
Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Why are my legs so swollen lately?" Wang Gang complained as he sat down on a chair in the park to rest. He is a programmer, he spends more time in front of the computer every day than ordinary people, and his overtime work day and night has made his living habits extremely irregular.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

After taking a break in the park, Wang Gang occasionally heard the old man next to him talking about something, "The kidneys are not good, the leg prophet, look at my calves, this edema..."

He recalls some of his recent symptoms, in addition to swollen legs, frequent fatigue and frequent waking up at night. These symptoms are easily labeled as "kidney deficiency" on the internet. He hurriedly decided to go to the hospital to find out if it was true, as the old man in the park said, the kidney problem could indeed be seen in the legs.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

At the hospital, Wang Gang met Dr. Li, a senior nephrologist at the hospital who has in-depth research on kidney diseases, and Wang Gang told Dr. Li everything about his work, lifestyle, and recent symptoms.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

"The health of the kidneys can really be seen in some of the changes in the legs." Dr. Lee explained as he examined it, "First of all, the leg swelling you mentioned is medically called lower extremity edema. ”

"This is because the kidneys are not fully functioning and are unable to effectively carry out their role of regulating water and salt in the body, resulting in water retention in the lower parts of the body, especially in the legs." Dr. Li's words made Wang Gang's heart tighten, and it turned out that the swelling of his legs was not just a simple fatigue.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Dr. Lee continued, "If you often experience numbness or tingling in your legs, it may be due to poor kidney function that affects the nervous system, and in the advanced stages of kidney disease, toxins may accumulate in nerve endings, leading to problems with peripheral nerves.

"Weakness in the leg muscles can also be a warning sign that an unhealthy kidneys can affect the balance of electrolytes, especially potassium levels, which is directly related to muscle function and strength." Dr. Li summarized these three major signals, all of which require Wang Gang's great attention.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

After a thorough explanation, Dr. Li recommended that Wang Gang undergo a series of kidney function tests, including blood and urine tests, to confirm whether kidney disease was really present. Although Wang Gang was a little apprehensive, he also knew that timely detection and treatment were the key to avoiding the deterioration of his condition.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Our body is a delicate system, and any small abnormality can be a sign of a health problem, and we should pay more attention to these seemingly inconspicuous but meaningful changes in our daily life.

For young people like Wang Gang, it is even more important to realize that health should not be neglected, and no matter how busy the work is, it also needs to be reasonably arranged to ensure that the most basic needs of the body are met.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

When exploring the link between kidney health and leg performance, common perspectives focus on lower extremity edema, neuropathy, and muscle weakness. However, delving into the broader effects of kidney disease, we can look at the problem from a lesser-noticed perspective – how renal insufficiency can trigger symptoms in the legs by affecting blood circulation and endocrine function.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The kidneys are one of the most important in our body, not only filtering the blood, removing waste and excess water, but also regulating electrolyte balance and blood pressure.

Not only can this poor circulation cause swelling in the legs, but it can also lead to a drop in skin temperature and a cold feel to the touch, even more pronounced in cold weather.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The kidneys play a key role in the endocrine system, especially in regulating hormone levels, for example, the kidneys are involved in regulating blood pressure by secreting renin, and blood pressure can increase or decrease blood flow to the legs.

When the kidneys are not healthy, it may affect thyroid function, because the decline in kidney function affects the conversion of thyroid hormones in the body, which in turn may lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, which makes the patient feel tired and prone to weakness in the legs.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Kidney disease can also affect the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, and in renal insufficiency, the excretion of phosphorus in the body is reduced, and the imbalance of calcium and phosphorus may lead to pain in the leg bones, especially after prolonged standing or walking. If this symptom is not taken seriously, it can lead to osteoporosis and even fractures in the long run.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Poor kidney function can also cause the loss of protein, especially through urine, which plays a vital role in maintaining plasma colloidal osmotic pressure, and when the amount of protein in plasma decreases, it can cause fluid to transfer from the blood vessels to the interstitial space, thus exacerbating the edema of the legs.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Behind these physiological changes, a key point is the impact of kidney health on blood circulation and nerve function throughout the lower extremities. From this perspective, the health of the legs actually reflects a direct impact on kidney function, and these changes are achieved through a variety of complex physiological pathways.

Therefore, when we notice the above symptoms in our daily lives, it is not only a local problem, but more likely a warning sign of the overall physical health condition.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The importance of kidney health cannot be overlooked, and changes in the legs, whether it is edema, pain, or weakness, can be something the body is trying to tell us about the health of the kidneys. These signals should not be ignored, but should be given sufficient attention and timely medical intervention.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

When discussing the manifestations of kidney disease, in addition to the frequently mentioned leg problems, we can also look at kidney health from a more unusual angle, namely how kidney disease affects our skin and eyes. This perspective, while rare, also reveals a wide range of effects of kidney function on overall health.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Kidney health problems can cause eye problems, such as eyelid edema, which is especially noticeable in the morning because of changes in body position that cause fluid to be unevenly distributed at night. Renal insufficiency can also lead to retinopathy, because high blood pressure caused by kidney disease can damage the microvasculature in the fundus, affect vision, and even lead to blindness if left uncontrolled.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

These signs, while not everyone notices, are outward signs of poor kidney function. By observing changes in the skin and eyes, we can not only detect underlying kidney problems, but also intervene earlier to avoid further deterioration of the condition.

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Therefore, understanding these unusual manifestations of kidney disease not only allows us to look at health issues from a new perspective, but also reminds us that we should not only look at ourselves in our daily lives but also limit ourselves to common symptoms. Knowing and paying attention to our body allows us to better understand our health and respond to possible health warnings in a timely manner.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on preventing kidney disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible



[1] Cheng Banglan. Correlation between quality of life and psychological resilience, social support, and self-perceived burden in elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis with renal failure, Geriatrics and Health Care, 2024-02-25

Is there any kidney disease, just look at the legs? Doctor's advice: If you have 3 manifestations of your legs, seek medical attention as soon as possible