
It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Have you been feeling leg pain, backache, and fainting a lot lately?" Doctor Wang Tao looked up at the physical examination report and asked. This sentence was like a hammer hitting Zhang Wei's head, which made him completely sober. It all started on an ordinary afternoon.
It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

Zhang Wei, 36 years old, is a sales manager of a company, on this day he came to the bank ATM to withdraw money, and when he was waiting in line, his eyes suddenly went dark and he fainted directly to the ground. The people around panicked and gathered around. Fortunately, after a few minutes, Zhang Wei gradually woke up, but he still felt weak.

Zhang Wei felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly rushed to the hospital, and after the doctor gave him a series of examinations, there was the scene just now.

"Doctor, what is my disease?" Zhang Wei asked with a look of confusion and concern.

It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

Dr. Wang pushed his glasses with a serious expression: "Your problem is caused by poor qi and blood, as the saying goes, 'lack of qi and blood will lead to all diseases'." Poor qi and blood can cause a range of problems, including your recent leg pain, backache, and fainting. ”

It turned out that Zhang Wei usually had a lot of work pressure, irregular diet, and lack of exercise, which led to poor qi and blood. The doctor advised Zhang Wei to pay more attention to rest, eat reasonably, exercise properly, and at the same time recommended him to eat a little safflower tea every day to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.

Safflower tea, whose scientific name is "saffron tea", is a traditional Chinese medicinal material and is known as the "first place in blood activation". Saffron has the effect of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving menstruation and relieving pain, which can effectively improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

In order to better understand and accept the treatment for Zhang Wei, Dr. Wang also talked about a case: "I had a patient who was a taxi driver who sat in the car all day and lacked exercise, and as a result, he had a disease similar to yours. Later, he followed my advice and drank a cup of safflower tea every day, with some exercise, and after three months, his symptoms improved significantly, he never fainted again, and the pain in his lower back and legs disappeared. ”

Zhang Wei listened, thoughtfully, and decided to go back and try the doctor's method.

Sure enough, drinking a little safflower tea every day, Zhang Wei's physical condition gradually improved. He felt that his complexion was much better than before, and his mental state had improved a lot. Colleagues in the company say he looks a few years younger.

It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

A few months later, Zhang Wei went to the hospital for a follow-up, and the results showed that his indicators had returned to normal. Seeing this, Dr. Wang smiled with relief: "It seems that my method has worked well for you. In fact, the lack of qi and blood is a problem that many modern people will face. We not only need to rely on medication, but also need to start with diet and lifestyle habits. ”

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, and he sighed: "I really didn't expect that the small habits in life have such a big impact on the body. ”

Dr. Wong continued, "In fact, many people's health problems in modern society are caused by unhealthy lifestyles. For example, sitting in the office for a long time and lack of exercise; Irregular diet, often eat fast food; Stress, lack of sleep. These can lead to a lack of qi and blood, which in turn can lead to various health problems. ”

It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

In order to give Zhang Wei a more comprehensive understanding of how to maintain the flow of qi and blood, Dr. Wang explained in detail several common methods of blood circulation and blood stasis:

  • Reasonable diet: Eat more foods that help promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, such as safflower, black fungus, red dates, wolfberries, etc. These foods are rich in iron, vitamins and minerals, which help to promote blood circulation and improve qi and blood.
  • Moderate exercise: Insist on a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., which can effectively promote blood circulation and enhance physical fitness.
  • Massage and gua sha: Proper massage and gua sha can stimulate the meridians, promote blood circulation, and relieve muscle fatigue.
  • Maintain a good attitude: A good mood and moderate pressure also have a great impact on the circulation of qi and blood. You can participate in more relaxing activities, such as yoga and meditation
  • Reasonable work and rest: Ensuring adequate sleep, not staying up late, and developing regular work and rest habits are also very important for the regulation of qi and blood.
It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

After listening to these suggestions, Zhang Wei felt that he had benefited a lot, and decided that he must pay more attention to his living habits and maintain a healthy body in the future.

At this point, the story seems to be over, but in fact, Zhang Wei's question has triggered a deeper thinking. Since poor qi and blood are the root cause of various health problems, how to fundamentally improve qi and blood circulation?

In response to this question, Dr. Wang put forward a detailed analysis and answer: "The key to fundamentally improving the circulation of qi and blood lies in the three aspects of 'conditioning, nourishment, and movement'. ”

  • Tone: The first is to regulate the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, the source of qi and blood biochemistry". Only when the function of the spleen and stomach is normal can it provide sufficient raw materials for the generation of qi and blood. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to dietary conditioning, eat more easily digestible and nutritious foods, and eat less spicy, greasy, raw and cold foods.
It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore
  • Nourishment: The second is to nourish the mind. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the heart is the main blood vessel, and if the heart qi is sufficient, the blood is smooth". Keeping a good mood and avoiding excessive mood swings will help the normal operation of qi and blood. You can relax your mind and nourish your mind by listening to music, reading, exercising, etc.
  • Movement: Finally, there is the combination of movement and static. Proper exercise can promote blood circulation and improve the body's metabolic function, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and do not overexercise and cause physical fatigue. You can choose some soothing exercises, such as Tai Chi, Baduanjin, etc., which can help to harmonize qi and blood.

In addition, Dr. Wang also mentioned an important point: Qi and blood conditioning is not only physical conditioning, but also needs psychological adjustment. Modern people's lives are stressful and stressful, which can lead to poor qi and blood. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to relax and reduce stress in daily life. You can relax and stay in a good mood by listening to music, reading, traveling, etc.

It is the first place in blood activation, come a little every day, easily activate blood and remove blood stasis, legs do not hurt and waist is not sore

Through these conditioning methods, the circulation of qi and blood will gradually improve, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body, preventing and curing diseases.

In short, Zhang Wei's story not only benefited him a lot, but also sounded the alarm for us: if modern people want to stay healthy, they must not only pay attention to the symptoms in front of them, but also fundamentally improve their lifestyle and regulate their qi and blood, so as to truly prevent problems before they occur.

He believes that with persistence and attention to diet and exercise, he will see significant health improvements. In the days to come, he will prove with practical actions and cheer for his health.

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