
The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Eating more bananas will make you get intestinal disease? No way! Li Qiang, who had just woken up, was lying on the hospital bed with a confused face, and the doctor in front of him, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, was frowning to check his case. Originally, he just went to the bank ATM to withdraw money, but he suddenly fainted while queuing, and was sent to the hospital by 120 after waking up.
The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

Li Qiang is a courier who is busy with work on weekdays, eats irregularly, and often uses bananas for breakfast. After this fainting, he was forced to come to the hospital, where the doctors, through a series of tests, came to a shocking conclusion - "You have severe gastroenteritis." ”

"Doctor, how is that possible? I usually pay attention to my diet, especially fruits, bananas are a must-have every day. Li Qiang asked puzzled.

The doctor sighed, "Li Qiang, do you know? While fruits are good for health, eating them incorrectly can cause problems. Although bananas are highly nutritious, excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal upset. Today we will talk about it in detail. ”

The doctor brought a chair, sat on the edge of Li Qiang's bed, and began to explain.

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

"Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C and potassium, and have many benefits for the body, such as helping digestion and maintaining heart health. However, excessive intake can be a burden on the stomach and intestines. Although the dietary fiber in bananas can promote intestinal peristalsis, eating too much can cause bloating and abdominal pain. According to research, it is more appropriate for adults to consume 2-3 bananas a day, and too much is counterproductive. ”

The doctor gave an example, "Couriers like Li Qiang, who are busy with work and often rely on bananas for energy. Over time, the burden on your stomach and intestines will become heavier and heavier, causing you to faint today. ”

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

"It's not enough to eat bananas, you have to eat a balanced diet. Although bananas are packed with nutrients, they lack some of the components of other fruits, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Long-term intake of single foods can lead to malnutrition. It is recommended to eat more different kinds of fruits, such as apples, oranges, grapes, etc., and eat them together to meet the body's needs for various vitamins and minerals. ”

The doctor continued, "There was a patient before, Xiao Li, who was a programmer and had a lot of work pressure, often skipping meals and eating bananas, and as a result, he suffered from vitamin deficiency. Later, he added other fruits and vegetables to his diet, and his physical condition gradually improved. ”

"Eating fruit should also be mindful of the time and manner. Eating bananas on an empty stomach may cause excessive gastric acid secretion, irritate the gastric mucosa, and cause stomach pain. It is best to eat between meals or an hour after a meal. Moreover, wash bananas before eating them to avoid residual pesticides and bacteria. ”

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

The doctor said earnestly, "There is another case, Xiao Zhao, she is a salesperson, she is in a hurry to go to work in the morning, and often eats bananas on an empty stomach, and as a result, her stomach problems are getting worse and worse. After adjusting her diet, her symptoms gradually lessened. ”

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Li Qiang suddenly realized. He finally realized that the reason for his illness had so much to do with his usual seemingly healthy eating habits.

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, about 2.6 grams per 100 grams of bananas, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. However, excessive intake of dietary fibre can lead to a large amount of water absorption in the intestines, which in turn can lead to constipation or diarrhoea. In addition, bananas are high in sugar, and excessive consumption will increase the burden on the intestinal flora, which may lead to intestinal dysbiosis, which in turn can cause gastrointestinal problems.

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a long-term high-fiber diet may cause indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort in some populations. The study, which followed thousands of participants, found that those who consumed more than 50 grams of dietary fiber per day had a significantly increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, scientists recommend that adults should control their daily dietary fiber intake between 25-30 grams.

In addition to the dietary fiber of bananas, bananas also contain a lot of potassium. Potassium contributes to the maintenance of electrolyte balance and normal heart function in the body. However, excessive potassium intake can also have negative effects, especially in patients with renal insufficiency, which can lead to hyperkalemia and symptoms such as palpitations, fatigue, and even arrhythmias.

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

The doctor went on to share a real-life case, "Mr. Zhang, 45 years old, is a teacher, he suffers from chronic kidney disease, but he likes to eat bananas very much, thinking that eating more bananas can replenish energy and vitamins. As a result, excessive intake of bananas led to hyperkalemia, which almost caused heart problems. After treatment and dietary adjustments, his condition was brought under control. ”

The doctor continued, "Another patient, Ms. Liu, 30, is an office worker. In order to lose weight, she ate a large number of bananas as a staple food every day, but not only did she not succeed in losing weight, but instead developed severe bloating and indigestion problems. After the guidance of the dietitian, she began to adjust her diet and increase the intake of vegetables and other fruits, and her symptoms gradually eased. ”

The doctor concluded, "If you want to enjoy the benefits of eating bananas without harming your stomach, the key is to have a moderate amount and balance. First of all, don't take more than 3 bananas a day, and pair them with other fruits and vegetables to ensure a comprehensive intake of nutrients. Second, pay attention to when you eat bananas, preferably between meals. Finally, pay attention to hygiene and wash before eating. ”

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

"For people with gastrointestinal problems or kidney disease, it is more important to control the intake of bananas and adjust their diet under the guidance of a doctor. If you experience symptoms after eating bananas, you should seek medical attention promptly. ”

Li Qiang nodded, indicating that he would adjust his diet according to the doctor's advice. He also hopes that through this experience, more people can understand the correct way to eat and avoid health problems caused by wrong eating habits.

Since then, Li Qiang has begun to pay more attention to a balanced diet and moderate intake in his daily work. He also took the initiative to share his experience with his colleagues and friends, hoping to help more people avoid health problems caused by improper diet.

Just when Li Qiang was about to be discharged from the hospital, he suddenly thought of a question, "Doctor, in addition to bananas, what other fruits should not be eaten?" ”

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question. In fact, many fruits need to be consumed in moderation, otherwise it may cause a burden on the body. For example, grapes, although rich in antioxidants and vitamins, are high in sugar, and excessive intake can lead to an increase in blood sugar, especially for diabetics. There is also durian, although it is rich in nutrients, it is high in calories and fat, and it is easy to get angry and increase the burden on the stomach and intestines if you eat too much. ”

The doctor went on to explain, "Another example is persimmons, although they are rich in vitamin C and fiber, they contain tannic acid, and eating them on an empty stomach or in excess can cause gastrolithiasis. Although mango is delicious, for people with allergies, eating too much may trigger allergic reactions. ”

"So," the doctor concluded, "no matter what fruit it is, it should be consumed in moderation and with a balanced diet, so that it can really bring out its nutritional value, and not affect your health because of a momentary gluttony." ”

The more bananas you eat, the faster the intestinal disease comes? If you don't want to get gastrointestinal problems, you should pay attention to these 3 points when eating fruits

Li Qiang nodded, feeling deeply beneficial. He decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, to ensure that the nutrition is balanced, and no longer blindly pursue a single healthy food.

He also hopes that through his own experience, more people will pay attention to the scientific nature of diet and avoid health problems caused by wrong eating habits.

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