
Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

author:Möngke talks about health

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Summer is coming, and everyone likes to eat watermelon to relieve the heat, right? Watermelon is not only sweet, but it also helps us cool down and hydrate in the hot summer months. But, you know what? Eating too much watermelon may not be so friendly to our stomach.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

We need to understand some basic facts about watermelon. Watermelon has an extremely high water content of more than 90%, and also contains a certain amount of sugar.

This combination of high water and sugar makes watermelon a great way to beat the heat, but it's also this combination that can be a burden on our stomachs in some cases. Especially for those with a history of stomach problems, eating too much refrigerated watermelon may cause stomach upset and even aggravate symptoms such as gastritis.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

Have you ever heard that some people eat a lot of cold watermelon directly after a workout and then have an upset stomach? This is because after strenuous exercise, our body needs time to balance and recover. At this time, if you eat a lot of cold, high-sugar foods, such as cold watermelon, and your stomach needs to process these cold and sweet things suddenly, you will feel stress, and sometimes even pain or discomfort.

In fact, it is not uncommon for people to feel uncomfortable eating watermelon, especially in the hot summer, and people often ignore the actual effects of food on the body in order to pursue immediate coolness. For example, the temperature of watermelon that is eaten directly after refrigeration is often much lower than our body temperature, and this temperature difference is a challenge for the stomach, especially for people with sensitive or weak stomach functions.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

So what to do? In fact, the method is very simple, we only need to pay a little attention to the way and amount of watermelon consumed. For example, you can choose to eat it after your body temperature has stabilized, don't take it out of the refrigerator and eat it immediately, let the watermelon sit at room temperature for a while, and wait until the temperature is close to room temperature before eating, so that it is much less irritating to the stomach.

In addition, even though watermelon is delicious, don't eat too much at once, especially on an empty stomach.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

Although watermelon is good, it should be in moderation and pay attention to the way it is eaten. In this way, we can enjoy the deliciousness and coolness brought by watermelon, and avoid putting unnecessary burden on the stomach. Eating watermelon in summer is a kind of enjoyment, but it is also a kind of learning, and mastering this knowledge can really spend every hot summer healthily.

Regarding the effect of watermelon on the stomach, many people may stay in a very superficial understanding, that is, they think that watermelon is just an ordinary fruit, and eating too much is the most to go to the toilet. But in reality, the effects of watermelon on the stomach are much more complex, especially for people with sensitive stomachs or stomach problems, it is very crucial to know these details.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

The sugar content of watermelon should not be underestimated. For normal people, this may not be a big deal, but for people with excessive stomach acid or thin gastric mucosa, this may become a hidden danger to induce gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

For people with diabetes or those who need to control their blood sugar, excessive consumption of watermelon may make it difficult to control blood sugar. The rapid rise and decrease of blood sugar will also put a burden on the body's endocrine system and indirectly affect the health of the stomach.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

What is even more overlooked is that watermelon, due to its high moisture and sugar characteristics, is easy to ferment in the stomach and produce gas, causing symptoms such as stomach bloating and stomach pain.

This is especially true when eating watermelon after a large meal or when you have a poor stomach. The gas produced by fermentation can also increase pressure in the stomach, which may worsen symptoms in those with gastroesophageal reflux, causing retrosternal pain or throat discomfort.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

Therefore, it is recommended that friends who love watermelon should pay attention to controlling the amount and time of consumption, and avoid eating a large amount of watermelon on an empty stomach or immediately after strenuous exercise. At the same time, choose to consume non-refrigerated watermelon to reduce stomach irritation. For people with specific stomach disorders, it is best to consume watermelon on the advice of a doctor to avoid aggravating the condition.

Although watermelon is good, it should not be excessive, especially for people with sensitive stomachs, and should be treated with caution. The key to a healthy diet is balance and moderation, understanding the nature of the food and your own physical condition, so that you can enjoy the food without harming your body.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

In addition to paying attention to the type and intake of foods to keep your stomach healthy, there are also specific fruits and vegetables that you need to pay special attention to, because although they are rich in nutrients, they can pose a challenge to the stomach in some cases. Here are not only some well-known spicy foods, but also some fruits and vegetables that seem harmless or even considered healthy foods should be eaten with care.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, vitamin C, and a variety of minerals, which have many benefits for the body. However, tomatoes also contain more acidic substances, especially when eaten raw, these acids can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause discomfort.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

When it comes to fruits and vegetables that can affect stomach health, we have to mention onions and garlic. These two ingredients are often used in cooking due to their unique flavors, and they also have great medicinal properties. However, both onions and garlic contain more sulfides, which may irritate the stomach lining while stimulating the sense of taste, especially if eaten raw.

Another type that is often overlooked is cucumbers. Although cucumbers have a high water content and are a good ingredient to relieve the heat in summer, cucurbitacin and some other enzymes contained in cucumbers may cause diarrhea or stomach upset for people with sensitive stomachs. In particular, cucumber skin is hard and difficult to digest, which is a challenge to the stomach and intestines when eaten raw.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

Although spinach is rich in iron and vitamins and has many benefits for the body, spinach also contains high levels of oxalic acid, a substance that can combine with calcium in the body to form stones and cause a burden on the kidneys. In addition, oxalic acid may irritate the gastric mucosa and cause discomfort. Therefore, people with sensitive stomachs should also consume spinach in moderation, preferably after cooking, to reduce the effects of oxalic acid.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

Stomach health requires adequate knowledge and proper handling of food. While some of the fruits and vegetables mentioned above have their potential risks, they can still be consumed in moderation and in the right way to enjoy the health benefits they bring.

It is important to be aware of your physical condition and adjust your eating habits according to your health so that our stomach can work healthily and we can continue to enjoy our food.

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about watermelon and stomach problems? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!


[1] Wu Cuiping, A Study on the Impact of Targeted Prevention on the Progression and Prognosis of Gastric Disease, Journal of Shandong Medical College, 2023-04-06

Watermelon is a "catalyst" for stomach problems? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have a bad stomach, it's best to eat less of these things!

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