
Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

author:Fang Yuan talks about history
Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot


Speaking of heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties, I believe everyone has heard of Li Yuanba's name, among the heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties, he can be said to be famous, and the reason is because of his superb martial arts and invincible opponents all over the world.

Even Yuwen Chengdu can only rank second in front of him, but even Li Yuanba, who is so superb in martial arts, has three people who can't win, let's see which three people can defeat Li Yuanba's sledgehammer.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

1. Luo Shixin

The first thing to say is Luo Shixin, that is, the one known as the "silly boy", but although his IQ is not high, his brain is still insufficient, and he can't speak clearly, but he has his own strengths, and his abilities are enough for people to ignore his shortcomings to make him one of the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

First of all, he is extremely powerful and can pull two cows apart with his bare hands, and it is precisely because of this incident that he is valued by Qin Qiong. At that time, Qin Qiong was looking for something and met Luo Shixin, who was herding cattle on the side of the road. At this moment, two cows in the herd were fighting, and Luo Shixin immediately stepped forward to persuade him to fight when he saw it.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Although we think that persuasion is a very strange thing, but don't forget that Luo Shixin himself has a problem with intelligence, these two cows do not give Luo Shixin any face, here Luo Shixin persuaded for a long time, and the two cows are still entangled. This made Luo Shixin very angry, and he strode forward and grabbed the horns of the two cows.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

After watching Luo Shixin's actions, Qin Qiong was scared, he was afraid that the cow would hurt Luo Shixin, and just when he was about to step forward to stop Luo Shixin, he saw Luo Shixin separating the two cows with one horn in one hand. Luo Shixin, who was so angry, broke off one of the horns of the two cows.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

This series of operations shocked Qin Qiong, who was watching the excitement next to him, and immediately got acquainted with Luo Shixin and became brothers, and since then Luo Shixin has become Qin Qiong's brother-in-law. But Luo Shixin's ability is far less than this, he can hold his breath underwater, don't look at his five big and three thick, but this hand is also incomparable to many people.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

And Luo Shixin has also practiced the superb skills of flying stones and birds, which can be described as a hundred shots. But it is precisely because of the combination of these abilities that he can rarely meet opponents, and Li Yuanba is the first one he can meet who can compete with him.

Both of them have very simple temperaments, and they fought together soon after they met, and finally fought a draw, but if Luo Shixin used his abilities and Li Yuanba to have a life-and-death battle, Li Yuanba may not be an opponent. However, Luo Shixin didn't care so much about winning or losing, he purely practiced martial arts, and he didn't show his skills in every shot.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Even if he didn't use his flying stone technique and Li Yuanba to compete in the water, Li Yuanba would definitely lose, after all, this ability to hold his breath was not something that everyone had.

Second, the fish club

The second thing to say is Yu Juluo, this person is also famous among the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he was praised by later generations as "one of the nine elders of the Xing Sui Dynasty", Yu Juluo is eight feet tall, and his physical strength is extraordinary, of course, seeing this can not see his specialness, if it is said that he has heavy pupils.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

The first thing that comes to everyone's mind for people who have double pupils in history should be Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, it can be said that none of those who have double pupils are ordinary people, they are all famous people in history, like Cangjie, Shun, Chong'er, etc. And Yu Juluo's voice is loud, and through the records of relevant books, his voice can be heard from a hundred meters away.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

He joined the Praetorian Guard at the age of twenty and was later promoted to the rank of Grand Governor because of his outstanding ability. It can be said that he was very important during the Sui Dynasty, and then he followed Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty to conquer the Chen Dynasty.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

He made many military exploits on the battlefield, and soon after was sent by Emperor Yang Guang of Sui to attack the Turks, and he actually beat the rampant Turks into fear, and did not dare to invade the Central Plains again. At that time, the name of Yujuluo was very loud among the Huns, and they were afraid to graze their horses when they heard this name.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

As the saying goes, "the master of merit and high achievement" has such outstanding achievements in military ability, Yujuluo inevitably got Yang Guang's jealousy, not to mention, as mentioned earlier, Yujuluo has a double pupil, and people at that time had a saying: Only a saint has a double pupil. It can be said that there is such a person under his command, which monarch can not be afraid.

In the official history, it was precisely because of Yang Guang's jealousy, coupled with the use of people with intentions, that he was finally killed.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

But it is not described like this in "The Legend of Xingtang Dynasty", according to legend, Yujuluo is Yuwen Chengdu's teacher, but Yuwen Chengdu died in the hands of Li Yuanba, as a teacher, Yujuluo is bound to avenge his beloved, so in the battle of Tongguan, Yujuluo took the initiative to single out Li Yuanba, and finally used the "drag knife strategy" to kill Li Yuanba under the horse.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

It can be regarded as avenging his apprentice, but Li Yuanba, as Li Shimin's younger brother, couldn't sit still when he saw his younger brother being killed, so he shot him to death with an arrow when Yujuluo was unprepared.

3. Luo Song

The last one to talk about is Luo Song, seeing his surname, I believe everyone can guess his origin, Luo Song is Luo Cheng's half-brother, but his reputation among the heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties is far less than his younger brother, but although there is not much pen and ink, this does not deny Luo Song's ability.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Because Luo Song is not only Luo Cheng's elder brother, he was born in a family of military generals, he is also the heir of the "Jiang family gun". Luo Yi's most eye-catching thing should be his "Luo family gun", but in fact, this is also transformed by the Jiang family gun, which is the marksmanship handed down by Jiang Wei, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Luo Song's mother is a descendant of the Jiang family, and she is a descendant, so this marksmanship was learned by Luo Yi. It's a pity that Luo Yi abandoned Luo Song's mother and son unjustly, so that he himself didn't finish learning the Jiang family's marksmanship, so he could only improve it on this basis.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

But Luo Song finished learning, so Luo Song's gun made it unmatched among the heroes of the entire Sui and Tang dynasties. So much so that he knocked Li Yuanba to the ground with one shot, and at that time, Li Yuanba and Luo Shixin were inseparable, and the two were glued together, and they were the first person mentioned above.

And the two of them are also very honest, just to compete in strength, without any skills, seeing that the two have been fighting for a long time, everyone can't help but get nervous.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Because if you keep fighting, you can't tell the winner, and both of them will die of exhaustion. Everyone wants to separate the two of them, but it's a pity that Li Yuanba's force is there, not to mention that there is also a Luo Shixin, isn't this going to death in vain?

So everybody was nervous, but no one had the ability to separate the two sides. At this moment, Luo Song stepped forward and let go of Li Yuanba and Luo Shixin, who were entangled, with just one shot. Both of them fell to the ground after the shot, which also allowed the world to see Luo Song's martial arts for the first time.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

Don't forget, Li Yuanba is the head of the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties, and even he was overturned to the ground, not to mention the others. However, although Luo Song is strong in martial arts, he is not greedy for fame and fortune, according to records, he left after helping Li Shimin.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot


As we all know, Li Yuanba is Li Yuan's third son Li Xuanba in the official history, but he only borrowed his name, and then a series of things were written by later generations, giving Li Yuanba the deification of describing him as invincible, but there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky, even such Li Yuanba still encountered tricky people.

Li Yuanba couldn't win the three Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes, especially the last one, who overturned Li Yuanba with one shot

So who else do you think can defeat Li Yuanba among the heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties? After all, among the heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties, very few people were able to take his move.

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