
Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

author:Rain falls on the riverside

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Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go
The content of this article has reliable sources of information, and relevant sources are added at the end of the article


Unlike the previous entertainment industry that followed the footsteps of time to choose the right role, the current entertainment industry is obsessed with competing with time.

They began to choose a variety of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle treatments, and sometimes they would choose to go directly to medical aesthetic procedures, or plastic surgery in order to pursue results.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

Among them, the women who are known as gods are not exempt from vulgarity, but they don't seem to have achieved the amazing effect they expected, but they frightened the audience.

Look at the stiff facial expression, the overly full apple muscles, and the smiling lips that look quite like a horror movie, what can't they think of?

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

【Big Change】

In fact, there are many female stars like this in the entertainment industry, but the one I didn't expect the most was Chen Shu, because in my eyes, he has always been an intellectual beauty.

To have good looks, to have acting skills, to have acting skills, in the entertainment industry like a mudslide, it is a very clear stream.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

His appearance in the cheongsam of the Republic of China in a drama really amazed me for many years, and I still remember his charm and beauty at that time.

In recent years, he has not completely distanced himself from the entertainment industry, and he is still conscientiously following the script and acting in various plays.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

Last year, he acted in a modern drama in which he played a beautiful doctor, who looked very cold and professional.

In fact, it was okay when he first appeared, after all, his value and appearance were still relatively resistant, but the premise of that resistance was in the case of long shots.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

As soon as the camera zoomed in and he began to say his lines, the audience began to notice that something was wrong, and this facial state was too unnatural.

He seems to have more muscle groups on his face than normal people every time he says a word, so there will be more micro-expressions on his face.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

Such words are presented in the plot, that is, he has to blink and pout his lips every time he says a word, and then pout, with a very strange expression.

In addition, he should have also made a smile lip, and the corners of this lip are slightly raised no matter what expression he is, so it is even more disobedient.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

If you want to say that your line skills are still relatively online, but this facial expression is really a bit dramatic, and it is very uncomfortable to watch.

And in addition to the facial expressions of flying around, many netizens also found that his acting skills seemed to have regressed, no matter what he was saying, he was expressionless.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

It's either expressionless or expressionless to fly, anyway, it's not online, and there is no way to compare with the previous state, which is very bad for passers-by.

You must know that when he played Tie Lihua, his resolute and delicate performance has touched the hearts of countless people, and how many people feel sorry for him when a tear falls.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

But now without him, it seems that he has changed from a primary school girl who has just entered the school to a senior sister who has been devastated by experiments for a long time, and no one dares to approach him, but they are afraid of his status.

This is the true portrayal of the present statement, so to speak, if he had not touched his face, leaving the mark of normal time.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

It can be better developed with the corresponding role. But now the face is so stiff and puffy, and there is no way to control facial expressions well.

seems to be good for his career development, but many people are still lamenting in the comment area that he is an actress who has been ruined by medical beauty.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

【Tender model becomes a village girl】

Coincidentally, there are really many actresses like this in the entertainment industry, and then another one worth talking about is Yang Ying, who made a fuss some time ago.

When he first debuted, he was favored by a director as a young model, and then arranged a play, and I have forgotten what the names of the characters in that play were.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

Dressed in a green dress, the makeup on his face is relatively light, but it perfectly shows his beauty and good figure, and he amazed many people as soon as he appeared.

He also officially stepped into the entertainment industry because of that drama, and later broke the news of his marriage to Huang Xiaoming, and his resources have risen all the way since then.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

But maybe because of his personal talent, his acting skills have always been complained about, but no one has ever complained about his appearance, he looks so beautiful.

With a perfect face shape, beautiful big eyes, and slightly mixed-race makeup, it can be said that his appearance is very resistant in the entire entertainment industry.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

But then I don't know what's going on, since he divorced Huang Xiaoming, his resources have been greatly reduced, and he may not have the popularity to support people.

In addition, the incident of the famous foreign show some time ago fermented, and he was already banned in the mainland.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

So I walked the red carpet once some time ago, but the response was mediocre, and there was no too amazing appearance, but a lot more lace news.

His overall state has become very poor, judging from the latest photos, it can be said that he is like two people before, and there is no way to compare.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

If he was a young and beautiful girl before, then his current state is like a middle-aged woman who has been rubbed by life.

The figure is still as bloody as ever, but it seems that the temperament is not as good as before, and there is no such flamboyant and confident feeling.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

His face is dull and begins to loosen, he is a relatively unique existence in the entertainment industry, he is not a powerful faction, at most he is a good-looking faction and a traffic faction.

If you want the background, he climbed up from the bottom step by step by relying on his figure and his face. Later, after marrying Huang Xiaoming, his background was Huang Xiaoming.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

After the divorce, the two parties seemed to have a very ugly quarrel, and he completely lost this backer. Now in the entertainment industry, you have to have no background, no background, no reputation, no reputation.

The only face that can give him confidence. Now that he has collapsed, it can be said that he is not far from quitting this circle.

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

In fact, for his face, there have always been a lot of scandals saying that his appearance is very different from his previous appearance, not to mention that he has already undergone plastic surgery.

But because his previous appearance was too strong and beaten, there have always been a lot of fans who have been supporting him, and he has maintained his status.

Now that there is not much energy left from this face, I wonder how long he can hold on here?

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go
Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go

Information sources:

Xinmin Evening News ———— Chen Shu: I like to play Shanghai women very much

Sina Entertainment———— Chen Shu won the 2010 "Chinese Face" of the Weekly with "Iron Pear Flower"

Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go
Weird smiling lips, swollen apple muscles, and the look of "winning glory for the country" collapsed, where should she go


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