
Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Ms. Wu is a financial analyst with a fast-paced and stressful life.

On a day-to-day basis, she is accustomed to solving problems in an efficient way, but her physical health cannot be as precise as financial data.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

One day, Ms. Wu felt a dull pain in her right upper abdomen, loss of appetite and fatigue, and she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up, hoping to find the problem as soon as possible and prescribe the right medicine.

Ms. Wu walked into the hospital and was greeted by an amiable internist.

After a detailed consultation, the doctor recommended that she undergo a comprehensive liver function test and B-ultrasound, and Ms. Wu was nervous for a while, but she still cooperated with the doctor to complete all the examination items.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

A few days later, the results of the examination came out, and the ultrasound showed that Ms. Wu's liver was abnormal, and the liver function test also showed a certain degree of damage.

The doctor patiently explained, "Ms. Wu, you have some problems with your liver, and we need to do a further liver biopsy to confirm whether there are more serious problems, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. ”

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Ms. Wu was very frightened by the news, but she understood the importance of early detection and early treatment, and the results of the liver puncture came out quickly, and the doctor told her with a serious face:

"Ms. Wu, you do have early signs of cirrhosis, but fortunately no liver cancer was found. We need to make immediate changes to your lifestyle and get some medication. ”

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Ms. Wu began to realize how significant the impact of lifestyle habits can be on her health.

In her conversations with doctors, she learned that one of the causes of the high incidence of liver disease is an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol intake, and chronic mental stress.

The doctor advised her to eat more liver-friendly foods and mentioned a food she had never valued before – mung beans.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

"Mung bean is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially the flavonoids it contains, which have been found to help inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells, in addition, mung bean also has the effect of detoxification and heat clearing, which is of great help to protect the liver," the doctor said. ”

Ms. Wu decided to start with her diet and carefully regulate her body. She researched a lot of research and found that there was a lot of research that supported the benefits of mung beans for liver health.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

For example, studies have shown that the polyphenolic compounds in mung beans have significant antioxidant effects and can reduce oxidative stress in the liver, thereby protecting liver cells.

Another study pointed out that mung bean extract was able to inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells, and this inhibition is closely related to the flavonoids in mung bean.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Not only that, but Ms. Wu also learned that in addition to mung beans, some other legumes such as red beans, black beans and lentils are also good for the liver.

These legumes are rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins and a variety of minerals, which can enhance the liver's detoxification function and promote liver cell regeneration.

In addition, the plant protein in legumes is easier for the body to digest and absorb than animal protein and does not increase the burden on the liver.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Ms. Wu decided to incorporate these legumes into her daily diet from now on, cooking a bowl of mung bean porridge every morning and adding red beans, black beans and lentils to lunch and dinner.

Not only that, but she also quit drinking and smoking, increased the amount of exercise, and kept her mood happy.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

A few months later, Ms. Wu came to the hospital again for a follow-up. The doctor looked at her examination results and showed a relieved smile: "Ms. Wu, your liver function has recovered well, and your liver condition has improved significantly.

Continue to maintain this healthy lifestyle and your liver will become healthier and healthier. ”

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Ms. Wu was full of emotion, she realized that health is not an overnight thing, but requires long-term efforts and perseverance, and she decided to share her experience with her friends and colleagues, hoping that everyone can realize the importance of diet and lifestyle habits to health.

Through Ms. Wu's story, we can see that mung beans and other legumes do have significant benefits for liver health.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Although it is an exaggeration to say that mung beans are called "liver cancer inhibitors", they are rich in nutrients that do have a protective effect on the liver.

As doctors say, a healthy lifestyle and a reasonable diet are the fundamental ways to prevent liver disease.

Mung bean is an "inhibitor" of liver cancer? Reminder: If you don't want your liver to "strike", eat more of these beans

Ms. Wu's experience also reminds us that only by taking care of our bodies and developing good eating and living habits can we have long-term health and happiness.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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