
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

author:Rain falls on the riverside

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Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39
The content of this article has reliable sources of information, and relevant sources are added at the end of the article


Have you ever heard of the term academic daji? Like celebrities, it used to be a compliment, praising women, but with the development of the times, it has inexplicably become a derogatory term.

Just two years ago, another girl was crowned with such a name, and in 12 years, she was married four times and divorced three times.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Step by step, she improved her academic qualifications, enriched her life experience, and finally became a tenured professor at a well-known university, when she was not yet 40 years old.

So how did she manage to change her life in this way? What's the story behind it?

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

【Four marriages】

The heroine I want to talk about today is named Qian Lulu, she is not from a scholarly family as we imagined, and has a good background.

She, like thousands of ordinary people in the world, regarded the college entrance examination after 10 years of hard study as the most important step to change her life.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

But things didn't go the way she had hoped. She failed the college entrance examination, and her score in the exam could only barely get into a second-class college.

But perhaps it was her luck that the second school she was at merged with the 985 school when she was a sophomore.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Inexplicably, she changed from a two-book education to a 985 school degree, which put a layer of golden light on her life experience for the first time.

With such a primary step, it means that she can get in touch with a more high-end class, which can allow her to get more powerful connections.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Sure enough, on the campus of this 985-famous school, Qian Lulu met the target of her guards, who was a very good senior.

Two people can be said to be like-minded, one is handsome and the other is beautiful at the same time. Standing together is also a threat that after the passage of time, it is natural to fall in love.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Qian Lulu also followed her seniors to see a wider world, and the two of them made progress together and improved their quality of life together.

further stimulated some desires in Qian Lulu's heart, and she began to feel that she might be able to strive for a better and longer life course.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

With the support of her husband, she began to test and quickly adjusted her form after a failure. For the second time, he successfully went ashore and was admitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Since then, she has officially become a graduate student, seeing a wider world and seeing a world that she had never imagined before.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

There is a very ironic saying called "The first sword on the shore first cuts the person you like." Qian Lulu did this because she felt that she was no match for her husband in terms of academic qualifications.

Moreover, there is another senior brother in her life who is studying at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, she is a very strong person, and she feels that there are more things to learn from this senior brother.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

After the two of us gradually developed other feelings, she went back and filed for divorce from her current husband, so I quickly cut it in two and turned around and married this senior brother.

The two of them also have master's degrees and are also high-ranking people, which can be said to be a very good family background.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

However, Qian Lulu was not satisfied with this, she wanted to climb to a higher position, so she began to study for a doctorate, wanting to obtain a higher education.

Of course, the premise for her to have this idea is that her current husband is still the same as the previous person, and unconditionally supports her for broadcasting.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

He also provided her with some ideas and experiences that she had sorted out before, and also helped her find the most suitable path for herself.

It can be said that the second husband occupied an important role in her life as a life coach, which is a very important turning point.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

After doing this, Qian Lulu began to study on her own, and then Kaobo's husband also used his connections to help her contact a very well-known academician as a mentor.

Not surprisingly, she successfully became a doctoral student at Shanghai Jiaotong University, so the fate of this husband can refer to her predecessors.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

During her Ph.D., Qian Lulu met a very powerful person, who had her own unique insights into DNA computing technology that she studied.

She has been very helpful with her project. The two of them got together to study their own topics and achieved great academic achievements together.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Qian Lulu has always been very decisive emotionally, when she realized that this big guy could help her more than her husband.

She chose to give up her marriage again and marry this big guy who brought her more help, and the two of them really rose steadily in the academic world.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

It is also because of this that she has the qualifications to participate in academic exchange meetings, which allows her to see more things and also allows her to move to a higher position.

At the same time, she met a very extraordinary person at the academic exchange meeting, that is, Eric Winfrey, a professor at the California Institute of Technology.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

When she learned that the professor would attend, she dressed up specially, originally she belonged to the hexagram of having a good face and a plump body.

After dressing up like this, she was very eye-catching in the crowd of scientific research talents, and the professor left a deep impression on her from the beginning.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

So later, she specially invited Qian Lulu to California Polytechnic University as an academic visit, which happened to be in line with Qian Lulu's wishes.

It is also because of this that Qian Lulu finally met the father of DNA computers, that is, Ryan Adelman of USC.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

At the same time, she also further realized the difference between the scope of foreign academics and the domestic academic atmosphere, and faintly began to think about studying abroad.

After graduating with her Ph.D., she went straight to California to study, and during this time she was in contact with Dr. Eric, and she took all of them with her.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Naturally, the two people also have some relationships that surpass friends, plus the two people have the same research direction and the life philosophy of common progress.

Qian Lulu returned to China again and went through the divorce procedures with her current husband, and then entered the palace of marriage with the professor, which was her fourth marriage.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Later, she began to put more thought into this topic, and through various channels to improve her academic status, she obtained more academic results.

Later, she began to apply for tenured professorships at the California Institute of Technology, which is a very well-known institution in the United States.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

The gold content is very high, and the screening of students is strict enough, not to mention the tutors of such study abroad guidance, the screening and observation will be more strict.

Therefore, Qian Lulu's application has always been stuck and has not been approved, and she has been worried about this matter.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

It is rumored that her husband later found out about this, and at that time, Qian Lulu was already the only love of her life in the heart of the professor, and her status was very high.

Unable to see his beloved wife in such distress, the professor began to use all his connections and threatened to resign.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

The California Institute of Technology really didn't know that there was a shortage of such a talent, and after investigating Qian Lulu's background again, it decided to allow the hiring.

This is just a rumor, such a thing is still a bit ridiculous, novels don't dare to write like this, what matters is her thesis and strength.

In 2019, Qian Lulu officially became a tenured professor at the California Institute of Technology, and the last Chinese to receive such an honor before her was Mr. Qian Xuesen.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

["Academic Daji" controversy]

After the news came out, it instantly caused a big wave of exaggeration, the media rushed to report her matter, and the social evaluation was mixed.

Some people think that she is ascending step by step, all by relying on her own blade, and her husband seems to regard herself as a kind of bond.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Some people also think that she actually relied on her husband to go up, but in this process, she also put in countless efforts and has the determination to move up.

Another part of the people feel that she knows how to use all her advantages to obtain the benefits she wants, and she is not entangled emotionally, but chooses to cut it in two.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

And her ability to achieve such an achievement at such a young age is enough to prove that she has enough courage and strength.

It's not easy to fake academic things, which in itself is a reflection of her strength, so being able to get to such a position can only be said to be more powerful.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Some people have a more novel view, she sees something deeper from this matter, Qian Lulu's promotion road is full of interpersonal relationships and resource integration.

Obviously, it is the development of academic status, but there don't seem to be many things that are really linked to academics, and most of the time it's about class resources and interpersonal relationships.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

There is also the problem of supervisors that all graduate and doctoral students are more concerned about, as if they think that a good supervisor will be more helpful to their own learning path, so will such a system be unreasonable?

In such an era, everyone is climbing up, some people fight for their fathers and mothers, and some people can only fight for their own strength, and use their hands and feet to take the road they choose.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Meaning is relative, success is also relative, and everyone has different choices on this path, as well as different meanings that they identify.

Some of her practices may need to be considered, but the determination and courage she showed in this series of events are worth learning from.

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39

Information sources:

Shanghai Jiaotong University ———— alumni style

Sohu News ———— the academics and scandals behind Qian Lulu's four marriages

Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39
Qian Lulu, the "Daji" in the academic world: four marriages and three divorces in 12 years, became a tenured professor at a famous school at the age of 39


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