
Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

author:Möngke talks about health

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In this hectic city life, we often overlook one extremely important thing – eating healthy. Many people are busy with work and always solve a meal casually, especially fast food and processed foods, because they are convenient and quick and have a lot of flavor.

But what you may not expect is that the high salt content in these foods is actually an invisible killer of health. Then again, is high-salt food really that scary? The answer is yes. Excessive salt intake is an important factor in high blood pressure.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Prolonged high blood pressure can damage our cerebral blood vessels, making the walls of the blood vessels fragile and more prone to rupture and bleeding. That's why sudden intracerebral hemorrhage, in many cases, is associated with high-salt foods.

You may say, what I eat is not salty, how can it be too salty? There is a common misconception here. Many foods that don't look salty, such as some processed foods, canned foods, and even those seasoned soups and instant noodles, are very high in sodium.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Take instant noodles as an example, one packet of instant noodles may contain more sodium than the recommended daily intake for adults. So, even if you don't think you're eating salty, you're actually getting more salt.

So, how should we deal with this situation? First of all, adults should keep their sodium intake below 2,000 mg per day, which is about 5 grams of table salt. This may not sound like much, but you'll be surprised to learn that many times we inadvertently exceed this amount.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Secondly, try to avoid foods that are obviously high in salt, such as salted fish, cured meats, etc., which are particularly high in salt. In addition, a balanced diet is also crucial. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only low in salt, but also provide rich vitamins and minerals, which are great for your health.

In fact, fresh food is our best bet, try to eat out as much as possible, and cook your own meals so that you can better control the salt and oil content of the food. In the medical community, the negative link between a high-salt diet and cerebrovascular health has been widely recognized.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

However, in addition to high-salt foods, there are several other foods that need to be watched out for, as they can likewise cause brain health problems. These foods include high-fat foods, high-sugar foods, excessive red meat, and processed foods with artificial additives.

First of all, high-fat foods, especially those that contain a lot of saturated and trans fats, pose a threat to the cerebral blood vessels. Saturated and trans fats can accumulate in the lining of blood vessels, forming plaques that promote hardening of the arteries.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Arteriosclerosis is a key factor in cerebrovascular disease because it stiffens and narrows blood vessels, blocking blood flow and increasing the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Common high-fat foods include fried chicken, French fries, and some high-fat dairy products and pastries in the market.

Then, high-sugar foods are also one of the culprits harmful to cerebrovascular diseases. A high-sugar diet can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, and repeated blood sugar fluctuations not only affect insulin sensitivity, but can also lead to inflammation and further damage to the blood vessels in the brain.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Long-term hyperglycemic status is strongly associated with diabetes, and the risk of cerebrovascular accidents in diabetic patients is two to three times higher than in the general population. Desserts, sugary drinks and fruit juices, and various candies and confectionery spreads are examples of foods high in sugar.

In addition, excessive red meat consumption has also been linked to cerebrovascular health problems. When too much iron is consumed in red meat, it can increase oxidative stress, damage vascular endothelial cells, and accelerate vascular aging.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

In addition, certain protein breakdown products in red meat may cause an inflammatory response that negatively affects the cerebral blood vessels. It is recommended to reduce the intake of red meat such as beef and lamb in moderation, and appropriately increase the intake of fish and white meat such as chicken, which contains a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and is more friendly to blood vessels.

Finally, processed foods containing artificial additives are also a risk to cerebrovascular health. These foods often contain high amounts of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavor enhancers, chemicals that can interfere with the body's endocrine system and cause metabolic disorders.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Long-term intake of these substances may lead to increased blood pressure, dyslipidemia, etc., which in turn affects the health of cerebrovascular vessels. For example, some canned foods, cooked foods, and snacks often contain these additives.

In order to maintain the health of cerebrovascular disease, it is recommended that people pay attention to the following points in their daily diet: First, reduce the intake of the above-mentioned foods that are not conducive to cerebrovascular health. Second, increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, which can help lower blood lipids and anti-inflammatory.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Again, eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and protect cerebral blood vessels. Finally, maintain an overall balanced diet with a moderate intake of whole grains and legumes, which can provide a wealth of fiber, which can help manage weight and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Through these comprehensive dietary modifications, not only can the risk of cerebrovascular diseases such as intracerebral hemorrhage be reduced, but overall health can also be promoted and quality of life can be improved. Therefore, the right diet is essential for maintaining cerebrovascular health.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

In the pursuit of cerebrovascular health, in addition to avoiding certain foods, people also need to know how to maintain and improve brain health through a reasonable diet and lifestyle.

Specifically, it is important to eat a diet rich in antioxidants, low in salt, low in fat, and stay hydrated, as well as regular physical activity and avoiding bad lifestyle habits. Increasing antioxidant intake is essential to protect cerebral blood vessels.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Antioxidants can help protect cerebral blood vessels from damage by neutralizing free radicals in the body and reducing oxidative stress. Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and other berries are rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and vitamin C, which help boost the elasticity and health of blood vessels.

In addition, leafy greens such as spinach and kale, as well as vitamin E-rich nuts and seeds, such as almonds and sunflower seeds, are also excellent sources of antioxidant foods. Staying well hydrated is also a simple and effective way to protect your cerebrovascular vessels.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things

Hydration can help maintain blood flow and prevent blood from becoming too viscous, thereby reducing the risk of blockages in blood vessels in the brain. Adults should consume enough water per day, about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.

By implementing these dietary and lifestyle changes, people can not only reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, but also improve their overall quality of life and health. This comprehensive health management strategy will provide a solid foundation for maintaining cerebrovascular health.

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things


What do you think about a brain hemorrhage? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Chen Yipu. Effect of Tongqiao Huoxue decoction combined with continuous intervention on patients with severe intracerebral hemorrhage. ICU, Gucheng County People's Hospital, 2024-06-25

Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things
Is table salt a "powder keg" for cerebral hemorrhage? Doctor's advice: Take care of the cerebrovascular system and try to stay away from these things