
The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

author:Late life

Warm lighting flooded the spacious living room, where the family sat around the dining table and enjoyed a weekend of family dinner. Li Hao, the pillar of the family, smiled and served vegetables to his wife and mother, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious. However, when her daughter-in-law Wang Li suddenly spoke, this tranquility was broken.

"Mom, isn't my brother-in-law looking for a marriage room recently? I think we can help him. Wang Li's voice was gentle and firm, and there was an unmistakable glint in her eyes.

Mother-in-law Liu Fang frowned, obviously surprised by this topic, she slowly put down her chopsticks, with a hint of vigilance in her tone: "Oh? How can we help? ”

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

Li Hao tried to ease the atmosphere, patted the back of Wang Li's hand gently, and signaled her not to rush for a while. But Wang Li seemed to be ready, she took a deep breath and looked directly into Liu Fang's eyes: "I want Li Hao to transfer the house we live in now to my brother-in-law, and we can move to a smaller place first." ”

As soon as the words fell, the air in the living room seemed to freeze. Liu Fang's face sank instantly, and there was unconcealable anger in her voice: "How can this work!" This house is our family's property, how can we just give it? ”

Li Hao hurriedly stood up and tried to mediate: "Mom, don't worry, we just make a suggestion, we can discuss it slowly." ”

But Wang Li didn't intend to back down, she insisted: "Mom, I'm also thinking about the family, my brother-in-law is a family after all, we can't watch him get married." ”

Liu Fang sneered, her voice full of sarcasm: "You are quite good at thinking about others, aren't you afraid that you will have no house to live in?" ”

Wang Li's face also became ugly, and her voice began to rise: "If you don't even help your family, then what kind of family is it!" ”

Li Hao looked at the two people who were arguing, and he was very anxious, he knew that this dispute over real estate was no longer a simple discussion, but a big issue related to family harmony or not.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

The next morning, instead of bringing new hope, it only made the atmosphere at home even more tense. Wang Li woke up early, her mood was like a cloudy sky, gloomy and heavy. She was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen, but she didn't have any appetite. Li Hao walked into the kitchen and saw his wife's back, and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Li, I'll talk to my mom about last night." Li Hao tried to comfort Wang Li, but his words seemed to touch her heartstrings.

Wang Li turned around, and a determined light flashed in her eyes: "No, Li Hao, I don't want to wait any longer." If you can't solve this problem, then our marriage may really come to an end. ”

Li Hao's heart pounded, he didn't expect things to develop to this point. He tried to grab Wang Li's hand, but she gently broke free.

"What I need is problem-solving action, not empty promises." Wang Li's voice was calm and resolute, and her eyes revealed a kind of determination.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

At this moment, Liu Fang slowly walked into the kitchen, her gaze shifting between her son and daughter-in-law, and she felt the rift between them. There was a hint of tiredness in her voice: "What are you guys trying to make a fuss about?" Can't you just sit down and have a good talk? ”

Wang Li didn't look back, her voice was indifferent: "I have made it very clear, either transfer the house or divorce." ”

Liu Fang's face became even more ugly, and her voice raised a few points: "What do you think marriage is?" A deal? Threaten divorce to get everything you want? ”

Li Hao stood between the two most important women, feeling powerless and frustrated like never before. He knew that if he didn't find a compromise soon, his family might fall apart in the property turmoil.

As family conflicts intensify, Li Hao realizes that he must take action to de-escalate the situation. He decided to invite a relative, Uncle Zhang, who was trusted by both parties, to come to his home for mediation. Uncle Zhang is a retired teacher who is known in the family for his fairness and wisdom.

On a sunny afternoon, Uncle Zhang walked into the living room of the Li family with his unique peaceful atmosphere. His arrival eased the already tense atmosphere a little. Although Liu Fang and Wang Li still kept their distance, they both politely greeted Uncle Zhang.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

Uncle Zhang sat on the sofa and gently swept his gaze over everyone's faces: "I know there are some misunderstandings and conflicts between you, but the family and everything is prosperous, let's sit down and talk about it, and we can always find a solution." ”

Li Hao spoke first, and he recounted the origin of the matter in detail. Uncle Zhang listened very carefully and nodded his head from time to time to show understanding. Then, he turned to Liu Fang: "Liu Fang, what are you worried about?" ”

Liu Fang sighed, with helplessness in her tone: "I'm not only worried about the house, but also about the future of this family." If you easily transfer the house this time, what will happen in the future? What are the rules at home? ”

Uncle Zhang nodded, and then looked at Wang Li: "Li, I also understand your thoughts, and it is a virtue to help your family." But have you ever thought of other solutions? Financial support or other forms of help? ”

Wang Li was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I just think this is the fastest and most direct." But since you say so, I'm willing to consider other options. ”

Uncle Zhang smiled slightly: "Very good, this is progress." What we need is communication and understanding, not confrontation and threats. ”

With Uncle Zhang's guidance, the family began to discuss possible solutions more calmly. Li Hao offered to provide his brother-in-law with some financial assistance as a down payment, and at the same time help him find a suitable home. Liu Fang and Wang Li also began to exchange views, and the atmosphere gradually eased.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

The conversation that afternoon didn't solve the problem immediately, but it gave the family a glimmer of hope. Li Hao looked at the sunshine outside the window that was gradually slanting westward, and secretly swore in his heart that no matter what, he would protect this home.

One afternoon a few days later, Li Hao received a phone call, and his brother-in-law's eager voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother-in-law, I found a good house with a reasonable price and a good location." ”

This news made Li Hao feel both surprised and relieved. He hurriedly told Wang Li and Liu Fang the good news. The three of them immediately decided to go and see the new listing together.

They came to a community located in the center of the city, although the house is not as spacious and luxurious as their family's current residence, but the layout is reasonable, the lighting is good, the community environment is quiet, and the greenery is very good. The brother-in-law greeted them warmly and gave a detailed description of the house.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

Liu Fang walked into the house and looked around, a long-lost smile appeared on her face: "It's good here, it's quite suitable for young people." ”

Wang Li was also moved by this new discovery, and she whispered to Li Hao: "Maybe this is the best solution." ”

On the way home, the atmosphere in the car was noticeably more relaxed. Li Hao drove, Liu Fang sat in the passenger seat, and Wang Li and her brother-in-law talked in the back. They began to discuss how to help their brother-in-law decorate the new house, as well as some details of the wedding.

Li Hao proposed: "We can pay together to help my brother-in-law decorate, which can also reflect the support of our whole family." ”

Liu Fang nodded in agreement: "Good idea, in this way, the brother-in-law will also feel the warmth of home." ”

Wang Li also added: "I can help design the interior decoration to make sure that he is satisfied." ”

The brother-in-law looked at them gratefully: "Thank you, with your support, I feel that the future is full of hope." ”

That night, Li Hao lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, his heart was full of gratitude. He thanked fate for giving them the opportunity to redefine the meaning of family and the importance of support. He knows that although there is still a long way to go, nothing is impossible as long as the family is united.

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

With the successful resolution of the brother-in-law's marriage room problem, the atmosphere of the Li family has gradually returned to the warmth and harmony of the past. One evening, a small celebration was held in the family, not only for the brother-in-law's new house to be renovated, but also to celebrate the rebuilding of family relations.

The living room is filled with delicious dishes and flowers, and everyone's face is filled with happy smiles under the warm lighting. Liu Fang raised her glass and greeted everyone: "Today, we are not only celebrating my brother-in-law's new house, but also for the unity and love of our family. Let us remember that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as our hearts are together, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome. ”

Wang Li stood aside, her eyes flashing with tears, but this time it was because she was moved and relieved. She held Li Hao's hand and whispered, "I'm sorry, I was too impulsive before." ”

Li Hao shook her hand tightly and responded with a smile: "We have all learned a lot, and the important thing is that we have learned how to better understand and support each other. ”

The brother-in-law did not have a marital room, and the daughter-in-law asked her husband to transfer a set to him, but the mother-in-law did not agree, and the daughter-in-law wanted a divorce

The brother-in-law also stood up, his face with the unique vitality of a young man: "Thank you for your support and help, I will work harder and repay the love of my family." ”

After the party, Li Hao and Wang Li walked together in the moonlit community. Wang Li leaned on Li Hao's shoulder and whispered, "You know what? Today I am really happy and feel like our home is back. ”

Li Hao hugged her shoulders and replied gently: "Yes, home is our eternal haven. As long as we are willing to listen and understand each other, nothing can ruin our home. ”

As they walked, the moonlight shining on them reflected a long shadow. On this peaceful night, they know that with love, understanding, and respect in their hearts, their home will be able to withstand any wind and rain.