
Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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With an unconfident smile on his face, Wang Hongwei carefully picked up the potatoes and put them in the vegetable basket, but he thought about the sentence in his heart: "I heard that the heart is not good, so stay away from potatoes." Wang Hongwei is an ordinary bank clerk, and his daily job is to face the computer and a large pile of documents. A recent check-up showed that his heart function was a little less than ideal, which made him start to take his diet seriously.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Suspicious, he decided to seek professional advice at the hospital, where Wang Hongwei met Dr. Zhao, an experienced cardiologist. Dr. Zhao is not only a nice person, but also speaks directly and can quickly point out the problem. After Wang Hongwei shared his concerns with Dr. Zhao, Dr. Zhao patiently explained the nutritional content of potatoes for him.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

"Potatoes are actually great, they are rich in vitamin C and various minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron, and especially potassium." As he spoke, he took out a nutrition facts list and showed it to Wang Hongwei.

"You see, when we eat potatoes, the starch in them is converted into glucose, which is the main source of energy and energy. But for people with poor heart function, high-potassium foods may increase the burden on the heart, especially when potassium excretion in the body is restricted. ”

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Dr. Zhao continued to explain: "To put it simply, under normal circumstances, potassium can help regulate the rhythm of the heart and the function of the muscles, but if the heart is already in trouble, too much potassium may cause arrhythmia. ”

"Then I can't eat potatoes?" Wang Hongwei asked with some loss.

"No, it's okay in moderation." Dr. Zhao smiled and explained, "Fried food increases the burden on the heart, whether it is potatoes or not, it is not good for the heart. ”

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Through this conversation, Wang Hongwei gained a deeper understanding of the relationship between potatoes and heart disease. He understood the art of balancing food and health, and decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, and also keep in regular communication with Dr. Zhao to track his heart health.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

While focusing on heart health, people are often exposed to a variety of dietary advice, especially information about which foods to avoid. For people with poor heart function, it is important to know which fruits and vegetables should be restricted, as certain foods may invisibly increase the burden on the heart.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Although persimmons are rich in vitamins and minerals, they are a good choice for healthy people, but for heart patients, they need to be cautious, persimmons contain a lot of tannin and pectin, if digested with other foods, it may form a hard lump in the stomach and affect digestion.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

What's more, the high sugar content of persimmons is a potential risk for people with heart disease who need to control their blood sugar. Excessive sugar intake can cause blood sugar fluctuations, which can increase the burden on the heart, especially after a sharp increase in blood sugar.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Coconut is rich in saturated fat, which, while providing energy, increases the risk of heart disease when consumed in excess, and is easily converted into low-density lipoprotein, the so-called "bad cholesterol", which can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques that can cause arteriosclerosis and even heart disease.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Although mango is delicious, it is also one of the high-sugar fruits, and for patients with heart disease, especially those with diabetes, blood sugar control is an indispensable part of treatment and management.

The high sugar in mango can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, putting extra strain on an already fragile heart. Mango also contains a lot of fructose, and excessive fructose intake may not only increase the accumulation of visceral fat, but also cause metabolic problems, which indirectly affect heart health.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

When it comes to grapes, many people think of their antioxidant properties and think that they have great health benefits, and the antioxidants in grapes, such as resveratrol, do help protect blood vessels and reduce inflammation, but grapes are not low in sugar.

For people with heart disease, too much simple sugar intake should be avoided because it can quickly raise blood sugar and insulin levels, increasing the burden on the heart. Therefore, patients with heart disease are advised to pay attention to the portion size and avoid excessive amounts when enjoying grapes.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

People with heart disease should follow the principle of low sugar and saturated fat when choosing fruits and vegetables, and pay attention to foods that may affect blood sugar or gastrointestinal function. By adjusting your diet properly, you can effectively manage your heart health and reduce unnecessary risks. All of this needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor, combined with the specific health status of the individual to make the most suitable dietary choice.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

For people with a bad heart, it's equally important to choose fruits and vegetables that are good for your heart. Including these ingredients in your daily diet not only provides essential nutrients, but also helps improve heart health.

Let's talk about leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, which are rich in vitamin K, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood vessels, which can help lower blood pressure and prevent hardening of the arteries.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

These vegetables are also very high in chlorophyll, which has been found to promote heart function and reduce the risk of heart disease, and they are also rich in antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress, which is especially important for maintaining heart health.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is extremely beneficial for heart health, it can help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body while increasing the proportion of good cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, Omega-3 fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce the symptoms of heart disease or heart inflammation.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

We have to mention berries such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries, which are rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, which can protect the heart from oxidative stress, while also helping to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease. The berry's low-sugar and high-fiber properties also make it ideal for people with heart disease.

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

For people with a bad heart, it is extremely important to choose fruits and vegetables that not only provide rich nutrients, but also directly or indirectly support and improve heart health. By making subtle adjustments to our daily diet, we can effectively improve our heart health and reduce our risk of heart disease, and these natural food sources are a powerful weapon in our fight against heart disease.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about what to eat less for a bad heart? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day



[1] Ai Luoyan. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of adverse cardiac reactions associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors and management strategies, Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020-12-24

Stay away from potatoes with a bad heart? Advice: People with a bad heart, don't eat these foods every day

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