
Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"These days, how can you drink milk every day, no, your stomach is starting to make trouble again." As soon as Uncle Zhai said this, the people around him burst into laughter.

Zhai Zhiqiang, 66 years old, from Foshan, Guangdong, loves gardening on weekdays and was a bus driver before retiring. He has always had a healthy lifestyle, drinking a glass of milk every morning after his workout.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Recently, however, he noticed that after every time he drank milk, his stomach was always upset, sometimes accompanied by bloating and a slight feeling of nausea. On this day, Zhai Zhiqiang felt sick to his stomach again, and his son suggested that he go to the hospital for a check-up.

The results of the examination showed that Zhai Zhiqiang had no serious problems with his stomach, but a lactose tolerance test in a blood test showed that his tolerance to lactose began to decline.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

The doctor told Zhai Zhiqiang that as he grows older, the lactase activity in the body will decrease, which will lead to the occurrence of lactose intolerance.

Zhai Zhiqiang was a little surprised after hearing this: "Doctor, then can't I drink milk in the future?" The doctor smiled and said: It is not necessary to stop drinking altogether, but there are a few points.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Doctors advised Zhai to try low-lactose or lactose-free milk, which has been specially treated to remove most of the lactose and is more suitable for lactose intolerant people.

The doctor also advised him not to drink milk on an empty stomach, preferably as an after-meal drink, which would reduce stomach upset. If you're still feeling unwell after drinking low-lactose milk, you may want to consider switching to another type of beverage, such as soy or almond milk.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

He decided to try the low-lactose milk recommended by the doctor first, and also planned to share this experience and knowledge at the health talk in the community to help more elderly friends understand how to enjoy milk properly.

Generally speaking, drinking too much milk is lactose intolerance and osteoporosis and other problems, however, today we will not talk about these, the following views may not have been heard, but they are really important, so that elderly friends can understand the science of drinking milk.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

First, let's talk about "milk-drug interactions". Many older people may not know that certain medications taken with milk can affect the effectiveness of the medications. Tonic medicine is taken with milk, and milk will have a chemical reaction with the tonic, so it is not good for the body.

Next up is the relationship between "milk and cardiovascular health". While milk is a good thing, rich in calcium and vitamin D, which is very beneficial for bone health, the saturated fat in milk should also be noted for some older people at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

When it comes to saturated fat in milk, this thing is a double-edged sword. With it, bad cholesterol in the blood vessels may go up, and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. So, it's wise to choose low-fat or skim milk.

We're going to talk about "milk and cognitive function". Studies have shown that certain components in milk, such as vitamin B12, have a positive effect on brain health and can help improve memory and cognitive function in older adults.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Don't forget the high-quality protein in milk. However, this is not to say that older people should drink a lot of milk. Moderate amounts are appropriate, but too much may cause other health problems mentioned above.

Milk after waking up in the morning can help restore the loss of calcium in the body overnight, and drinking milk before bed can not only help sleep, but also reduce the breakdown of muscles at night, which is very beneficial for maintaining muscle mass and strength.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

In short, drinking milk seems simple, but in fact, it is a lot of knowledge. While enjoying the nutritional benefits of milk, the elderly should also be aware of these possible "landmines".

Adjusting how and when you drink and choosing the right type of milk are all small strategies to ensure your health. I hope today's sharing will make you more comfortable with drinking milk!

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

When we talk about the diet of the elderly, the importance of dairy products is often emphasized, but what kind of alternatives should they choose for those elderly people who cannot or should not drink too much milk for various health reasons?

There are a lot more options than you might think, and each option has its own health benefits.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Opt for soy milk, which is not only suitable for lactose intolerant people, but is also rich in high-quality plant protein and essential amino acids, which are necessary to maintain muscle health.

The isoflavones in soy milk are beneficial for regulating hormones in the body and improving cardiovascular health. What's more, the dietary fiber contained in soy milk can help regulate blood sugar, which is a good choice for older adults who fight type 2 diabetes.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Next, let's talk about almond milk. Almond milk is low-fat, low-calorie, and rich in vitamin E, which is very good for maintaining healthy skin and boosting immunity.

Almond milk also contains antioxidants that can help slow down the aging process and protect cells from free radical damage.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Almond milk lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. Another option is oat milk, which is a plant-based milk that has become popular in recent years, and it is also a good choice for the body.

Not only does oat milk have a smooth taste, but it's also rich in β-glucan, a soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels, making it especially suitable for older adults with cardiovascular problems.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Oat milk is also rich in iron and B vitamins, which can help boost energy levels and improve anemia.

What we can't ignore is coconut milk. Coconut milk is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, a special fatty acid that can provide fast energy while also helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Coconut milk also has antibacterial and antiviral properties that boost the immune system, making it ideal for seniors who need extra care for their immunity. When choosing these plant-based milks, the elderly should also pay attention to choosing sugar-free or low-sugar versions to avoid unnecessary sugar intake.

In addition, because plant-based milks typically contain less calcium than cow's milk, you can choose products with added calcium and vitamin D to help supplement these key nutrients.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Through these presentations, we can see that even for older people who cannot drink milk, there are diverse options available on the market, able to meet their nutritional needs without sacrificing taste.

Such a variety of choices not only escort the health of the elderly, but also bring freshness and fun to their dietary life, so why not?

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

After a period of trial and adjustment, Zhai Zhiqiang finally found a diet that suits him.

Not only did he get rid of his previous discomfort, but he also shared his experience at the community health talk and encouraged other seniors to explore healthy options that are right for them.

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

Zhai's story has inspired many of his peers to focus on their own health, explore new lifestyles together, and enjoy a healthy, active old age.

(All names in the article have been changed)

What are your thoughts on drinking less milk? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!


[1] Wang Kaitao, Wang Jianwei, Research Progress on the Relationship between Acute Bone Loss and Osteoporosis, Modern Medicine and Health, 2024-6-30

Should older people drink less milk? Doctor reminds: When you are old, you should pay attention to these points when drinking milk!

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