
In the past three years, when he couldn't see her, he always used work paralysis and relied on her clothes to help him sleep

author:Zhizhi excerpt
In the past three years, when he couldn't see her, he always used work paralysis and relied on her clothes to help him sleep

The picture comes from the Internet

Today, it will be cloudy and the weather will be relatively cool.

Wu Youyou drove to Guancheng, and along the way, Su Jingyi kept taking pictures of the scenery along the way with her mobile phone.

then sent a video to Li Xiaowan, "I've come to your city~"

"Ding Dong~"

A woman in love is holding her mobile phone and waiting for a man's news.

clicked on the message and found that it was sent by Su Jingyi.

The feeling of loss resurfaced, and he replied with a random message, "Okay. ”

After the separation yesterday, Jiang has not contacted her, does not answer the phone, and does not reply to messages.

Considering his special identity, the relationship between the two should not be made public, and Li Xiaowan is not good at excessive contact.

Two days ago, she excused herself to something and skipped work to hang out with someone.

They are like a couple in love, driving a car and walking around Guancheng.

Holding hands, watching movies, and eating all the food on the street.

At night, when you find a hotel, you toss hard.

Such happiness was something she never dared to imagine in her life.

Last night, Jiang said he was going to take her to the best hotel in the area.

The two walked in and were told that the hotel would not accept anyone other than members.

To apply for membership, you need to deposit 1 million at a time, or consume more than 500,000 yuan a year.

Just as he was about to leave, Jiang answered a phone call and deliberately asked Li Xiaowan to avoid it, saying that the family was checking the post.


Su Jingyi looked at the news and couldn't believe her eyes.

Although she hadn't known Li Xiaowan for a long time, she couldn't imagine being so indifferent.

The two of them had planned to finish their errands and invite her to a meal.

"Could it be that you have fallen out of love?"

Wu Youyou glanced at her, "Can't you hope that people will be better?" How can you be so idle when you do business. ”

"Haven't you looked at the circle of friends, she has been eating, drinking and having fun for two days, and the style of painting is completely different from the previous one, and the screen is full of the taste of love."

The meeting point is set at a hotel in the local industrial park.

The two followed the elevator up, and Sister Zhang came out to greet them in person.

Her enthusiasm made the two mistakenly believe that they were the customers.

Sister Zhang ushered them into a large hall with a red carpet, stepped seats, a huge projector in front of them, and a half-person high podium.

As far as the eye could see, there were quite a few people sitting in the seats.

This sense of ritual makes people awe-inspired.

"Yoyo, you will come on stage in a while, I'm a little nervous, I'm afraid of messing up."

Wu Youyou nodded, "Relax, you should be the people present, all of them are your fans." ”

The people at the scene saw that there were two young and beautiful women who came in, and they talked about it one after another.

"I thought it was a big shot, but it turned out to be two little beauties."

"What's wrong with the little beauty, I love to watch the little beauty, if there are really two big guys, you and I will be uncomfortable."

"That is, in front of the big guy, do you still dare to give opinions? It's good not to give away money. ”

"Don't be verbose, just follow the organization anyway, yes."

Sister Zhang picked up the microphone on the podium, shouted to everyone to be quiet, and then applauded together to welcome the arrival of the two.

"Mr. Wu, do you want to say a few words?"

This question makes people stupid.

They come here to promote the company, and if they don't talk, how can they talk about customers.

In order to confirm the identity of the people present, Wu Youyou couldn't help but ask, "Sister Zhang, have you invited all the people from the company?" ”

"No, this is the docking person of twelve companies, mainly for building materials, namely steel bars, cement, wood, wire, furniture, electrical appliances, etc., only we are exceptions."

After all, the toothpaste maker has nothing to do with building materials, but today is the bureau of her group, and their company must play a leading role.

"Twelve companies?"

Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi's jaws dropped in shock.

Talking about the next company, they are not very sure, and they are still discussing along the way, whether to negotiate this order by reducing prices or increasing after-sales service.

After all, they haven't made the most of their achievements yet, and the only order is still in production.

Without data feedback, no matter how good the advertising video is, it will not be convincing.

Not to mention, talk about twelve companies at once.

This sister Zhang is simply their God of Wealth.

"That's right, the factory uniforms on their bodies are still printed with their respective company names, and after a while, let everyone get to know the two of you."

Indeed, everyone wears different factory uniforms.

Everyone stood up and briefly introduced themselves and their company.

Wu Youyou's nervousness was also relieved.

She stood on the podium and introduced herself first, then the company.

Introduce the content of cooperation in detail, and promise to develop a complete set of cooperation plans according to the characteristics of each product and the needs of each company.

Finally, a kindergarten advertisement was played.

She deliberately emphasized that this is a video taken by Funing Kindergarten looking for them, which will not only be used for enrollment, but also as a selection activity for the top ten kindergartens in Yongzhou City.

After saying that, his tongue was dry.

There was a bottle of water on the podium, but Wu Youyou was embarrassed to pick it up and drink it in public, and she looked cautiously at the audience.

The people present were probably still waiting for her next sentence, and the audience was quietly waiting for her to continue.

At this time, Sister Zhang took the lead in applauding loudly.

In the next second, the applause continued.

Then, people left their seats in an orderly manner.

Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi both thought they were leaving.

Unexpectedly, they actually held the company's profile and product details book, lined up, and put it on the podium.

Sister Zhang reminded her, "Put your WeChat QR code on the wall, let everyone add you, and then form a group." ”

Wu Youyou was hard controlled for a few seconds, and he could only do what Sister Zhang said.

After a while, she received dozens of friend requests, and all of them added remarks, specific to a certain department of a certain company, so and so, so that she could see it at a glance.

Such a maneuver makes one wonder if they have rehearsed.

As soon as the group was established, Su Jingyi was set as an administrator.

Then, Sister Zhang took out a stack of contracts and distributed them to the people present one by one.

"You read the contract first, sign and seal on the spot if there is no problem, and then, if you have any needs and questions, contact Mr. Wu or Miss Su, and I will not mix the rest of the matter, I wish you a happy cooperation!"

"The contract is in duplicate, after signing, hand it over, tonight our company will do the east, and the meal will be on time at half past five!"

"Oh yes!"

The cheers continued, the music sounded, and everyone sang and danced.

Those who are in the circle are still in the circle.


Wu Youyou took the contract from Sister Zhang's hand.

I only brought three contracts with me, one for spare.

Where did the contract sent by Sister Zhang come from, she didn't even know what the content of the contract was.

You won't be fooled, will you?

She looked nervous and flipped through the contract.

Sister Zhang smiled secretly, "Don't worry, this is the electronic version of the contract sent to me by Miss Su, I haven't changed a word, blame me for not explaining it to you in advance, simply, I will prepare it for you first." ”

The contents of this contract have not been modified.

The cover of the contract is also quite beautiful, with waterproof material and thickened paper.

"Sister Zhang, everyone has ignored the price, you promote cooperation in the form of group buying, and I am willing to give a 20% discount."

"Don't be in a hurry to negotiate the price, the products are different, the company's needs are different, and the costs you pay are also different, you know this better than me.

Regarding the price, you introduced the pricing rules to me before, and they are all within the acceptable range, and you can quote normally. ”

In addition to being moved, there are more doubts.

"Sister Zhang, why are you so good to us?"

Is it to get a kickback?

You can eat or give gifts, and she doesn't approve of the act of getting kickbacks.

She is reluctant to add invisible costs to customers.

She hopes that both parties will adhere to the principles of voluntariness, openness and transparency.

Sister Zhang patted her on the shoulder and said with a pleasant face, "In the future, you will know." ”

At the dinner, everyone toasted around Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi, and everyone tacitly agreed to replace wine with tea, and persuaded her not to drink while driving, and to go back early after eating.

This voice is like a relative.

Wu Youyou shed tears on the spot.

On the way back, Su Jingyi held a stack of contracts, smelling the ink fragrance on it, and her brain was still immersed in joy.

She opened them one by one, as if she was holding a bank passbook in her hand.

"Yoyo, to be honest, did you save Sister Zhang's life? Why is she so good to you? ”

"I want to know more about this than you do."

Su Jingyi sighed, "People are better than people, it's really infuriating, what kind of magnetic field do you say, how can someone love you everywhere, my life, if it is half as good as you, God will let me live ten years less, and I dare not complain." ”

Even she herself couldn't help but be nice to Wu Youyou.

In her heart, except for her parents, no one is more important than Wu Youyou, if you want to say that there is, it is their daughter, Xiao Niannian.

Wu Youyou doesn't think so.

She lost both of her parents when she was eight years old, and she has a grandmother who loves her like her life.

A car accident and taking away three of her closest people at the same time has always been a pain in her heart.

"At least you still have your parents, and I can't remember what my parents look like."

You can only dig deep into your memory over and over again through photos.

Su Jingyi was worried that if she continued to talk like this, Wu Youyou would have to carry herself behind her back and feel sad.

So he changed the topic, "Yoyo, if you don't dislike it, my parents will be your parents in the future." ”

When he said this, he seemed to take advantage of others.

Her parents, although they have a little money, have saved every penny.

They work more than ten hours a day, nibbling on steamed buns and eating pickles.

They were dusty, poorly dressed, and undignified in their work.

They don't even have a pension, they don't have health insurance, and they have a lot of old problems.

Such parents, except for herself, who is rare?

After a moment of silence, Su Jingyi was thinking about how to alleviate this embarrassing situation, but heard the other party reply:

"Okay, someone like me is so loved, if our parents are more partial to me when we look back, don't regret it."

"No regrets!"

Su Jingyi almost jumped up from her seat, that kind of excitement, she couldn't wait to connect with her parents on the spot.

"After that, half of my good fortune will be shared with you!"

"I'll just hug your thigh."

At night, a full moon creeps up into the clouds, hazy, like soaking in well water.

The red car, under the guidance of the moon, slowly drove into Yongzhou City.

When the car passed by the leisurely cloud mansion, Su Jingyi saw the video of herself and Xiao Niannian, which was active on the big screen.

On the pedestrian street, there are many young people visiting the night market, and the streets are full of handsome men and beautiful women.

"Yoyo, it's so lively over there, why don't we get out of the car and go shopping, it's been so long since I returned to China, you and I haven't been serious once."

She patted the thick contract on the side, "If you don't go shopping today, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out to play for a long time in the future." ”

Su Jingyi pursed her mouth and was coquettish at people.

Wu Youyou couldn't stand her the most, but she forgot that she used to be such a hypocritical person.

Looking up at the tall office building, all floors were basically lights off, except for a few offices that were still on.

The others are landscape lights, and recreation and entertainment on the lower floors.

Although this is the territory of Van Xingyun, it is not necessary that he will appear anytime and anywhere.


"Yoyo, I love you so much!"

Su Jingyi unbuckled her seat belt, stretched her head straight over, and wanted to smack her face twice.

was blocked by Wu Youyou's Five Finger Mountain, "Be restrained, I don't want to delay your star journey, let alone have an affair with you." ”

The two of them ran into the streets.

Like the usual little girlfriends, I ate on the street, entered the store to try on clothes, and saw the fun two and improvised a few selfies.

Su Jingyi has always been a person who loves to share, and her circle of friends is full of photos of the two of them and the grand occasion of signing the contract today.

"Mr. Fan."

Sun Xiaobing put away his mobile phone, his smile was still on his face, and he couldn't hold it back.

Su Jingyi's circle of friends has always been so interesting, she is a person who is full of joy and anger.

A little emotional, I like to vent it.

The circle of friends is like her treasure box, which is used both for hiding treasures and for curing diseases.

She doesn't have much of a city, and she's not good at attacking hearts.

Sun Xiaobing felt that he could see through her at a glance.

"Laughing at what?"

This expression is sweet, isn't it in love?

Su Xiaobing immediately changed his serious face, "Did I smile?" ”

I didn't expect it to be so hidden.

Fan Xingyun pointed at him and said as he walked, "Give you a chance to be honest, if you are in love, I will give you a generous settlement fee." ”


Don't you have to find one on the spot?


Fan Xingyun entered the elevator and looked at him with a smile, with an expression of waiting to see a good show.

Sun Xiaobing clicked on Su Jingyi's circle of friends, and what caught his eye was that the two of them took funny selfies at the camera, and the whole painting style was lively and cute, and quirky.

The background behind him is actually the commercial street of the leisurely Yunfu.

Yoyo is nearby!

She's in the Leisurely Cloud Mansion!

He hurriedly pressed the button on the first floor, and as soon as the elevator opened, his long legs spread out and rushed out.

"Mr. Fan!"

Not going home?

Although Sun Xiaobing didn't want to go back, he originally wanted to throw the car keys to the boss and let him drive back by himself, and then create a chance encounter with Su Jingyi.

This will only be led by the nose of Van Xingyun.

I'm so worried, as soon as they meet, they will quarrel, and finally implicate themselves.

Alas, for the first time I felt that the boss was a burden.

Wu Youyou just finished the video with the old man, and the little guy obediently went to sleep with Aunt Luo.

Su Jingyi pinched her nose and ate stinky tofu on the side, her mouth was full of oil, and her ten fingers were swallowed by her, and she did not have the idol burden of a female star at all.

Wu Youyou held his breath and handed her a wet tissue, but his little head leaned back hard, and he almost wrote disgust on his face.

This move aroused Su Jingyi's dissatisfaction, "You dare to dislike me? ”

grabbed the other party's hand, took it into his arms, and then prankfully pranked her in the face.

See that I don't smoke you to death, I want to stink everyone together.

Wu Youyou covered his mouth and nose and begged for mercy, "Don't dare!" Can't! ”

Then he broke free of her hand and ran away.

The man didn't get far before he crashed headlong into a solid embrace.

A pair of slender and powerful arms were wrapped around his waist, and a warm snort came to his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Before his eyes opened, he apologized to someone as soon as he opened his mouth, and his body tried to break free from the other party's confinement, but the more he struggled, the tighter the other party tightened.

A sense of foreboding arose.

She opened her eyes to meet his deep pupils.

"Van Nebula? Why are you arresting me? ”

He smiled charmingly, "It's clear that you threw yourself into your arms, and you still rely on me?" ”

That's right, but in this world, there are more women who take the initiative to give him a hug.


Does he want to hug each one?

"Let go!" She gritted her teeth, her face frosty.


The feeling of loss was written on his face.

Su Jingyi saw Fan Xingyun's hooliganism from a distance, and she couldn't get angry.

Like a hen guarding her cubs, she stretched out her arms between them.

"Let me tell you, with me Su Jingyi here, don't think about moving a single hair today, otherwise, even if you chase to the ends of the earth, I won't be able to spare you."

A yellow grease stain on his face, he didn't even have time to wipe it.

As soon as I opened my mouth, the smell of stinky tofu was everywhere.

Fan Xingyun turned his head to look at the person behind him, Sun Xiaobing nodded, and immediately took Su Jingyi's hand.

As he walked, he said, "Let's go, I'm familiar here, I'll take you to eat all the delicious food." ”

"What's delicious to eat?"

Now, her stomach is still bulging, it's rare to be so presumptuous, and it seems a bit of a loss not to go.

This wave of operations made Wu Youyou and Fan Xingyun unable to understand.

"This dead woman, patronizing her mouth, does not care about her belly."

Wu Youyou scolded in her heart, how would this make her face the man in front of her?

can't drive away, can't hide from herself, and can't just leave her and go home by yourself.

Afraid that she would be sold, she was stupid enough to give money to the people.

The bright red lips were about to be bitten by her.

"Don't bite."

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would not be able to control himself to grab those two jelly-like red lips with her.

Fan Xingyun covered the side of her face with a big hand, and her thumb gently opened her chin, and the lower lip of the Q bounce popped out with a "wave", with a hint of moist luster.

Under the lights, it is like stars, dotting the night sky.

The warm palm was attached to her slightly cool and soft little face, and she was reluctant to let go.

Why does this man always like to move his hands and feet?

Wu Youyou patted his hand, and a dissatisfied look flashed in his eyes, "You live by the sea, so wide?" ”

She turned and walked away, not knowing where to go.

can only wander aimlessly in the bustling and lively neighborhood.

Fan Xingyun followed her with a funny hand, one hand behind his back, and his thumb kept rubbing his fingertips, trying to retain that little residual temperature.

A girl who sells flowers catches up with him with small steps, "Brother, buy a bouquet of flowers for your girlfriend, so that your love will bloom like a flower." ”

At a young age, with a capable mouth, Fan Xingyun remembered that when Wu Youyou was as old as her, she was also able to speak well, and she often bluffed people, and she was stunned.

"How much does this bunch cost?"

He pointed to a bouquet of colorful bellflowers and asked, he didn't know anything about the story of flowers.

But red roses are too gaudy and not suitable for people who are cold by nature.

Yes, it's cold.

I don't know since when she became so cold in front of herself.

But he did it himself.

"Brother's good vision, this one hundred and sixty-six, means that your love is all the way to six, six and six, husband and wife ......"

The little girl's eyes rolled, and she was speechless in an instant.

Van Xingyun gave her two red suns, "No need to look for them." ”

Holding the flower and catching up with Wu Youyou's side, "Here you go." ”


"Shall I hold it for you, then?"

Even if there is no response, he is happy inside.

The last time the two of them went shopping together seemed to be a long, long time ago.

Since he took over Guanren Real Estate, he hasn't really been with her.

This also caused Wu Youyou to suffer from gains and losses all day long, and whenever he was free, he couldn't wait to stick to his side, and his little mouth couldn't stop.

At that time, he would always warn her with his eyes, be quiet, he would not be able to work properly.

Now, she is by his side, not verbose or clingy, but he is not used to it.

The two praying figures, with their handsome and beautiful faces, quietly shuttled through the crowd.

It's like a couple.

People passing by were all looking sideways, and they were talking about each other.

"Isn't that the president of Guanren Real Estate?"

"Yes, who is the woman walking in front of him, so ~ beautiful!"

"Sure enough, handsome guys still want beautiful women! It's really a good match! ”

"We feel that Guan Renfan is always chasing beautiful women, you see, others don't care about him at all."

"This world is really fair, even the diamond king Lao Wu with a lot of money has to suffer from love."

There was a lot of talking.

It came into Jiang Meiqi's ears.

She grabbed a mango milkshake and walked to the window.

A pink straw, bitten by her.

When did these two come together again?

Didn't Fan's Nebula forget everything?

She picked up her phone, turned her back, and took a photo of only half of her face.

but gave Fan Xingyun and Wu Youyou a full mirror.

This photo was sent out, and the circle of friends was set to be visible only in the Confucian year.

She wasn't sure if the other party had the habit of looking at the circle of friends.

Or rather, there is no news about blocking her.

But what she can be sure of is that if Ru Nian really cares about Wu Youyou, once he sees this photo, he will definitely lose both.

The best moment to conquer a man is when he is emotionally frustrated, he will doubt himself, and he will take the initiative to abandon other women.

Only one who will not refuse, another woman who will never abandon him.

As I walked, I came to a silent river.

On the grass, on the benches, by the river guardrail, a pair, a pair, the two of them complained to each other.

The darkness of the night, the ambiguous air.

So that Fan Xingyun couldn't help but get close to her.

Two men who were running at night passed by them, and Wu Youyou avoided it sideways, and accidentally fell into the arms of the people behind him.

Little heels stepped on his shoes.

The person behind her put on her slender waist in time, and under the thin clothes, her lower abdomen was smooth and flat.

Worried about attracting her resistance, when she stood firm, Fan Xingyun had no choice but to let go of her hand.

"I'm sorry!"

Today, she was wearing a pair of stiletto heels on her feet, and her feet were obviously a little sore all the way.

"It's fine!"

By the moonlight, Wu Youyou looked down at his feet, a pair of white casual shoes, or the couple shoes she bought when she got married.

The upper is very thin, and the nail-like heel may hurt to step on.

"Does your foot hurt?"


It was rare for Van Xingyun to show weakness in front of her.

The soft moonlight sprinkled on the white shirt, like a layer of golden plating.

His eyes were moist, and the corners of his mouth were slightly downward, and he felt a little pitiful.

Wu Youyou has never been stepped on with high heels.

But in the TV series, one of the favorite tricks that women use to deal with bad guys is to step on their feet in high heels.

At this time, the other party will definitely hold his feet and scream hideously.

But Fan Xingyun didn't scream, she wasn't sure if he hurt or not.

"Take your shoes off and I'll take a look."

He put away his feet and took two steps back, like those chaste martyrs in ancient times, once they were seen by men, they had to make a promise.

"Go back and see!"

"You're teasing me?"

Van Xingyun still wanted to quibble.

Unexpectedly, Wu Youyou's phone didn't ring early or late, but it rang at this time.

He buried his head and complained: Sun Xiaobing, this useless thing.

He had to give Sun Xiaobing more vacation and let him pester Su Jingyi.

"Yoyo, where are you?"

"Do you still have the face to ask me? In order to eat it in one bite, leave me alone? ”

Su Jingyi was slightly weak-hearted, "Aren't you in danger?" ”

"Don't talk about it, get out of the parking lot!"


Su Jingyi turned her head sideways, looked at the three big characters of Funing Village engraved on the stone plaque, and said in a hurry: "Yoyo, you didn't go home?" ”

Sun Xiaobing clearly said that Fan Xingyun had already sent people home.

At this point, she went back to sleep, so it was better to walk around a few more times and feel the prosperity of the metropolis.

Wu Youyou's tone couldn't help but rise, "You're home?" ”

"I ...... I'm going to be home soon......"

Okay, she's an idiot, she's stupid and waiting, but they eat and drink enough and go home by themselves.

Fan Xingyun secretly rejoiced, Sun Xiaobing was really more powerful than he thought, he quietly picked up his mobile phone and transferred 20,000 yuan.

Remarks: Love funds.

Wu Youyou hung up the phone, and the whole person was out of breath.

I always felt that I was put together by a good friend and two men, although she firmly believed that a woman who was so simple that she was almost stupid didn't have that little scheming.

She turned, ready to go home.

Fan Xingyun caught up with her, "I'll send you!" ”


"Then you send me!"

Anyway, we'll have to go together tonight.

Wu Youyou turned around angrily, "Fan Xingyun, are you finished?" ”

The people behind him immediately fell silent, and the sound of bubbling fish in the river was deaf.

The reprimanded man squatted on the ground with a depressed expression, without saying a word.

Wu Youyou endured his temperament, like a little wild cat that was angry, wanting to scold his cub, but he was afraid of leaving a shadow in his heart.

"What's wrong with you?"

This tone almost coaxed people in their arms.

"My feet hurt, Sun Xiaobing drove my car away, I don't have cash on me, and I won't use my mobile phone to call a taxi."

In one breath, he finished saying everything Wu Youyou could think of to reject him.

"I'll call you a ride!"


This resolute attitude made people see the shadow of that little thing in him.

The father and daughter are stubborn, and they are both dead and dead.

"I drank alcohol and got a rash on my body, so itchy, so uncomfortable."

Nasal voices are all out.

He reached into his clothes and scratched at his back.

The wound was soaked in sweat, and there was a hot stinging sensation in an instant.


This sound was almost roared, and the moon trembled with it.

At this moment, he is hiding in the clouds, still holding the pipa and half-covering his face.

The wide river channel echoed, like the response of flowing water to her.

The more Fan Xingyun looked at it, the more he liked it, the corners of his mouth pulled slightly, but he didn't dare to show it.

"You help me."

One raised his eyes and said coquettishly, like a weak little coquettish man who couldn't take care of himself.

As soon as Wu Youyou's soft wrist touched his hand, it was clasped by his big palm.

The whole person slowly stood up with her strength, and then most of his body leaned on her.

Enduring the discomfort under his feet, Wu Youyou carried him for a while, and within a few minutes, his physical strength was exhausted.


The foot is broken.

It's too late, it's too fast, Fan Xingyun protects the back of her head with one hand, and takes her to rotate 180°.

In the end, they both fell on the grassy slope on the side.

Wu Youyou also fell into his arms unharmed.

Three times a day, if he didn't mean it, I'm afraid Fan Xingyun himself didn't believe it.

In the end, even she gave up resistance, simply turned over, and lay down on the grassy slope together.

Thoughts are like knotted yarns, long and messy, entangled with memories of the past.

Can't unravel.

I can only let it grow like crazy.

"Brother Fan, do you like Jiang Meiqi?"

"I don't allow you to like her! Do you hear that? You can only like me in this life! ”

"When I grow up, I want to marry you, and you are not allowed to touch any girl except me."

"Brother Fan, I'm twenty years old."

"Van Xingyun, where have you been, tonight is our wedding night."

"Van Xingyun, I'm pregnant, I said I'm pregnant, you can't ......"

"Van Xingyun, I have been in pain for two days and one night, in case, I said in case...... If I die here, I hope you can raise our child with your heart, she is what I bought with my life. ”

"Listen, listen, this is your daughter's first cry, and you missed it...... I named her Nian Nian, don't read it. ”

These pasts have finally been forgotten.

Now these memories have returned, revealing the scars that she had finally healed little by little.

Her pitch black, clear pupils, a little bit of water flooded in the twilight.

The slightly upturned eyelashes are also hung with bead curtains little by little.

Van Xingyun panicked.

"Yu Yu??"

He lay on her side, his eyes anxious and guilty:

"Why are you crying, does it hurt to fall? Where did you fall?? Tell me Yoyo, where did you fall? ”

He was at a loss, wanting to check her for wounds, but he was afraid that he would offend her and arouse her disgust.

One hand was raised, but he couldn't start, and he was reluctant to put it down.

As the tears burst the embankment, there was also the red pulp rolling under him.

Her whole body stiffened, and she didn't dare to move.

Fang Cai, you shouldn't indulge yourself in eating and drinking, now, it's useless to regret it.

She scolded in her heart, seven aunts and six aunts, and hated the eldest aunt the most!

Fan Xingyun saw that something was wrong with her, and wanted to reach out and pick her up.

Wu Youyou stretched out his hand to his chest, "I'm fine, just slow down." ”

You can't tell a big man that the big aunt squirts.

The person in front of him comforted himself with tears in his eyes, saying that she was fine.

Who believes this!

Van Xingyun sat up and made a phone call to the property.

After a while, a little brother in a black uniform came over in a three-wheeled landscape car.

"Mr. Fan!"

The little brother got out of the car and saluted him!

"Give me the key! You go back first. ”


The little brother Xu came out of the army, with a tall and upright figure and a loud voice.

Fan Xingyun carried her onto the landscape car, touched her behind her, and found that there was blood under her again.

He wasn't sure if the other party was injured or because of his menstrual period.

"Why don't I take you to the hospital?"

"No, I'll just go home and take a shower."

Hearing this, Fan Xingyun's hanging heart was put down.

It's okay.

"Go to my office!"

"Van Xingyun, going to your office won't solve the problem."

Now, she needs a hot shower, a sanitary napkin, and dry clothes.

"Don't worry, I've got it all there."

"What's there?"

Does he understand his own situation?

Fan Xingyun did not answer, but pressed one hand on her lower abdomen and drove the car with the other.

The car drove directly into a hall, and the staff at the front desk came to answer it.

Someone opens the way, someone holds down the elevator door.

Fan Xingyun hugged people all the way and swept his face into the office.

In the large office, there is a hidden door that hides a bathroom and a small cloakroom.

put people into the bath, and Van Xingyun then prepared bath towels, sanitary napkins, and small pants for people.

The equipment is so complete that one has to wonder if it is frequented by women.

Letting the hot water pour down her head, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes.

Fan Xingyun took a hair dryer and waited outside the door for a while, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and his whole spine was cold under the air conditioner.

Wu Youyou came out of the bathroom, her hands crossed in front of her chest.

A white nightgown was wrapped around her, and her thick hair was pulled up high, clumping into a cute ball head on top of her head.

Revealing a slender and slender neck.

A few strands of hair hung down from her ears, and small droplets of water ran down the ends of her hair, dripping onto her well-defined collarbone.

The wide neckline reveals a piece of pink snow skin on the chest.

Without the slightest shyness.

The eyebrows and eyes are provoked, and the whole body exudes a lazy atmosphere.

She crossed the Brahma Nebula and walked straight out the door.

Why is she angry again?

This woman's heart is really a needle under the sea.

Fan Xingyun grabbed her arm, "Yoyo, why are you going!" ”

"Go home!"

"Blow your hair first, beware of a cold!"

Since they are all back with themselves, it will not be a moment and a half.

Wu Youyou said coldly, "If you drag it any longer, my bath will be in vain." ”

The tampons and panties, she didn't use them at all.

Under the bathrobe, there was her naked body, her arms being pulled, and her neckline opening wider and wider.

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, I'm going home, please stop, don't send it!"

From here, it is about half an hour to return to Funing Village.

She endured it and made it home.

Wu Youyou shook off his hand, and a ball of soft flesh floated on his stubborn little face because of his force.

How could Van Xingyun tolerate her belittlement of her body like this?

He crouched down on his knees, wrapped his arms around her legs from behind, lifted her up in the air, and gently placed her on the couch.

Lowered his eyes to her sparkling starry eyes, and said softly, "Dry your hair, send you back immediately, you won't be delayed for a minute." ”

Seeing that she was not struggling, he reached out and took off her hair ring.

A head of seaweed-like hair poured down in an instant, bouncing back in the air a few times, like an elf in a dense forest, stepping on a willow branch and dancing.

The water was ticking, in the quiet office, in the hearts of the two, there were wave after wave of ripples.

"I'll take a towel, you... Wait for me. ”

He hurried into the cloakroom, only to find that the tampons and panties he had just prepared for her were neatly stacked at the moment.

He held it in his hand and looked at the person on the sofa suspiciously, "Why don't you wear it?" ”

Wu Youyou replied casually, "I have a habit of cleanliness." ”

The underwear, there is not even a tag, and it is clear that it is not new.

Also, where did the tampons come from, did other women put them here for backup?

"It's clean, the tampon I bought for you in the hospital the other day, the pants are your own, I... I washed it. ”

He explained in one breath, not giving people a chance to think nonsense, and he was like two people in the past.

"It's... I hand washed it. ”

The more I talked, the more ashamed I became.

In the past three years, he has always numbed himself with his work.

When I often can't sleep, I rely on her clothes to help me sleep.

The small pants that are easy to carry and close to the breath of her body have become the best choice.

"My panties, why are they in your office?"

Wu Youyou's eyes widened and asked, if it was someone else, she would definitely have to call the police.

It's so perverted.

Fan Xingyun avoided her eyes, and buried his head lower and lower, "You changed it last time." ”

If she didn't believe it, there were still a bunch of them in the villa, all of which she left three years ago.

"Van Nebula, you...... You are simply unreasonable!! ”

"Got it!"

"Now you can ...... Wear it, otherwise, I'll help you wear it! ”

Snatching the tampon and pants from his hand, Wu Youyou gave an order, "Get out!" ”

There's no way she's going to put it on in front of people.

Fan Xingyun turned his back, raised his hands and swore, "Don't worry, I won't look at you." ”

The voice fell, and Knot sneezed solidly.

Youman Media.

The two went to work in the company as usual.

I made an appointment with a few people for an interview today, and all of them were fresh college students, and Su Jingyi interviewed a few people early in the morning.

When they stopped, their throats were dumb.

Many interviewees are not optimistic about their company because the company is small and the two founders are about the same size as them.

Some people expressed their willingness to stay, but it gave people the feeling of eating together during the internship period.

Many people can't remember the name of the company before they come to the interview, and they don't even know what the company does.

She poured a large drink and grumbled.

"These students, whether they want experience or not, whether they want technology or not, ask what the salary and benefits are, and what kind of development prospects the company can give them.

There is no meaning of progress with the company, honor and disgrace.

I said that our company is still in the early stage of its establishment, in addition to the holiday is not fixed, the salary will be paid in time, the company effect is good at the end of the year, and the bonus must be indispensable.

Guess what he said? ”

"I want to hear you."

Su Jingyi clapped her palms excitedly, and her palms turned red.

He went so far as to say that this kind of small company usually has one person who wears multiple positions, has few orders, and has a lot of work, and should have a higher salary than a large company.

Otherwise, they stayed here for a few years, didn't make much money, didn't say anything about illness, couldn't learn anything, and wanted to change jobs one day, and were said by people in the industry to be an inexperienced old fritter.

You say, are you angry??? ”

Wu Youyou shrugged his shoulders.

"He's right, you're hiring workers now, and there's nothing wrong with them considering the problem from the standpoint of employees, people are here to make money, not to listen to your dreams.

In today's society, young people are living thoroughly, and the era of business owners relying on painting cakes to retain people has passed. ”

"What then? I can't just show my hole cards, can I? ”

Wu Youyou raised his eyes and asked, "What hole cards do we have?" ”

Su Jingyi was dumbfounded, she couldn't recruit anyone, she was the only one in a hurry, right?

It's really that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry to die!

"Recruit people later, write our requirements and conditions clearly, have works, communicate online if you can communicate online, and both parties feel OK, and then interview.

You remember, character always comes first, and if we have the perseverance to learn, we will relax the conditions, so that others will not have to run in vain. ”

"Obey, Mr. Wu! Learned again. ”

I just don't know if there's a chance to install it.

Su Jingyi posted a message in the group, hoping that people from various companies could design an advertising slogan based on their own products.

The script is provided by Youman Media, and it is emphasized that everyone should send it to themselves privately to prevent the phenomenon of colliding entries between competing products.

The people in the group responded to every call.

It's like a well-trained special forces.

Wu Youyou never thought that it would be so easy to be a Party B.

There was the sound of Su Jingyi flipping the contract.

"Momiji wire? Yoyo, you see, is it a red leaf wire? ”

Hongye is a large wire factory in Guancheng, and the boss Xiao Hanting has never even seen the face of the partner, so he asked people to sign the contract?

In the end, it is a big company that doesn't care about this little money.

Wu Youyou took a stack of contracts and checked the names of the companies on them in turn.

It's basically a big company.

"Yoyo, you say, are we thanking Mr. Jiang for his blessing?"

"Maybe, in a while, contact the contact person of Momiji, let him convey your gratitude to Mr. Jiang, go back, I will form a bureau and thank them well."

Su Jingyi expressed her doubts, "I have Mr. Jiang's contact information, why do I have to go through someone else." ”

Isn't it more sincere to put it directly?

Doing business, who doesn't want to contact the person directly.

"Just do as I say."


"Takeaway! Takeaway! ”

There was a knock on the door, and through the glass door, a takeaway guy was looking inside with something.

Su Jingyi got up and walked out, "Yoyo, the takeout you ordered?" ”

Wu Youyou looked up in surprise, "I didn't order it!" ”

Neither of them ordered takeout, could it be that it was delivered by mistake?

Or rather, being stepped on by bad guys, after all, there are only two little beauties working here, and they will inevitably be targeted by people with bad intentions.

Su Jingyi hesitated, not daring to open the door, "Big brother, I don't have anyone here to order takeout." ”

The takeaway brother picked up the order, "International Trade Building, Room 808 Youman Media, Miss Wu received, the phone number is 199......"

"Yes, yes, yes."

The door opened, Wu Jingyi held a big bag of the company, and saw that the packaging was quite sturdy, and it was not cheap.

"The Royal Private Chef?"

Wu Youyou picked up the list, and the things were sent from Youran Cloud Mansion.

There are a total of six dishes, three small desserts, as well as fruits, drinks, etc., totaling more than 3,000 yuan, and the delivery fee alone cost more than 100 oceans.

Thinking with her thumb, she knew who it was.

Su Jingyi opened the bag, the exquisite packaging box, and the rich and diverse dishes, she was very appetizing when she looked at it.

Salivating mouths.

"Yoyo, it's the first time I've eaten this royal private chef, and the smell of it makes people excited."

"Eat more if you like."

Su Jingyi was not polite, she grabbed a crystal shrimp dumpling with her bare hands and devoured it.

There are too many friends in this life.

If I hadn't known Wu Youyou at the beginning, I might still be like today's college students, taking some well-crafted resumes and looking for jobs everywhere.

I heard that people like them who have drunk foreign ink but have not learned a skill are the least valuable to be used.

There are too many beauties in the entertainment industry, and everyone is riveting into it.

After three or five years, those who are still not brilliant are basically lost to the first line.

In order to satisfy the deformed white, young and thin in the entertainment industry, many actresses do not take a sip of carbs for a year or two.

I'm so hungry that I'm menopausal.

She couldn't accept that.


Wu Youyou was about to start the meal, but Su Jingyi blocked her hand, and then slapped herself in the face with remorse.

"Look at me, it's really the reincarnation of this starving ghost!"

She carefully arranged the box, and then patted the five elements hexagram all over.

Change a beautiful filter, the picture is sent out, with the text, "Circle of friends eat first!" ”

During the meal, a chat window popped up on Su Jingyi's computer, and she swallowed dates in her mouth:

"Miss Su, you're talking about that Mr. Jiang, there is no surname Jiang in our company."

As soon as these words came out, both of them stopped eating.

Wu Youyou put down the chopsticks in his hand and directly took Su Jingyi's computer.

Fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, "Mr. Duan, do you know the man in the photo?" The other party claimed that his surname was Jiang and that he had worked in your company. ”

The other party was silent for a long time before replying.

said that he was not familiar with this person, and asked the manager of the production department, and this person was indeed surnamed Jiang, called Jiang Qiqi.

After a few months in the company, his work attitude was not good, so he opened his mouth and coaxed a few little girls to be jealous of him, and borrowed money from colleagues everywhere and did not pay it back.

was fired from the company a long time ago, and what he does in the future has nothing to do with the company, I hope they will consider it carefully and don't be deceived.

The result was as she expected.

If it was an irrelevant person, she would have stopped there.

But Jiang Qiqi's deliberate approach and deliberate lying made her have to continue to investigate.

"Does Mr. Duan know the other party's origin?"


Jiang Meiqi is also from Lingnan, could it be that these two are sisters and brothers?

If so, then Li Xiaowan is in danger.

"Jingyi, contact Xiaowan immediately."

Su Jingyi's nerves were also aroused, "Okay! ”


The phone was dialed out, and it took Li Xiaowan a long time to answer.


Listen to the sound, the mood is not good.

"Xiaowan, I'm Youyou, have you contacted Mr. Jiang privately?"

"No, he'...... What happened to him? ”

Li Xiaowan asked stumblingly, her hands trembling.

Her intuition told her that something had happened to her Mr. Jiang.

Hearing this, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that there is no contact, the identity of the heir of the red leaf wire rod was fabricated by Mr. Jiang.

His real name is Jiang Qiqi, he is from Lingnan, and he approached us with a purpose, and the specific reason has yet to be verified.

We signed a cooperation agreement with Hongye yesterday, and we have already confirmed with the company over there that Jiang Qiqi is just their former employee, and he was fired because of his bad style. ”

Wu Youyou finished talking about things in one go, afraid of it, Li Xiaowan was confused by Jiang Qiqi's hypocrisy.

"What? That's impossible! You must have lied to me! He also took me to visit the autumn leaves before, and the people inside were respectful and polite to him. ”

Of course, from beginning to end, a middle-aged woman took them around.

Others had a mediocre response.

But Jiang said that only one or two people in the company knew his identity.

His father was a low-key man who didn't want his family's life to be overexposed in the spotlight.

Li Xiaowan's overreaction made the person on the other end of the phone in a trance.

Wu Youyou's heart was half cold.

"Xiaowan, did Jiang Qiqi do something to you?"

Such a big reaction, either losing one's body or losing one's wealth.

But what she didn't know was that Li Xiaowan had lost both.

She took Jiang to eat, drink and have fun in Guancheng for two days, and most of the expenses were paid by Li Xiaowan.

Rolling sheets is no exception.

Although she doesn't have much money, she has always had backbone, and she has saved tens of thousands of dollars after working for a few years, which was originally the money for her dowry.

The last thing she wanted to hear was when someone talked about their love, saying that she had a crush on Jiang's money.

Three thousand sets of clothing customization, Jiang said, the process is too cumbersome.

With their company's qualifications, they may not even be qualified to be shortlisted.

If you have to take a shortcut, you can only pay for the goods first, and let people make up for it later in the contract.

However, the company has a rigid requirement for customers who cooperate for the first time to pay 30% of the payment first.

Out of trust, Li Xiaowan paid a full 58,000 yuan in advance.

Today, the fabric has been bought.

It's still too late to cancel the order, but the fabric is not easy to return.

"No, no, don't think about it."

Su Jingyi took the phone and comforted her, "It's okay if you don't have it, it's just a liar, don't care too much, if you let me bump into it in the future, I'll beat him Kumba for you!" ”

Li Xiaowan hung up the phone in a hurry.

Listening to the echo of the opposite side, Wu Youyou expected that something must have happened.

She immediately dialed a number, "The photo will be sent to you, and the whole line will be checked around the clock, the sooner the better." ”

"I'll do something, don't worry!"

Jiang Qiqi just hung up the phone, looked at a small stone under his feet, and kicked it irritably.

Li Xiaowan doesn't care, but she and Wu Youyou know each other, and she can't tear her face for the time being.

Fortunately, the stupid woman was easy to deceive, coaxed a few words, and swore to confess to him.

She doesn't care about his identity, she doesn't care if he has money or not, as long as he lives a down-to-earth life in the future, she is willing to forgive him or something.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, and when I turned my head, it was all eyes.

I don't know if it's a shame to do too much, why is this piece full of men?

There was not even an old man, a child, or a woman.

His intuition told him that he was being targeted, and the scary thing was that he didn't even know who the other party was.

Jiang Qiqi fled in panic.

Continued from the next part:

Three years ago, it was he who was blinded by the green tea, which caused his little wife to abandon him.

If it is invaded and deleted


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