
Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

author:Nanke Documentary


"A good man has no good wife, and a good wife has no good man"!

It's not news that an ugly man with a beautiful woman is no longer news, but no matter how ugly a man is, it can be considered normal, at least he can still look like a human being.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

However, some ugly men can get beautiful wives, even if they look like "monsters", they can have beautiful wives.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Actor Li Ping'an looks different from ordinary people, and even looks like a monster, in terms of ugly appearance, this guy can be regarded as a famous person in China.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

It stands to reason that this kind of appearance may not be able to marry that daughter-in-law, but Li Ping'an can spoil the "wife" alone!

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Although the appearance of the family is ugly, the appearance of other people's women is abnormally good, and they are really envious of others.

Outstanding for ugliness - Li Ping'an

Actors eat based on their acting skills, but nowadays it seems that they are more inclined to rely on their excellent appearance, and a group of small fresh meat controls tens of millions of traffic, so appearance is the first factor in today's entertainment industry.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Both male and female artists are quite interested in their appearance, eating with their faces is no longer a joke, and the faces of actors can be directly linked to income.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Almost all celebrities in the entertainment industry are crazy about their appearance, and now everyone is crazy in the field of appearance, and has even achieved the effect of reversing age, many people's appearance does not match their age at all, but most of the artists' appearance is quite online.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

However, there are so many strange things in this, not only do they not rely on beauty to gain a foothold, but they rely on their own remuneration to win a place.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Li Ping'an is a very classic example, this person's appearance is very problematic, if you look at it from the perspective of our normal people, Li Ping'an can be called ugly.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

This kind of ugliness is not mainly the kind of ugliness in our ordinary sense, but a kind of ugliness beyond the aesthetic category, which may not even reach the bottom line of aesthetics.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Li Ping'an's project in general cannot be viewed from an ordinary point of view, because the ugliness of his face is very unnatural and presents a kind of pathology.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Our East Asians are relatively flat in appearance, without the abrupt edges and corners of Westerners, and the facial shape is very peaceful, but the facial features that we should highlight will also be highlighted, for example, most people's noses are protruding.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

But Li Ping'an's face is completely different, the whole face is ridiculously flat, and there is a partial depression in the nose, the nostrils are very serious, and the nose is thin and small, and the nostrils are very large.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Even if you can't bear the whole face, just looking at this nose, it is already very ugly, and because of the nose problem, the whole face is more morbid, as if the facial features are long.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

The mouth of the face itself should be a relatively flat organ of the face, but under the backdrop of the sunken nose, Li Ping'an's mouth also appears to be very protruding, and the chin is relatively narrow.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

It can be said that the whole thing is ugly, but this is also Li Ping'an's personal characteristics, with such an "outstanding" appearance, Li Ping'an can be regarded as having a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

All kinds of harlequin villains are very suitable for him, and he can be qualified for the role with almost no deliberate dress, which is a good way out for Li Ping'an, which is better than going out to play screws.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Although the parents look weird, but it does not affect the people to "hold the beauty", the wife of the family is really called a Peugeot, beautiful as a fairy to describe it is not too much!

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

In the end, this "toad" can eat "swan meat", and there are some skills that we ordinary men can't learn!

Take the initiative and never be shy

Li Ping'an's appearance is actually a defect in the eyes of many people, so he will definitely suffer from strange eyes, and a bunch of people may stare at him when he walks on the street.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

No matter how good-looking ordinary people are, people will take a few more glances at most, and if a person looks very abnormal, then the rate of turning heads in public is off the charts.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

But having a problem with your appearance does not directly mean that you have a problem with your personality, as long as you ignore Li Ping'an's appearance, in fact, there is no obstacle to normal social interaction.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Therefore, as long as someone can accept his appearance, in fact, there is no problem with normal interactions, and this person is not inferior because of his ugly appearance.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Li Ping'an can fall in love and get married like a normal person, as long as the other party can accept his appearance, there is no shortage of other aspects.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

After many efforts, Li Ping'an finally met a particularly attractive woman, and the other party was willing to accept his appearance, and the two were quite happy together.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

The two decided to get married after a relationship was cultivated, just like the steps of us ordinary people getting married on a blind date, and there is no difference.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

After the two got married, their lives were relatively happy, and they gave birth to a child, forming an enviable family of three, and Li Ping'an himself was very satisfied with this.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

and frequently posted his happy life on the Internet, and looked at Li Ping'an's own social accounts, many of which were about his family.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Generally, the husband and wife appear on the camera, both of them seem to be in a very good mood, and the wife also shows that she loves her husband very much, and it is from these works that I know how good Li Ping'an's wife is.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Although Li Ping'an's wife is just an ordinary person, her appearance is extraordinary, her facial features are very delicate and stylish, and her temperament is very good.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

is even better looking than many Internet celebrities, and her excellent appearance and simple dress bring out her natural beauty.

Why such a beautiful woman would be willing to commit to Li Ping'an is indeed a bit puzzling, many people are handsome and have a good family background, but they often marry unsatisfactory wives.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

There is even an old saying that "a good man has no good wife", and it is common to see some very high-quality men in society who are dragged down by their wives alive.

Therefore, it is indeed an enviable thing for Li Ping'an to be able to marry such a beautiful wife, and he often "shows affection" on the Internet.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

Li Ping'an's married life is still very happy, at least from the Internet, with beautiful women as companions all day long, and a lovely child.

Although God gave him an ugly look, Li Ping'an was also a blessing in disguise, and changed his life with his ugly face.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

And his road to the showbiz was not very smooth, and Li Ping'an also went through walls everywhere to succeed.

The gears of fate began to turn

Before Li Ping'an entered the acting career, he had been engaged in many industries, and they were all very low-end industries, and his income was also very meager.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

is mainly a part-time job, all kinds of dirty work and tiring work almost made him do it, even a security guard, and finally chose to do a group performance in 2013, and finally changed his life because of it.

Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

And in 2016, he was photographed by a director, and Li Ping'an successfully became the male lead, and Li Ping'an's acting career was out of control.

He also participated in many famous film and television works in the follow-up, and you may have seen his performances!


Li Ping'an's explosive appearance is already a very bad start, but he reversed his fate with his own efforts and luck and lived a small life that ordinary people envied.

Of course, hard work is a very important factor, but in fact, there is also a considerable "luck component", fortunately, there is a director who has the insight to help Li Ping'an get on the right path.


Li Ping'an's personal Douyin homepage, the user name is "Mars Ange666"
Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife
Baidu Encyclopedia "Li Ping'an"
Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife
On July 18, 2016, CCTV released "Zou Dangrong's movie "My Brother is an Alien" started in Shanghai"
Toads eat swan meat! "Demon" actor Li Ping'an, who looks weird but has a "beautiful" wife

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