
The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.

author:Wind Wind

On the first trading day of the second half of the year, real estate stocks rose sharply to lead the market. With the introduction and implementation of the new policies for the property market in various places, the property market has gradually stabilized and the real estate industry has rebounded, which will help the performance of listed companies in the industrial chain to recover and restore valuation.

Property market transactions are gradually picking up //

Since the implementation of the favorable real estate policy for more than a month, the policy effect has gradually emerged, and the property market transaction has improved significantly. Wind data shows that nearly 90,000 commercial housing units were sold in China's 30 large and medium-sized cities in June, a significant increase of 24.7% from 72,200 units in May. Especially on June 30, the single-day transaction reached 8,433 units, which not only hit a new high this year, but also the largest single-day transaction since April last year.

The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.

Real estate sector soars //

On July 1, the first trading day of the second half of the year, the real estate sector rose sharply to lead the market. At the close, the Wind real estate sector rose 4.48%, ranking first among all sectors.

The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.

After nearly a month of rise, the highest rise in the sector exceeded 30%, and the short-term rise of individual stocks exceeded 50%, becoming one of the most eye-catching sectors in the market. This was followed by a correction from late May to the end of June, followed by a sharp rebound in early July, leading the market.

It can be seen that with the fluctuation of property market transactions, the real estate sector is also fluctuating. Under the favorable policy and the improvement of transactions, the real estate sector was stimulated. The decline in transactions has also led to a decline in the sector.

The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.

Can listed real estate companies invest? //

Huatai Securities Chen Shen, Liu Lu and other analysts believe that since 517, real estate sales have shown signs of recovery. At present, the first-tier cities have implemented the 517 New Deal, highlighting the demand for "stabilizing real estate", and the continuous policy implementation and optimization is expected to continue to stabilize market expectations. Market confidence still needs to be further consolidated, the next July and August is the traditional off-season for the sales market, and the sustainability of the subsequent market recovery remains to be seen. We are optimistic about high-quality real estate companies and property management companies with abundant resources and stable operations in core cities.

HSBC Jinxin equity research director, fund manager Min Liangchao believes that the recent performance of the real estate sector is around the policy game, a simple review, since late April, under the catalysis of the policy, the real estate sector has risen greatly, one of the stage climax is the policy combination on May 17, the CITIC real estate sector rose by 7.5% on the same day. The real estate sector rose sharply in the short term, and some funds took profits, so it fluctuated downward after May 17.

From the perspective of international experience, even if the economy reaches the stage of developed countries, the real estate industry is an important industry in the economy, and the demand for housing is also the rigid demand of the people. As a country with a large population, and there is still room for improvement in the urbanization rate, the real estate industry will continue to be an important industry in the future, so the long-term investment value of the real estate sector is still worth paying attention to. The follow-up investment opportunities mainly focus on the real estate industry in two aspects: the policy of the real estate industry and the trend of real estate data. These two factors will play an important role in the valuation and fundamentals of the real estate sector, and are the core focus variables of the current real estate sector, both opportunities and risks.

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The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.

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The property market transaction has improved, and real estate stocks have risen sharply to lead the market.