
In the past seven years, it turns out that she is a little fairy in the instructor's heart! At that time, she was too young for the instructor to start

author:Sunshine sheets
In the past seven years, it turns out that she is a little fairy in the instructor's heart! At that time, she was too young for the instructor to start

The picture comes from the Internet

Winter mornings are lit up late.

Outside the courtyard gate, it was even more boiling.

Mu Celadon set his sights on the video again.

Street corner.

When Feng Lie, who was wearing a wedding dress, got out of the car, the originally noisy environment suddenly became quiet.

Then his groomsmen got out of the car behind him and all walked behind him.

The groom wore a red wedding dress, and the groomsmen also wore a new Chinese style.

All of them are iron men from 1.85 to 1.9 meters.

Standing there, they made everyone feel the powerful domineering emanating from them.

Many young girls directly committed nymphomaniac:

"Wow! They're so cool and handsome! ”

"The groom has such an aura, like a general who received relatives in ancient times."

"The groomsmen are so handsome! I think they can be rated as the ceiling of the best man group! ”

"It's definitely the ceiling, it's all long legs! It's so stylish! ”

As soon as Jiang Zheng saw that many people watching the excitement were stopped by Feng Lie and his best man group, he said loudly: "Where are the children who were still saying just now that they were looking for him to ask for red envelopes when the groom came?" Don't go and ask for red envelopes yet! ”

As soon as he spoke, the children who were hiding behind the adults were pushed by the adults, and they all ran towards Feng Lie and them.

One of them, a little boy about ten years old, stood at the front and said loudly to Feng Lie: "If you want to take Sister Mu away, you must give us red envelopes." ”

Feng Lie didn't speak, Shen Yuxuan, who was standing next to him, stood up and asked with a smile: "Children, how many red envelopes do you want?" ”

The little boy held out two fingers.


The little boy nodded.

Shen Yuxuan continued to smile: "Then if one of you says an auspicious word, we will give you a red envelope." ”

The little ones were obviously taught by the adults.

The little boy was the first to say, "May the bride and groom be united forever and be happy for a hundred years." ”

Shen Yuxuan immediately took two red envelopes from the bag he was carrying and gave them to him, then touched his head and said, "Good, you can go to the side and wait for the other children to come and get the red envelopes." ”

After the little boy got the red envelope, he happily retreated.

When the other children saw that the little boy got the red envelope, they all came up to say auspicious words to Feng Lie.

Shen Yuxuan distributed two red envelopes to each child.

The children were so happy that they jumped away with red envelopes.

Shen Yuxuan returned to Feng Lie at this time.

Then Feng Lie took a group of groomsmen and walked towards the place where Jiang Zheng and them were stopping.

Mu Celadon brothers and sisters came more than 80 people, men wore Mao suits, women wore cheongsams, each of them exuded a strong academic atmosphere, and Feng Lie formed a strong contrast with them.

After Feng Lie approached, he hugged his fists and greeted them: "Hello, senior brothers and sisters of porcelain, hello." ”

Then he said, "I'm here to pick up porcelain." ”

Jiang Zheng took a group of senior brothers and sisters to salute him back, showing the demeanor of a scholar.

Then Jiang Zheng smiled and said, "If you want to pick up our little junior sister, as long as you pass the level we set." “

Speaking of this, his smile deepened, like an old fox: "We have set up ten levels for you, each level has a special meaning, all clearances represent perfection, can you accept it?" ”

Feng Lie's voice was loud: "Pick up!" ”

"Good!" Jiang Zheng: "The first level, heroes love beauties since ancient times, I wish you Wen Taowu Liu, Qin Se and Ming." ”

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation to him, and did not speak again.

For a while, whether it was the onlookers or the groomsmen, they all looked at each other in a little confusion.

"Did Mr. Jiang come up with the question?"

"No, I heard him only bless a couple."

"It should be out, otherwise why didn't he say this."

Just when everyone was confused about all kinds of speculation, Feng Lie turned his head and said to the best man: "Everyone prepare, let's play a set of military body boxing." ”

Everyone: "......"

Shen Yuxuan was the first to react, and hurriedly asked everyone to put the things in their hands.

Everyone subconsciously retreats to leave enough space for them.

Then under the command of Feng Lie, the groomsmen immediately lined up and stood up, and then a set of flowing military body fists came out with absolute momentum and a sense of power in their loud slogans.

Everyone subconsciously took out their mobile phones and took pictures.

Obviously, the groom and the groomsmen are wearing wedding dresses and new Chinese style, but it does not affect their performance at all, but gives people a different feeling.

After a set of military body punches, Feng Lie stood upright with a firm tone: "Porcelain Huiwen, she can use the profound literary talent she has learned to inherit and carry forward the splendid and long history and culture of China, and show its unique charm and value to the world." ”

"I'm good at punches and kicks, and I'm physically strong. No matter when and where, as long as porcelain porcelain needs, I will stand behind her without hesitation and firmly, shelter her from the wind and rain, and protect her safety. ”

Feng Lie's words fell, and everyone subconsciously looked at Jiang Zheng and his group.

When they saw the satisfied smiles on the faces of Jiang Zheng and the others, everyone actually gave Feng Lie a thumbs up in their hearts at the same time.

It turns out that the first level is to let him show his strength.

Jiang Zheng spoke: "Congratulations, the first level has passed." ”

Then a group of people took a few steps back, and Jiang Zheng spoke again: "Second level, I wish you all the same heart and soul in the center of your life in the future." ”

After speaking, he smiled and made a gesture of invitation to him.


"What's the subject?"

"A cultural person is a cultural person, this kind of topic, if you don't have a little ink in your stomach, you can't understand it at all."

"I don't think even if you have a little ink in your stomach, you won't be able to understand this kind of topic."

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang is deliberately embarrassing the boss?"


Xiao Mo couldn't help but ask in a low voice at this time: "Boss, what should I do?" What does this title mean? I don't understand it at all. ”

Several of the other groomsmen also said, "I don't understand either." ”

"I don't understand either."

Shen Yuxuan asked Feng Lie at this time: "Do they mean that they want to experience that you and your sister-in-law are not in touch?" ”

Feng Lie nodded.

At this time, he put one hand on the other wrist, made a serious thinking expression, and said to Jiang Zheng after a while: "Porcelain porcelain's favorite dynasty, the Tang Dynasty ......"

Then he talked about the development and glory of the Tang Dynasty, and also talked about why Mu celadon liked it.

After finishing speaking, he continued: "The male god of porcelain - Qin Shi Huang, Qin Shi Huang's domineering is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also in his ideas and means of national governance. He unified weights and measures, writing, and implemented the county system. The Great Wall was also built to resist the invasion of foreign enemies and protect the security and stability of the country......"

Listening to Feng Lie slowly talk about Mu Celadon's various preferences and habits, not to mention the onlookers and his group of brothers, even Jiang Zheng's group admired him.

You must know that Mu Celadon likes history, and Feng Lie also has to know something about history to be able to say it so smoothly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Zheng took the lead in applauding him.


And then the third level.

Level 4.

Level 5.

Until the ninth level.

Each level is more difficult than the last, but Feng Lie answered it correctly and did it.

When everyone was waiting to see what question Jiang Zheng and they were going to come up with in the ninth level, ten people came out of their group and each brought a glass of wine.

One of Mu Qingci's senior sisters smiled and said: "The first eight levels are a bit brain-consuming, and let's have a little easy topic in the ninth level." ”

When the people heard this, they thought: You cultural people have finally become human.

Feng Lie's expression was very serious and replied, "Senior sister, please ask for the question." ”

The smile on the senior sister's face remained unchanged, and she spoke: "I'll give you two choices, first, you drink all the ten glasses of wine by yourself, and second, I will come up with a small topic, and you can do it, these ten glasses of wine can be drunk by your best man, of course, you can complete this topic with your best man." ”

Before Feng Lie could speak, several groomsmen said loudly in unison: "Two, two, two, our boss elects two!" ”

Finally, it was their turn to come out and drink.

As long as it's drinking, it's easy to do!

Feng Lie made a gesture to the senior sister to ask for a question.

Senior Sister smiled very gently: "We have put an object of our little junior sister in the lantern under the shed on this street, as long as you can find it within five minutes, you will pass the level." ”

Everyone subconsciously looked at the countless red lanterns hanging on both sides of the greenhouse, these red lanterns were all open, and it happened that there were people standing on both sides of this street, and for a while, the sound of one after another sounded.

"I don't have anything in the lantern here."

"I don't have anything in the lantern here."


Hearing the voices of these people, many people couldn't help but laugh: "This level is really simple, as long as everyone helps to take a look at the red lantern on their heads, let alone five minutes, you can definitely find it out in less than a minute." ”

"These cultural people have finally shown mercy."


Chen Zhiyi, who was gathered by the door and was watching the live broadcast, said to the other people at this time: "I think this group of professors must not be so kind. ”

"Let's go in and ask what porcelain is."

The other bridesmaids were also curious, so they walked in together.

Mu Qingci was doing a hairstyle at this time, and when he heard them ask, he first glanced at the tablet, at this time, not only the onlookers were helping to find it, but Feng Lie and they were also looking for it separately, so he smiled and said, "It's one of the lanterns, I made it myself." ”

Everyone: "......"

Chen Zhiyi cupped his forehead, and couldn't help laughing: "Everyone also said that your group of senior brothers and sisters have finally shown mercy to their subordinates, where is this mercy of your subordinates, it is simply more difficult." ”

"Not necessarily." Su Qing dreamed of something, and asked Mu Celadon: "Porcelain porcelain, the lanterns you make are different from other lanterns, right?" ”

"Same." Mu Celadon said: "But the lantern I made has my and Brother Lie's names written on the top of the lantern. ”

"The top?" Chen Zhiyi shook his head and said: "If it is at the top, unless you directly remove all the lanterns and look at them one by one, you will definitely not be able to see anything from below." ”

Mu Celadon just laughed.

She definitely wouldn't say that she had helped her brother Lie do a good job in advance.

So when Feng Lie quickly took down a lantern and found out Mu Qingci and his name, Jiang Zheng and the others all showed surprise on their faces.

Some people say that Feng Lie must have cheated.

Feng Lie didn't prove himself, he only hooked the corners of his lips and said: "If you can show evidence that I cheated, I will admit it, and if you can't show it, I will pass this level." ”

Jiang Zheng: They have nothing to say.

After all, they asked Mu Celadon to make the lantern in person, and then wrote on it It was they who privately called someone, and at that time they also accompanied one person to make one, and when they asked her to write, they also wrote on the lantern they made, even if their little sister helped Feng Lie cheat, it was impossible to find out in five minutes.

Jiang Zheng and the others could only admit that Feng Lie had passed this level, and ten glasses of wine were drunk by his groomsmen.

Then you move on to the final level.

Jiang Zheng: "At the last level, each of us will come up with a history question, and you will answer it." ”

Everyone: "......"

Sure enough, the most ruthless is at the end!

Jiang Zheng smiled and said: "We don't embarrass you, you can answer with your best man, or you can find the answer on the Internet, but you can't find other people on the spot...... Of course, you can admit defeat and choose to drink, but you have to think about it, we have 82 brothers and sisters, and we will be fined 10 glasses for one wrong answer. ”

Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his wrist, revealing the watch on it, and reminded, "Don't forget that you have to pick up our little sister at nine o'clock." ”

This seemed to be a well-intentioned reminder, but everyone heard a hint of intentionality.

"Hiss~ so ruthless!"

"Sure enough, he is a cultural person, and the questions he came up with are really more ruthless every time."

"There are 82 of them who come up with a question by themselves, so it will take a lot of time."

"It seems that it is really difficult for Boss Feng to pick up Xiao Mu."

"It should be said that Xiao Mu's group of senior brothers and sisters are too awesome."


While everyone was talking about the audience, a group of groomsmen also whispered.

"Or we'll just choose to drink."

"820 cups, that's not a small amount, we still have to save our strength to help the boss block wine at the wedding banquet."

"It's just that a lot of people want to get the boss drunk today."

"What then, you know history?"

"Didn't you say you could find the answer on the Internet? There are so many groomsmen in us, I can't believe I can't find them. ”

"It's just that you can do anything on the Internet, and I feel that this last hurdle must be the best."


While everyone was discussing, Feng Lie took the last pass.

"Questions, please."

Jiang Zheng expressed his appreciation for Feng Lie's crispness and neatness, but he was not ambiguous at all when he came up with the question, and he was the first to speak: "Name the 48 saints in history." ”

"Look it up on the Internet."

Xiao Mo yelled, and a group of groomsmen immediately took out their mobile phones to quickly check it.

Although this is very simple and can be found quickly, it will take some time from finding it out to saying it.

Next, even if the groomsmen were fast, it took more than 20 minutes to solve the 20 questions.

Everyone finally felt that time was running out.

"No, it's already 8:15, so the time to answer the question is too slow, they still have 62 people who haven't come up with the question, even if the two questions are one minute, we don't have much time left for the boss to pick up the sister-in-law, and the elders will definitely have to speak, and the time will definitely be exceeded."

Not to mention that the groomsmen are a little anxious.

The onlookers were in a hurry.

A professor said to Jiang Zheng: "Little Jiang, you are indeed a little embarrassed for the groom, why don't you let him ask for help directly on the spot?" ”

Jiang Zheng definitely couldn't let Feng Lie really take the little junior sister away beyond the time, so he turned his head and discussed it with a group of senior brothers and sisters, and everyone agreed with the professor's words.

However, Jiang Zheng said: "You can find two people at most to help on the spot, so think clearly before asking for help." ”

Everyone turned their attention to a group of professors who were watching the excitement.

A lot of professors waved their hands and said they weren't quick enough.

Especially the research direction of each professor is different, if you want to quickly answer the questions of Jiang Zheng and a group of people, you must also think, and the time they think should be about the same as the time for Feng Lie to ask for help on the Internet.

At this moment, Xiao Mo's mobile phone suddenly rang.

When he saw that it was Su Qingmeng's call, he hurriedly answered.

Then his eyes lit up, and he said to Feng Lie: "Boss, Mengmeng said that she could come out to help answer questions." ”

Feng Lie: "Okay." ”

Soon, the crowd in front of them made a way, and Su Qingmeng appeared in front of them.

After Su Qingmeng walked to the vacant place, although his cheeks were a little red, he saluted Jiang Zheng and them, and said, "I and Porcelain applied to help the groom here." ”

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Mu Celadon House, but they didn't see anyone, but saw Chen Zhiyi and they moved the stereo and put it by the door.

At the same time, Mu Celadon came a sweet and domineering voice: "Husband, I'm here to help you." ”

The sound of the stereo instantly reached everyone's ears, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Mu Qingci didn't say much, and directly asked the senior brothers and sisters who didn't have a question to continue to ask.

Then, Mu Qingci and Su Qingmeng let everyone see what a strong knowledge reserve is, as long as they came up with the question, the two of them took turns to answer in seconds, and the speed simply shocked everyone present.

The next 60 or so questions only took more than ten minutes to complete, or because the person who wrote the question spent more time.

After answering the questions, Su Qingmeng quickly returned to the courtyard of Mu Qingci's house, and several girls also closed the courtyard door heavily.

Jiang Zheng and they passed the gate, so they let them go directly to the gate of Mu Qingci's house.

Because there was Xiao Mo's girlfriend inside, the groomsmen asked Xiao Mo to knock on the door.

After Xiao Mo knocked on the door, he said to the people inside: "Good dreams, I'm your boyfriend, you can help open the door." ”

Immediately there was a lot of laughter and heckling.

"So you still want to go through the back door."

"Xiao Mo, it's a foul for you to cheat blatantly like this."


It's just that Su Qingmeng didn't speak, and Chen Zhiyi's voice came out: "We don't accept the back door here, if you want us to open the door, you can, take the red envelope first, as long as the red envelope makes us satisfied, the door will open immediately." ”

"The beauty inside is refreshing." Another groomsman said, "Then you open the door and we'll stuff the red envelope in." ”

Chen Zhiyi: "No, you throw the red envelope in from above the door, we feel satisfied, and we will naturally open the door." ”

"Oh, beauties don't be fooled."


In the midst of laughter, Shen Yuxuan took out a large handful of red envelopes from his bag and threw them directly towards the courtyard door.

There was the sound of girls happily grabbing red envelopes.

When the voice stopped, Shen Yuxuan asked gently, "Ladies and gentlemen, can you open the door?" ”

Chen Zhiyi: "We are not satisfied with the red envelopes you gave. ”

Shen Yuxuan took out another handful of red envelopes: "Then I'll throw it away again." ”

After saying that, he threw it in.

It's the cheerful sound of girls grabbing red envelopes again.

Shen Yuxuan didn't wait for the people inside to finish grabbing the red envelope this time, and immediately continued to throw it inside.

Until he threw away the red envelope in the bag, he suddenly said loudly: "The red envelope has been thrown away, but the groom said that you have worked hard, and specially prepared a jewelry made of jade for one of you, do you need to throw these jewelry in?" ”

"Don't, don't!" Chen Zhiyi's voice was super high: "If you throw it in, it will break." ”

"What then?" Shen Yuxuan's tone was distressed: "Otherwise, you can only open the door." ”

Suddenly there was no movement inside.

At this moment, several girls are getting together head to head to discuss.

Chen Zhiyi was the first to speak: "The jewelry prepared by the eldest brother is definitely the best jade material, this kind of windfall from the sky, don't be a fool." ”

Another girl was also a little moved: "Why don't we open the door." ”

Others: "Open, anyway, Mr. Jiang who should embarrass them, they have already embarrassed enough, and it will be unkind for us to embarrass them again." ”

"Yes, Mr. Feng is full of sincerity, and we are all touched by him."

Everyone said, and at the same time glanced at the N red envelopes held in both hands, and then they all smiled.

Chen Zhiyi pushed the red envelope into the pocket of his skirt, motioned for them to hurry up and pick it up, and then went over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a group of groomsmen surrounded the groom and entered the courtyard gate.

Feng Lie walked quickly towards the living room.

Behind him are a lot of people watching the excitement.

In the living room, there were old professors Peng and several old professors.

Mu Celadon and Meng Meilan stood in the middle of the living room.

Meng Meilan was wearing a cheongsam, Mu Celadon was wearing a down jacket, even if she hadn't changed into a phoenix crown and a xia veil, she was already incredibly beautiful with makeup, and she was still holding the fan given to her by Chen Zhiyi in her hand.

Both mother and daughter looked at Feng Lie who strode in with a smile on their faces.

After Feng Lie came in, he first saluted Peng Lao and them, and then bowed to Mu Celadon and then saluted Mu Celadon with a lift of his robe, knelt directly in front of Meng Meilan, and said sincerely and seriously: "Mom, I'm here to pick up porcelain, please rest assured to hand her over to me." ”

Feng Lie's kneeling suddenly quieted down the already noisy atmosphere.

Everyone was a little surprised.

Who would have thought that the iron-clad Feng Lie would kneel directly in front of Meng Meilan.

Even Meng Meilan was so stunned that she forgot to react for a while.

It was Peng Lao's laughing voice that made everyone react.

"Yes, yes, although there is gold under the man's knees, it is also natural to kneel to the sky and kneel to his parents, and the son-in-law kneels to his mother-in-law, which proves that Feng Lie attaches great importance to the little porcelain, Xiao Meng, you will bear this kneeling."

When Meng Meilan heard this, her face instantly smiled, she sighed, and hurriedly stretched out her hands to help Feng Lie up.

Then he handed Mu Celadon's hand into his hand, with an amiable smile on his face: "Xiao Lie, I will hand over the porcelain porcelain to you today!" I hope that you will be able to respect each other as guests and enjoy each other in the future, and live happily and harmoniously. If there is anything that porcelain porcelain is not good enough, I hope you can be more tolerant and understanding. ”

Feng Lie held Mu Qingci's hand and seriously assured Meng Meilan: "Mom, don't worry, Porcelain is my wife, in my eyes, no matter what she does, it is right, and I will support her unconditionally." ”

Hearing this, Mu Qingci couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips and smile sweetly at him.

Feng Lie looked at the smile on her face, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

The onlookers looked at them and smiled knowingly.

Jiang Zheng spoke at this time: "It's almost time, let's move on to the next step." ”

As soon as she finished speaking, her uncle and aunt came out of the kitchen at the same time, and the aunt was holding a bowl of rice balls in her hand.

The two walked in front of Feng Lie, and the eldest aunt said to Feng Lie with a smile: "Feng Lie, you eat this bowl of rice balls and then take away the porcelain, I wish you a peaceful and beautiful life in the future, and a happy circle." ”

The uncle gave the glutinous rice balls to Feng Lie and gave him a red envelope at the same time.

Feng Lie took the red envelope first, and then took the rice balls.

Shen Yuxuan hurriedly came over to help him take away the red envelope.

Feng Lie didn't eat it immediately, but asked, "Can I feed porcelain porcelain?" ”

Uncle and aunt nodded at the same time.

"Yes, yes."

Feng Lie scooped up the first rice balls and handed them to Mu Celadon's mouth.

Jiang Zheng said with a smile: "You and I are nong, and you have a lot of feelings; There are many feelings, and the heat is like fire. ”

The other brothers and sisters continued:

"In heaven I wish to be a winged bird, and on earth I wish to be a branch."

"There are no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart is a little clear."

"Life and death are broad, and Zicheng said. Hold the hand of the son, and grow old with the son. ”

"Married as husband and wife, there is no doubt about love."


Listening to the blessings of the senior brothers and sisters, Mu Celadon smiled at the corner of his mouth with shallow dimples, and opened his mouth to eat the rice balls.

The onlookers were inexplicably excited to see this scene, and they couldn't help but applaud them.

In front of this group of professors, the onlookers inexplicably regretted reading less, and silently vowed to let the next generation study hard.

Not to mention anything else, when the girl got married, there was such a group of cultural people to give her momentum, which was also the confidence of her mother's family.

A bowl of rice balls, Feng Lie and Mu Celadon finished eating together.

Then Mu Celadon and Feng Lie stood together and bowed to the elders.

Today, Jiang Zheng is not only the elder brother of Mu Celadon but also the master of ceremonies.

He said loudly: "The auspicious time has come, and the bride is married." ”


Mu Celadon's dowry was not only piled up in the downstairs rooms, but also in the upstairs rooms.

These things were all carried out and moved out by Mu Celadon brothers and sisters, but Feng Lie needed to give everyone a red envelope.

The others had already left the courtyard of Mu Qingci's house, and when the senior brothers and sisters moved the dowry, Shen Yuxuan and another man stood by the gate of the courtyard, and when one person came out, they handed out a red envelope, and said at the same time: "It's hard, it's hard." ”

The red envelopes are very thick, and the onlookers standing outside can't help but boast:

"Boss Feng is generous, that red envelope looks very thick."

"Xiao Mu's dowry is so much!"

"There must be a lot, you didn't see it yesterday, all the professors who came to attend her wedding gave gifts, as well as her brothers and sisters, I heard that the gifts they gave were of great significance in their education circles, and they were much more valuable than ordinary dowries."

"What the hell is there?"

"Antique calligraphy and painting books...... There's everything anyway. ”

"Shhh...... Mu Celadon turned out to be so awesome, I used to think that she would only read dead books. ”

"What is reading dead books, Xiao Mu has been powerful since he was a child!"

"Then you say, Mu Qingci brought so much valuable dowry to the past, is it considered to be the boss of the Feng family?"

"It's not Gao Pan, Boss Feng is also very powerful, I didn't see that he could find so many people to come over for a banquet, and there is a team to pick up relatives? With such a wide connection, it must be a matter of time before he becomes a big boss. ”

"Yes, yes."


The dowry was all moved to a parked car on the street.

As Mu Celadon and his group walked towards the street, the others followed.

Everyone looked at the convoy and was shocked again.

"Boss Feng deserves to drive a transportation company, and he has found so many cars to come over.

"Those big trucks loaded with dowries are their company's cars, right? A car is definitely worth hundreds of thousands! ”

"Hey, what kind of car did the bride get into? How is it not on the head car? ”

"That's an RV."

"How do you get on the RV?"

"Don't you see that the bride hasn't changed her clothes yet? It should be a change of clothes in the RV. ”

"This is not good for marrying far away, no matter how early you get up, you can only put on makeup, and you can't even change your clothes."

"What kind of long-distance marriage is this, it takes more than an hour from here to S City, and I'll come back if I'm fine."

"Yes, but the bride is changing clothes on the way, and I'll see you again."

"Who isn't? I don't know what kind of wedding dress Mu Qingci is wearing. ”

"Just look at what the bridegroom is wearing...... New Chinese style, yes, it must be new Chinese style. ”

"Mu celadon looks good, and it must look good in the new Chinese style."

"They went up, and the professors got in the car, huh...... Why are there only Uncle Mu, Aunt Mu and Meng Yichen who are married? ”

"Isn't Meng Yichen's daughter-in-law pregnant? I definitely can't go to get married. ”

"Where's her grandparents?"

"Where is the reason for grandparents to marry."

"Yes, but I didn't seem to see them just now, you say......"

Everyone knows who has something in the town, and at this time, there are many people talking about Mu Celadon grandparents.

But Mu Qingci didn't care about them, and after all the people who gave the marriage got into the car, the car drove out.

There are hundreds of large and small cars, and after driving out, the scene is not to mention how spectacular.

got on Mu Celadon on the RV, and a team directly assisted her in wearing a wedding dress and a phoenix crown.

On the road where the car passed, there were crowds of people everywhere watching the excitement.

There is a custom of stopping the wedding car here, as long as you are brave enough, you can directly stop the wedding car, and find the groom to ask for cigarettes and sugar red envelopes.

As long as someone stops the wedding car, Shen Yuxuan will take a few groomsmen to get out of the car, give them red envelopes, happy cigarettes, and then throw candy to everyone.

Feng Lie's side was well prepared, and it didn't take much time to get from Mu Qingci's house to outside the town.

When the wedding car procession drove to the intersection leading to the highway, there were several police cars and military vehicles waiting there.

Other vehicles are prohibited at this time.

Under the opening of the police car and military vehicles, the wedding car team followed behind and got on the highway in a mighty way.

In the heavy snow, the wedding car with the word "happy" was moving forward, and there were cars passing in the opposite direction when they saw it, and they couldn't help but sigh that the scene was really spectacular!

The international official website began to broadcast live simultaneously, and reporters from all walks of life at the highway intersection of S City also started live broadcast......

The wedding of Mu Celadon and Feng Lie, because there are too many big figures in the historical circle, and [Ancient and Modern Appointment] has also opened a special topic, so it has long attracted much attention.

In addition, yesterday's official website of Huaguo also announced that Congress M would return 200 cultural relics today, and the embassy of Country M also specially blessed the wedding of the two.

Therefore, this wedding has been concerned by all walks of life to a new height.

There are too many reporters who want to broadcast this wedding live, and since yesterday, some people have had the mentality of going to Mu Qingci's house to squat and follow the film, but they found that they couldn't even go up to their house on the highway, even if they walked from the national highway and the rural road, and when they arrived near the town, they were directly stopped.

I finally waited until the groom picked up the bride this morning, but I didn't expect everyone to only take a clip of the motorcade on the high speed.

I still can't take pictures of the bride's house, but there are many videos on the Internet of the groom being stopped by Mu Celadon's 82 brothers and sisters.

These videos were quickly forwarded, and within half an hour, they directly became the hottest spots.

Comments of all kinds flew all over the place.

The search for Mu celadon directly accounted for the top ten of various websites.

Her educational background has turned many passers-by into fans, and the number of fans has increased at a rate of tens of thousands per second.

"6 Ah! Porcelain porcelain is simply 6! ”

Chen Zhiyi, who was sitting in another car, sighed while scrolling through the website: "The wedding of the eldest brother and porcelain porcelain is not an exaggeration to say that it is a prosperous wedding." ”

"Not an exaggeration." Another bridesmaid continued: "If you can make all websites pay attention to this wedding, it already shows that celadon is powerful." ”

"Because she has a powerful teacher and a group of powerful brothers and sisters."

"Indeed, so our history department entered Peng Laomen from Mu Celadon to Peng Laomen, and everyone privately called her little princess."

When everyone talks about the status of Mu celadon in the history department, it is really like a number of treasures, and they are endless.

As he spoke, someone was surprised: "Did you find that all the discussions on the Internet are celadons, but few people discuss Mr. Feng." ”

Hearing this, Chen Zhiyi and Su Qingmeng glanced at each other.

Then Chen Zhiyi smiled: "It is possible that his resume was all picked up by netizens in that flood relief, so everyone thinks there is nothing to discuss." ”

"Yes...... Look at it, someone opened a post saying that Mr. Feng is not worthy of celadon, and this post has also been on the top of the hot search. ”

Everyone looked at their phones.

Originally, the hot search was all about Mu Celadon and this wedding, but suddenly the post that said that Feng Lie was not worthy of Mu Celadon and that Mu Celadon was married and would definitely regret it in the future came up directly.

The owner of this post was earnest, saying that Mu Celadon has such a high status in the historical world, but falling in love with the boss of a long-distance company is simply a failure in her life, and said that she is a talented woman who is inevitably worldly, marrying a businessman, she will definitely return to the family in a short time, and be a full-time wife, worthy of her mentor, and will definitely regret it when the time comes.

There are tens of thousands of people who agree with this post.

Seeing Chen Zhiyi, they were all angry.

"These people are really salty and don't worry about eating radishes, porcelain porcelain and big brother are a natural pair, both civil and military, how can porcelain porcelain regret it!"

"That's it, Instructor Feng has always been so supportive of Porcelain's work, and it is impossible for her to be a full-time wife!"

"Ouch, what did this person say, I was so angry, I dared to say that our porcelain is so beautiful, after she and her eldest brother get married, even if the eldest brother supports her to continue working, the eldest brother's family will object, should she hide at home if she looks beautiful!"

People who go online are uneven in terms of thinking and quality, and because of the fig leaf of the Internet, many people can say anything dark and dirty.

Unexpectedly, the popularity of this post is still climbing rapidly.

Just when this post was topped in the top five hot searches, suddenly President Xue's personally posted a video on Xue's official website.

He sat there with a dignified body, and the boss's aura was full of energy.

He said: "Let me introduce myself, I am the younger brother of Feng Lie's mother and brother that you are discussing, one of us has my mother's surname, and the other has my father's surname......"

Xue Yin's words were all about defending his brother, and everyone could feel from his words that he didn't take Xue in his eyes at all, and he also emphasized that his brother was better than anyone else.

So whoever dares to say that his brother is not worthy of Mu Celadon should not blame him for directly asking the legal department to sue them for spreading rumors.

After watching Xue Yin's video, Chen Zhiyi couldn't help but hold his forehead.

She simply called Feng Bijun for a video.

Feng Bijun didn't care: "Anyway, he has already sat in the highest position of the Xue family, and he can expose Xiaolie's identity as much as he wants, but this kid only cares about protecting his brother, I know, hang up first, my father and I have to send a news, otherwise we will be talked about by netizens again." ”

Feng Bijun hung up the video after speaking.

Soon, Feng Bijun and Xue Junkun also posted a video directly on Xue's official website.

Feng Bijun said: "The relationship between the brothers has been very good since childhood, the elder brother protects the younger brother, the younger brother protects the elder brother, don't speculate why the Xue family will give me the younger son, because my eldest son has his own ability, and he can't look down on the Xue family, so the younger son is reluctant to take over." ”

"Those who say that my eldest son is not worthy of porcelain porcelain, you are very wrong, my eldest son and porcelain porcelain are a pair made in heaven, and no one is more worthy of each other than them."

"Also, after my daughter-in-law marries my son, she can do whatever she wants, and our elders will never interfere, this video is proof, everyone is welcome to supervise."

At this time, Su Qingmeng said loudly: "Look, everyone, Porcelain has also posted on Weibo!" ”

Mu Qingci sent her and Feng Lie's marriage certificate, and also sent a photo of the two holding hands.

Then he said: [Seven years later, I finally married the hero in my heart, @封烈: Instructor or husband, please give me more advice for the rest of my life! ] 】

After reading Mu Qingci's Weibo, everyone unconsciously followed her @ to the Weibo that Feng Lie had registered after the disaster relief.

His Weibo is still the same as before, but only those who have been following him for a long time found that his Weibo avatar has become Mu Celadon holding a puppy and smiling.

Feng Lie also replied: [@穆青瓷: Little fairy or Mrs., please advise me for the rest of my life! 】

"Oops! It turns out that porcelain porcelain is a little fairy in the eldest brother's heart! Do you say that seven years ago, porcelain porcelain was a little fairy in his heart? ”

"Absolutely, so the two wouldn't have liked each other seven years ago, right?"

"It's very likely, it's just that neither of them found out their minds at that time."

"It's also possible that the celadon was too small at that time, and Mr. Feng didn't dare to start."

"So seven years later, they met, and they were together."

"Fate is really wonderful!"


As soon as Feng Lie's identity as the eldest young master of the Xue family was revealed, the topic of discussion changed.

At this time, Xiao Mo, who was sitting in another car, snorted and said: "In this society, there is really money that can make people shut up, after everyone knows that the boss is the identity of the Xue family, those who say that he is not worthy of his sister-in-law will shut up, if they know the other identity of the boss, they must not kneel and lick." ”

Shen Yuxuan said to him: "It's okay to talk to us about this, don't mention Lao Feng's other identity." ”

Xiao Mo: "I know, don't I just spit out with you?" ”

Shen Yuxuan: "No matter what the identity of the boss is, he and his sister-in-law are a natural pair, without a sister-in-law, the boss can't get out of the demons of seven years ago, and there is no current [Fierce Road]." ”

Xiao Mo agreed: "Yes." ”

No matter how lively the network is.

An hour later, the wedding car arrived at the boundary of S City.

After getting off the highway, the wedding car team suddenly stopped.

The reporters who were stopped on the side went crazy.

Mu Celadon's phoenix crown was just dressed neatly when she got off the highway, so she needed to change to the main wedding car.

When she got off the RV in a red gorgeous wedding dress, the reporters who were stopped on the side were all amazed.

"God, is this your wedding dress in China? It's gorgeous, it's amazing! ”

A foreign journalist couldn't help but exclaim.

Then everyone quickly pulled the camera in, and the exclamations were even worse:

"I heard that the embroidery of Miss Mu's wedding dress was completed by the embroiderers of the four famous embroiderers, oh my God, the embroidery on her wedding dress can't be seen at all, and it's so beautiful!"

"Who can tell what kind of embroidery is all over her wedding dress?"

"It is said that the phoenix crown on her head is an imitation of the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns, with a high degree of restoration, and the dotted emerald and jewelry are the best at a glance."

"The jewel she wears around her neck is so gorgeous, is it the one that was auctioned off to hundreds of millions of dollars in Hong Kong City before, and the bigwigs from all walks of life suddenly stopped auctioning it to the mysterious person?"


When Mu Qingci got out of the car, Feng Lie was already standing by the car door and waiting.

He was holding an antique oil-paper umbrella with a delicate mandarin duck pattern in his hand, and Mu Celadon got out of the car, and the oil-paper umbrella was covered on her head.

The two walked towards the main wedding car together.

Snowflakes flew, a red carpet was spread under the feet of the two, a long curtain was dragged, and soon a layer of snow fell on the oil-paper umbrella.

But whether it is them under the camera or in the eyes of everyone, they all look beautiful and romantic.

The RV was not far from the main wedding car, and after the two walked over, they got into the car.

The car set off again, and the reporters hurriedly got into their cars and followed.

The wedding banquet is set in the largest manor in S City, and there is no need to go through the urban area, and you can go directly to the outer ring road, even so, there are people waiting outside the outer ring road early to see this grand occasion.

The police car in front and the military vehicle opened the road, and more than 100 vehicles followed behind.

This scene is simply breathtaking.

The car drove to a stop outside the manor where the wedding was held.

At this time, there were already many people waiting outside the manor.

When the camera turned to those people, the network exploded.

"Isn't that the chairman of XX Company?"

"Isn't that the heir of the XX Group?"

"That's not one of the world's top 50 chaebol in power!"


"These people in power must be guests on Mr. Feng's side, no wonder Mr. Feng and Miss Mu's wedding is so big!"

"The young master of the group and the princess of the historical world are married, and the literati and businessmen are here, no wonder the police and troops can be dispatched to escort them!"

"Sure enough, being rich and powerful is king!"

"Don't you want to know how much the bride's outfit is worth?"

"The embroidery on people's wedding dresses directly invited the best embroiderers of the four famous embroiderers to embroider together, and this is already priceless."

"That is, since Mr. Feng is the eldest and youngest of the Xue family, the jewelry on the phoenix crown worn by the bride must be the best, and a gem may be the income of ordinary people like us for a lifetime."

"Isn't the media saying that the auction price of the Yingluo she wore was 100 million?"

"Shhh...... No wonder they got married and had to dispatch the police and the army, and her outfit would cost hundreds of millions. ”

"You money talkers are so cheesy, don't you see the grace and luxury of the bride in this wedding dress? And [Ancient and Modern Appointment] said a few days ago, her main thing is to show the world the four famous embroideries of her wedding dress! ”


When there was a lot of quarrel on the Internet, Feng Lie took Mu Qingci's hand, and the two walked towards the manor together.

This was followed by a dowry procession and countless dowry carries.

Looking at Peng Lao and Peng Sect's disciples, as well as those dowries, netizens suddenly sighed: "This is called civil and military shuangquan, ten miles of red makeup, and the Ming media is marrying!" ”

Countless firecrackers were lit.

In the crackling sound of firecrackers, a group of musicians waiting next to them with unique Chinese instruments in their hands played the joy of China that has been passed down for thousands of years.

This joy is like a heavenly sound, melodious and shocking, lingering in everyone's ears. It seems to have crossed the barrier of time and space, bringing people back to the glory days of antiquity. In those days, a wedding was a grand celebration, full of solemnity and sacredness.

People seem to see the ancient groom dressed in gorgeous robes, handsome and chic; The bride is crowned with a phoenix crown, as beautiful as a fairy. Holding hands, they walked into the marriage hall and received blessings and praises from everyone.

In the sound of joy, the whole scene is filled with happiness and joy, as if time has never passed, and the glory of antiquity still shines brightly.

At this moment, everyone's hearts swelled with a wave of excitement that cannot be described in words.

All the Chinese people present were proud and proud.

See! This is the aesthetic standard pursued by our ancestors! The importance of the Chinese wedding, and the luxury of the Chinese wedding dress, how can you compare with it? Only our great country, which has a long history of 5,000 years, can have such a profound heritage and strength to create such an amazing wedding scene!

Everyone followed a couple into the manor.

The wedding took place in the largest garden of the estate, and at the arch that entered the garden, the bride stopped, and the groom and others entered first.

Upon entering the garden, everyone was amazed by the wedding scene in front of them.

Pavilions and pavilions, flowers are splendid, red and gold complement each other, all kinds of landscape paintings show the charm of Chinese style, and the porcelain placed everywhere is even more classical atmosphere, which is simply majestic and antique.

The guests are seated, the wedding is ready, and the wedding process is officially begins.

The first ring: drumming to start the salute, holding the lamp Nafu (soundtrack like the king's line).

The drums sounded, and two deaconesses (bridesmaids) with lanterns in their hands stepped out of the side (with a soundtrack of golden wind and gyokuro), bowed to each other, walked to the bride, and then stood behind the bride on both sides.

The second ring: the master of ceremonies takes the stage.

The emcee's voice is loud, and the words are correct and round (soundtrack of the imperial capital): "The day is auspicious, the wind is beautiful." Luan Feng and Ming, beads are united, a hundred years are good together, and mandarin ducks are wings. The cave room is full of flowers and candles, full of brilliance, the prosperity of the times, and the national fortune is constant. Distinguished guests, relatives and friends, all blessings and peace of mind!"

Ring 3: The groom appears (soundtrack, neon dress and feather coat).

Master of ceremonies: "The master of the Mo is like a jade, the son is unparalleled in the world, please invite the new son-in-law and salute the guests and friends." ”

The groom enters from the left, stands and bows to the guests, while the four male deacons (groomsmen) enter with the groom holding the ritual vessels, standing on either side of the wedding stage.

The ritual utensils are a pair of wild geese, a scarf, and two trays.

The fourth ring: welcome the relatives out of the pavilion, the bride enters the pavilion (soundtrack welcomes the relatives out of the pavilion).

The emcee's voice sounded: "Guan Guan Suidove, in the river island, fair lady, gentleman." Praise said: But heaven and earth to open, all things nourish in Si, the day is subject to its essence, the moon is moist in its flower, the mystery of the heavenly rites is contained in it, and people determine their rites by marriage.

The auspicious time has arrived, the waiter opens the happy door, and invites the bride ~ out of the cabinet ~"

The bride enters the handover area from outside the door and waits in front of the door.

The groom walks slowly from the wedding stage to the bride.

The two deacons, holding the yarn lamps in their hands, led the way in front of the bride and walked to the handover area.

Master of ceremonies: "The peach is dying, scorching its bloom." The son is home, and it is appropriate for him to live in his room. The daughter of the Mu family, married today, with a phoenix crown and a red makeup. Please seal the prince of the mansion and welcome the dowry ceremony. ”

The bridegroom walks up to the bride and bows.

The bridegroom walks up to the bride and bows.

Master of ceremonies: "The water hibiscus is full of fragrance, the talented and beautiful woman is looking for fate, and the Yiren fan is still covering his face, just for Xinyi Langjun." Invite the bride but fan~"

The bride and groom stand opposite each other, the bride puts down the fan to show her face, and the groom takes the fan and the deacon takes it.

The master of ceremonies: "I am willing to keep my confidant with me, but Xu Hongyan is white-headed." Invite the bridegroom to pay tribute to the geese. ”

The bearer hands the tray of geese to the groom and presents it to the bride, who touches the goose with her hand. The two empty-handed male deacons retreated to the bottom of the steps and took the two large fans. The deacon took the goose salute and held the scarf.

The Fifth Ring: The Bride Enters the Hall (Scarf Ceremony) (Soundtrack Floating)

Master of ceremonies: "Shuo people should follow the handsome face, Jasic should be accompanied by red makeup, the wine is happy, the pipe reed, the piano and the song, and the high hall is played together." Talented people with beautiful women, drum music resounded all day long. Invite the bride-in-law and bride to hold the scarf together and enter the wedding hall! ”

A female deacon and another male deacon hold a red hydrangea and hand it to the bride and groom.

The bride and groom led the red hydrangea to the front.

The female and male deacos followed to the main stage and stood on either side.

Master of ceremonies: "A piece of red silk, two people in front of the color ball, the old moon is set for three lives, holding hands and stepping on the splendor." ”

The bride and groom greet the guests together.

Master of ceremonies: "Thank you, courtesy!" ”

Sixth Ring: Wo Yu Li (soundtrack knows each other).

Master of ceremonies: "The gift of the wo, the royal wo handover, the same prison before the wo, in order to pay tribute to the ancestors, heaven and earth." Please deacons! The newlyweds have a gift of flooding! ”

"The washing utensils have rhyme, the living water cleans the hands, the washing away the miscellaneous sitting also purifies the heart, the jade pot is warm from now on, and it lives up to its heartfelt feelings."

From the two sides of the wedding table to the middle, the younger holds the basin, the older takes a wooden spoon to pour water on the basin and wash the hands of the couple, and one person holds a tray for the couple to wipe their hands.

Ring 7: Prison Ceremony

The deacons brought a bowl of sweet soup, which the groom took and enjoyed with the bride, symbolizing that they would live together and support each other from now on, and the sweet soup meant sweetness and happiness.

The Eighth Ring: The Closing Ceremony

The newlyweds each hold half of the gourd scoop in their hands, then combine them together and drink the wine. This behavior not only represents that the two have become one since then, but also contains the meaning of mutual affection and sharing weal and woe between husband and wife.

Ring 9: Hair Ceremony

The deaconess carries a tray containing purses and scissors, and a couple cuts off a small strand of each other's hair and puts it in the purse, and pulls up the rope together to close the purse.

Ring 10: Exchange of tokens

The groom puts a jade bracelet on the bride, the bride puts a jade pendant on the groom, and the two put on a wedding ring.

The eleventh ring: the marriage letter

As a certificate of marriage, the marriage certificate carries the commitment and vows of the newlyweds to each other.

The host finished reading the content of the marriage book and solemnly handed the marriage book to the newlyweds, implying that their love was officially recognized.

Ring 12: Holding the hand

Hold the hand of the son, and grow old with the son. The bride and groom clasped hands and met their eyes, revealing love and firmness.

Ring 13: Tea ceremony

After the parents of both sides took their seats, the bride and groom stood respectfully in front of them, the deacon served tea, and the bride and groom saluted the elders to express their gratitude.

The Fourteenth Ring: Licheng exits

The newlyweds left the stage hand in hand in the sound of everyone's blessings and went backstage to change clothes together.

Ring 15: Concluding Remarks

The closing remarks were delivered by Xue Junkun: "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend the wedding ceremony of your dog and daughter-in-law! Here, on behalf of Feng, Mu and Xue, please allow me to express my most sincere thanks and respect to you! At the same time, I hope that all of you will move to the banquet room, where we have prepared some light wine and delicacies, and I hope you can enjoy them to your heart's content. And I wish every friend present good health and all the best! ”


Continued next:

This man is too handsome when he is drunk! It's so seductive! Her heart skipped a beat.

If it is invaded and deleted