
Joke 10: My girlfriend is short-sighted, but she doesn't want to wear glasses

author:Today's laugh

Today I went to the restaurant with the goddess and ordered a lot of seafood, and then she kept eating seafood, and I didn't eat it at all. After eating, the goddess said: Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin, and then left. After I listened to it, I couldn't be happier, this meal was not in vain.

My girlfriend and I are both from medical school, and when I first arrived at school, she practiced the needles in my hands to learn nursing, and then she practiced on my back to learn gua sha, and the same is true for cupping and acupuncture......

Joke 10: My girlfriend is short-sighted, but she doesn't want to wear glasses

I used to know a girl, who belonged to the very pure kind. We all love to play games like Three Kingdoms. One day, she sent me a private message: Sun Shangxiang. LIU Bei. CAO Ren. Cao Cao. I didn't understand what it meant after watching it for a few days, so I replied: I also liked these characters and then there was no follow-up, and I didn't remember what she meant until the next day. But it was too late, she said it had been resolved.

My husband ridiculed me: "Your hair is tied up a lot like a kitchen utensil—a brush for brushing pots." I glanced at my husband's "self-curtail" and laughed at him: "Yours doesn't look like a brush, but it also looks like a kitchen utensil." My husband's eyes widened and I asked, "What utensils?" Me: "Ball of Steel!" ”

One day on the street, an old man was crossing the street and was swept over by a van. The uncle patted his body and stood up, and everyone thought that it was just a fall, and it was no big deal. Who knew that the second truck driver opened the window and shouted, you are blind!! The uncle looked at the driver with deep meaning, and lay down in an instant. Later, I heard that the driver was going to sell the car and lose money.

Joke 10: My girlfriend is short-sighted, but she doesn't want to wear glasses

I have two buddies, go to the bar to fish for beauties, one of them pretends to be a big one, after soaking in the bar, hook the two girls out of the bar and go to a sports car, the other hurriedly said, Mr. Zhang, don't, you have drunk too much, don't drive, take my car~! As he spoke, he pulled him to Chery's side, and the two girls followed Chery. In fact, they drove Chery.

My best friend just got a driver's license and bought a car, I didn't drive it very skilled, I had to carry it after getting off work one day, and finally got on the road after the start turned off, and the road was quite smooth, and I was almost at my house The sister said, sister! You see I'm starting very hard, and I'm almost at your door, I'll slow down and jump down, and then run two steps to close the door for me, I want to say that you're training special forces, right?

My girlfriend is nearsighted, but she doesn't want to wear glasses. One day, I dragged her to get glasses fitted, and after that, he brought them along: "Wow, it's so clear!" She looked at me carefully and said, "Let's break up!" Then she looked in the mirror again and cried and begged me not to go......

Joke 10: My girlfriend is short-sighted, but she doesn't want to wear glasses

Teacher: What is a sense of security? Xiao Ming: The sense of security is to hold a knife in your hand when you are in extreme panic. Teacher: What is love? Xiao Ming: Love is to watch her come over, and you are willing to hand over the knife to her. Teacher: What is that deep love? Xiao Ming: Deep love is when she stabs you at you with the knife you gave her, and you are still worried that the blood will splash on her beautiful clothes and you will not be able to wash it off.

"Grandma, why did it take so long for you to go out to buy a bottle of vinegar and come back" "There are too many people who learn Lei Feng today, and I walked eighteen times back and forth at the traffic light in front of the door, and I was pulled back as soon as I arrived on the opposite side. "Then how did you come back" "Because I walked for too long, I finally lost my strength and fell, and the dozen or so people who lined up to help me cross the road all dispersed, and I ran all the way back~"

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