
The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In the hot summer, especially for those who work outdoors, the impact of eating habits on the body is especially important.

In many cases, because of the hard work and busyness, you may choose some quick and convenient foods, such as fried foods or cold drinks, to quickly replenish energy. However, these seemingly convenient options can have considerable health effects when used for long periods of time.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Although fatty foods can quickly provide high calories, excessive fat intake is a burden on the body. When working in a hot environment, the body needs a lot of water and electrolytes to regulate body temperature, and greasy foods can cause a heavier burden on the digestive system, making people feel tightness in the chest or indigestion.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

When it comes to cold drinks, although they can quickly cool down and quench thirst, over-reliance on cold drinks to cool down is actually not good for the body, drinking cold drinks may suddenly make the stomach feel very cold, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. In addition, cold drinks often contain more sugars and additives, and excessive intake of these ingredients can also affect health.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

So since these can't be eaten, how do you choose the right food in the summer, especially for those who work outdoors?

Compared with those two foods, white porridge is simple and easy to digest, which can quickly replenish physical strength and give the body enough water. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, white porridge also has the effect of moisturizing dryness and relieving heat, which is very suitable for summer consumption. The mildness of white porridge also protects the gastric mucosa and relieves stomach discomfort that is common in summer.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

There are also foods that need to be avoided especially during the summer months, such as certain foods that may cause an increase in heat in the body, such as lettuce, mango, and durian. These foods tend to cause heat buildup in the body in the summer, which increases the risk of heat stroke. For workers who are exposed to high temperatures for extended periods of time, avoiding these foods can help reduce the health risks associated with high temperatures.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Choosing light and easily digestible foods, such as white porridge, and avoiding greasy and excessively cold foods can not only help the body better cope with the summer heat, but also maintain good health in the long run.

Every small change will accumulate valuable capital for our health, help us better enjoy life, and welcome every energetic summer day.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

In a scorching summer climate, many people may think that refreshing fruits and vegetables are the best way to beat the heat. However, there are three foods – lettuce, mango, and durian, and while they are beneficial for health in many cases, these foods may not be optimal in a given environment and constitution.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Lettuce is considered by many to be a very healthy vegetable, high in water and fiber, and looks like an ideal food option for summer. But in fact, lettuce contains a certain amount of nitrate, especially during post-harvest storage, the nitrate content may increase due to oxidation.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

For people who work under heat and stress all year round, such as construction workers, their bodies may already be in a state of high levels of inflammation and oxidative stress, and excessive nitrate intake may be more taxing. Excessive accumulation of nitrate in the body can be converted to nitrite, a substance that can cause stomach upset and even be harmful to health.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

In TCM theory, if hot food is consumed in excess, it may cause excessive internal heat in the body, causing symptoms such as mouth ulcers and skin acne.

Mango, in particular, contains a lot of sugar and vitamins, and for people who need to work long hours in a hot environment, this high-sugar food may quickly raise blood sugar, but the same rapid drop in blood sugar can make a person feel tired and exhausted.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Here's a unique but practical piece of advice: during the hot summer months, it's important to choose foods that suit your body and working environment. For workers who are constantly exposed to high temperatures, such as construction workers, foods that may cause further heat increase in the body should be avoided.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

White porridge is relatively more suitable as a food that is easy to digest and can provide enough energy. White porridge can not only provide the body with essential carbohydrates and a certain amount of energy, but also help regulate the stomach and intestines through its mild nature, reducing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract caused by improper diet.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Taking it a step further, we can explore ways in which white congee can be paired with other foods to increase its nutritional value while keeping the body feeling cool.

For example, some mung beans or barley can be added to the white porridge, which are considered to have a heat-clearing and detoxifying effect in traditional Chinese medicine, making them ideal for summer consumption. Moderate amounts of vegetables, such as bitter gourd and loofah, can also be added to porridge, which are not only rich in water and vitamins, but also help reduce body heat and enhance the body's ability to adapt to hot environments.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Choosing the right foods, especially in specific work and climate conditions, is essential for maintaining health. With smart eating choices, we are not only able to cope with the challenges of summer, but also to keep our bodies in tip-top shape.

In summer, choosing the right fruits and vegetables is not only a matter of comfort, but also the key to a long and healthy life. Proper fruits and vegetables can provide essential nutrients for the elderly, while helping to regulate body temperature and prevent heatstroke and other heat-related health problems.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Here, we'll explore some of the lesser-known but most beneficial fruit and vegetable options to add color to the summer diet of seniors.

Bitter gourd, this vegetable may not be the first choice for everyone because it tastes like its name, with a bitter astringency, however, bitter gourd is an ideal food for the summer months, especially for the elderly.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

Not only is it rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, but it also contains unique bioactive ingredients such as prunella, which have significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can help lower blood sugar, which is especially beneficial for diabetics. The high-fiber component in bitter melon also helps promote gut health and prevent constipation, which is a common problem in older adults.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

We have to mention cucumbers, which are a great way to cool down and relieve fever in summer. For the elderly, cucumbers are not only effective for hydration, but also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K and silicon, which are especially important for bone health.

Cucumbers also contain a certain amount of polyphenolic compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce symptoms of arthritis or other inflammatory diseases.

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

When choosing summer fruits and vegetables for seniors, we need to consider not only the nutritional value and health benefits of these ingredients, but also how they can help seniors cope with the summer heat. The fruits and vegetables mentioned above can not only provide necessary nutrients, but also help regulate body temperature and strengthen the immune system, which is an indispensable part of the summer diet of the elderly.

What are your thoughts on what seniors should eat less? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods



[1] Li Cunfeng. An Analysis of Dietary Nutrition and Health of the Elderly, Food Safety Guide, 2024-04-05

The weather is hot, and the doctor advises middle-aged and elderly people: I would rather drink some white porridge than eat more of these foods

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