
Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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There is a rumor that cabbage can be bad for the stomach. This can be confusing for many people, as cabbage has long been regarded as a healthy food, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber, and is often recommended to be consumed in moderation in the daily diet.

The fiber in cabbage is indeed a good friend of the digestive tract, it can help digestion, increase intestinal peristalsis, for most people, moderate consumption is not only harmless, but also beneficial, fiber can effectively promote intestinal health, help the body better absorb nutrients, but also one of the important factors to maintain homeostasis.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

However, cabbage also contains oxalic acid, which is a source of concern for some people, and if too much oxalic acid is ingested, it may indeed have a certain irritating effect on the stomach. Especially for those who already have gastritis or other digestive disorders, too much oxalic acid may cause stomach upset.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

This doesn't mean you need to avoid cabbage altogether, but it's all about incorporating it wisely into your diet. For example, you can pair cabbage with foods low in oxalic acid, such as foods rich in vitamin D, which can help reduce the adverse effects of oxalic acid on the body.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

As for how much is considered "moderate", it is generally recommended to consume no more than three times a week, and the amount of each time should not be too much, about one bowl is enough. At the same time, it is also extremely important to maintain a variety of diets, not relying too much on a single food for nutrition, but should obtain different nutrients from a variety of foods to achieve the goal of a balanced diet.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

As a common and economical vegetable, cabbage is actually very suitable for most people, it can not only provide rich nutrients, but also help improve the function of the digestive system.

For those who are particularly worried about the effects of oxalic acid, this worry can be completely reduced through scientific cooking methods and reasonable dietary arrangements. After all, healthy eating habits are the result of long-term adherence and careful adjustment, and moderation and variety are always the golden rules of healthy eating.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

In the process of focusing on stomach health, we often focus on certain foods that are widely discussed, such as spicy, greasy, or excessively hot and cold foods, and ignore some seemingly healthy vegetables that can cause problems. Today we're going to take a closer look at three vegetables that may affect stomach health and explain why they should be consumed with caution in some cases.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

While tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants and have multiple benefits for the body, they also contain more acids.

For those who already suffer from gastritis or excess stomach acid, eating large amounts of tomatoes may exacerbate stomach upset. People with sensitive stomachs are advised to choose ripe red tomatoes when eating them and try to eat them after cooking, as the cooking process can reduce their acidity.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

Cucumbers are high in water and refreshing and delicious, but they are also an invisible driver of stomach problems, and cucumbers contain an ingredient called cucurbitacin, which can cause flatulence and discomfort in some people.

The fiber of cucumbers is relatively rough and not easy to digest, especially for people with weak stomach function, eating cucumbers may feel heavy in the stomach, affecting digestion. Therefore, people with poor stomach function should limit their intake of cucumbers and eat peeled cucumbers whenever possible to reduce stomach irritation.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

White radish is a common vegetable that is rich in vitamin C and minerals, but it also contains more fiber and sulfides, and the sulfides in white radish may produce certain irritating gases during digestion, which may cause stomach upset or aggravate symptoms for people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis.

White radish is more irritating when eaten raw, so for people with sensitive stomachs, it is recommended to eat white radish after cooking and pay attention to individual reactions to avoid causing stomach upset.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

While each of these three vegetables has its own health benefits, we need to choose and use them more carefully for specific stomach health conditions. By understanding the specific effects of each food, we can better create a diet plan that works for us to protect and promote stomach health.

Our dietary choices should be adjusted based on an individual's health status, rather than pursuing the universal benefits of a particular food alone. This personalized diet is the key to a long-term healthy lifestyle.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

After discussing the vegetables that can be bad for the stomach, let's talk about those that are good for the stomach and not only provide essential nutrients but also help maintain and protect stomach health.

Spinach contains a lot of iron and vitamin K, which are necessary to maintain the health of the stomach mucosa, iron can help prevent anemia, and vitamin K helps protect the stomach linings from free radical damage.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

Spinach is also rich in antioxidants, such as lutein, which helps reduce inflammation in the stomach, and in order to make the nutrients in spinach more easily absorbed, it is recommended to cook it gently and avoid prolonged cooking to avoid nutrient loss.

Yam, this vegetable is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for stomach health. The mucus protein contained in yam can form a protective layer in the stomach wall, reducing the direct contact between food and stomach acid on the gastric mucosa, thereby relieving the physical discomfort caused by excessive stomach acid. The mild nature of yam makes it ideal for people with stomach upset.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

Carrots also contain a certain amount of pectin, a soluble fiber that forms a gelatinous substance in the stomach that helps to adsorb and eliminate harmful substances from the body, reducing their damage to the gastric mucosa. Consuming carrots in moderation, especially when cooked, can provide good protection for the stomach.

Through the reasonable combination and moderate intake of these vegetables, we can effectively promote stomach health and prevent the occurrence of related diseases.

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

These stomach-friendly vegetables not only enrich our diet, but also help us maintain a healthy digestive system. Choosing stomach-friendly foods in conjunction with a sensible diet and lifestyle is an important strategy for maintaining digestive health.

What do you think about preventing stomach problems? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less



[1] Chang Qi. Correlation analysis between the occurrence of gastric mucosal lesions and inflammatory response and Helicobacter pylori infection in patients, Contemporary Medical Review, 2017-04-15

Is cabbage the "killer" of the stomach? The doctor reminds: If you don't want cancer to come to your door, these 3 kinds of vegetables should be touched less

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