
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

author:Nanke Documentary


"Gutter oil" is already a disgusting filth, I didn't expect there to be a dirtier "fake" than it!

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The small gutter oil workshops are now invisible, and the relevant departments have long since knocked them out, but fakes that are many times dirtier than it may still be "rampant" in the market.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The appearance of this disgusting fake is very confusing, and many people may buy it frequently, and even move it home in boxes, mistaking "garbage" for nutritional products.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

You may be one of the victims in front of the screen, and you will know how sick you are after watching it!

There are many fakes of "liquid gold"!

There are many things we can think of about "liquid gold", but there are very few foods that can be associated with it, and this thing is actually honey!

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

Honey is usually a relatively high product because its production process is too primitive, and it is difficult for humans to industrialize the production of honey today.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The only people who can produce honey are beekeepers, a primitive and unpopular profession that is the main source of honey in the market, and the productivity of beekeepers is very limited.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

They may only be able to produce a little honey in a year, and these original honey is scarce in quantity, so the corresponding price is relatively high, and really good honey can be called a "luxury".

We can only buy some to try occasionally, and we don't dare to continue to consume high-priced honey, because our wallets can't bear it!

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

But this situation cannot be reversed for the time being, and even the beekeeper cannot control the production of honey, because he also has to look at the face of the bee army.

This is also the main reason why honey production has not been industrialized so far, bees as a small unit of honey production, human beings can not interfere too much, can only eat and drink good.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

It is not easy for beekeepers to domesticate these bees for human use, and it is up to God to increase production, after all, bees are not the same as humans.

Raw production of good honey is not uncommon in the market, but many people are deterred by the high price, so the audience for this high-end honey is very limited.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

However, those very cheap honeys are popular with people, and many people are willing to pay for them, anyway, the taste is not very different, so it is better to choose the cheaper one.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

As everyone knows, this consumption habit may be falling into the whirlpool of fakes, honey fraud is no longer news, many people think that even if they buy fake honey, they will be hurt by mistake, because fake honey may sometimes taste better than real honey.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

However, we can't imagine how disgusting the counterfeiting methods used by some fake honey are in order to confuse the real with the fake!

Some fake honey may be made of "bugs"!

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

"Worm corpse honey" must be eliminated!

Honey counterfeiting is generally made of artificially made sugars, and after mixing water and flavors, it is enough to confuse the real thing, and many people may not be able to distinguish the taste.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

It is actually more difficult to judge based on appearance, because these illegal traders are very skilled in counterfeiting, and not only the taste can be realistic, but also the appearance can be faked.

The color of honey can be adjusted with various pigments, and as for the viscous texture of honey, artificial thickeners can be completely competent, and a little bit can be added to create the same texture.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

It doesn't matter if these fake honeys are just fake in quality, the key is that they are afraid of the half-true honey, and the production process is really disgusting.

The price of real pure honey is very high, especially the popular "acacia nectar", which has a moderate flavor and sweetness, so the price is much higher.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

However, there are many so-called acacia nectar that can be sold very cheaply, because these honeys are blended and added with other varieties of honey to maintain the flavor.

Then use other materials to reduce costs, the main ingredient is artificial sugar, speaking of which the problem arises, if artificial sugar is manufactured safely and hygienically, in fact, there is nothing disgusting.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The problem is that CCTV media has previously exposed a sugar factory specializing in honey production, and the raw materials used in this sugar factory are really disgusting!

This artificial syrup is usually made with some starch-rich offcuts, such as some rice that no one wants, which is generally relatively broken.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The sugar factory collects these secondary rice for storage and processing, but the sugar factory has a big problem with the storage process, and the rice has already grown insects after a long time.

If not stored properly, grain grains will quickly give birth to a lot of bugs, which multiply very quickly, and it only takes a few days to reach every corner of the granary.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

And the warehouse of this sugar factory is simply miserable, with bugs crawling everywhere, and it looks physiologically uncomfortable.

The rice needs to be thoroughly crushed into powder through several processes before it can be produced, and we don't know if the manufacturer will clean up the insects in the process.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

If they break it up along with the bugs, the resulting syrup is the equivalent of bug corpses, and this syrup is enough to imagine choking.

When you mix these syrups with cheap honey, it's hard to tell if they're real or fake, and people can't imagine that there are so many bugs in the honey they eat.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

The production volume of these syrup manufacturers is still very large, and many of them are supplied to the mills that produce honey, and what is even more terrifying is that the honey is enough to confuse the real thing.

Because there are indeed honey ingredients in it, but some of them will be blended, so the honey should have all the ingredients, but some of the ingredients may not be so high.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

However, if you think about the production of Zhexi blended syrup, it is so disgusting that many people like to give this honey as a gift.

Because some fake honey packaging will be very delicate, and the price is not high, real honey is very expensive, so it will give people the illusion of a high-end gift.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

Don't touch this honey again, everyone pays attention to distinguishing is the last word!

Real honey is easy to tell the difference!

Real honey generally does not look crystal clear because of its very complex composition, while added honey looks more transparent due to the high purity of artificial materials
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

Real honey is more layered, which is beyond the reach of counterfeit methods, and real honey will also change with changes in temperature and climate.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

In addition, the viscosity of real honey may be higher, and if the thickener is not well blended, fake honey will give people a very thin texture.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting

However, this method is for reference only, and some fake honeys can indeed be fake in terms of viscosity.


Honey fraud is actually not strange, some guys can barely be tolerated, and some disgusting fakes are unacceptable.

In particular, those fakes that may harm human health, or the kind of fakes that make people physiologically uncomfortable, these are resolutely intolerable, and once discovered, everyone should get rid of them as soon as possible!


Qilu One Point "Several Simple Methods for Identifying True and Fake Honey, These Five Identification Methods Are Worth Referring to" 2022-11-16
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting
Red Star News "Doxxing Fake "Soil Honey": White Sugar, Flavor and Alum Boiled at a Cost of Only a Few Yuan per Catty" February 08, 2023
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting
China Economic Net, "CCTV Exposes the Inside Story of Honey Fraud: Raw Worms, Broken Rice, Ground and Saccharified into "Honey"", November 15, 2010
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting
China Jiangsu Network "Australian Survey: Nearly One in Five Australian Honey Was Detected to Be Adulterated" 2018-10-03
Something dirtier than "gutter oil"! But it is used as a treasure by many elderly people, and the production process is disgusting