
The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Older people will live longer if they are hungry for two hours a day." The doctor's words rang out during a health lecture at the community rehabilitation center, attracting the attention of Xiao Zhang, who was paying the phone bill. Xiao Zhang is an accountant and usually has a busy job, but today happened to be a little free, and when he passed by, he stopped curiously to listen for a while.
The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

The main speaker of the lecture was Dr. Wang, who has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and is a well-known local geriatrician. Dr. Wang continued, "According to the latest research, proper hunger has unexpected benefits for the health of older adults. ”

When Xiao Zhang heard this, he chuckled in his heart. He himself has just turned 40 this year, and he has been feeling that his food is getting smaller and smaller lately, and he doesn't know if this is a sign of health. He decided to stay and listen, maybe find some answers.

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Dr. Wang went on to explain, "In recent years, scientists have found that starving for two hours a day can delay aging and reduce the occurrence of chronic diseases. This is because proper hunger stimulates the body's self-repair mechanisms, boosts metabolism, and boosts immunity. ”

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

Xiao Zhang was dumbfounded when he heard this, he was usually busy with work, and he always made do with eating, could this be good for his body?

Dr. Wang continued, "Let's look at the specific study data. A long-term study in the United States found that reducing the amount of time you eat each day can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer in older adults. The study, which followed thousands of older people, showed that those who were hungry for two hours a day had significantly lower prevalence than those who ate at all times. ”

Hearing this, Xiao Zhang felt that he might really need to adjust his eating habits. He continued to listen as Dr. Wang began to explain the science.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

"Proper hunger can activate a mechanism in the body called autophagy," says Dr. Wang, "Autophagy is a cellular cleanup process that removes damaged cells and proteins from the body and promotes cell turnover." It's like the body is doing a big cleaning, cleaning out all the bad things and making the cells healthier. ”

Xiao Zhang nodded, thinking that this metaphor was very vivid. Dr. Wang also mentioned a specific case to corroborate.

"I have a patient surnamed Li, who is in his 60s, and after retirement, he lived a more leisurely life and ate more, and as a result, he kept gaining weight. Later, I advised him to starve for two hours a day, and after a few months, he lost weight, his blood pressure also dropped, and he looked more energetic. ”

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

Dr. Wang's words made Xiao Zhang even more determined to adjust his diet. He thought of his usual busy work and irregular diet, and maybe he should really take time out to plan well.

As the lecture continued, Dr. Wang said, "Of course, this is not to say that the elderly should be starved, but that they should eat in moderation and maintain a moderate hunger level. For example, you can use intermittent fasting, where you don't eat for a few hours a day and eat normally the rest of the day. ”

Xiao Zhang remembers reading a report about intermittent fasting, but he didn't pay attention to it at the time. Now listening to Dr. Wang's words, he feels that this method does seem to make sense.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

"There are many ways to do intermittent fasting," Dr. Wang continued, "such as the 16/8 method, which is to go 16 hours a day without eating and eat normally for the remaining 8 hours. There is also the 5:2 method, where calorie intake is restricted two days a week and the remaining five days are eaten normally. These methods can be chosen on an individual basis. ”

Xiao Zhang pondered carefully and felt that he could try the 16/8 method, stop eating after 8 o'clock every night, and eat the first meal at noon the next day, so that it would not affect his work and achieve the effect of fasting.

After the lecture, Xiao Zhang went to Dr. Wang and asked him more about the methods and precautions of intermittent fasting. Dr. Wang patiently answered his questions and reminded him that when fasting, he should pay attention to maintaining a balanced nutrition and not blindly dieting.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

After returning home, Xiao Zhang began to carefully plan his eating schedule. He decided to try intermittent fasting starting the next day and stick to it at least three days a week. After a few months, Xiao Zhang noticed that his mental state had improved significantly, and his work efficiency had improved a lot.

In the meantime, Dr. Wang's research continues. He mentioned that proper hunger is not only good for the body, but also has a positive impact on mental health. Studies have found that proper hunger can improve brain agility, enhance memory, and even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

This made Xiao Zhang even more firm in his belief. He began to pay more attention to his diet and living habits, exercise properly every day, maintain a good work and rest, and his whole state is getting better and better.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

However, Xiao Zhang also has some questions, is starvation for two hours really applicable to everyone? He went to consult Dr. Wang again.

"Proper hunger is beneficial for most people, but it needs to be individualized," Dr. Wang told him. For example, some people have stomach problems or other chronic conditions that may not be suitable for long-term fasting. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before fasting and develop a suitable plan according to the individual's physical condition. ”

Xiao Zhang felt that Dr. Wang's words made a lot of sense, and decided to do a comprehensive medical check-up first, and then adjust his fasting plan based on the results.

Dr Ong also mentioned that in addition to diet, maintaining a good mindset and moderate exercise are also important factors for longevity. He suggested that Xiao Zhang take time out of his day to do some light exercises, such as walking and yoga, which can not only relax his body and mind, but also strengthen his physique.

Xiao Zhang followed Dr. Wang's advice and started to walk every morning and evening, and gradually, he found that his body was getting healthier and his mental state was getting better and better.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer

Through this lecture and Dr. Wang's guidance, Xiao Zhang understood a truth: longevity is not only a matter of diet, but also an overall improvement of lifestyle. He decided to stick to these healthy habits, not only for himself, but also for his family to have a healthy and long future.

Just when Xiao Zhang lamented that his life had become better, he suddenly thought of a question: So, on the basis of starving for two hours, can there be other ways to further extend life?

In response to this question, Dr. Wang gave a detailed answer. In addition to proper hunger, there are several key factors that can help extend life, he said.

The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer
The first is to maintain peace of mind. Studies have shown that a positive and optimistic attitude plays an important role in delaying aging and preventing diseases. Stress can lead to an imbalance in hormone levels in the body, increasing the risk of disease. Therefore, maintaining a calm mind and learning to relax and de-stress is essential for longevity.
The second is to maintain good social relationships. Older people especially need social support, and good social relationships can lead to emotional support, reduce loneliness, and enhance well-being. Studies have found that people with good social connections have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and depression and live longer.
The less you eat, the longer you live? The study found that older people who were starved for two hours a day lived longer
There is also a reasonable work and rest habit. Adequate sleep is very important for the body's recovery and the improvement of immunity. Adults should ensure 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep every day, and the elderly should pay more attention to the adjustment of sleep environment and habits to ensure good sleep quality.
Finally, moderate exercise is also key. Exercise not only strengthens physical fitness, but also boosts metabolism and improves cardiovascular function. Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week can significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease and improve quality of life.

Through these comprehensive lifestyle modifications, life expectancy can be further extended and quality of life can be improved. After listening to Dr. Wang's answers, Xiao Zhang was determined to integrate these health tips into his daily life and live a healthy, long, and happy life.

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