
"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

author:Yingcai said

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"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Buying a house in China, in addition to the factors that everyone understands such as price and location, you may not expect that even choosing a floor is a technical job. Especially the 9th floor, the legendary "special floor", many people say that it is not suitable to live.

What's going on here? Why is this said? Is there really a scientific basis? Or is it just some nonsense? When we were picking a house, did we really need to avoid the 9th floor? Next, let's uncover the truth behind this and see what factors we should consider when choosing a home floor.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Why is there a saying that the 9th floor is uninhabitable?

In China's real estate market, if you're going to pay for a home, you'll have to take into account every detail, including which floor is the best place to live.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

It is interesting to say that the 9th floor is not a habitable floor, and people should be more vigilant when choosing a home. So what does this mean?

In fact, there is a wealth of cultural information hidden in it.

China's digital system is far from just a quantitative concept, it also contains profound cultural connotations. For example, because the number "4" is pronounced similarly to the Chinese character "死", many people will shy away from choosing a place to live on the 4th floor. On the contrary, the number "8" has become a popular number chased by many home buyers because of its similar pronunciation to the Chinese character "发".

However, the meaning of the number "9" has sparked controversy. On the plus side, the number "9" is pronounced the same as the Chinese character for "久", which means longevity and good luck.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Some people also misunderstand that it may also be similar to the "old" sound of Chinese characters, which in turn makes people think of dilapidated and stale, thus making it seem unlucky.

In addition, the number "9" also has a unique symbolic meaning in traditional Chinese culture. Looking back at ancient history, we can find that emperors often boasted of the "respect of the ninety-five", which undoubtedly demonstrated the noble status of the number "9".

However, this dignity is not affordable for everyone, and only those with sufficient destiny and social status can control it.

Ordinary people living on the 9th floor are like a tall hat that they can't wear, which may invite unnecessary trouble.

Of course, there are some traditional superstitions associated with this.

In reality, the choice of floor depends on the actual situation. Some people say that the 9th floor is windy and noisy, and these are the real reasons why they avoid the 9th floor.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

For example, the wind on the upper floors is indeed relatively strong, cold in winter and hot in summer, which is indeed a test of living comfort.

There is also the problem of water pressure, and the water pressure on the 9th floor of some old buildings is unstable, and life is really inconvenient.

Therefore, the statement that the 9th floor is uninhabitable is partly due to the influence of traditional culture, and partly due to the consideration of actual living experience.

But that doesn't mean the 9th floor is really unsuitable for anyone. For those who like high-rise and enjoy the night view of the city, the 9th floor may be just what they need.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Expose the truth from a scientific perspective

In China's real estate market, choosing a floor is almost as important as picking the house itself. Many people will hear the saying that "the 9th floor is not suitable for living" when buying a house. This view is widely circulated in society, but is there really a scientific basis?

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Today, we will analyze the truth behind this from a scientific point of view.

Some people say that the 9th floor is a "dust floor", which means that this floor will accumulate more dust and pollutants.

This may sound reasonable, but in reality, the distribution and suspension height of dust are affected by many factors, such as wind speed, wind direction, surrounding environment, etc., and it is impossible to simply conclude that the 9th floor is a dust accumulation layer.

Moreover, most of the doors and windows of modern buildings have good sealing, and ordinary dust is difficult to have much impact on the indoor environment.

Let's talk about the "device layer" issue. There is an opinion that the 9th floor will be used by developers to place construction equipment, causing radiation and noise problems. This claim has little basis in modern architectural practice.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Most modern buildings have important equipment located in the ground or on the roof, and rarely occupy normal living floors.

Moreover, even if there is equipment placed on a certain floor, the relevant sound insulation and protective measures will be good enough not to affect the normal life of residents.

Regarding the problem of "channel steel layer", this is actually a more professional problem. The channel steel layer is mainly set up to strengthen the structural safety of the building.

Modern building technology has been able to ensure that even floors with channel steel layers can be waterproof and corrosion-resistant, ensuring the safety and durability of the building. Therefore, concerns at this level are also unnecessary.

Overall, the so-called "9th floor is uninhabitable" statement is more of an unfounded rumor or superstition.

In fact, whether it is the 9th floor or any other floor, as long as the building design and construction meet the standards, there will be no problem of occupancy safety.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

When choosing a floor, buyers should consider more personal living habits and actual needs, rather than being influenced by some claims that have no scientific basis.

For developers and architectural design units, the popularization of these scientific knowledge should also be strengthened to help buyers understand the real information and avoid misunderstandings that affect the sale of houses.

When you buy a house, you can rest assured that you can choose your favorite floor, and you don't have to worry too much about these claims that have no scientific basis. The most important thing is to choose a home that suits you.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Which floors are better to live in?

After talking about the statement that the 9th floor is uninhabitable and the reasons behind it, let's talk about choosing a floor. After all, buying a house is a big deal, and you can't be sloppy in your floor selection.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

So, what factors should we consider when choosing a floor? Which floors are better to live on?

You have to be clear about your needs. If you're a convenience-seeker, you might prefer a lower floor.

The advantages of the lower floors are obvious, easy to get in and out, the elderly and children are not so difficult to get in and out, tired, there is an emergency, and they go out as soon as they run.

However, there are also many disadvantages of low floors, such as it may be noisy, especially if the surrounding environment of the place where you live is not very quiet, there is a lot of traffic, and there may be insufficient lighting, and the mood may be affected after living for a long time.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Look at the high floors, the benefits of the high floors needless to say, the air is good, the view is wide, and the windows are a beautiful view. Especially for those who need to be quiet, the high floors reduce the noise disturbance from the ground level, and the quality of life naturally improves.

However, high floors are not perfect, for example, sometimes it is windy, cold in winter and hot in summer, and the energy consumption may be higher. Also, in case of elevator failure, it is really a terrible thing, and it is not easy to climb the stairs.

For most people, the mid-floor is probably the most balanced option.

Generally speaking, the middle floor can avoid the noise and humidity of the lower floors, and you don't have to worry about the wind and elevators on the upper floors. This floor is usually airy, moderately lit, and comfortable to live in.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

Especially in some high-rise buildings, such as between the 10th and 20th floors, it is often considered a "golden floor", which not only provides convenience for life, but also enjoys some of the benefits of a high floor.

Of course, the choice of floor depends on the purpose of your purchase. If it is for self-living, then you have to think long-term and choose a floor that meets the living habits of your family.

If you're renting for an investment, you may want to consider a more popular floor in the market, which is easier to rent or resell.

In addition, you have to consider the specific situation of the property. Some communities have high floors, others have low floors, and the same floor may have very different experiences in different communities.

In addition, the greenery of the community, the surrounding facilities, and even the future development plan are all factors that cannot be ignored when choosing a floor.

In conclusion, choosing a floor is a comprehensive decision-making process that requires many factors to consider.

"The 9th floor is a special floor, and ordinary people can't live there", what does it mean? Why is this said?

It is recommended that when choosing a floor, you should not just listen to one side of the story, nor do you rely entirely on personal preferences, but should make the choice that best meets your actual needs based on the actual situation.

Remember, buying a home is a big deal, and every decision can affect your quality of life for a long time to come. So, choose wisely, make rational decisions, find the floor that suits you best, and make your home truly your haven.