
No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

author:Nanke Yan-hsien
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China's development in the military field has always attracted the attention of the whole world, and in some advanced technologies, we started relatively late.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

In addition to the issue of timing, we are also facing the constraints of certain countries, and in this case, it is not easy to create more powerful technologies for the future.

But even if the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, there are still people who will go forward and succeed, and efforts will not deceive people, and now, our academicians can announce to the world that China's reconnaissance satellite is the first in the world.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

The recent China Satellite Conference has shown the world the strength of China's remote sensing satellites, and in distant space, our satellites can directly lock the location of aircraft carriers and fighters, and even stealth fighters have nothing to hide under the satellites.

What is the strength of China's remote sensing satellites today? How do we get to this point? And who is leading China's remote sensing satellites to move forward?

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Satellites that can lock onto aircraft carriers

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in Beijing. Li Deren, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, internationally renowned surveying, mapping and remote sensing scientist, and professor of Wuhan University, was awarded the highest national science and technology award.
No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

This award ceremony is not only an honorary commendation, but also an announcement to the whole world that China's reconnaissance satellite has reached the world's first level.

In the field of satellites, China's development time is obviously much later than that of the United States, Russia and other countries, and it is not a simple matter to achieve the world's first.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Today's world has entered the era of global positioning, and being able to master more satellite resources means being able to better conduct reconnaissance and surveillance.

It is true that not all reconnaissance is directed at the enemy, but for the security of their own country, satellite resources have always attracted the attention of the whole world.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Reconnaissance satellites are also a type of remote sensing satellites, but the general remote sensing satellites are civilian, and only reconnaissance satellites are military.

As the name suggests, the reconnaissance satellite is the eyes of the army in space, and its main responsibility is to detect and monitor the enemy.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

And this eye can work "007", 24 hours a day, without sleep, although far away in space, but can see the movement on the earth very clearly.

As a photogrammetry and remote sensing scientist in the mainland, Li Deren led the scientific research team to achieve the independent and controllable remote sensing satellite system in the mainland after more than ten years of efforts, and the optical resolution of the satellite was increased from 2 to 3 meters to 0.5 meters, leading China's surveying, mapping and remote sensing discipline to rank among the top in the world.
No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

In fact, as early as 2020, the mainland already has an ultra-high satellite resolution level, and it is at the same level as the American "keyhole" reconnaissance satellite.

Even if it is a moving target at sea, our reconnaissance satellites can quickly detect it, with an accuracy of less than 10 meters, and once it is discovered, it will be transferred to the receiver on the ground at the fastest speed.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

In 2017, we achieved a huge breakthrough in the search and reconnaissance of moving targets at sea, and we were able to clearly track US aircraft carriers with the Gaofen series of satellites.

At that time, we accurately tracked 10 aircraft carriers and 9 amphibious ships of the United States, and even the F-22 stealth fighters with smaller targets and even stealth performance were tracked.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

When this incident was confirmed that year, a video was uploaded on the Internet, and the mainland's commercial remote sensing satellite tracked the American F-22 stealth fighter.

After the Jilin-1 remote sensing satellite discovered the direction of the F-22's stealth warfare, it locked on to this target, and the F-22 stealth fighter's every move was in full view.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

But you must know that whether it is our remote sensing satellite or other satellites, the development time is much later than that of the United States and the West, so how do we achieve the latecomer's catch?

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Latecomers prevail

In modern warfare, information is almost a matter of life, and history tells us that whoever can grasp information faster will be able to grasp the initiative in war.

However, compared with general reconnaissance, whether it is traditional manpower reconnaissance or fighter and unmanned aerial vehicle reconnaissance that can be easily done now, it is a pediatric in front of satellites.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Compared with ground reconnaissance, satellite reconnaissance has a unique advantage, the so-called high station can see far, in today's world, who can be higher than satellites?

At an altitude of hundreds of kilometers away, as long as the resolution is high enough, any movement on Earth can be seen.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Satellites are not only focused on a certain area, the speed of satellites is very fast, in low earth orbit, a satellite orbit around the earth only takes an hour and a half.

As long as there is a demand, whether it is a lofty mountain or a river, lake or sea, the satellite can clearly reconnoiter all movements.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Don't look at the distance, but our resolution is high enough, our remote sensing satellites have formed a perfect system, and the resolution of the GF-11 satellite has reached 0.1 meters.

Not to mention a fighter or a tank, even if it is a bicycle, it can be clearly captured, and the all-weather detection will not stop at any time, even if it is rainy and hazy, it will not affect the work of the satellite.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Today's China has indeed achieved a huge breakthrough in remote sensing satellites, but the process of crossing the river by feeling the stones is very difficult.

Remote sensing satellites are essentially satellites, and in this field, China's development itself is decades behind that of some countries in the United States and the West.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

The mainland's remote sensing satellites were just starting to take off around the 70s of the last century, but at that time, our country knew very little about satellites.

It was not until 1999 that the China-Pakistan Resource Satellite was successfully launched, and China truly began to explore the localization of Earth observation satellites.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

However, the United States developed reconnaissance satellites several decades earlier than China, and as early as 1960, her optical imaging reconnaissance satellite "Keyhole 1" was successfully launched.

Later, the United States was able to have an almost crushing advantage in information warfare, and these reconnaissance satellites contributed a lot.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

At that time, US reconnaissance satellites were not only able to determine the location of local air defense radars and anti-missile systems, but could even monitor enemy radio stations and strike at opponents in all directions, both militarily and informationally.

The process of starting from scratch is always difficult, and after starting the exploration of earth observation satellites, it took us more than ten years to finally embark on the road of rapid development.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Before 2010, China's satellites were mainly experimental single satellites, because the technology was not very mature, so it could only verify key technologies and explore the application of remote sensing.

The launch of the China-Pakistan Resources Satellite allowed China to achieve a breakthrough from scratch, and in the following years, we launched the China-Pakistan Resources 02 satellite and the China-Pakistan Resources 02B satellite respectively.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

It was not until after 2010 that China's remote sensing satellites finally ushered in a period of vigorous development, and the high-resolution special projects, land-sea satellite planning and space-based planning at that time provided a strong boost to the development of remote sensing satellites.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

At 11:26 on December 22, 2011, the ZY-1 02C satellite was successfully launched at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.

The mainland has the first independent high-resolution civil service satellite, marking the transformation of the mainland's remote sensing satellite from scientific research and experiment to business application.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

In the following ten years, our researchers have overcome the problems step by step, and realized the satellite from short life to long endurance, from plane to stereo, and the resolution is getting higher and higher.

In this process, there is an important figure that cannot be ignored, that is, Academician Li Deren, the winner of the highest national science and technology award in this award ceremony.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Chinese academicians bravely climb the peak

Li Deren is a native of Jiangsu, at the age of 18, he was admitted to the Department of Aerial Surveying of Wuhan Institute of Surveying and Mapping.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Although in the selection, Li Deren stood out with two perfect scores and one 99 points, but for some reasons, he was finally disqualified.

Unable to go to graduate school, Li Deren was assigned to the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, and for more than ten years, Li Deren was engaged in surveying and mapping-related work.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

It was not until after the resumption of the college entrance examination that Li Deren, with the encouragement of Wang Zhizhuo, applied for the Wuhan Institute of Surveying and Mapping again, and this time he was successfully admitted to the graduate school.

After graduating and teaching for a year, Li Deren still hoped that he could continue his studies, so he went to Germany for further study, where Li Deren set a record for the highest score in the doctoral defense with excellent results.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

However, in the face of a better scientific research environment abroad and favorable living conditions, Li Deren did not forget his original intention, and he went abroad for further study in order to return to China to serve, so he still returned to China and taught at the School of Surveying and Mapping of his alma mater.

"After receiving my doctorate in Germany, I had a conviction in my heart: I would return to my country immediately and dedicate my life to my country." Li Deren refused to be retained by his mentor, resolutely returned to his motherland, and started a long road of serving the country through scientific research.
No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

For Li Deren, the long road of scientific research is not boring, because he has a very clear goal in front of him, the great man of the country, with the mission of educating people, leading the reform of China's surveying and mapping.

When China's remote sensing satellites ushered in a turning point, the high-resolution special project was launched, and Li Deren was the deputy leader of the expert group.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and this year's Li Deren is 85 years old, but looking back on his past achievements, he still seems to be not satisfied.

In the interview, Li Deren bluntly said that the resolution of our remote sensing satellites has reached the same level as that of the strongest United States, ranking first in the world.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

Today's world has entered the aerospace information age, and is rushing forward at an unprecedented speed, the "Oriental Eye" project has not yet been completed, and Li Deren is still contributing to the development of the country.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier


China and the United States are both space powers, and remote sensing satellites give the eyes that look at the earth, and whoever can see more clearly will be able to get more useful information.

In the future, Li Deren will continue to lead the scientific research team to contribute to the development of the country's remote sensing satellites, and build an observation network composed of 252 satellites, so that more people can see the strength of China's satellites.

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier
No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

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Sanqin Metropolis Daily reported on June 30, 2024 "Li Deren, winner of the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award: Using remote sensing technology to make Chinese contributions to mankind".

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

On June 25, 2024, China Education Daily reported on "Li Deren, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Professor of Wuhan University - Serving the Country and Cultivating Talents in Unremitting Innovation".

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

On September 15, 2022, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) website published an article titled "Extraordinary Ten Years: Members Say Changes|A Sense of Value and Pride Coexist! These breakthroughs have been achieved by continental land remote sensing satellites in the past decade".

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

On July 14, 2011, the northern network reported that "the new satellite of the People's Liberation Army surpasses the US military and can lock the US aircraft carrier at any time (pictured)".

No. 1 in the world! Chinese academicians announced to the world: satellite technology is leading, and space is directly locked on to the aircraft carrier

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