
"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

author:Xing Lan Shi said

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"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

In the film and television industry, height seems to have become an invisible threshold. Although there are many handsome men and beautiful women, it is difficult to stand out.

And special actors, with their unique appearance, are more likely to be remembered by the audience. Chen Sanmu, China's first dwarf star, is a prime example.

He is only 1.28 meters tall, and he has been ridiculed and discriminated against on the road of acting. However, it is this short body that has married four beautiful wives one after another, and each one is more beautiful than the other!

How exactly did Chen Sanmu do it?

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

Short body, big dreams, budding

Chen Sanmu, a man who is only 1.28 meters tall, has an ambition to chase his dreams.

He was born with congenital pituitary gland hypoplasia, which led to stagnation of physical growth, and his height was fixed at 1.28 meters.

In his childhood, Chen Sanmu was often bullied and ridiculed by other children because of his short stature.

Whenever this happens, his mother always comes forward to protect him, giving him comfort and encouragement.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Chen Sanmu is talented and very studious. Despite his short stature, his academic performance has always been at the top of his list.

In his spare time, he shows a strong interest in cultural activities and likes to perform on stage.

He also studied martial arts in the hope of strengthening his body.

In the process of constantly participating in theatrical performances, an actor's dream quietly sprouted in Chen Sanmu's heart.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

He secretly set up his ambition to one day become a professional actor and show his acting talent on a bigger stage.

In 1980, 20-year-old Chen Sanmu worked in Zaozhuang Coal Mine as a telephone switchboard caretaker.

The seemingly boring work did not wear out his dream of acting.

In his spare time, he signed up for a local drama training class and began to systematically learn acting.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

In the training class, Chen Sanmu practiced hard, humbly learned from teachers and classmates, and his performance level improved rapidly.

His passion and talent have also been recognized by everyone.

Soon, he began to perform on stage and became famous in the local area.

The audience loved this short actor because he always surprises with his superb acting skills.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

What made Chen Sanmu's acting career take a key step was a film shooting opportunity in 1991.

That year, he acted in a movie for the first time, albeit in a very small role.

But this experience was like a spark that completely ignited the dream of being an actor in his heart.

He secretly vowed that he must work the road of acting until the day his dream comes true.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

North drifting dreams and thorns pave the way

With the dream of being an actor, Chen Sanmu resolutely embarked on the road of North Drift in the 90s of the 20th century.

He knows that the road to realizing his dreams is destined to be full of thorns, but he has an indomitable will and a spirit of never giving up.

In the early days, Chen Sanmu squatted at the door of the film and television company all the year round, hoping to get a chance to perform in a group.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Due to the peculiarities of his height, he was often rejected.

Even if I occasionally receive some group roles, most of them are insignificant supporting roles, and sometimes even the "corpse" is not qualified to act.

But Chen Sanmu is not discouraged, he is convinced that as long as he persists, he will one day wait for his own opportunity.

The hardships of life did not crush this short man.

He was frugal, and sometimes even had to spend the night in a bridge cave near the film and television base.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Despite the difficult living conditions, Chen Sanmu is full of strength when he thinks that he is fighting for his dreams.

With his unique height and excellent acting skills, Chen Sanmu gradually gained some fame in the film and television industry.

In 2001, he participated in many TV series such as "Seven Pins Qincha Liu Luo Pot".

The characters portrayed left a deep impression on the audience. His acting career ushered in its first small peak.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

2007 was a memorable year for Chen Sanmu.

This year, he has starred in many well-known TV series such as "Tianxian Pei", "Fengshen Bang", "Jigong", etc., and has become a hot special actor.

In "Tianxian Pei", his role as the "Land Prince" was widely acclaimed, which made his status in the entertainment industry to a higher level.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

The pinnacle of his career has finally paid off for many years of life in Beipiao, and his dream has become a reality.

In 2010, Chen Sanmu was named "the No. 1 dwarf star in the mainland" and became a well-known actor.

This is not only a recognition of his acting skills, but also a compliment to his years of hard work.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Love and career are both harvested

However, the brilliance of his career did not bring equal luck to Chen Sanmu's emotional life.

His first three marriages all ended in failure. Maybe it's because he's busy with his career, or maybe it's because his personality doesn't match, Chen Sanmu has never been able to find the woman who can join hands with him for the rest of his life.

It wasn't until he met his current wife that his emotional life took a turn for the better.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Two people with similar experiences met in Beijing, both with the desire to realize their dreams in the entertainment industry.

Although the girl is only 160 tall, she is very good-looking.

In getting along day and night, Chen Sanmu takes care of her, often cares about her warmth and coldness, and the seeds of love take root in the hearts of the two.

After a period of getting along, the two resolutely decided to join hands for the rest of their lives.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

However, this relationship was strongly opposed by the woman's parents.

The old couple never dreamed that their daughter's other half would be so "special".

Chen Sanmu knew in his heart that although he was already famous, his height was a shortcoming that could not be changed.

In the end, at the girl's insistence, the parents finally agreed to the family affair.

With a bumper harvest in career and love, Chen Sanmu was overjoyed, because no one knew how much pain and grievances he had endured along the way.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

The dream comes true

Chen Sanmu's life experience has given us many inspirations.

First of all, he used his own experience to prove that the defect of height is not an obstacle to chasing dreams.

Although he is only 1.28 meters tall, he eventually became an excellent actor with his love for acting and unremitting efforts.

His path to success teaches us that as long as we have dreams and put in the effort, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

Chen Sanmu's story also reflects the importance of sticking to your dreams and never giving up.

On the road to chasing his dream, he encountered countless difficulties and setbacks, but he never thought of giving up.

Whether it is squatting in a film and television company all year round or enduring the difficulties of life, he always firmly believes that as long as he persists, his dream will come true one day.

It is this firm belief that supports him to move forward all the way, and finally achieves the glory of his career.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives

In addition, Chen Sanmu's experience also enlightens us that vision determines the height of life, and we must be firm in choosing goals.

As a person of insufficient height, he did not give up on himself, but bravely chose the acting career he loved.

Once he has set his goal, he plunges into it without hesitation, unswayed by the doubts of the outside world.

It is this dedication and dedication that has made his extraordinary life extraordinary.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives


Chen Sanmu's life story is an inspirational legend. He used his own personal experience to interpret the true meaning of "height is not distance, and dreams are no matter how big or small".

From an ordinary person with a height of only 1.28 meters to becoming a household name as the "No. 1 dwarf star in the mainland", Chen Sanmu has walked a road full of thorns to pursue his dreams.

"China's No. 1 Dwarf Star", only 1.28 meters tall, but he is a national first-class actor and married 4 beautiful wives


1. International Online - March 30, 2017 - "He is a popular film and television dwarf star, 1.28 meters tall, 4 wives, but tall and beautiful"

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