
The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

author:Late life

Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei met on a college campus, both of them were members of the literary club, and their common hobbies brought them together. Li Jingyi is a gentle girl, her smile can always bring warmth; Zhang Wei is a sunny boy, and his humor and optimism can always make people forget their troubles. Their love is like a flower in spring, blooming naturally.

After graduating, they chose to stay in this city full of memories, working together and planning for the future together. Two years later, on a spring afternoon, Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei held a simple and warm wedding in a sea of flowers. Friends say they are the most beautiful scenery.

Life after marriage is calm and happy, and the two support each other to face the challenges of life together. Li Jingyi found a job at a publishing house, while Zhang Wei worked as a designer at an advertising agency. They have a good time, going to the market together every weekend to buy groceries, and then going home to cook together and enjoy the world together.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

A year later, Li Jingyi became pregnant. When the news came, both families were very happy, especially Zhang Wei's mother, who was looking forward to the day when she held her grandson. Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei are also full of expectations, they dream of their future baby and imagine a happy life for a family of three. However, they don't know yet that with the arrival of their children, their lives will also quietly change.

The spring breeze blows, bringing a breath of new life. After a long and arduous wait in the delivery room of the hospital, Li Jingyi finally welcomed the first child in her life - a healthy girl. When the baby's cry sounded in the ward, Li Jingyi's face was full of mother's unique brilliance, although she was tired. Zhang Wei held her hand tightly, his eyes filled with tears of excitement.

The two families cheered for the arrival of this new life, and Zhang's mother prepared a room of baby products early, looking forward to the arrival of her grandson. However, when she learned that it was a girl, a trace of disappointment flashed on Zhang's mother's face, but soon she regained her smile, picked up her granddaughter, and gently coaxed her.

According to the previous agreement, the first child followed the woman's surname, so the little girl was named "Li Yue". This name was chosen by Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei together, implying that they hope that their daughter can grow up happily. Although Zhang's mother was a little unwilling, she still respected the decision of the young couple, and just silently looked forward to the second child being able to follow the Zhang family name in her heart.

Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei are immersed in the joy of being parents for the first time, they take good care of little Li Yue, and every time she smiles, they can make the two forget all their tiredness. At night, Zhang Wei would gently pat his daughter's cradle and sing a lullaby in a low voice, while Li Jingyi watched quietly, her heart full of gratitude and happiness. They know that this little life will bring them endless joy and challenges, but they believe that nothing is impossible as long as the family is together.

As Li Yue grew up, her laughter and childish words became the most beautiful music in the house. While Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei enjoyed their role as parents, they also began to look forward to adding a companion to Li Yue. After some discussion, they decided to have another child, hoping to bring a boy to the Zhang family this time.

The news of the pregnancy was quickly blessed by both families, especially Zhang's mother, who was even more overjoyed, as if she had seen her grandson. She began to get busy, preparing clothes and toys for her upcoming grandchildren, and even went out of her way to learn some traditional parenting knowledge in the hope of giving the best care of her grandchildren after they were born.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

However, as the pregnancy progresses, the atmosphere in the family also begins to change quietly. Zhang's mother inadvertently brought up the issue of the child's surname at a family gathering, and she thought that if it was a boy this time, she should follow her father's surname, so as to continue the family's bloodline. The topic was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples.

Li Jingyi is unhappy with this, and she believes that children, both male and female, should have the right to choose their surname, rather than being bound by traditional ideas. Zhang Wei is caught in the middle, torn between a dilemma, he wants to respect his wife's wishes, but he doesn't want to disappoint his mother.

One night, Zhang Wei tried to communicate with Li Jingyi about this issue, he said: "Jingyi, Mom, after all, she is from the older generation, and some concepts are deep-rooted, can we compromise a little?" ”

Li Jingyi replied firmly: "Wei, I understand your mother's thoughts, but I also have my principles. I can't decide on a child's last name just because of his gender, it's not fair to him. ”

The conversation between the two gradually became intense, and an indescribable tension filled the air. They both love each other deeply, but it seems difficult to find a mutually acceptable solution to this problem.

The autumn breeze is cool, and the fallen leaves pave the roads in the community, but the atmosphere in Li Jingyi's home is extremely dull. As the due date approaches, the debate over the surname of the second child is becoming more and more intense. Zhang's mother insisted that her grandson should take his father's surname in order to preserve the family's tradition and reputation. She even mobilized other relatives in the family to persuade Li Jingyi to change her mind.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

One evening, Zhang's mother brought several relatives to Li Jingyi's home, and they sat around the living room and began another discussion. Mother Zhang said in a firm tone: "Jingyi, you are a good daughter-in-law of our family, and I have always regarded you as my own daughter." But this matter is related to the future of our Zhang family, you can't be too willful. ”

Li Jingyi took a deep breath, she knew that this controversy was inevitable, so she responded calmly: "Mom, I understand your thoughts, but I also hope that my children can freely choose their own identity and not be restricted by these rules. ”

The argument lasted for several hours, with relatives expressing their opinions, some agreeing with Zhang's mother and others sympathizing with Ms. Li's position. Zhang Wei stood aside, his mood was extremely complicated, he wanted to support his wife's decision, but he didn't want to make his mother sad. Eventually, he sat feebly and remained silent.

That night, Zhang Wei and Li Jingyi were lying in bed, both tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Li Jingyi said softly: "Wei, I don't know if our marriage can withstand it if it goes on like this." ”

Zhang Wei held her hand tightly, with tears in his eyes: "Jingyi, I don't know, but I know I don't want to lose you." ”

Their conversation is swallowed up by the silence of the night, and the two hearts are stretched apart under the weight of the battle for their surnames. They are all thinking about the same question: is it really worth sacrificing their love and family for the sake of a surname?

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

In the cold wind of winter, the heating of Li Jingyi's house seems to have lost its previous temperature. Zhang's mother became more and more resolute, and she began to visit Li Jingyi's home frequently, each time bringing some books and articles on the importance of the surname to try to persuade Li Jingyi to change her mind.

One afternoon, Zhang's mother came to Li Jingyi's house again, holding a printed family tree in her hand, with unquestionable authority in her voice: "Jingyi, you see that this is the family tree of our Zhang family, and each generation is based on the father's surname." You can't let your children be exceptional, it will make our Zhang family unable to hold their heads up in front of relatives and friends. ”

Li Jingyi tried her best to stay calm, but the anger in her heart was already like a volcano about to erupt: "Mom, I respect you and your family's traditions, but I also have my own principles. I want my children to be free to choose who they are and not be bound by these stereotypes. ”

Zhang Wei listened, his brow furrowed, he knew that this controversy could no longer be resolved by a simple conversation. He tried to ease the atmosphere: "Mom, Jingyi, can we find a compromise?" For example, let the child decide the surname by himself when he is an adult? ”

But such a proposal did not get anyone's approval. Zhang's mother insisted on her opinion, and Li Jingyi was unwilling to back down. As time passed, the originally warm family atmosphere became more and more tense, and every time Zhang's mother visited, it was like a war without gunpowder.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

Finally, after a heated argument, both Zhang Wei and Li Jingyi realized that they could no longer continue to live under such pressure. Their love gradually wears away in constant disputes, until in the end only exhaustion and helplessness remain. On a cold winter night, the two sat in the living room, face to face in silence. In the end, Zhang Wei spoke: "Jingyi, maybe we need to calm down separately for a while." ”

Li Jingyi's heart is like a knife, but she also knows that it will not benefit anyone if she goes on like this. She nodded, tears silently falling: "Maybe this is the best option." ”

That night, they each packed their belongings, back to back, and walked to their respective rooms. The good life they once envisioned was shattered in the face of the family name battle, and the unborn child has become an insurmountable gulf between them.

Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers, but for Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei, this spring does not bring new vitality. Their home has become silent and heavy, and the laughter and laughter that were once there have been replaced by constant disputes. Zhang's mother's persistence and Li Jingyi's intransigence brought this marriage to a crossroads.

On a rainy afternoon, Zhang Wei sat in his study, his pen swiping weakly across the paper. He was writing a divorce settlement, and every word seemed to be engraved on his heart. Li Jingyi was sorting out her clothes in the bedroom, her hands trembling slightly, each piece of clothing carrying their shared memories.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

There are fewer conversations between them, and even the exchanges are only about the arrangement of the children and the division of property. Love seems so fragile in the face of reality, and their once dreams and promises become unattainable at this moment.

"Jingyi, I will try my best to provide you and the children with good living conditions." Zhang Wei's voice was low and hoarse, and he tried to hide his sadness.

Li Jingyi stopped what she was doing and took a deep breath: "I don't need your sympathy, I just hope that the children can grow up healthily." ”

Their conversations always end in silence, and the walls of each other's hearts are getting higher and higher. In the end, under the witness of the lawyer, the two signed their names and officially ended this marriage that was once full of sweetness.

In the days after the divorce, Li Jingyi moved into a newly rented house with her two children. She is busy with work and taking care of her children every day, and although life is difficult, she never gives up. Zhang Wei, on the other hand, returned to his single life, and he could no longer hear the laughter of children in his room, only loneliness and memories accompanied him.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

They occasionally meet at the child's pick-up point, greet each other politely, and then go their separate ways. Their hearts have long been far away from the warmth and reliance they once had, leaving only deep regret and reluctance. They know that the rift in this marriage can no longer be repaired, and they can only move forward separately to find their own future.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, spring goes to autumn, and Li Jingyi's new life is gradually on the right track. The cottage she rents is full of warmth and energy, with children's paintings and family photos hanging on the walls, and every decoration reveals the owner's care for this small family.

Li Jingyi worked harder at work, her work in a publishing house gave her access to many excellent literary works, and she also began to try her hand at writing. At night, she would light the lamp after the children fell asleep, and the tip of the pen would fly on the paper, recording her feelings and experiences.

At the same time, Zhang Wei is also looking for a new direction in his own life. He left the advertising agency and began experimenting with freelancing. He used his lens to record the changes of the city and people's daily life, and his works were gradually recognized and appreciated.

The second child was the boy's mother-in-law who asked for the man's surname, and the daughter-in-law insisted on taking her surname, and finally the young couple divorced

Although their lives have gone their separate ways, Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei have not forgotten each other's good times. They have learned to let go of past disputes and approach their relationships with maturity. They maintain good communication and cooperation on issues related to their children's education and development.

On a sunny weekend, an outdoor parent-child activity was held in the park. Li Jingyi and Zhang Wei participated with the children. They frolicked and chased on the grass, participated in the game together, and all had smiles on their faces that they had not seen in a long time. After the event, they sat on the benches and rested and chatted about the children's interesting stories and future plans.

"Jingyi, thank you for your dedication to the children." Zhang Wei said sincerely.

Li Jingyi responded with a smile: "We are all doing the same thing, for the future of the children." ”

Their dialogue is less poignant and contentious than the past and is replaced by understanding and respect. They know that although they can't continue to walk together as a couple, they can still create a loving environment for their children as parents and friends.