
Ten jokes: Little handsome guy, don't cry! Come! Let the aunt kiss one

author:Today's laugh

At school, I received a call from my father, "Hey, girl, I'll send you the money you want to buy books in the afternoon." "Huh? What books to buy? "You forgot, the book you told me last time was called a math book with three or seven points." "Yes, yes, how did I forget, thank you, Dad."

My boyfriend's aunt opened a marriage agency, and there were a lot of customers during that time, and then he said that the landlord had a good image, and asked me to help her do it for a few days, and promised us more benefits, and my boyfriend agreed...... Well, I found my current husband. I heard that my ex-boyfriend is still single......

Ten jokes: Little handsome guy, don't cry! Come! Let the aunt kiss one

Yesterday I went to the foot massage, it was a little girl who looked seventeen or eighteen to help me press, just came up and the nose twitched, and after a while began to shed tears, I saw that my heart was very unpleasant, lamenting the ruthlessness of this society, so young to come out to work, so I chose to add another bell, the little girl cried louder, I think it was because of the moved.

The day before yesterday, when my cousin got married and went to pick up the bride, my cousin forgot to hold the bouquet of flowers, so he hurriedly ran home to get it, and went to the toilet by the way...... When I came out, I was dumbfounded, the wedding car left, my cousin hurriedly took his mobile phone to call the wedding car to bring him back, and the wedding car driver said: Don't go back on the wedding day, we are waiting for you on the side of the road, you come quickly! My cousin ran for half an hour to catch up with the wedding car, tired and sweaty...

I remember my son crying violently on the first day of kindergarten...! At this time, a very beautiful kindergarten teacher came, picked up his son and said, "Little handsome guy, don't cry!" Come! Let the aunt kiss one...! Mud Horse! It's so embarrassing, I saw my son looking at the red lips of his aunt coming over, hurriedly wiped away his tears and stretched out his little tongue...!

Ten jokes: Little handsome guy, don't cry! Come! Let the aunt kiss one

A: "Wow, the three-day long holiday of Qingming is here" B: "Yes, what are your plans for these three days?" A: "I work two day shifts and one night shift, and if I have time, burn some paper for my colleagues who died of overtime last year."

I have a buddy who has been talking about his girlfriend for a year and wants to break up with him, and the girl said: "I found a boyfriend from the physical education department again, and we have been dating for a year, and you have to give me 2,000 yuan for the loss of youth." My buddy was afraid of her "gym boyfriend" and wanted to find a way to vent his anger. On the day of payment, the girl and the new boyfriend arrived, my buddy brought 9 boys, each came over and gave the girl 200 yuan, and after three or four walks, the girl cried so much that the new boyfriend was divided.

I remember the first time that year, a matchmaker took the initiative to come to the door to propose, I didn't agree, and my father asked me why? I replied with some resistance: "Because her family is too rich than ours, like me, I hope that my future girlfriend's family is better than ours." After hearing this, my father patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Silly boy, how can anyone in a hundred miles be poorer than our family...

Ten jokes: Little handsome guy, don't cry! Come! Let the aunt kiss one

Blowing flies to death with a straw competition with classmates, to see who blows the flies far, classmates first blew it away more than a meter, and when it was my turn, I was very confident in my lung capacity, holding a straw to the flies in front of me, and humming in my heart: Dead monkey, watch my iron fan princess use a banana fan to let you fly 54,000 miles! Okay, here we go, I took a deep breath into the straw, and suddenly the fly in front of me was gone!??

Just the courier brother came to deliver the express, and he didn't leave after signing, so the two of us looked at each other like this, on the surface I was not shocked, and my heart was already surging, "Rubbing him, won't he be attracted by my unique temperament that I didn't wash in the morning, right?" Is he going to confess to me? Are you trying to insult me? What should I do, did I go to work on 110? Just when I thought about it and began to wonder if I had become an Aquarius, the little brother spoke......... That one...... Pen... Be...... It's mine......

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