
Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Everyone knows that exercise is a good thing, but did you know that taking a shower immediately after exercising, especially a hot bath, is really not a good habit, especially for the heart, it is simply a big test.

First of all, we have to understand the physical state of the person after the exercise. After you run or do other strenuous exercise, your body's capillaries are dilated and your heart beats much faster than usual, all in order to allow your blood to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently to the muscles and tissues throughout your body.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

At this time, if you take a hot shower right away, your body will have to cope with a sudden temperature change. Imagine that your blood vessels have just dilated, and your heart is still beating rapidly "poof", and suddenly there is a hot water shock, the blood vessels may expand further, and the burden on the heart will increase.

This rapid temperature change is a challenge for the heart, especially for friends who are not particularly good at heart function, or for older people, this practice is likely to lead to a heart attack, like some sudden myocardial infarction, which is likely to be induced in this way.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

Besides, when you exercise completely and your body is steaming, your pores are opened, and when you flush it with hot water, your pores are even wider, and it is easy to catch a cold or cause other physical discomfort. Taking a shower, especially a hot shower, immediately after exercise is an option that outweighs the cost.

Also, I know a lot of people think that taking a hot shower right after a workout relaxes their muscles and relieves fatigue, which sounds reasonable. But from a scientific point of view, it is more recommended to stretch properly after exercise to allow the body to slowly return to static. Wait until your heartbeat and body temperature have returned to a near-normal state before taking a shower, which will have a much smaller impact on your body.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

We can see that although sometimes seemingly simple habits, there may be hidden health risks behind them. For those who have heart disease, or chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, they should pay attention to this problem.

So, friends, next time you finish your workout, don't rush to take a shower, especially a hot shower. Sit down and take a break, drink some water, stretch, and wait until your body is completely calm before thinking about bathing. For middle-aged and elderly people, how to deal with the recovery of the body after daily exercise, especially the habit of bathing, is actually a university question.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

Many people may not realize that taking a shower immediately after exercise, especially a hot bath, can have a very big impact on the heart and may even cause serious health problems.

First, during exercise, the activity of the muscles increases and the heart beats faster to ensure that the blood can carry enough oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. At this time, the body's vascular system also responds, and the blood vessels on the surface of the body dilate to facilitate heat dissipation and regulate body temperature.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

When suddenly exposed to hot water, the blood vessels on the surface of the body dilate further, requiring the heart to pump more blood to the epidermis. Second, the dilation of blood vessels caused by a hot bath can cause a brief drop in blood pressure.

For the average person, this drop may not cause significant discomfort, but for older people with poor blood vessel elasticity or high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, this rapid change in blood pressure can cause dizziness and even fainting.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

In addition, hot water can put a strain on the heart because it needs to pump more blood to the surface of the body to help dissipate heat, which is medically known as the "volume load" of the heart.

Then, the habit of taking a hot bath immediately after exercise may also affect the regulation of the nervous system. Hot water has a soothing effect on the human body and can reduce pain and tension, because hot water can promote blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. But for muscles that have just exercised, too rapid temperature changes can cause the muscles to relax prematurely, affecting the natural recovery process of the muscles.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

The temperature of the water may also affect the sensation of nerve endings, and for patients with neurological diseases such as diabetes, it may not be easy to feel the water temperature is too high, which can lead to safety problems such as burns.

While discussing these medical issues, we also need to mention that there are individual differences. Everyone's physical condition, including age, underlying medical conditions, daily activity level, etc., is different, and these factors can affect the best time to take a shower after exercise. Therefore, the treatment of middle-aged and elderly people after exercise needs more personalized consideration.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

For example, people with a history of heart disease may need to adjust the bathing time and water temperature at the doctor's advice to avoid putting too much strain on the heart.

Finally, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people can take a gradual cooling method after exercise, first carry out light stretching and relaxation activities, let the heart rate gradually fall back to a near-resting state before considering bathing, and initially use warm water to gradually transition to slightly hot water, so as to reduce the impact on the cardiovascular system.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

When it comes to how to take a bath properly after exercise, this is not a casual matter, because bathing is a small thing, and doing it well can be a good assistant to relax and unwind, and if it is not done well, it may bring health risks.

First of all, don't rush to take a shower right away after exercising. Give yourself a little time to allow your heart rate and body temperature to drop naturally. It is generally recommended to wait at least 20 to 30 minutes so that you can do some light stretching exercises to help muscles recover and reduce pain and stiffness. During this time, you can drink some water slowly to replenish the lost water and also help the body gradually cool down.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

Next, choosing the right water temperature is crucial. Overheated water can further dilate blood vessels, which can put pressure on the heart; Excessively cold water may cause muscle spasms, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body.

The ideal is to choose warm water, the temperature can be controlled in a warm and comfortable range, usually slightly lower than or close to body temperature is best, this will help the body relax without causing additional burden.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

Don't take a shower for too long! Really, especially after exercising, taking a bath or shower for too long is easy to make the whole body too relaxed, and at this time, blood pressure may drop, and the result is that you may be dizzy, feel that the whole person is soft, and a little unstable.

When washing, you might as well give yourself a gentle massage. Especially for those parts that are particularly hard during exercise, such as legs and back, gently rubbing it can help the muscles relax, and at the same time promote blood circulation, and feel much more comfortable in the body.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

Doing so can not only effectively avoid the discomfort caused by taking a bath for too long, but also make bathing a good time to maintain health. After-bath care is also important. Some emollients can be used to help keep the skin hydrated, especially during the dry season.

Of course, everyone's physical conditions and habits are different, and the above recommendations can be appropriately adjusted according to the specific situation of the individual. For example, some people may need to pay more attention to the temperature and timing of bathing due to health problems, especially those with cardiovascular disease and the elderly, and consult a doctor if necessary.

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

By timing your bath, adjusting the temperature of the water and controlling your bath time, you can make this daily activity more beneficial to your health. Remember, a healthy lifestyle needs to be carefully planned and cared for in the little things you do.

What do you think about showering after a workout? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points


[1] Zhao Dong. Investigation and analysis of epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of acute myocardial infarction, Practical Preventive Medicine, 2022-09-15

Can't take a hot shower after exercising? Doctor: If you don't want to have a heart attack, you must pay attention to these points

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