
Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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When you think of onions, you might think of its pungent taste that brings tears to your eyes, but you know what? It's not simple, it's a lot of benefits, it's not just about adding some flavor.

Onions, which can be found in many home kitchens, are a common supporting character in a variety of dishes, but their nutritional value and health benefits definitely make them the protagonist.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

First of all, onions are rich in antioxidants, especially an ingredient called sulfide, which are good for helping our bodies fight diseases. Sulfides can be converted in our body to produce substances that help prevent cancer.

For example, studies have shown that these ingredients in onions can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as stomach cancer, colon cancer, and the like. Of course, this doesn't mean that eating onions will prevent cancer 100%, but it's definitely a good complementary food. In addition to fighting cancer, onions also contribute to heart health. The antioxidants in onions can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

Think about it, isn't it amazing that such a small onion can help us do so many things? However, eating onions raw can cause stomach upset or other digestive problems for some people.

Therefore, while enjoying the benefits of onions, you must also be careful not to overdo it, especially for friends with excessive stomach acid or a history of gastritis, it is best to consult a doctor before eating onions. Although there are many benefits of onions, the ultimate health benefits depend on the individual's specific physique and consumption.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

However, adding some onions to the dish can not only increase the flavor, but also take in so many nutrients, it is indeed a good choice. Of course, don't forget, it's also important to eat a variety of ingredients, don't always eat only onions, eat more vegetables and fruits, in order to better balance nutrition and promote health!

Regarding the health effects of eating raw onions, although onions are widely recognized as a nutritious ingredient, the specific nutritional and medical effects of eating raw onions are worth further discussion. First of all, the abundance of nutrients in onions, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and special sulfides, undoubtedly has a variety of benefits for human health.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

From an antioxidant perspective, the antioxidants in onions can help defend against free radical damage and reduce cell aging and inflammation. Free radicals are chemicals that are naturally produced during metabolism, and too many free radicals can damage cells and lead to a variety of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

This effect is more pronounced when eating raw onions, as quercetin may be partially lost during cooking. The sulfide in onions can be converted into hydrogen sulfide in the human body, which is a small molecule signaling that has the effect of lowering blood pressure and preventing platelet aggregation.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

When eaten raw, these sulfides are more abundant and active, especially beneficial for cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that sulfides may also have anti-cancer effects, especially in the prevention and treatment of gastric and colon cancers.

However, eating onions raw is not entirely risk-free. First, some of the enzymes and sulfur content in onions may cause stomach upset when eaten raw. This is because some of the compounds in onions release irritating gases or substances under the action of gastric acid, which have a certain irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. For people with gastritis or stomach ulcers, eating onions raw may worsen symptoms.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

Second, the cellulose in onions is also not easily digested when eaten raw. While fiber is great for gut health, excessive amounts of raw onions can cause bloating, stomach pain, and even diarrhea.

It is important to note that some of the ingredients in onions may also interact with medications. For example, the vitamin K in onions can affect blood clotting, and people who are taking anticoagulant medications should be cautious about consuming large amounts of raw onions. Other chemical components in onions, such as certain complex polysaccharides, may interfere with the absorption and metabolism of certain medications, especially certain diabetes and heart disease medications.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

Despite these potential downsides, with moderate consumption and the right way to consume it, the health benefits of onions can be maximized while reducing adverse reactions.

For example, onions can be relieved by eating them with other ingredients that are less irritating to the stomach, or you can choose a cooking method that lightly treats onions to retain their nutrients while reducing irritation. For people who are keen to eat onions raw, despite the numerous health benefits of onions, there are a few key points to be aware of in their daily consumption.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

These precautions not only help to maximize the nutritional value of onions, but also avoid possible adverse reactions and ensure the safety and health of onion consumption.

First of all, the body's response to food varies from person to person, and onion tolerance is no exception. Some people may be sensitive to certain ingredients in onions, which tend to produce a lot of gas during digestion, causing bloating and indigestion. People with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome should reduce or avoid eating raw onions.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

Secondly, pay attention to the pairing of onions. Combining with other ingredients can optimize the nutrient absorption of onions and also mitigate their possible adverse effects.

Avoid eating onions with high-fat foods such as heavily flavored meats, as this combination may increase the burden on digestion and cause indigestion. Third, pay attention to the storage and handling of onions. Raw onions oxidize quickly after being cut and lose some of their nutritional value. To maintain their freshness and nutrient content, it is recommended to store the chopped onion tightly sealed and consume it as soon as possible.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

When cutting onions, you should try to use a sharp knife and avoid crushing the onion cells, which can reduce the loss of nutrients and maintain the flavor and texture of the onion.

Finally, pregnant and lactating women should be cautious about consuming large amounts of raw onions, as some of the ingredients in onions may affect the baby's digestive system and cause stomach upset. People taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, should consult their doctor before deciding how much to consume raw onions to avoid affecting the effectiveness of the medications.

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points

Although eating onions raw has a variety of health benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the appropriate amount during the actual consumption process, considering the individual's physique, reasonable combination of ingredients, correct storage and handling, and the special needs of specific people. This not only maximizes the nutritional value of onions, but also avoids possible health risks and ensures that onions are safe and comfortable to eat.

What do you think about eating onions? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points


[1] Fan Wenli. Effect of Participatory Diet Nursing Intervention in Improving Nutritional Indicators and Sleep Quality in Patients After Radical Gastric Cancer Resection, World Journal of Sleep Medicine, 2023-08-28

Is eating onions raw bad for your body? The doctor reminds: people who love to eat onions must pay attention to these points


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