
People live a lifetime, experience silently, grow silently, and complete a lifetime silently

author:Su Xin warms y
People live a lifetime, experience silently, grow silently, and complete a lifetime silently

Taste the flavors of life, understand the world, the days need to be slow, and life needs to be slow.

Slow is the rhythm of happiness, slow is the pace of the day, people do not live to rush, to learn to enjoy the moment, live an unhurried life, follow the rhythm of the heart, and live to the fullest.

There is no need to suppress yourself, the more you suppress it, the more painful it is, it is better to let yourself go and let your soul gallop freely.

Be a real person, live as you like, no matter if you are sad or happy, you don't need to refrain from restraint. Follow your own heart, deduce a true self, let the heart be the master, and live only to have fun.

Life is an experience, experience the flavors of life, don't get entangled in anything, don't cling to anything, everything is just an experience.

People live a lifetime, experience silently, grow silently, and complete a lifetime silently

Life is about experience, living as you like, walking as you like, all repression is a kind of self-deception, and the repression of self will make you miserable and depressed.

When a person has been depressed for a long time, it is easy to be depressed, try not to suppress yourself. Feel free and calm, let the heart be the master, experience well, release well, experience the mixed flavors of life, and release the ups and downs of the heart.

There are a few people who can control their hearts, and the more they control, the more depressed they become, and the more they manage, the more rebellious they become. We must learn to respect our inner feelings, not to be depressed, not to be entangled, to follow our hearts, not to panic, not to be lost.

No one can be separated from their own hearts, no one can live without heart and lungs, thinking about it is only temporary, troubles come as soon as they are said, and many feelings swallow you like a flood of beasts.

People live a lifetime, experience silently, grow silently, and complete a lifetime silently

We can control our words and deeds, but we can't control our hearts. People's hearts are always restless, making people sit still, making people exhausted, acting out endless absurdities, and endless dreams, no one can help it.

The heart is difficult to wake up, and I am disturbed by my heart and tempted by dreams all my life.

I understand all the truths, I still can't live this life, life is in the world, we can't change our lives, we can't control ourselves, since we can't help others, why should we see too clearly and live too soberly.

Live with your heart, go with your fate, since you can't control it, you can't change it, then just follow it.

As long as we don't get along with ourselves, everything will pass, and when we learn to let go of ourselves, we can live without disturbance. Pain is self-torture, and it is that you can't think about it, can't let it go, and can't understand it.

People live a lifetime, experience silently, grow silently, and complete a lifetime silently

If you want to open it, you won't be bitter, if you let it go, you won't be tired, and if you understand it, you won't be confused. But there are a few people who can do it, and a heart still goes its own way, turning over the river and the sea.

Reason is temporary, who can live without waves, desire disrupts people's hearts, obsession kidnaps people's hearts, fame and fortune tempt people's hearts, a heart is tormented by desire, ravaged by reality.

People live for a lifetime, experience silently, release silently, and go through a lifetime silently, and silence is a portrayal of a lifetime. Life is silent, self-realization, the years are long, and self-healing is self-healing.