
What is the difference between Li Yuanba in history and Li Yuanba in Romance? What is the real Li Yuanba like

author:color is an empty record card

What is the difference between Li Yuanba in history and Li Yuanba in Romance? What is the real Li Yuanba like

The smelting of history and fiction

"Once upon a time, we were attracted by a heroic and magical general, who was the dazzling Li Yuanba in the novel. From novels to TV series, to games and animations, Li Yuanba's image is deeply rooted in our hearts. However, when we look back at history, we find that this legendary figure is not real, but an idealized hero created by novelists. The real Li Yuanba is very different from the legendary image, but it contains a more moving story. "

Li Yuanba, this prestigious general, not only had a brief existence in history, but was also portrayed as the supreme martial arts in classic novels. However, there are many differences between the two. First of all, it needs to be clear that Li Yuanba, formerly known as Li Xuanba in history, is the third son of Tang Gaozu Li Yuan, and is a twin brother with Taizong Li Shimin. And Li Yuanba in the novel is an invincible general with peerless martial arts who swept the world.

Li Xuanba in the historical record, although he is also a prince with some martial arts, is far less famous than Li Yuanba in the novel. It is recorded in the Book of Tang that Li Xuanba only lived for 16 years, and he was weak all his life, and did not make much achievements. In contrast, Li Yuanba in the novel is simply a martial arts saint, and he is the head of the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties. He has peerless martial arts, one person can match the eighteenth route rebel army, and he once single-handedly killed the general Yuwen Chengdu in the first battle of the Purple Mountain, leaving only 650,000 people. Such heroic deeds far surpass any real history.

So, why can a fictional character like Li Yuanba become a popular protagonist in novels and operas? The author believes that this is not unrelated to the heroic image he shows. As the embodiment of the aesthetics of violence, Li Yuanba perfectly fits the reader's yearning for heroic characters. He is burly, powerful, and proficient in all kinds of weapons, and can be described as a peerless master of martial arts. At the same time, he showed a sense of justice and loyalty, and did everything to protect the country and the people. Such an awe-inspiring and courageous image of justice can naturally resonate and worship readers.

And the real Li Xuanba, although he was also a prince, is far less charming than the hero image in the novel. He died early, and his life was mediocre, not only in his martial arts, but also in his outstanding military exploits. Such a Li Xuanba is obviously not enough to become the protagonist of a large-scale novel. Therefore, novelists must draw on history and create a more heroic and magical image of a military commander according to their own imagination in order to attract the attention of readers.

It can be said that it is this kind of transformation and recreation of history that has created Li Yuanba, a classic figure. Novelists use the archetypes of real historical figures, and through their own artistic construction, shape them into a hero with excellent martial arts and a full sense of justice, satisfying the reader's yearning for an ideal hero. This also illustrates the unique charm of artistic creation, which is not limited to simply presenting historical facts, but can elevate real life to a higher level.

What is the difference between Li Yuanba in history and Li Yuanba in Romance? What is the real Li Yuanba like

In fact, this kind of adaptation of history is not uncommon in literature and art. From classical Chinese novels to Western scripts and films, this has happened almost without exception. For example, the Monkey King in Journey to the West is also derived from a historical figure named Monkey King, but after being shaped by a novelist, he has become a complete fictional hero; Another example is Shakespeare's historical plays, which use a lot of real historical figures, but in the end they present characters full of dramatic conflicts. It can be seen that artistic creation often needs to break through the shackles of history and create more lifelike and fascinating characters through the processing of imagination.

And the real Li Xuanba, although few people know in the long river of history, contains a more moving life story. As a prince, he should have had the opportunity to fulfill the duties of a prince and achieve a great career. However, fate gave him a short life, allowing him to die early at the age of 16. This is undoubtedly a tragedy. It's hard to imagine what kind of mark he would have left on history if he had survived.

Because of this, such a tragic hero who was defeated by fate can resonate more with readers. He is not as good as Li Yuanba in the novel, but he has a fate that each of us will face. His experience makes us wonder if life has always been the way we want it to, or if we often suffer unforeseen setbacks. By appreciating the life trajectory of such a real person, readers may have new thoughts and understandings of their own lives.

Perhaps it is this intrinsic deep charm that makes the historical Li Xuanba surpass the fictional Li Yuanba to some extent. Of course, this does not mean that artistic creations are worthless. On the contrary, the charm of art lies in the fact that it can elevate real life to a higher aesthetic level, allowing people to have a new understanding and perception of life. Li Yuanba, such a heroic image, is the result of artistic creation, he satisfies the reader's yearning for the ideal hero, and in turn affects real life.

So we should treat history and art as equals, and not simply think who is greater. Each of them has a different charm and meaning. History presents us with real humanity, while art takes us into an idealized world. The two are intertwined and together form a rich and colorful cultural vision. For such a character that is intertwined with reality and fiction, we should neither blindly pursue the restoration of history, nor completely deny the imagination of art. Instead, we should appreciate these two different perspectives with an open mind and draw wisdom and inspiration from them.

This is the charm of cultural accumulation. History and art complement each other and inspire each other. It is this mutual agitation that justifies

What is the difference between Li Yuanba in history and Li Yuanba in Romance? What is the real Li Yuanba like

As the saying goes, "Friends come from afar, and it's a pleasure." Li Yuanba, a classic character, is the result of the interweaving and collision of history and art, bringing us a unique cultural experience. Now let's explore more interesting aspects of this character in history and fiction.

It is not difficult for us to find that although the real Li Xuanba is very different from the Li Yuanba in the novel, there are still some subtle connections between the two. For example, both of them were born in the royal family and both had a certain degree of martial arts cultivation. This may be one of the important reasons why novelists choose to use Li Xuanba as the prototype. As a prince, he can naturally bring more plasticity and story tension.

At the same time, Li Xuanba's early death also gave novelists inspiration and imagination to create. The image of a character who died young and was defeated by fate is undoubtedly more sympathetic and concerned by people. Based on this historical fact, novelists can further enrich and develop the fate of the characters, and create more touching and profound images of tragic heroes.

Moreover, Li Xuanba, as Li Shimin's younger brother, his experience may also have some intersections with Taizong's story. This entanglement of brotherhood undoubtedly provides novelists with material for creation. It is not difficult for us to imagine what kind of power struggle and brotherhood would occur between Li Xuanba and Taizong if he really lived a long life in history. These fascinating plots can all be built on the basis of real historical figures.

It is this mutual reference between history and art that has created the classic image of Li Yuanba. We should not simply compare it with the real Li Xuanba, but should appreciate the unique charm brought about by this cultural collision across time and space. Artistic creation is never a simple reproduction of history, but a new re-creation. Through this re-creation, we are able to appreciate another possibility beyond history, and feel the infinite power of cultural inheritance.

This revelation also makes us realize that we should not be limited to the pursuit of the most accurate restoration of historical figures. On the contrary, we should be open and inclusive to appreciate the artists' reinterpretation and imagination of history. Each perspective has the potential to bring new insights that enrich our understanding of history. Only in this way can we truly appreciate the charm of the fusion of history and art.

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