
"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


It is known as the most "transparent" country in the world.

In the modern era when people are looking for modest, the inhabitants of their country dress casually, even "wrapping a piece of cloth" and going out.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

In today's society, which pursues a more "sense of privacy", their country does not close its doors at night and advocates "open" sleep.

Every man in their country has a "tattoo" and uses such behavior as a status symbol.

Such a country like no other is Samoa.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, October 2023 Samoa Country Profile
"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

What kind of country is Samoa? Why on earth is it so aggressive?

The most "transparent" country - Samoa

Located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, Samoa is a coastal country with most of the country covered in jungle.

Due to the surrounding islands, it has a tropical rainforest climate, with an average temperature of 28 degrees Celsius throughout the year, which is a pleasant temperature.

The country has beautiful scenery and convenient transportation, and has the title of "South Pacific Paradise", and is one of the first countries in the world to see the sun rise.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Samoa became an independent state in 1250 AD, but in the 19th century it was invaded by Britain, the United States and Germany, and a treaty was signed: the west was a German colony, and the east was administered by the United States.

After World War I, it was placed under New Zealand rule until independence in 1962, when it became an independent state of Samoa.

Samoans, on the other hand, are anthropologically Polynesian and look like Eurasian mestizos.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

The men of Samoa are very strong and are known as "the most powerful people in the world".

And the women here also have a different mood, and having a mixed-race bloodline makes them even more charming.

Samoans who have experienced all kinds of changes have not lost their passion for life, and still show their unique history, culture and traditional customs to the world with a positive attitude.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

They are born near the sea, and as a tropical region, they not only produce a large variety of tropical fruits, but also have very rich water resources.

Tuna is abundant in the local seas, with a catch of about 7,000 tons a year.

The simple and kind Samoans have always emphasized their country's independence and cultural identity.

They have a unique way of dressing.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

They would weave clothes or skirts from palm fronds or other plants, which they found to be very light and breathable, and suitable for the hot and humid climate of the region.

Even now, they sometimes wear this simple and practical straw skirt.

Therefore, it is lamented as the most "transparent" country in the world.

However, nowadays, there is too much contact with the outside world, coupled with the development of the Internet, more women will wear a coat outside when they wear grass skirts.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Men have not changed, and they are naked, which is traditionally seen as a symbol of courage and strength.

Men are also covered with traditional Samoan tattoos, which are very complex and delicate, and also contain rich cultural meanings and ethnic customs.

Samoa also has no local army, only more than 500 police, which shows that their local law and order has an atmosphere of "universal harmony".

People's mutual trust and open-mindedness also create a harmonious social environment.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

In addition, many of them still maintain the architecture of the original house with "roof and no wall".

Source: October 18, 2013 Samoan houses have roofs but no walls (photos)
"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Known as the "farai", these unique houses are supported by four stout pillars and topped by superimposed leaves from local trees to provide ventilation on all sides.

There are no doors and windows that we are used to, and such a "simple" house has basically no furniture such as beds.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

It is said that they built a house with bread trees that could live for 50 years.

They live in houses like "Falei" and have their own unique learning.

Because Samoa is hot and humid all year round, this design allows the sea breeze to pass through freely, bringing the most comfortable coolness possible.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Such a simple house is also more suitable for rapid recovery and reconstruction after natural disasters such as typhoons and tsunamis.

This open-plan design also increases the relationship between neighbors and brings deep cohesion.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

"24 hours without dead ends" is exposed, and even when sleeping and resting at night, everyone is exposed to the outside world.

This kind of thing that is unimaginable in modern society is normal in the local area.

Kookmin Gate also has a very high level of trust in the neighborhood, and everything around them also gives them a high sense of security.

And this kind of house is ventilated on all sides and can be very cool without the help of equipment such as air conditioners.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

It not only saves resources, but also maintains the local natural environment.

Samoa's landscape, like that of all tropical countries, is blessed with an endless but clear blue coastline and natural rainforests.

Not only that, but the country is also very famous for its wind tunnels.

After being blessed by an unknown force in a mysterious wind tunnel, seawater shoots into the sky from the mouth of the wind tunnel, sometimes reaching heights of 30 meters.

Their different culture, coupled with their unique natural landscapes, once attracted countless countries to visit and relax.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

"I've never seen so many homegrown vegetables"

Although their natural conditions are superior, the market is small, the industry is poor, and the economic development is relatively slow.

It is hung with the title of "one of the least developed countries".

Don't take the mountains and seas as far, and connect thousands of miles together.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

As a developing country, we also have deep exchanges with our motherland, and work together in the "co-branded" projects of the "Belt and Road".

Source: Xinhua News Agency, October 16, 2018 Prime Minister of Samoa: The Belt and Road Initiative brings good development opportunities for South Pacific island countries
"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Samoa in 1975, it has been 49 years since then, and a very deep friendship has been established.

China Construction is now a very mature technology, and Made in China is now more than just a simple language.

When we go abroad, we can see our Chinese builders everywhere.

In addition to construction, the mainland has also helped Samoa in agriculture by introducing Chinese "greenhouse" technology.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

This has also boosted their local farming.

Before the introduction of Chinese greenhouse technology, it was an extremely luxurious thing for the Samoan people to eat fresh vegetables.

After the introduction, it not only changed the living conditions of the local people, but also increased their income and happiness index.

"Chinese technology has made more Samoans eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and it has given me the opportunity to run a farm," the local farmer said. ”

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Samoa has also created the "China-Samoa Friendship Park" in the local area to show the friendship of Sino-Samoa relations.


In today's global pursuit of technology, Samoa's "paradise" lifestyle undoubtedly provides us with a new and independent perspective.

"Unclothed" does not close the door at night, has no sense of privacy, and is called the most "transparent" country in the world

Take the essence and remove the dross.

Don't blindly pursue "newer" and "better", but seek what suits you.

True happiness never lies in how much you have, but also in inner satisfaction and ease.

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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