
The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

author:A strong country is a sword

Singapore's famous geopolitical scientist Keith Ma is a very wise man and a very honest person, and he recently expressed three sharp points in a media interview, pointing out the fundamental reasons why China's development momentum is much better than that of the United States.

Although the swordsman usually pays great attention to the great power game between China and the United States, there are two points in the interview with Ma Kaishuo that the swordsman has seen for the first time.

Personally, I feel very novel and unique, and it is worth saying, so this article will share Ma Kaishuo's views with you.

Strengthen the country and the sword, accompany you to witness the evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, if you have something to say, please leave a message in the comment area, welcome!

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

Let's get to the point and see what this wise scholar has to say.

For one, he believes that China is the country with the most studies of the former Soviet Union in the world, even surpassing Russia.

This is crucial, because everyone knows the big policies that the United States has implemented over the years, since before and after World War II to the present, the United States has taken down five world's second largest in a row, they are Germany, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, and the Soviet Union.

China is fortunate to be the sixth country to challenge the global hegemony of the United States, so it is natural that it has become the focus of US suppression.

As long as the United States unites other countries to bring down the world's second largest in Eurasia, no matter how bad they are, they will eventually be the generals in the short man, and they will still firmly control the global pattern, and they can also take the opportunity to rob a large number of votes.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

The United States has always had a strong fundamental, including the European Union, Japan and South Korea and other developed countries have always been in the camp of the United States, and they can rely on this basic plate to easily do many things.

If the struggle between the United States and Japan, the United Kingdom, and the European Union is mainly a dog-eat-dog at the economic level, then the game between them and the former Soviet Union is an all-round one, with fierce collisions at all levels of economy, military, diplomacy, public opinion, and scientific research.

There was also the Cuban Missile Crisis, the logic of which is exactly the same as today's proxy war in Ukraine, except that the United States now has more global discourse, and they have never been willing to mention it.

The essence of the proxy war in Ukraine is that the United States wants to forcibly erect its own military facilities at Russia's doorstep, and the Russians really can't sleep at night and have to fight up, it's as simple as that.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

According to Ma Kaishuo, after the end of the Cold War, the country in the world that has studied the former Soviet Union most thoroughly, most profoundly, and with the most empathy is China.

An important reason why China is now in an invincible position in the process of playing the game with the United States is that it has learned the lessons of the Soviet Union.

It is very sad that the current Russia has gone through a detour for a while, and their leadership has not really learned the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union for a long time, but has always held an attitude of looking up to the United States and the West, and even unrealistically hopes that they can integrate into the United States and the West.

But what did they end up with?

Only shame!

Fortunately, Russian President Vladimir Putin has also realized this in recent years, as evidenced by the current resurgence of Soviet heroes such as Stalin and Lenin in Russia.

From Putin's point of view, the current United States is more like the Soviet empire before its disintegration, and the current China is more like the original United States, so Putin and Ma Kaishuo have the same view, both believe that the United States will inevitably fail in the end.

Now it seems that this should be a sure thing, because the belligerence and shamelessness of the current US imperialism are far more hegemonic than the Soviet Union at the beginning.

The immediate trigger for the collapse of the Soviet Union was a war of invasion of Afghanistan, which eventually brought down the country completely.

At present, the United States is even more mired in the three strategic quagmires of Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, and after they are really caught in any direction, the foundation of US global hegemony will come to an end.

On the contrary, China has adopted a more rational global strategy, has been sincerely promoting a community with a shared future for mankind, and through such great actions as the Belt and Road Initiative, it has interacted with many countries around the world, forming a mutually beneficial situation, which is in stark contrast to the Soviet Union and the United States.

With that said, it comes to the second part, and let's move on.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

Second, Ma believes that China is far more pragmatic than the United States, because China has always believed that domestic economic vitality comes first, and everything else is false.

Speaking of which, there is one of the most intuitive indicators, many pro-American breeders and so-called elites are very unconvinced.

That is the GDP comparison between China and the United States.

The United States is simply like a schizophrenic in this regard.

Whenever the rankings are conducted at the end of the year, they shamelessly use exchange rate translated nominal GDP and scoff at the more scientific ranking of GDP by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund at purchasing power parity.

Everything is just like their ranking of the Olympic gold medal list, the United States is ranked according to the gold medal lead, the gold medal is behind China, according to the total number of medals, and the total number of medals is also behind, and it is ranked according to the number of medals per capita.

I care a lot about these imaginary things.

However, every time China announces its defense budget at the two sessions, they always jump out and speculate for a while about how high China's military spending is, and they are unwilling to admit that our nominal GDP is only about 1/4 of theirs.

That's when purchasing power GDP comes to mind.

Why bother?

But playing double standards has always been what the United States does best, and Ma Kai, a well-known geopolitical scientist in Singapore, said very clearly.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

He specifically mentioned that China does not care what the United States says now, but focuses more on revitalizing the domestic economy, as long as China's domestic internal circulation and the Belt and Road project are really straightened out, the United States will not be able to compete with China in any case.

He also gave a very real-life example.

According to the data given by Ma Kaishuo, in 2000, around the dawn of the new century, the trade volume between China and ASEAN was only about 40 billion yuan, and the total trade volume between the United States and ASEAN at that time was five times that of China, exceeding 200 billion US dollars.

But only 20 years later, by 2022, guess how big is the trade volume between China and ASEAN? What is the volume of trade between the United States and each other?

According to the data given by the International Monetary Fund, the trade volume between the United States and ASEAN is about 500 billion US dollars, while the trade volume between China and ASEAN has reached 985 billion yuan, which is twice the trade volume between the United States and ASEAN.

The numbers above are all in US dollars.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

According to Ma Kaishuo, this has brought about a cascading effect, China has become ASEAN's most important trading partner, and it is also a far leading trading partner, and the trade between the two sides is the largest pair of mutual assistance and complementary trade relations in the world, even far more than the interaction between the United States and the European Union.

Under such circumstances, the United States is still forcing ASEAN countries to decouple from China at every turn, and has to side with the United States.

Only like Marcos in the Philippines, where the tens of billions of wealth embezzled by the entire family are firmly controlled by the United States, will they be forced to board the American thief ship.

By extension, we can understand the root cause of why more and more countries around the world hate the United States and embrace China.

The United States forcing these countries to sever relations with China is to cut off other people's financial routes, and cutting off people's financial routes is like killing their parents, so what can the other party do?

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

Finally, Ma Kaishuo specifically mentioned that China's community with a shared future for mankind and the Belt and Road Initiative are an unsolvable conspiracy, which makes the vast number of developing countries unwilling to continue to follow the United States and NATO.

This point has been briefly mentioned above, so we will not expand on it.

All in all, by sharing Ma Kaishuo's views above, we can have an accurate grasp of the Sino-US game.

In the final analysis, the leader of any country, as long as his brain is not as funny as Ozawa, will hope to have a peaceful life for a few days, so that the people have the opportunity to live happily with their parents and children.

But Lao Mei never thought so, after they were firmly controlled by the Jews, they treated any other nation as garbage and livestock, so they went crazy to eat the blood steamed buns of other countries and nationalities, and finally made the United States a cancer bully.

This is precisely the fundamental reason for the inevitable decline of the United States, which is not strong enough, has great ambitions, betrays humanity, and can only burn itself alive in the anger of desire.

The general trend of the game between China and the United States has been decided, and China will win on these three points, and the United States will not accept it

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