
Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

author:Möngke talks about health

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In the fast-paced life of today, many people are facing various stomach problems, especially those who neglect to eat regularly because of their busy schedules.

Let's be honest, an upset stomach can really affect the quality of our daily life, especially when your stomach starts to "protest" against your eating habits, the pain and discomfort is simply unbearable.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

First of all, we have to admit the fact that irregular diet, especially eating fried and spicy foods on a regular basis, is really very unfriendly to the stomach. Eating too many of these things will not only lead to inflammation in the stomach, but may also form ulcers over time.

This is not alarmist, it is a daily discovery of many gastrologists. So, if you're starting to feel something wrong with your stomach, or if you're experiencing frequent stomach pain and bloating, then I really recommend that you start paying attention to your diet.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Adjusting your eating habits is the first thing to do, and here's a super good diet tip – millet porridge. You may think it's a bit old-fashioned, but don't underestimate this seemingly simple bowl of porridge, its stomach care effect is not simple at all.

Millet, as an ancient cereal, is very digestible and is perfect for those with sensitive stomachs or those who are recovering.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Millet porridge is not only easy to digest, but also provides sufficient nutrients, especially rich in vitamin B complex and minerals, which is very helpful for the repair of the gastric mucosa. What's more, millet can effectively reduce the secretion of stomach acid, which is especially important for avoiding or reducing the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

In addition to the benefits of millet porridge itself, in fact, adding a little red dates and wolfberries when cooking millet porridge is also the icing on the cake. Red dates and wolfberries are both good ingredients, which have a certain protective effect on the stomach, and at the same time, they can also add some flavor and make this bowl of porridge less monotonous.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Some people may find it a little uncomfortable to change their eating habits suddenly, but I would like to say that please give it a chance. Slowly, you will feel your stomach start to "thank you" you. It's a small change, but the benefits are long-term.

When your stomach is no longer the one that constantly protests and makes you feel painful, you will find that the quality of life will also improve. In addition to millet, people with an upset stomach can try several other foods to help nourish their stomach.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Not only do these foods provide essential nutrients, but they also help reduce stomach discomfort, which promotes digestive health. First of all, yam is a great ingredient for people with a bad stomach.

Yam is rich in mucin and a variety of trace elements, which can form a protective layer that covers the stomach wall and reduces the friction of food on the stomach wall, thereby protecting the gastric mucosa and preventing the occurrence of gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

In addition, yam also contains a lot of starch and fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, and reduce constipation. The mild properties of yam also make it an excellent treatment for stomach problems.

It is recommended to eat the yam steamed or boiled into porridge to maximize the retention of its nutrients and soft texture, which is especially suitable for people with sensitive stomachs. Secondly, oats are also an excellent choice.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Oats are rich in soluble fiber, especially β-glucan, a special type of fiber that forms a gelatinous substance during digestion, which helps to soothe stomach acid, protect the stomach lining, and reduce the burning sensation caused by excess stomach acid.

The high-fiber properties of oats can also help regulate gastrointestinal function, maintain intestinal health, and avoid stomach pain caused by indigestion. Oats are easy to digest and can be eaten as a breakfast porridge or with some preserved fruit to give the stomach a gentle and nutritious start.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

The third food is cabbage. Cabbage is rich in vitamins C and E, antioxidants that can help reduce stomach inflammation and promote the repair of the gastric mucosa. The sulfide in cabbage can also promote the regeneration of the gastric mucosa, which is very beneficial for the prevention of gastric ulcers.

In addition, cabbage is a low-calorie food with a high water content, is easy to digest, and does not put an excessive burden on the stomach. It can be used to make soups or stir-fried cabbage, and is suitable for people who often have stomach aches.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Finally, soy milk is also a good choice. Soy milk contains high-quality plant protein, which is able to provide the body with the necessary amino acids, while its mild nature does not stimulate excessive gastric acid secretion. The isoflavones in soy milk have anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce stomach inflammation.

Drinking soy milk often can not only provide rich nutrients, but also help maintain the health of the gastric mucosa and reduce the incidence of stomach problems. It is recommended to choose sugar-free natural soy milk and avoid added sugars and artificial additives to minimize the burden on the stomach.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

By incorporating these foods into their daily diet, people with stomach upset can not only get relief from their symptoms, but also fundamentally promote stomach health. These foods all have common characteristics: low in fat, high in fiber, rich in vitamins and trace elements, and are ideal for patients with stomach diseases.

By adjusting your eating habits and strengthening your intake of these foods, you can effectively support the recovery and protection of the stomach and avoid more stomach problems.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

In the process of stomach care, in addition to providing necessary nutrition and protection through dietary therapy, some lifestyle adjustments are also very important. These changes in habits can help reduce pressure on the stomach and prevent exacerbations or recurrences of stomach disorders.

First of all, avoiding excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol is an important part of stomach health. Both coffee and alcohol are known gastric mucosal irritants, they can increase the secretion of stomach acid, irritate the stomach lining, cause stomach upset and even exacerbate the symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the intake of these beverages. For those who are accustomed to drinking coffee daily, try replacing them with a lower caffeine drink, such as green tea or herbal tea, which are just as refreshing but less irritating to the stomach.

Secondly, avoiding smoking is also an important measure to protect stomach health. The nicotine in tobacco can directly damage the gastric mucosa, increase the secretion of gastric acid, and smoking will also weaken the sphincter muscle at the junction between the stomach and the esophagus, which can easily cause acid reflux and increase the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Therefore, quitting smoking is a very beneficial behavior for stomach health. Finally, ensuring adequate sleep is also essential. Lack of sleep not only increases the overall stress on the body, but also interferes with the normal functioning of the digestive system, leading to abnormal stomach acid secretion.

Therefore, it is recommended to ensure at least 7 to 8 hours of high-quality sleep every night to help the body and stomach get enough rest and recovery. Through these lifestyle adjustments, stomach health can be effectively supported and enhanced, reducing the risk of stomach diseases.

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

Keeps the stomach functioning and in its proper state. Although these measures are simple, they are implemented consistently in daily life and have a non-negligible role in the prevention and treatment of stomach problems.


What are your thoughts on stomach health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Lin Wanyao. Predictive value of bedside gastric ultrasound on the risk of aspiration in patients with endotracheal intubation in the emergency department. Taizhou Hospital, Zhejiang Province, 2024-01-15

Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things
Millet is the "hero" of the stomach! Doctor's advice: People with a bad stomach can try these 4 things

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