
This man is too handsome when he is drunk! It's so seductive! Her heart skipped a beat.

author:Sunshine sheets
This man is too handsome when he is drunk! It's so seductive! Her heart skipped a beat.

The picture comes from the Internet

When the bride and groom went to change their clothes, the groomsmen and bridesmaids also went to change their clothes.

Except for the bride, the others quickly changed their clothes and came out.

A few bridesmaids walked towards the banquet hall, reminiscing about the wedding just now and envious: "Mr. Feng is so hearty, this is the wedding venue and wedding process with the most Ming Dynasty wedding characteristics I have ever seen." ”

"Indeed, to have such a grand and grand wedding is really no regret in this life."

"Celadon this wedding, not only no regrets in this life, she also bears the burden of spreading the four famous embroideries to the world, and only celadon has such a great bearing capacity and charm, she is really dignified today, graceful and luxurious, I have a feeling of the emperor's wedding, the whole wedding shocked my brain a little buzz."

"Me too, it's so shocking."

"The wedding just now was broadcast live on the whole network, how do you say that those foreigners who watched this live broadcast will feel at this time?"

"I must have been shocked by the wedding handed down by our ancestors, we can all be shocked, and those foreigners will not be even more shocked."


When several people were getting more and more excited, Su Qingmeng said to Chen Zhiyi: "Zhiyi, when the time comes, your wedding with Mr. Xue will definitely be shocking." ”

Chen Zhiyi watched the wedding just now, and was inexplicably looking forward to her wedding, even if she and Xue Yin were married, but which woman didn't want a prosperous wedding.

She said with an indifferent smile: "The shock will definitely not be as shocking as the wedding of the eldest brother and the porcelain porcelain, but the marriage of the president of the Xue family will definitely be grand." ”

Su Qing dreamed that she said so lightly, and she couldn't help laughing.

The other bridesmaids didn't know their situation, so someone asked curiously: "Since President Xue and Mr. Feng are brothers, and your wedding is only a month apart, the wedding specifications of the two brothers will definitely be the same." ”

Chen Zhiyi shrugged: "Porcelain porcelain has a mission, I am a pure marriage, how can it be the same." ”

This directly amused everyone, and several people no longer discussed the matter, but continued to talk about the wedding.

When a few girls walked outside the gate of the banquet building, they saw a man waving to Su Qingmeng with an enthusiastic and excited face.

"Sister Su, long time no see."

Several people looked at it at the same time.

Seeing who it was, Chen Zhiyi sighed and asked Su Qingmeng: "Mengmeng, does Zhou Lei know that you and Xiao Mo are dating?" ”

Su Qingmeng shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "Seeing him smiling so nymphomaniac, I shouldn't know yet." ”

While the two were talking, Zhou Lei had already strode over.

With a bright smile on his face, he first greeted everyone: "Hello beauties, you are so beautiful today." ”

After speaking, his eyes were on Su Qingmeng, and the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she was good-looking, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked it.

Some time ago, his father thought he was not doing his job, so he was forced to go abroad to talk about business, otherwise he would have gone to Su Qingmeng a long time ago.

So he must behave well in front of Sister Su today, so that she can see how good he is.

"Sister Su, everyone will definitely drink later, you follow me, I can help you block the wine."

Su Qingmeng hurriedly shook his head and refused: "No need, thank you." ”

"Didn't you say we're friends? How can you be so angry, let's talk about Brother Feng's wedding, many people will definitely ask you for a drink, as your sister-in-law's bridesmaid and best friend, you will definitely not be able to run away, I will be happy to help you block the wine. ”

"Tsk......" Chen Zhiyi couldn't listen to it anymore, and said directly to Zhou Lei: "Mengmeng's boyfriend will help her block the wine, Zhou Lei, what are you doing here." ”

Su Qingmeng glanced at Chen Zhiyi gratefully, she didn't find a chance to say that she had a boyfriend, so she just said it directly.

When Zhou Lei heard this, his face quickly showed disbelief: "Sister Su, do you have a boyfriend?" ”

Su Qingmeng was just about to nod.

Zhou Lei suddenly raised his voice and asked again: "Who is it?" ”

He's going to go head-to-head with that man!

Who dares to snatch the girl he likes!

He's going to beat him all over the ground looking for teeth!

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, Zhou Lei continued to ask loudly: "Sister Su, you called your boyfriend, I want to see what ability he has to dare to associate with you!" ”

Chen Zhiyi was just about to talk about Zhou Lei, and the corner of her eyes swept to Xiao Mo, who was walking towards this side, and she immediately shut up and prepared to watch the play.

Su Qingmeng didn't see it, and when he saw that Zhou Lei was so excited, he didn't want to hide it from him, so he said, "My boyfriend is Xiao Mo." ”

Zhou Lei didn't react for a while that the Xiao Mo in her mouth was the Brother Xiao he knew, but he felt that the girl he liked was snatched away by a wild man, so angry that his brain was confused, and he said directly viciously: "You call him over, I want to ...... with him" heads-up!

"What are you going to do with me?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from next to him and interrupted Zhou Lei's last two words.

Before he had time to turn his head to look over, he saw that Xiao Mo had already walked to Su Qingmeng's side, naturally grabbed her shoulder, his eyes were sharp, but the corners of his mouth looked at Zhou Lei with a smile: "I'm Mengmeng's boyfriend, what's the matter?" Do you want to go head-to-head with me? ”

Zhou Lei was stared at by Xiao Mo's gaze, and the original unwillingness and anger in his heart turned into disbelief and shock, and he found his voice after a while, and he stammered a little: "Xiao ...... Brother Xiao! How could it be you? ”

"Why can't it be me?" Xiao Mo raised his eyebrows and continued to laugh, laughing so that Zhou Lei felt a little eerie.

So he said in a trembling voice, "Brother Xiao, can you stop laughing." ”

Xiao Mo spoke very well: "Okay, then your name is Sister-in-law Mengmeng." ”

Looking at Zhou Lei, who looked like he was about to cry, Chen Zhiyi couldn't bear to turn his head away.

It's called absolute suppression.

So this kid first likes porcelain, and then likes Mengmeng, who is not good to like, but he wants to like them?

can only say that he deserved to be abused.

Su Qingmeng looked at Zhou Lei, who was about to cry, and also pulled the hem of Xiao Mo's clothes.

At the porcelain wedding, it was not good for this person to really cry.

Xiao Mo looked at Zhou Lei's gaze even more sharply, Zhou Lei's tiger body was shocked, where did he dare to cry, and immediately shouted at Su Qingmeng: "Sister-in-law." ”

Xiao Mo finally smiled normally, and patted him on the shoulder, looking very happy: "That's right." ”

Then he said to Su Qingmeng and the others: "Let's go, the banquet is about to start, everyone go in first." ”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Qingmeng's hand, led her and walked towards the door of the banquet building.


Several other girls followed.

Only Chen Zhiyi paused, she also patted Zhou Lei's shoulder, and first praised: "Zhou Lei, in fact, you have a very good vision." ”

Zhou Lei was uncomfortable to death, and he didn't want this kind of praise at all.

Why, why are all the girls he likes snatched away by people who are better than him!


He wanted to cry.

Chen Zhiyi: "Don't cry, today is the wedding of the eldest brother and porcelain, if you dare to cry, see how everyone cleans you up." ”

Zhou Lei was shocked.

Where do you dare to want to cry.

Chen Zhiyi: "That's right, where is there no grass in life, people have official matches for porcelain and dreams, you go to find it again, you have to have confidence in yourself." ”

Zhou Lei looked at Chen Zhiyi and always felt that she was laughing at her.

Chen Zhiyi actually has half sympathy for him and half wants to laugh.

She has never seen Zhou Lei see one and love another, and then love one and be snatched away by others.

She held back a smile and said: "If you can't be a lover, you can still be your sister-in-law, you are actually not a loss, think about it, with such a beautiful sister-in-law, when the time comes, your vision of finding a girlfriend will be higher, and your parents will no longer worry about becoming a playboy." ”

After saying this, Chen Zhiyi didn't care whether Zhou Lei was comforted or hit harder, and was ready to go in first.

Unexpectedly, Xue Yin's voice came from the door at this time: "Chen Zhiyi, come here." ”

Chen Zhiyi looked at Xue Yin who was standing there, and was a little surprised.

But thinking of today's occasion, he would definitely not be poisonous to her, so he turned his head and said to Zhou Lei: "Zhou Lei, don't stand here, go in and help the eldest brother drink a bar." ”

I've heard Xiao Mo say a few times before, many people are waiting to drink with their eldest brother today, it just so happens that Zhou Lei usually goes to the club bar, and the amount of alcohol is not to say, so it is appropriate to help drink.

Zhou Lei glanced at Xue Yin who was standing there at this time, met his cold eyes, and immediately responded to the line, and then quickly ran inside.

In S City, except for Brother Feng, he is most afraid of this person.

So he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of him at all.

After Zhou Lei ran in, Chen Zhiyi walked up to Xue Yin and said to him: "You scared Zhou Lei away." ”

Xue Yin just glanced at her, turned around and walked inside.

Chen Zhiyi hurriedly followed, turning his head to look at him as he walked.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but this man is still so handsome!

When I looked closely, I noticed that the dark circles under his eyelids were a little heavy.

Chen Zhiyi was not surprised, and deliberately asked him: "Xue Yin, you won't have been asleep for the past few days because of your eldest brother's marriage, right?" ”

Xue Yin glanced at her and continued walking.

Chen Zhiyi thought that he would not answer, but he didn't expect him to say: "My brother is married, isn't it normal that I am so busy that I don't have a rest?" ”

Chen Zhiyi: "......"

Makes sense.

Xue Yin said again: "When my brother gets married, I will personally organize our wedding." ”

Chen Zhiyi looked at him fiercely, feeling that this man had taken the wrong medicine: "Aren't you in charge of everything?" Do you have time to organize your wedding yourself? ”

Xue Yin didn't answer her anymore.

The two of them walked to the door of the banquet building at this time.

As far as the eye can see, the banquet hall is full of guests.

The banquet hall is empty in the middle, and the hall on the first floor can be placed with hundreds of tables of banquets, and there are private rooms around it, plus large and small boxes on the second and third floors, and there are obviously many guests who come to the wedding today.

Xue Yin said to Chen Zhiyi when he walked in: "Wait and follow me, the eldest brother's wedding needs us to entertain guests together, and we are not allowed to hide in the corner to eat melons at every turn." ”

Chen Zhiyi expressed dissatisfaction with his words: "It's not that I can't tell the difference, I definitely won't eat melons at every turn on this occasion." ”

Xue Yin didn't seem to believe her very much, but he still hummed and didn't say anything more.

After the two came in, they walked towards the elders together.

The bride and groom changed their clothes, and the banquet hadn't started yet, so Xue Junkun and Feng Bijun were both entertaining guests on the first floor.

When Chen Zhiyi followed Xue Yin to the elders, Feng Bijun smiled and said to her: "Zhiyi wait with Xiao Yin, if you don't want to drink, don't drink, just let Xiao Yin drink." ”

Chen Zhiyi replied with a smile: "Okay, Mom." ”

At this time, there were many wives around Feng Bijun, and they were all kinds of envious of Feng Bijun for having such a beautiful and intelligent two daughters-in-law, which made Feng Bijun couldn't help laughing.

The guests who come from the first floor have various identities, the second floor is from the top business district, and the third floor is from the academic circle.

Feng Bijun took advantage of the fact that everyone was talking about her eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, so she whispered to Chen Zhiyi: "Wait a minute, you and Xiaoyin go to the second floor, your grandfather and old man are both on it." ”

Chen Zhiyi nodded at her.

Then he subconsciously turned his head to look at Xue Yin.

At this moment, he was surrounded by everyone in the middle, and his noble temperament was undiminished, but he still looked a little different from usual, at least he was not dragged or arrogant, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his mood was obviously happy.

Feng Bijun found that Chen Zhiyi was looking at Xue Yin, so he smiled and said to her: "This kid has been helping his brother this week, he must be studying by the way, it just so happens that Xiaolie and Porcelain have finished getting married, and you can let him prepare for your wedding." ”

Chen Zhiyi smiled and said nothing, thinking that this man was so concerned because of the marriage of the brother he cared about the most, and when he came to prepare for his wedding, he might not be so attentive.

Feng Bijun said again: "When the time comes, you and him, whether it is the layout of the wedding venue or other small details, you can come according to your own preferences." ”

Chen Zhiyi responded, and then asked, "Mom, where is grandma?" ”

"Your grandmother is on the third floor, and she says she likes to sit with people and just have a chat with them."

Chen Zhiyi grinned: "Grandma is also a cultural person, and she definitely likes to be with Peng Lao and them." ”

After speaking, the two of them couldn't help but laugh when they thought of their grandmother's various dislikes for the old man.


Changing rooms.

Feng Lie had already changed his clothes, but he didn't go out immediately, but waited at Mu Qingci's side.

Waiting for Mu Celadon to change into a toasting clothes, he asked the others to go out first, and then took Mu Celadon to the sofa and sat down, and there was some food next to him.

Mu Qingci asked unexpectedly: "Husband, aren't we going out now?" ”

"Don't worry, you eat something first."

Feng Lie said, and took a pair of chopsticks to her.

While she was eating, she asked, "Are you tired?" ”

Although Mu Celadon slept well last night, he has been dozing a lot recently, getting up early, and walking down a whole set of wedding procedures, he is indeed a little tired.


"Fortunately, as long as our baby is obedient, he won't get tired."

After saying that, she reached out and touched her stomach.

Feng Lie looked at her flat stomach, still very worried, so he said, "Wait a few tables of important guests with me and go to rest, don't be tired." ”

Mu Qingci looked at his serious and worried expression, and simply took a piece of vegetable and fed it to his mouth.

"Husband, you also eat a little, you will definitely not have time to eat later."

Feng Lie couldn't resist her expectant eyes, so he ate the dish.

Mu Qingci took his hand and put it on his stomach again, smiling like a flower: "Don't worry about me, I have measure, as long as I feel uncomfortable, I will rest immediately." ”

Feng Lie's big palm was attached to her stomach, and a new father's warmth surged in her heart, and she sighed.

Mu Qingci ate a little more quickly, and then let him eat some as well, and the two walked towards the banquet hall together.

As soon as the couple appeared, the entire noisy and lively banquet hall fell silent.

Xue Junkun, Feng Bijun, Meng Meilan, Xue Yin and Chen Zhiyi walked over.

Xue Junkun said to Feng Lie: "Let's start the banquet, don't let the guests wait for a long time." ”

Feng Lie snorted.

Someone immediately brought the microphone.

Feng Lie briefly thanked everyone for coming to his wedding with Mu Celadon and said that the manor had been wrapped up in the past few days, and everyone could play here for a few more days.

Then the feast was announced.

As soon as he announced the beginning of the feast, he saw a crowd of waiters pushing food carts and wearing the uniform of the clubhouse, bringing every plate of delicious food to every table.

Feng Lie took Mu Celadon to the third floor first.

The waiters on the third floor turned out to be all employees of Feng Lie's company, whether it was serving food or serving guests, they were all done.

Mu Qingci didn't think much about it at first, and the two went to the banquet hall where Peng Lao and them were first.

All of them are literati, and they are very measured in their drinking.

Everyone expressed their blessings to the two, and after drinking a few cups casually, Mu Celadon 's senior brother and sister also asked Feng Lie to drink less.

Feng Lie only said: "I'll try my best." ”

Then Feng Lie took Mu Qingci to another box on the third floor.

There was only one table in this box, and although the people inside were dressed in casual clothes, all of them sat upright, all of them exuded a serious and majestic momentum, and their eyes were even more rigid and firm.

Even if Feng Lie hadn't introduced it yet, Mu Qingci had already guessed their identities.

In particular, there are several of them that she has seen on the news.

Sure enough, Feng Lie was the first to take Mu Qingci to a middle-aged man and introduced, "This is my leader, Mr. Tang." ”

Mr. Tang looks to be around fifty years old, his eyes are sharp, his momentum is powerful and majestic, and he is not angry and arrogant, Mu Celadon has seen him many times on military news.

Mu Celadon greeted him.

Mr. Tang nodded to her and said a few words of congratulations.

Then Feng Lie introduced the others to Mu Celadon again.

These people are either leaders or former colleagues, and they all have positions.

Although they all look majestic and serious, they all have very good personalities, plus Mu Celadon has a sweet mouth and can speak, and he chatted with them a few words.

Feng Lie drank two glasses with everyone and said, "Everyone drink first, I'll bring porcelain porcelain to toast and then come to drink with you." ”

Everyone agrees.

When the two left, someone asked Feng Lie to call Shen Yuxuan and Xiao Mo later.

Feng Lie responded.

When he walked out of this big box, Mu Celadon asked Feng Lie a little uneasily: "Brother Lie, will they be seen by others here." ”

After all, the identities of these people are too special, and if they are discovered by other guests, they don't know what will happen.

"No, it won't." Feng Lie told her: "The waiters on this floor are all my employees, and they won't let anyone else get close to this box." ”

Mu Qingci was relieved, but still said: "With their status, they can only hold a table alone when they come to our wedding banquet, I always feel a little reluctant to go, and you must treat them well later." ”

"It's okay, the less people know about their identity on this occasion, the better, and I'll come over after I've entertained the other guests."


The two walked to the elevator as they spoke, and Mu Qingci immediately shut up and stopped talking about it.

Then they went to the second floor.

The second floor is full of high-ranking people in the circle, and old bosses from all over the world, as well as representatives of foreign chaebols who have cooperated with Feng Lie.

Xue Lao has always known that his eldest grandson has the ability, but he has never been very clear about who he has worked with, and when he saw these people who came to attend the wedding today, he knew why Feng Lie was unwilling to invite the entire S City upper circle.

After all, the upper circle is also divided into high, medium and low, and the quality is also uneven, some people do everything in order to get the project or go to the next level, and these guests come today, and it is really not those people who dare to make up their minds.

Listening to everyone's praise of Feng Lie, the old man also rarely had a smile on his face all the time.

When Feng Lie brought Mu Celadon in to toast everyone, his eyes were obviously a lot kinder when he looked at Mu Celadon .

The two went straight to the old man's table, and he was the first to pay respect.

The old man was very satisfied, and after drinking, he specially explained: "I will entertain all the guests well today, especially ...... Xiao Mu's teachers and professors, as well as those guests from the education community. ”

Feng Lie replied, "Okay, grandpa." ”

Unexpectedly, the old man also deliberately said to Mu Qingci: "If you are tired, you can rest, and let them do the drinking." ”

Mu Qingci guessed that the old man must have known that she was pregnant, and he was not hypocritical, so he replied obediently: "Okay, grandpa." ”

After this table was finished, the two moved on to the next table.

The other old men at the table with the old man were all boasting about the celadon, saying that the Xue family was blessed, and Feng Lie had vision, and he married such a capable granddaughter-in-law.

Although Xue Lao said on his face that he didn't care about young people's affairs, he was actually happy in his heart.

After all, he must be happy to be praised so much.

After Feng Lie took Mu Celadon to salute the important guests, he sent her back to Peng Lao and them on the third floor.

He began to take his escort group to the first floor.

Regardless of the first and second floors, there are many people who want to drink with him.

So as soon as he appeared, the people who had been waiting for him for a long time swarmed around.

Chen Zhiyi, who was toasting with Xue Yin on the second floor, glanced downstairs and said to Xue Yin: "Big brother is surrounded by many people, it seems that these people will not stop if they don't get him drunk today." ”

After speaking, seeing Xue Yin's footsteps turn, she walked directly in the direction of the stairs, she hurriedly followed and asked, "What are you doing?" Mom and Dad let us entertain the guests on the second floor first. ”

Xue Yin pursed her lips, her expression as if she was going to war: "Brother is downstairs, do you think the guests on the second floor will stay on the second floor?" ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Zhiyi heard a voice behind him: "Mr. Feng is drinking on the first floor." ”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Chen Zhiyi subconsciously turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a large group of people coming out of one of the large boxes.

By the time Chen Zhiyi retracted his gaze, Xue Yin had already gone down several stairs, and she was busy following up.

After the two went down, they soon arrived outside the circle surrounding Feng Lie.

At this time, many people are coaxing:

"Boss Feng, it's rare for us to find you for a glass of wine in normal times, but on such an important day today, you have to have a good drink with us."

"That's it, I have to drink whatever I say today."

"I wish you and your wife grow old together."

"I wish you and your wife an early birth to a precious son!"


In the face of everyone's coaxing and blessings, Feng Lie must drink.

Seeing that his eldest brother drank several cups in a row, Xue Yin quickly squeezed in, and then he stood beside him and said to everyone: "Today is my brother's big day, everyone wants to drink, I will drink with you." ”

After speaking, he added: "My brother has such a large group of wine escort groups, it is not a decoration, you have drunk our wine escort group first and then look for him." ”

After speaking, he raised the wine glass in his hand and said: "I respect everyone, do it first." ”

Then he drank a glass of wine.

Xue Yin is the head of the Xue family, and everyone will definitely give him face.

Especially the two brothers are powerful characters, usually everyone wants to drink with them has no chance at all, since he wants to come to help drink, he must be willing.

I watched more and more people come around.

Chen Zhiyi simply retreated back and retreated directly to a safe position, although she was also ready to help drink today, but she still didn't agree with the approach of a brother like Xue Yin.

Isn't this just sending yourself up to be drunk by everyone?

However, she also wanted to see how much the eldest brother and Xue Yin drank were.

After all, she had basically never seen the brothers drink before.

Just when Chen Zhiyi was about to watch the excitement, Feng Bijun's voice calling her came from not far away.

Chen Zhiyi turned his head to look over, and Feng Bijun had already walked towards her.


Unexpectedly, after Feng Bijun glanced at the brothers who were surrounded, not only was he not worried, but said with a smile: "It's the first time I've seen the brothers drink like this, and I don't know which of them drinks better." ”

Chen Zhiyi was surprised: "Mom, don't you know which of them has a good amount of alcohol?" ”

"I don't know." Feng Bijun said: "The boss basically doesn't drink in front of us, and the younger ones rarely drink, I don't know if their alcohol consumption is good or not." ”

Chen Zhiyi suddenly wanted to laugh, she subconsciously said: "Actually, Ah Yin learned a lot of good habits from her eldest brother. ”

You must know Xue Yin's identity, if you have nothing to do, you have to participate in various cocktail parties and banquets, and it is really good to be able to drink less.

Feng Bijun also smiled and nodded: "Indeed, except for that mouth who didn't learn from his brother, everything else is okay." ”

After saying that, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Feng Bijun said to Chen Zhiyi: "Let's go, let's go to entertain the female guests first, and get to know more people, maybe it will also be good for your antique shop." ”

Chen Zhiyi immediately understood the meaning of her words, smiled and took her arm and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to entertain them." ”

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law walked together towards the place where the female guests gathered.

Feng Bijun glanced at the third floor as he walked, and was still a little worried: "I don't know if the porcelain porcelain can bear it today, I have to go up and take a look." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "I'll go up with you." ”


The two talked about Mu Qingci's situation, and then Feng Bijun said to Chen Zhiyi again: "The brothers will definitely drink today, if Xiaoyin is drunk, I will trouble you to take care of him, if that kid dares to go crazy, you can directly let the bodyguards suppress him." ”

When Chen Zhiyi heard this, he imagined that kind of picture, and inexplicably wanted to see what Xue Ba looked like when he was drunk, and immediately replied sweetly: "Don't bother, it's my responsibility to take care of him." ”

On such occasions, almost all the men went to the bridegroom's wine.

The female guests will definitely not be idle, and their purpose today is to make friends with the eldest lady of the Xue family and the two young ladies.

The bride went upstairs and never came down, and everyone knew that she must have been with the professors.

So everyone's eyes were all on Feng Bijun and Chen Zhiyi.

As soon as they saw them coming, they immediately surrounded them.

All kinds of nice words blurted out like money, and Feng Bijun was in a happy mood when he heard it, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Chen Zhiyi can't face the guests with a cold personality today, with the leadership of Feng Bijun, she quickly revealed her hearty nature.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spoke heartily and eloquently, and the drinking was not ambiguous, and it didn't take long for Chen Zhiyi to call each other sisters with many young ladies or young ladies.

Feng Bijun was really happy today, so he showed off while drinking: "My two sons have never let me worry about it since they were young, and their daughter-in-law also found it by themselves, so who said that the elders in the circle have to arrange marriages?" They can't find such a good daughter-in-law. ”

"My porcelain porcelain, that's a really talented girl, her teacher is Taishan Beidou in the historical world, and the senior brothers and sisters are either professors or working in educational institutions, if you really want to talk about it, our Xue family is not at the same level as them at all, and our Xue family is high."

Feng Bijun was talking about the Xue family, not Feng Lie.

The ladies and ladies did not realize the deep meaning of her words.

But Chen Zhiyi found out, and she smiled and agreed: "Indeed, so the eldest brother and porcelain are a natural pair." ”

Feng Bijun looked at her with a smile and said: "You and Xiaoyin are also a natural pair, when the old man and the Xue family forced him so much, he didn't want to get married, he didn't want to get married, no, after meeting you, he wanted to get married." ”

Chen Zhiyi smirked.

I wish you knew the private agreement between your youngest son and me, and I wouldn't say that we were born a pair.

Feng Bijun was still praising her: "Everyone knows that Zhiyijia is in the jewelry business, and her father is also the president of the Antique Association, but you shouldn't know that Zhiyi also has her own antique store, so she is also very powerful." ”

Chen Zhiyi immediately continued: "The antique shop on Ruyi Road is mine, you can come to me when you want to buy antiques and give them away in the future, I promise to satisfy everyone." ”

The crowd immediately responded, "Okay, I must go." ”

Chen Zhiyi smiled secretly in his heart.

I had heard that banquet halls were the easiest way to negotiate cooperation, and at that time she was only concerned about eating melons, but she didn't expect that she could feel this feeling at the wedding of her eldest brother and best friend today.

She would be so happy if she could really get some customers for her antique shop!

Everyone talked and laughed, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Chen Zhiyi also learned a lot from Feng Bijun.

Of course, some of them asked why the bride never came down.

Feng Bijun said with a smile: "It's not easy for my porcelain brothers and sisters to get together, she must accompany her well, if you want to chat with her, it's not too late for my youngest son to get married to Zhiyi." ”

This immediately blocked everyone's mouth from asking.

Later, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also went up to take a look at Mu Celadon.

She chatted with the professors and senior brothers and sisters, but she was not tired at all.

When Feng Bijun went out, he still explained with confidence: "If you are tired, go to the back guest room to rest, your body is important." ”

Mu Qingci smiled and nodded to her: "Mom, I know." ”

Feng Bijun continued to go downstairs to entertain the guests with confidence, of course, she also brought Meng Meilan with her, wanting her to show up in front of those people.

Before leaving, Chen Zhiyi also talked to Mu Qingci and Su Qingmeng about the situation downstairs.

"Too many people are looking for the eldest brother to drink, but the eldest brother's group of wine escorts is also really powerful, I took a look when I came up, and I felt that they were not drunk yet."

Su Qingmeng sat next to Mu Qingcear, and when he heard this, he immediately asked, "What about Brother Xiao?" How much did he drink? ”

"Not a lot."

Chen Zhiyi suddenly wanted to tease Su Qingmeng, so he deliberately said: "Brother Xiao will definitely be drunk today, and it will be miserable if no one takes care of him at that time." ”

Su Qingmeng's expression was stunned, and the water glass he was holding tightened because of worry.

Chen Zhiyi smiled again and said, "Mengmeng, if you don't wait for Xiao Mo to get drunk, you can take care of him." ”

Su Qingmeng lowered his eyes and thought for a few seconds, and then hummed softly.

Chen Zhiyi looked at her reaction and laughed directly.

She said: "Mengmeng, you are so cute, cheap and silent." ”

Su Qingmeng found out that she did it on purpose, so she puffed out her cheeks and glared at her.

Mu Qingci looked at Chen Zhiyi with amusement and said, "You also drink a little less below, you already have a great smell of wine." ”

Chen Zhiyi raised his arm and sniffed himself, but he couldn't smell it, so he said, "I can't drink much, my mother still asked me to wait and take care of Xue Yin, I have to take a good look at what he looks like when he is drunk." ”

Mu Qingci and Su Qingmeng laughed.

Chen Zhiyi quickly left.

Looking at Chen Zhiyi who was leaving, Su Qingmeng said: "I sometimes envy you and Zhiyi, and I feel that you can be like a fish in water on any occasion." ”

Mu Qingci took her hand and said: "Everyone has everyone's advantages, don't be arrogant, just be yourself." ”

After speaking, he added: "Besides, your personality is also very good, and many people like it." ”

As soon as Mu Qingci finished speaking, a few other bridesmaids came over and asked Su Qingmeng to play together.

"It's very lively down there, why don't we go down and have fun."

Someone also said to Mu Celadon : "Celadon , your husband and that group of wine escorts are really powerful, and they have drunk many people." ”

"Yes, we've been watching the railing for a long time."

Hearing what they said, Mu Celadon was also interested, so he went out with them and stood by the railing on the third floor and looked down.

If you look at it from a high place, you can see Feng Lie surrounded by many people.

At this time, someone happened to be holding a wine glass and saying something to Feng Lie.

Before Feng Lie could speak, Xue Yin stood up and touched the man, and then the two of them drank the wine.

Looking at Xue Yin, who was blocking the wine, Su Qingmeng said to Mu Qingci with a smile: "No wonder Zhiyi said that he would take care of the drunk Mr. Xue later, he drank so fiercely." ”

As soon as she finished speaking, someone toasted again, and this time Xiao Mo stood up and drank with the other party.

Mu Qingci smiled: "Xiao Mo also drinks fiercely. ”

After speaking, he glanced at Su Qingmeng.

Su Qingmeng's face was worried.

Mu Qingci bumped her arm and said, "If you are worried about him, go down and watch him a little, today a group of their brothers will be drinking, and when the time comes, they will all be drunk and no one will take care of them." ”

Su Qingmeng pursed her lips and nodded, and then said to the other girls, "Let's go, let's go down and watch them drink." ”

A few girls wanted to go down, but as soon as she called, everyone walked towards the elevator together.

Mu Celadon stood there alone and looked downstairs.

At this moment, Feng Lie suddenly looked up at her.

As soon as Feng Lie looked up, the people around him subconsciously all looked up.

For a time, Mu celadon directly became the focus.

Mu Qingci was not embarrassed, but turned his head and called someone and asked him to help bring her a hot drink.

When the man brought it, she raised her glass and saluted everyone.

Looking at Mu Celadon standing on the third floor, many people sighed: "She looks like a queen." ”

"I feel honored to be toasted by her?"

"I think so."

Especially at this time, Jiang Zheng and several other senior brothers and sisters stood beside Mu Qingci, they said something, and then everyone went in and came out with wine glasses, and saluted the people on the first floor.

Everyone subconsciously picked up the wine glasses, touched them in the air, and everyone drank the wine and water in the cups together.

At this time, Shen Yuxuan, who was standing beside Feng Lie, said with a smile: "It is worthy of being a sister-in-law, and she has more aura than I imagined." ”

Others agreed.

Feng Lie hooked his lips, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, let's miss it first." ”

Everyone immediately understood, smiled and let him feel free.

Feng Lie walked towards the stairs with his wine glass.

Behind him was the sound of Xiao Mo and them continuing to entertain everyone to drink.

Mu Qingci smiled at Feng Lie who went upstairs, his eyes seemed to be full of bright stars.

It wasn't until he got closer that Mu Qingci suddenly shrugged his nose and smelled a heavy smell of wine from him.

Feng Lie suddenly stopped a meter away from her and asked, "Does the smell of wine on my body smell bad?" ”

Mu Qingci shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm just more likely to smell wine than before." ”

After saying that, she walked over and took his hand and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to talk to them?" ”

Feng Lie snorted.

Mu Qingci pulled him towards that side, and said as he walked: "Just go now, don't let them wait for a long time." ”

Feng Lie kept looking at her with a smile in his eyes.

After Mu Qingci pulled him to a place not far from the box, he let go of his hand and stopped.

Feng Lie lowered his eyes and looked at her.

Mu Qingci said: "You go in, I will continue to accompany the teacher and them." ”

She knew that Feng Lie would definitely have to talk to them about the military department when he went in, and maybe he would talk about something that was not suitable for her to hear, and she was not curious, so she didn't plan to follow in.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lie held her hand and took her in directly.

The people inside had already eaten, and everyone sat at the table and talked.

When the two of them came in, they all turned their heads to look.

As the two walked towards them, someone immediately pulled two chairs for them.



After Feng Lie went upstairs, everyone did not let go of the wine group, and wanted to continue to let them drink.

Xue Yin should have drunk a little too much, and he had already unbuttoned his shirt, and the originally noble and ascetic boy suddenly became a little wild.

Someone just said: "Although I suspect that the groom deliberately took the opportunity to leave and didn't want to drink with us, but today is still a long time, and it is impossible to end it without him drinking, otherwise I don't know if there will be a chance to have a drink with Mr. Feng in the future." ”

Hearing this, a sneer broke at the corner of Xue Yin's mouth, and he picked up his wine glass and said to everyone: "If you want to drink my brother down, let's pass our level first." ”

Maybe it's because the atmosphere is here, plus Xue Yin usually gives people the feeling that he is powerful and dragging, and many people want to pull him off the altar, so there are no fewer people who want to get him drunk than those who want to get Feng Lie drunk.

Looking at the man who was 'attacked by the group', Chen Zhiyi, who had been together to chat, sighed directly in his heart.

There was a woman not far away saying that Xue Yin was so cool and handsome, and Chen Zhiyi sighed twice in his heart.

Just swept not far away, someone stopped Su Qingmeng and a few girls.

Chen Zhiyi smiled and said to the ladies and ladies around him, and then picked up the wine glass and walked towards Su Qingmeng and them.

When they approached, they just heard the foreign man who stopped them boasting: "In addition to the bride, your group of bridesmaids are also very beautiful, and your wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses are too amazing." ”

"A few beauties, according to your Huaguo words, it is fate to meet thousands of miles away, acquaintance is fate, I salute you."

"And this beauty, can you tell me your name?"

The last sentence was said by looking at Su Qingmeng.

It was impossible for Su Qingmeng not to open his mouth on such an occasion, so he said: "My surname is Su." ”

"Miss Su, a nice surname, I don't know what my full name is?"

Su Qingmeng obviously knew that this man was looking for her on purpose, and she subconsciously glanced at Xiao Mo, who was surrounded.

Suddenly, Chen Zhiyi's laughing voice came: "Mengmeng, why are you here?" ”

As soon as she spoke, several people looked at her at the same time.

Su Qingmeng was obviously relieved when she saw her.

When she walked to her side, he called her, "Zhiyi." ”

Chen Zhiyi nodded at her, then looked at the foreign man who accosted his best friend, and asked with a smile: "Why didn't this gentleman go to drink?" ”

The man also smiled and said, "I know I can't win everyone by drinking." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "If you don't drink, how do you know that you can't win by drinking." ”

As she spoke, she stretched out her finger and pointed over there, and continued to smile and said: "My best friend's boyfriend is also drinking over there, his boyfriend is very jealous, and he specially asked me to help watch my best friend when he was drinking, this gentleman, although I know you want to know more friends, but you don't have to embarrass my best friend, as long as you know her surname, just call her Miss Su, don't you say?" ”

When the man heard this, he only paused for a moment, then smiled apologetically and said, "I crossed the line." ”

"No, no, it's our honor that you can come to the big brother's wedding."

Chen Zhiyi raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "I salute Mr. ”

The two touched each other, and after drinking, the man said a word and left.

Looking at the man who left, Su Qingmeng said to Chen Zhiyi with a grateful face: "Zhiyi, thank you." ”

Chen Zhiyi deliberately pinched her cheek and said: "The person who can come to the eldest brother's wedding is definitely not a villain with a dirty mind, and if you meet someone who stops you later, you will move out of your boyfriend directly, don't be afraid to reject others, simply refusing will not leave a little room for reverie." ”

Su Qingmeng nodded hurriedly, looking like he had been taught.

Chen Zhiyi asked a few more people: "Did you come down to see the excitement, or did you come to play?" ”

A few people said, "Come and play." ”

"Okay, come with me, let's just play together."

By this time, the banquet had almost been eaten, except for those who had drunk before they had finished the table, and the others had been taken to other places in the manor where they could chat and play.

Chen Zhiyi took Su Qingmeng and the others outside.

The guests who came today were much more refined than the guests Chen Zhiyi had met at those banquets before, so she was also happy to entertain everyone.

Of course, there were also those who wanted to make friends with that group of literati under the guise of asking Mu Celadon about it, and Chen Zhiyi was perfunctory.

When it was almost half past three in the afternoon, Su Qingmeng looked at his mobile phone, and whispered to Chen Zhiyi a little worriedly: "Brother Xiao, they won't be over yet, right?" ”

Chen Zhiyi was also unsure, so he said, "Why don't we go and have a look." ”

Su Qingmeng nodded.

Then Chen Zhiyi made an excuse and took Su Qingmeng back to the banquet hall.

Sure enough, there were still men drinking at this time, and of course, many of them were already so drunk that they were sent to the guest rooms.

However, Xue Yin and Xiao Mo were not there.

Chen Zhiyi asked the nearby waiter.

The waiter told them, "Mr. Xue has just gone out. ”

Chen Zhiyi asked, "Does he look drunk?" ”

The waiter nodded: "I was drunk, and I was helped out." ”

Chen Zhiyi was about to say something, but suddenly received a call from Feng Bijun.

Feng Bijun was entertaining guests at this time, and said with a headache on the phone: "Zhiyi, go and see Xiaoyin, that kid came up after getting drunk, and he couldn't walk steadily and didn't let the bodyguard help him, and he was blowing cold wind outside." ”

Chen Zhiyi was silent for a few seconds, a little hesitant: "Will he let me help me if I go?" ”

Since she had personally felt Xue Yin's strength, Chen Zhiyi didn't dare to boast of her skills in front of him, so she didn't think she could handle Xue Yin.

Feng Bijun immediately said: "Yes, although that kid has a bad temper sometimes, he is very good at talking in front of the people he cares about, and he will definitely listen to you if you go." ”

Chen Zhiyi was embarrassed, she and Xue Yin were only in an agreement relationship, she definitely couldn't let him go to the guest room to rest obediently, but she couldn't say it, so she had to come down.

Feng Bijun was obviously relieved, and immediately called someone to come over and take her over, and hung up the phone.

Chen Zhiyi talked to Su Qingmeng, Su Qingmeng asked her to go over, and she went to find porcelain porcelain or a few other girls.

Chen Zhiyi said: "Then you should be careful, when someone accostes you, you must immediately refuse." ”

After Su Qingmeng assured her, Chen Zhiyi turned around and walked towards the outside of the hall.

The manor has a guest room area, but the guest room area is far from the banquet building.

If the guests want to come and rest, it takes more than ten minutes to walk, otherwise they have to take a car.

Xue Yin was drunk, and the bodyguard who sent him over was actually driving a car at first, but the boss felt uncomfortable in the car and stopped halfway.

After getting out of the car, he walked unsteadily, and he didn't let the bodyguard help him, especially his expression was cold and ruthless, and the bodyguard didn't dare to approach him at all.

So the bodyguard could only watch him walk a few steps, then sit on a stone and blow the cold wind, and finally called Feng Bijun.

When Chen Zhiyi rushed over, Xue Yin had already been sitting in the cold wind for a while.

Especially when he took off his coat when he was in the banquet hall, he didn't put it on when he came out to take the car, and he didn't let people approach when he got off the car, so he was still thinly dressed at this time.

The bodyguard who had been guarding Xue Yin immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Zhiyi coming, and said to her: "Second young lady, the second young lady has always refused to let me get close, and he is not willing to put on a coat. ”

Chen Zhiyi took Xue Yin's coat from his hand, and walked to Xue Yin, who was sitting there with his eyes closed, and he didn't know if it was Xue Yin who was already asleep.

When she was still a meter away from Xue Yin, Xue Yin suddenly opened her eyes.

He just looked straight at her, with a glint of wine in his eyes.

At this moment, he no longer has his usual domineering and cold arrogance, his well-groomed hair is also blown messy by the wind, and there is only a sweater on the outside of his thin shirt, the tip of his nose is already a little red from the cold, and the button on the shirt has been unbuttoned, revealing a piece of white skin.

Thin lips pursed, brows slightly wrinkled, those long legs, but a little bent and straightened with nowhere to place, both hands are also on the bent knees, and the other hangs at his side casually, so he has an indescribable lazy sexiness.

Chen Zhiyi's heartbeat skipped a beat suddenly.

She subconsciously slowed down her steps and swallowed her saliva secretly, if it weren't for the fact that there were other people next to her, she would definitely take out her mobile phone and take a picture of Xue Bazong's appearance at this moment.

This man is too handsome when he is drunk! It's so seductive! Like a vixen!


Continued next:

She really didn't expect him to be like this when he was drunk. She suddenly wanted to take advantage of people's danger,

If it is invaded and deleted