
Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In our daily lives, legumes always occupy an important place on the healthy plate, especially for those who need to pay attention to blood sugar control. You may not know that common ingredients like black beans and mung beans can play such a crucial role in maintaining blood sugar stability.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Let's talk about black beans, which are not only attractive in color, but also very high in anthocyanins, which are natural antioxidants that can effectively help the body reduce the absorption and utilization of sugar. This not only means that the rate of blood sugar rise will slow down, but also prevents the occurrence of metabolic diseases such as diabetes to a certain extent.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

In addition to the basic nutrients, mung beans also contain a special antioxidant that can effectively reduce the body's inflammatory response after blood sugar spikes. This is because a state of hyperglycemia can easily trigger oxidative stress in the body, and this stress state is one of the important factors leading to diabetes complications.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

However, it is not enough to eat beans, it is also important to have a reasonable diet and cooking method, for example, it is best to use a simmer when boiling beans, which not only better retains the nutrients in the beans, but also makes the beans easier to digest and absorb.

Paired with some low-fat protein sources and rich vegetables, it not only provides a more complete range of nutrients, but also helps to better control blood sugar.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

In fact, adjusting dietary habits and improving health status is not an overnight thing, it requires long-term perseverance and continuous learning, understanding the nutritional composition of food and its possible effects on the body, which can help us arrange our daily diet more scientifically, effectively control and improve health status.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

By actively adjusting food pairings and cooking methods, everyone can incorporate more healthy elements into their diet. As those who eat a healthy diet day in and day out demonstrate, a healthy lifestyle can indeed bring long-term benefits. Small changes every day, add up, and eventually accumulate valuable capital for our physical health.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

So, the next time you're choosing ingredients, add a few extra servings of beans and try to incorporate them into your daily diet to not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also help you keep your blood sugar stable, so that healthy eating is no longer a problem, but a pleasure to enjoy every day.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

In order to stabilize blood sugar, in addition to paying attention to the type of food, in fact, the combination of food and the time of intake are also very critical, common vegetables and fruits because they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, play a very important role in controlling blood sugar, can not be ignored.

However, many people often overlook their effect on blood sugar and how they can be scientifically paired to optimize this effect when choosing fruits and vegetables.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Apples, pears, grapefruits, and cherries are not only rich in dietary fiber, but also help slow down the rise in blood sugar. This is because they contain highly water-soluble fiber, which forms a gel-like substance when digested that slows down the rate at which the stomach empties and thus slows down the absorption of sugar.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

In terms of vegetables, non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, mung bean sprouts and bitter gourd should be the protagonists of the daily diet. These vegetables are not only low in calories, but they are also rich in fiber and a variety of phytochemicals that are beneficial to the body, which can effectively control blood sugar levels.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

For example, whole grains and legumes are excellent sources of high-fiber foods, and whole grains such as oats, quinoa, and whole wheat bread are not only rich in B vitamins, but also have a fiber structure that is particularly helpful for blood sugar control.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Another lesser-known but promising approach is to utilize the "low-sugar combination" principle of food. To put it simply, it is to consume foods with a high GI (glycemic index) at the same time as some foods with a low GI. For example, eating potatoes (high GI) with plenty of leafy greens (low GI) can help regulate the postprandial blood sugar response.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Understanding and utilizing the glycemic load (GL) of foods is also an effective strategy. Choosing low-GL foods, such as most legumes and seeds, can be more effective in managing blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar control isn't just about choosing the "right" foods, it's more about how to intelligently combine and arrange those foods. By understanding and applying these principles, we can use fruits and vegetables more effectively to help stabilize blood sugar, thereby promoting overall health.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

When talking about food strategies to stabilize blood sugar, we often focus on fruits and vegetables that are beneficial, ignoring the fact that certain fruits and vegetables can adversely affect blood sugar control. This section will explore some of the fruits and vegetables that may seem healthy but can pose challenges to blood sugar stability, and how to identify and avoid these potential pitfalls.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Consuming high-sugar fruits at night, such as bananas, pineapples, and mangoes, may cause blood sugar levels to rise before bed, as the body's insulin response is slower at night and cannot process large amounts of sugar efficiently. Therefore, it is advisable to adjust the intake of these fruits to a time when there is more activity during the day.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

Fruit juices and dried fruits, such as raisins and fruit juices, often have a higher glycemic response due to a lack of the dietary fiber of the original fruit. Dietary fiber helps slow sugar absorption in raw fruits, and this fiber is stripped during the processing of fruit juices and dried fruits, allowing sugar to be quickly released into the bloodstream, which leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

While most vegetables are good for blood sugar control, starchy vegetables like potatoes and pumpkin can also cause large fluctuations in blood sugar levels after eating. These vegetables have a relatively high glycemic index, especially when they are cooked into a paste or processed into fries and fried foods.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

One of the strategies to deal with these high GI foods is to control portion sizes and pair them with low GI foods, for example, eating potatoes with plenty of leafy greens and protein to help lower the glycemic response throughout the meal. In addition, it is also important to choose a cooking method, such as roasting or steaming instead of frying, to reduce the increase in the GI value of the food.

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

It is advisable to monitor an individual's blood sugar response when consuming any food that may affect blood sugar, as each person's body may react differently and certain foods may have a more pronounced effect on blood sugar in some people. Through monitoring, it is possible to better understand an individual's unique response to food, which can lead to adjustments to the diet plan to ensure that blood sugar is stable.

What do you think about what is good for people with high blood sugar to eat? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these



[1] Dong Zheng. Effect of stress hyperglycemia ratio on the in-hospital poor prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction, Journal of Capital Medical University, 2024-05-29

Are these 2 legumes a "gospel" for hyperglycemia patients? Reminder: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you can eat more of these

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