
Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

author:Möngke talks about health

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Sometimes, when we chat in an old teahouse or on a street corner, we always hear all kinds of rumors about food and health, such as "eating too many tomatoes will hurt your stomach". But is this information really reliable? Today, let me give you a good science popularization, especially for tomatoes, a seemingly ordinary but controversial food.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

First of all, tomatoes are a super good thing in their own right, and they are not only a regular in salads, but they can be seen on our tables almost every day.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and many other trace elements, which are necessary for our body. In particular, vitamin C is a small antioxidant expert, which can help our body resist various inflammations, fight free radicals, and improve immunity.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

But, then again, while tomatoes have so many benefits, tomatoes can become a "double-edged sword" for people with special physiques. Especially for those who have too much stomach acid or have damage to the stomach mucosa, the acidity of tomatoes may make your stomach more upset.

Let's talk about those who misunderstand tomatoes. Some people may think that it is bad for the stomach because of its sour taste, but in fact, eating some tomatoes in moderation is good for health, and the key lies in the word "moderation". When it comes to eating, the most feared thing is overdoing it, and tomatoes are no exception.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

For example, many young people are now pursuing so-called "health", and may blindly consume a large amount of so-called "healthy food", including tomatoes. Every part of the body is interconnected, and if you eat too many tomatoes today to replenish vitamin C, it may cause a heavier burden on your stomach.

So, I want to say that we still need a more scientific and rational attitude towards tomatoes. Don't be misled by some unsubstantiated claims and don't overdo it. If you have a stomach problem, or if you feel an upset stomach after eating tomatoes, it is best to consult a doctor to see your specific situation before making a decision.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

Before delving into the effects of tomatoes on the stomach, we need to analyze the composition of tomatoes and their potential mechanism of action from the perspective of nutrition and stomach physiology.

For the normal population, a moderate intake of tomatoes is beneficial. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, β-carotene, potassium and other trace elements and antioxidants, which are necessary for maintaining good health. However, when tomatoes are consumed in excess, their acidic properties can be a burden on the stomach of some people.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

In addition, tomatoes also contain a certain amount of lycopene, and although lycopene itself has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, excessive lycopene intake may have the opposite effect in the case of specific stomach pathologies, as it needs to be converted and absorbed in an acidic environment, which may irritate the already damaged gastric mucosa.

Further, the fiber content in tomatoes normally contributes to intestinal health, promotes gastrointestinal motility and aids digestion. However, for people with sensitive or dysfunctional digestive systems, excessive fiber intake may also cause stomach upset, such as bloating, abdominal pain, and other symptoms.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

Interestingly, the way tomatoes are cooked also has a lot to do with their effect on the stomach. Tomatoes eaten raw and cooked tomatoes have a different effect on the stomach. When tomatoes are eaten raw, the sour taste is more prominent, and it is easier to irritate the sensitive gastric mucosa;

After cooking, some organic acids will decompose, reducing their irritation to stomach acid, and cooking can also enhance the absorption rate of lycopene, which is more friendly to the stomach.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

Therefore, from a scientific point of view, the intake of tomatoes should take into account the stomach health of the individual. The general population can consume tomatoes in moderation in their daily diet, but for those with excessive stomach acid or a history of stomach problems, the intake should be limited.

By adjusting the diet structure and intake, it is possible to effectively avoid stomach discomfort caused by food attributes. On top of this, it is also recommended to have regular stomach health check-ups to better understand your stomach condition and adjust your eating habits according to your doctor's recommendations.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

In the pursuit of stomach health, in addition to paying attention to certain foods that may stimulate excessive gastric acid secretion, there are also some fruits and vegetables that are often overlooked, although they are rich in nutrients, but may not be the best choice for people with certain physical constitutions.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

Let's talk about citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits. These fruits are popular for their rich vitamin C and are an integral part of many people's diets.

However, citrus fruits contain a lot of organic acids, especially citric acid, which may aggravate stomach irritation for those with excessive stomach acid or sensitive stomach mucosa. Consuming too much citrus fruits may not only cause stomach upset, such as heartburn or stomach pain, but may also exacerbate symptoms of stomach disorders such as gastritis.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

When it comes to foods that affect stomach health, we can't ignore those fruits that are highly acidic, such as pomegranates and certain varieties of apples. These fruits contain a higher percentage of natural acids, especially when they are not fully ripe. Unripe or excessively acidic apples and pomegranates may increase gastric acid secretion during digestion, which can cause additional pressure on the gastric mucosa, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

To maintain stomach health, people with sensitive stomachs are advised to pay attention to the following in their diet: First, try to reduce the intake of foods that are known to cause discomfort, such as citrus, onions, garlic, peppers, and highly acidic fruits.

Second, you can reduce the irritation of the food by cooking it, such as sautéing onions and garlic instead of eating them raw. At the same time, increase your intake of foods that have a soothing and protective effect on the stomach mucosa, such as bananas, oats, and potatoes, which can help reduce direct contact with stomach acid on the stomach mucosa.

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

Regular health check-ups are recommended, especially for those with a history of stomach problems. A stomach health assessment by a professional medical institution can make a personalized diet plan more effectively and avoid stomach problems caused by food discomfort. Through these methods, we can better protect our stomach health and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.


What do you think about tomatoes and stomach problems? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!


[1] Min Liu, Analysis of the relationship between stomach disease and mental health and living habits of college students, Psychological Monthly, 2022-05-15

Tomatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach problems? Doctor: The stomach is not good, so it is better to eat less of these things!

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