by considering all factors can you find the most suitable health management method for yourself. ”

He goes on to elaborate: "For example, for some elderly patients, it is particularly important to control the amount of exercise. Excessive exercise may increase the burden on the heart, which is not good for health. When it comes to diet, certain food choices also need to be decided based on the individual's health status.

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

For example, patients with hyperglycemia need to strictly control their sugar intake, while patients with renal insufficiency need to limit their protein intake. When it comes to mental health, different people need different ways to regulate, some may be better suited to meditation, while others can relax through social activities. ”

"In short," Dr. Li concluded, "health management is a comprehensive process that requires individualized solutions and professional guidance. I hope that everyone can find a healthy way that suits them according to their actual situation and stay away from diseases. ”

The 70-year-old uncle disappeared after a year of chest pain! Develop 3 habits to eliminate the threat of coronary heart disease

Through this question, Uncle Zhang and everyone understood that the maintenance of health is not only a few simple good habits, but also needs to be adjusted and professionally guided according to personal circumstances. Only in this way can we truly and effectively prevent and alleviate diseases and maintain good health.

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