
With a monthly salary of 5000, you can also use money to help me make money

author:Innocent wandering life


I know that many people pay attention to me because they are attracted by my lifestyle, even if they are ordinary workers with a monthly salary of 5,000, they can save their first pot of gold through reasonable savings and financial management.

Many people have awakened from the Moonlight Clan to save money and prepare for more choices in their lives. Actually, like most people, I've been through your current stage.

I would like to share with you the three stages of financial freedom, hoping to help you accelerate through these three stages and achieve the dream of financial freedom.

With a monthly salary of 5000, you can also use money to help me make money

There are three types of leverage mentioned in the book "Navarre Book", and there are three types of levers that use time to make money.

(1) Sell once at a time;

(2) Sell multiple times in one time;

(3) Buying other people's time.

As a part-time worker, you can also use these three levers to make money, layer by layer.

1️⃣ Earn money with labor and time

At this stage, selling time and labor to the boss, that is, helping people to work, to earn wages, there is nothing bad about using time and labor to make money, but this is the most basic way to make money.

Since graduating from university, I've worked four or five jobs, all of which have been used to increase my salary by changing jobs.

At this stage, you have to think about how much your income can grow when your time and physical strength are limited.

With a monthly salary of 5000, you can also use money to help me make money

2️⃣ Earn money by repeatedly selling time

Repeat selling time means that the time you pay once can bring you recurring revenue.

If you have your own professional skills or knowledge, you can find a way to let this professional help you repeat the sale time, and the self-media I run rely on this way to bring in income for me, and the content of an article is distributed to different platforms to earn traffic income.

For example, many people put their exam notes, various design templates, fonts, courses, etc. on the Internet for sale. These products only need to be made once, and they can be sold for money over and over again.

The first two stages are the accumulation of capital through time or labor, and when a certain amount of capital is accumulated, it can move on to the next stage.

3️⃣ Use money to help you make money

If you want to get to the point where you can make money without spending time and without having to put in the effort, you have to make your money work for you.

Although I am only a part-time worker with a monthly salary of 5,000, when I saved to 5,000, I began to invest in CSI 300 index funds, and it has been 5 years now, until this year, the return rate of regular investment in CSI 300 index funds remained at 10%.

With a monthly salary of 5000, you can also use money to help me make money

Therefore, even if the income is not high, after accumulating the principal by saving money, regular investment is a good way to make money with money, and I will continue to invest regularly after that.

So where are you now? It took me about 8 years from the first stage to the third stage, and although the income from saving money and managing my money was not enough for me to skip work, it has become an important part of my income every month.

I want to tell you: no matter what stage you are at now, you can do it. The ages of 20 to 40 are times when you can accumulate wealth vigorously.

About the Author:

I am innocent, I will retire when I save enough 150W, focus on sharing savings and financial management, professional career, life goals, and keep moving forward on the road of FIRE, and accompany you to slowly become rich!