
The latest policy on Hong Kong identity immigration explains the benefits of settling in Hong Kong and the six major ways to apply

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The latest policy of Hong Kong identity immigration, one article explains the benefits of settling in Hong Kong and the six ways to apply!

As Asia's financial centre, Hong Kong's economic recovery and development play an important role in driving economic growth across the region. In this context, applying for a Hong Kong identity has undoubtedly become the focus of many people's attention.

The latest policy on Hong Kong identity immigration explains the benefits of settling in Hong Kong and the six major ways to apply

Mainland residents can enjoy a series of significant advantages in Hong Kong, including education, career development, quality of life, travel convenience, medical benefits and more:

1. Advantages of children's education:

01. 15 years of free education: Hong Kong provides 15 years of free education from kindergarten to high school, with an international education system and emphasis on the cultivation of biliteracy and trilingualism (Chinese, English and Cantonese/Mandarin).

02. Diverse educational options: children can apply for international schools, or even some pure foreign schools, to lay the foundation for studying abroad or entering the international workplace in the future.

03. Pathway for further studies: Through the DSE examination, you can directly apply to overseas universities or enjoy the examination-free enrollment plan of 138 universities in the mainland.

The latest policy on Hong Kong identity immigration explains the benefits of settling in Hong Kong and the six major ways to apply

2. Personal career development:

01. High demand for talents: Hong Kong has a strong demand for talents, there is no obvious age limit for the workplace, and the elderly are more popular.

02. Preferential tax system: Hong Kong's tax system is simple, with a maximum personal income tax of no more than 17%, a low corporate tax, and individual income tax subsidies for working in the Greater Bay Area.

03. International platform: As an international financial center, Hong Kong provides individuals with a broader career stage and a higher salary level.

3. Convenience and welfare:

01. Advantages of the two places: Holding Hong Kong identity does not affect the mainland account, and you can enjoy the business opportunities, medical treatment and pension benefits of the two places at the same time.

02. Convenience of buying a house: You can buy a house freely in the Greater Bay Area, and you can use a lower mortgage interest rate from a Hong Kong-funded bank.

03. Global access: Hong Kong passport is visa-free to 172 countries and regions, which is convenient for international travel.

04. Medical security: Hong Kong provides high-level medical services, and Hong Kong residents can enjoy free or low-cost public medical services, including childhood vaccination.

If you are interested in Hong Kong identity, you can click the link below to do a professional assessment, and you will be eligible to apply if you meet the assessment score of 80!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

4. Family and Childbirth:

01. Freedom of reproduction: Hong Kong encourages childbearing, and children under legal residence can enjoy comprehensive child benefits.

02. Family immigration: If one person applies successfully, his spouse and children can obtain Hong Kong status together and achieve family reunion.

5. Asset allocation and value preservation:

Freedom of capital: Hong Kong's mature financial system, with the Hong Kong dollar pegged to the US dollar, provides a favorable environment for asset preservation.

To sum up, settling in Hong Kong can not only provide individuals and families with high-quality educational resources, but also bring significant benefits in terms of career development, quality of life, global mobility, etc., while maintaining close ties with the mainland and enjoying the dual advantages.

The latest policy on Hong Kong identity immigration explains the benefits of settling in Hong Kong and the six major ways to apply

The latest policy on applying for Hong Kong identity for Mainland residents provides a variety of ways for people with different backgrounds and needs. Here are the main ways to apply, along with a brief description of each, to help you understand which option might be most suitable for Mainland residents to settle in Hong Kong:

1. Hong Kong Quality Migrant Scheme:

Suitable for: Suitable for talented people from all walks of life, especially those with good educational background, professional skills or rich work experience.

Requirements: Applicants must be over 18 years old, have a good academic background, good Chinese or English skills, and sufficient financial ability. A comprehensive points test is adopted, with a minimum score of 80 points to apply, including scores in terms of age, education, work experience, etc.

Advantages: Broad-oriented, no industry restrictions, relatively flexible application cycle, but fierce competition.

2. TTPS:

Suitable for: people with bachelor's degree and high salary, especially professionals in technology, finance and other fields. Qualifications: A high degree of education and a high-paying work background are usually required.

Advantages: For highly skilled talents, the number of applicants is large, indicating its attractiveness.

3. Hong Kong Talent Scheme:

Suitable for: Professionals who have been employed by local companies in Hong Kong.

Qualifications: Applicants who are required to have an employment from a Hong Kong employer and are suitable for specific industries or have professional skills.

Advantages: Directly linked to the job, suitable for applicants with a clear job offer.

4. Study in Hong Kong:

Suitable for: Students who wish to obtain Hong Kong status through education or those who want to improve themselves.

Requirements: Apply for higher education courses in Hong Kong, and have the opportunity to stay and work in Hong Kong after completing your studies, and then apply for permanent residence.

Advantages: The barrier to entry is relatively low, which is suitable for young people or those who want to further their studies.

5. Investment Relocation Program:

Suitable for: high-net-worth individuals who are willing to invest more than HK$30 million in Hong Kong.

Requirements: Must have foreign permanent resident status and invest in designated assets for 7 years.

Advantages: Suitable for people who do not mind the amount of investment and are looking for a double return on investment and status.

6. Relatives and relatives:

Suitable for: Mainland residents whose parents, children or spouse are permanent residents of Hong Kong.

Conditions: Apply for a one-way permit and obtain Hong Kong status directly.

Advantage: Family reunification without the need to meet additional work or investment conditions.

Each method has its own specific application criteria, advantages, and suitable demographics. Choosing the most suitable method depends on the individual's background, career plans, financial situation, and family situation.

For example, if you are a highly skilled professional with an employer in Hong Kong, a talent scheme may be a good fit. If you want to take advantage of your excellent background to move directly, QMAS is a good choice.

For young people who want to improve themselves through education first, studying abroad is a starting point.

Ultimately, it is wise to determine the most suitable path through a professional assessment based on individual circumstances.

If you are interested in Hong Kong identity, you can click the link below to do a professional assessment, and you will be eligible to apply if you meet the assessment score of 80!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

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