
I didn't expect her to be so confused that for this kind of man, she lost her shame, scattered all her money, and died of her heart?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
I didn't expect her to be so confused that for this kind of man, she lost her shame, scattered all her money, and died of her heart?

The picture comes from the Internet


Several people rushed to the seafood market.

Wu Youyou was so tired that she couldn't straighten her waist, she slumped on the chair, "What do you want to eat, take the basket and choose for yourself." ”

Today, I carried such a heavy camera, and I turned around for most of the day, and now my waist and abdomen are extremely sore.

Bai Jingjing attached to her ear and asked softly, "What does Mr. Wu want to eat, I'll help you order it." ”

Su Jingyi grabbed her arm, "Jingjing, let's go, I'll be responsible for that share." ”

After three years of getting along, she has already figured out her stomach.

Huang Yifan put the backpack beside Youyou, and caught up with the two of them in three or two steps.

"Mr. Wu, if you're thirsty, drink some water."

Jianing poured a cup of tea and took out wet wipes to wipe the sweat on her forehead for her, like a mother taking care of her children.

After drinking tea, she lay down on the table.

Jianing is very good, one will press the shoulder, and the other will rub the back.

The strength is just right, and the technique is quite professional.

Wu Youyou almost fell asleep, and after the video with Fan Xingyun last night, he was awake for most of the night.

In the morning, I was kicked by Xiao Niannian's little feet.

"Jianing, it's hard work, you go and pick seafood, you don't have to guard me."

"It's not hard, I used to work as a personal assistant for the modeling agency, and I had to wash people's feet and wipe their hands, and I used tissues to spit on the other party, so my job with you is much easier than before."

Same salary, different jobs.

Wu Youyou is not only emotionally stable, does not pick thorns, nor scolds, and is a very good boss.

As long as Youman doesn't fire her, she can do it until the company goes out of business.

"Are you taking care of a disabled person or a baby?"

Su Jingyi's voice sounded from behind her, pinching a few peanuts in her hand and throwing them into her mouth.

It's just a special model, and there are so many things.

"That said, many models spend more than 10 hours a day wearing makeup, and in order to maintain their makeup, sometimes they have to be fed food.

People like me who don't have any skills, so I'm pretty good at taking care of people. ”

Jianing got up from the ground and accidentally bumped into someone behind her, whose chin hit just above her head.

"Holy shit! I don't have long eyes! ”

The man who spoke grabbed Jianing's collar.

Then he approached her face.

With a cigarette in her mouth, Mars was about to poke her in the face.

The smoke and heat were so hot that Jianing couldn't open his eyes.

She resisted the other party's approach with both hands, and kept apologizing to the other party with her eyes closed.

Wu Youyou got up from the chair and saw that the man was drunk and still had an arrogant and unreasonable attitude.

Shouted, "Let her go!" ”

Su Jingyi also rushed forward, "Jiang Qiqi? Why are you here? ”

Jiang Qiqi turned his head and stared at the two of them with squinting eyes, "Who should I be, you are two old friends." ”

As soon as his hand was released from Jianing's neckline, he walked towards the two of them.

The matter of pretending to be the heir of Momiji was told to the stupid woman by these two women.

Quite capable.

Seeing the other party's faltering appearance, Wu Youyou hesitated whether to make a move.

After all, when a man is sober, she may not be able to beat.

"What are you doing?"

Huang Yifan dropped the basket in his hand, and walked like a fly, across the middle of them.

However, he is half a head shorter than the other party, if he fights, he really doesn't have the confidence to win the other party, after all, he has not been the material for fighting since he was a child.

He turned to the person behind him and said, "He's drunk, beware of hurting you, hurry up and shake people." ”

Bai Jingjing grabbed Su Jingyi with both hands, and dragged Jianing's arms out.

"Two sisters, don't be tough with this kind of hooligan, our fists are not harder than his."

I don't know if Jiang Qiqi is this kind of hard stubble, I don't know if it is wine to strengthen bear bile, or to be angry.

took advantage of Huang Yifan's unpreparedness, hugged his head, and then slammed the bridge of the other party's nose with his own brain.


A large amount of nosebleeds poured out of the nasal cavity.

Huang Yifan squatted on the ground in pain while covering his nose, and several girls hurriedly helped stop the bleeding.

Wu Youyou glared angrily, "Jiang Qiqi, what do you want?" ”

Jiang Qiqi smiled lewdly, his tongue licked his chapped lips, and as soon as his left hand approached the side of her face, someone grabbed a finger and folded it behind her back.

Then an elbow hit him on the back of the neck, and her head was slapped on the table.

"Ah~~ It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Well done!"

"It hurts you, you deserve it!"

"Stinky rascal, after drinking a little wine, you dare to run here to spread wild, and you don't see what kind of place this is, I'm sorry!"

There were bursts of cheers from the crowd, and some people took advantage of the chaos to make up for it.

Wu Youyou clasped his head with one hand and folded his index finger with the other, not daring to relax at all.

Huang Yifan didn't care about the bleeding nostrils, and when he stood up, he pulled his other hand behind him.

"Jingyi, call the police!"


Su Jingyi was stunned by this scene, she knew that Youyou had two times.

But after returning to China, the stable social order never saw her show her hand again.

Unexpectedly, eating seafood would allow her to play tricks.

"Don't, don't call the police!"

Li Xiaowan's petite figure squeezed out of the crowd.

"Mr. Wu, for my sake, don't call the police."

Jiang Qiqi ignored her for a few days, and after begging hard, he agreed to meet her today.

During the meal, when talking about the other party's snub to herself, Li Xiaowan couldn't help but drop the beads.

Jiang Qiqi was most annoyed by this kind of sad woman, but she only felt unlucky, and she threw her chopsticks and left on the spot.

Li Xiaowan chased out two steps, and was called back by the waiter, "Miss, you haven't paid yet!" ”

There was not much cash on him, so he could only take out his bank card and give it to the waiter, and he swiped it twice, but he was told that the balance of the bank card was insufficient.

I had no choice but to call my colleague for help.

By the time she finished settling the account, Jiang Qiqi had already disappeared.

Since the name of the anti-pornography pioneer started on the Internet, he has always chatted hotly with those female fans who worship him on the Internet.

In the video, the other party's beautiful face, bewitching figure, and sexy dress fascinated him.

The two set a meeting place, and as soon as they arrived in Guancheng, they were called by Li Xiaowan in a row, and Jiang Qiqi wanted to take advantage of today to make a decision.

In a moment, he still has to catch up on a date.

Coincidentally, I met two beauties, Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi, here.

was touted by the woman on the Internet for a few days, and he really thought he was a green onion.

So, the sperm worm went to the brain, and it couldn't be stopped.

Wu Youyou didn't expect to meet Li Xiaowan here.

She squinted at the other party, didn't she say that she had no contact with someone in private?

Su Jingyi pulled her away, "Xiaowan, don't tell me, you came with the scum?" ”

Did the previous warnings to her fall on deaf ears?

"Jingyi, Archie is not the kind of person you say you are, I can guarantee you."

Li Xiaowan raised her hand and swore.

For her, Wu Youyou really hates iron and steel.

But she couldn't hit Li Xiaowan, so she could only pull Jiang Qiqi's hair hard and slam it into the table.


Jiang Qiqi let out a wail of pain.

"Say, what did you do to Xiaowan?"

"Speak quickly!"

If this happened in the United States, she would have been shot twice by surprise.

"Hehe, what can I do to him, she is cheap, she has to run to my bed, and she can't get rid of it!"

"Not only that, but she also used money to support me, you say it's ridiculous, a monthly salary of five or six thousand, saved for a few years, barely saved a hundred thousand, and I lost it in a few days.

Hahahaha~ I can only say, she and I take what we need, or how about letting her share my technology with you? It's worth the money, right? ”

This kind of foul language fell into Li Xiaowan's ears, like five thunderbolts.

Unexpectedly, I was sober for more than 20 years.

Now, he is so confused that for this kind of man, he has lost his shame and scattered all his money.

She was both resentful and ashamed!

Covering his ears with his hands, he shook his head and screamed.

"Jiang Qiqi, you are despicable and shameless! You cheat on my feelings, you frame me for money, you ...... You don't have to die well! ”

"What did I lie to you? Did I ask you for money? It's you who have to prove yourself, you think, it's a woman, I'm all on it, it's not that you are pitiful and no one loves you, when you are in my bed, it's not ......"

"Say no more! Stop it! You shut up! ”

"I'm going to ......"


Huang Yifan slapped him in the face, "I can't see a man bullying a woman the most, no!" ”

Nosebleeds gushed out of his nasal cavity, and the whole person didn't look very conscious.

Huang Yifan shook his palm, the whole thing was numb, and his palms were hot and painful.

At this moment, he can be regarded as having truly understood physics, and the action of force is mutual.

Su Jingyi picked up her phone again and prepared to call the police.

"Jingyi, don't, don't!"

Li Xiaowan immediately held her mobile phone, shook her head and prayed for mercy, "Don't call the police, spare him this time." ”

Wu Youyou glanced at the people around him, among them there were several men, who were so calm, not like people who simply came to join in the fun.

"Xiaowan, it's okay to let him go, but you have to promise me to completely cut off contact with him, this kind of scum is not worth it."

"Okay, I promise you, I promise you!!"

This sound, almost roared with all his might, roared out of sadness, and roared out of unwillingness.

The people at the scene were all moved.

Wu Youyou pushed Jiang Qiqi hard, and the other party's mother stumbled twice, and then left without hesitation, taking a few steps and turning back.

A mouthful of thick phlegm came out of his mouth, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he smiled hideously.

After leaving, several men in the store also followed out one after another.

Wu Youyou smelled the danger signal.

But looking at Li Xiaowan's languishing appearance, she finally chose to remain silent.

That night, she personally drove people back to the factory.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

She is not a nosy person, and she is not familiar with Li Xiaowan, if it weren't for Uncle Long's relationship, she wouldn't necessarily have contact in the future.

It is difficult for outsiders to interfere in emotional matters, and if she is obsessed with it, it will be up to her.

She didn't want to do this kind of thankless work.

Outside the laboratory.

Van Xingyun sat on the bench, a pair of long straight legs branched out, and the entire aisle was half occupied.

With his back against the wall, his brow furrowed.

He's been waiting here for more than three hours, and those three hours have been even harder than they've been in the last three years.

He's always looking at the time.

Pacing back and forth in the hallway.

The staff told him that he didn't have to wait here and would come back in three hours, but he still didn't want to leave.

When you are tired of walking, you sit on a chair and rest.

What Wu Youyou said in the past has always echoed in his mind.

"I'm pregnant."

"Van Xingyun, I'm pregnant! I said I was pregnant!! ”

"The doctor said I was forty-eight days pregnant and couldn't ......"

"Lied to you, it's a pity that you saw through it, it seems that my acting skills are still a little clumsy, when I get to the United States, I have to study hard, but I can't blind my face in vain."

These voices flickered far and near, loud and small, tormenting him and making him uneasy.

A door opens from the inside.

A male doctor in a white coat walked out, holding a certificate in his hand.

Fan Xingyun retracted his feet and slowly stood up from his chair, but he didn't dare to approach the doctor.

The doctor glanced at him, read the exam, and shoved it into his hand.

He read it word for word to make sure he heard it correctly.


After a wry smile, Fan Xingyun knelt on the ground and buried his head in the appraisal book.

This wide back looks extremely desolate.

That night, he stayed in the underground garage of Funing Village.


Until I heard Su Jingyi's indignant voice.

"This Jiang Qiqi is really bad, and Xiao Wan is really good, how can you believe this kind of scum? It's okay now, I'm so scumbag that I can't cry. ”

thought of Li Xiaowan's hoarse roar, and after Jiang Qiqi left, she looked depressed.

Su Jingyi was both sad and angry.

Are all the men in the world dead?

For such a man, is it worth it to make himself a person who is not a human being, a ghost or a ghost?

Anyway, she has never tasted the sweetness of love, nor has she ever suffered the bitterness of love.

Naturally, I can't understand it.

Today's seafood feast is because of a scumbag, so everyone can't eat it.

"Forget it, her thoughts are worthy of the hardships she endured, and there are some calamities, so she has to cross it by herself."

Taking out a box of tools from the trunk, the two walked towards the elevator.

"Jingyi, promise me, love yourself first, no matter how much you like a man in the future, you can't be like Li Xiaowan, otherwise, I will feel distressed."

This sudden sensationalism made Su Jingyi smile and bend her eyebrows.

Turning around, he suddenly hugged her waist.

Turning around, he suddenly hugged her waist.

"Otherwise, if we can live together, I can't do without you anyway, and the baby can't do without me."

This scene made the man in the car look sour.

Turn on the high beams, and the strong light stabs the two of them from opening their eyes.

A second later, the lights went out, and a man in black trousers came down.

It took a while to see the man's face clearly.

"Van Xingyun, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you!"

"It's okay, why are you waiting for me?"

His eyes were red, and the tip of his tall nose was stained with a layer of red.

Even his lips were red, and he was a little chapped up close.

It's like crying.

Forbearance, grievance, chagrin, several complex emotions merged on his face.

Like a student who lost his homework, but was wronged by the teacher and deliberately lost it.

There is a sense of powerlessness.


Wu Youyou handed the box to Su Jingyi, and then crossed his hands and wrapped them around his chest.

"Say it."

Fan Xingyun turned his head to stare at the person on the side, as if he was signaling her with his eyes to avoid it first.

Su Jingyi raised her hands in surrender, "Okay, I'm redundant!" I'll go, okay? ”

Seeing that the elevator door was closed, the other party still did not speak.

Wu Youyou showed an impatient look.

"Fan Xingyun, I'm very tired today, I don't have the effort to spend here with you, and besides, I can't read minds."

She's not, the little girl who circled around him everywhere.

She has people she cares about.

Something to care about.

"I ...... I'm going to see the baby today, she, she's ......"

"What's wrong with her?"

Fan Xingyun grabbed her hand and touched her forehead, "She hit me, you see, it's swollen here." ”

"She hit you? What was it used for? ”


Withdrawing his hand, Wu Youyou lost his voice and laughed, "Feelings, you came to me, the complaint is coming?" ”

On the forehead, there is an inconspicuous small packet that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Three years ago, he was smashed by her and bled out, and he didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows.

turned around, but he and Jiang Meiqi were in the office behind closed doors, staging a bitter love scene.

"The doctor said that if you don't treat it, it will become inflamed."

He pointed to the car, "I brought medicine, or you can give it to me." ”

Wu Youyou didn't eat him, "You don't have long hands?" ”

"I can't see it."

"Then don't worry about it, the doctor said, you can't die."

Seeing that the person turned around and was about to leave, Fan Xingyun immediately took her hand, "Yoyo, the doctor didn't say." ”

A pair of dog eyes, clear and stupid.

Wu Youyou muttered in his heart, could this be the sequelae of the car accident?

In the cramped carriage, the two sat facing each other.

I opened the bag and found no cotton swabs.

Wu Youyou had no choice but to squeeze out a little ointment, stick it to his fingers, and through the light in the car, reach out to explore the small bag on his forehead.

Then apply the ointment to it, and gently make a few circles with your fingers to smooth the ointment evenly.

Van Xingyun's eyes have been chasing her eyes and red lips.

The breath also followed her breath, deep and shallow.

The memory goes back to the night before the two divorced.


When I thought of it, his child was born there.

He wanted to tear her clothes open and see for himself.

But he had to try to restrain himself.

The book says that those who like flowers will pick her with their hands, but those who really love flowers will water her with love.

He can't rush to pick it, because this escaped rose does not belong to him at the moment.

But he always believed that as long as he touched her with love, one day, she would come back willingly.

He quietly put his hands behind his back, his fingers crossed together, and he imprisoned each other.

The temperature in the car seems to be slowly rising, and a lot of fine sweat instantly appears on the forehead.

The ears are also gradually dyed with a layer of pink.


"Are you cold or hot?"

Is there a wound on his forehead, his face is red like this, and he is still shaking.

Wu Youyou stretched out his palm and was about to probe his forehead.

He leaned back and stammered, "No...... After sweating, blowing the air conditioner is a bit cold. ”

"Heh, I didn't expect you to have such a side of Lin Daiyu."

After packing up the things in the car, Wu Youyou opened the door and got out of the car, and gave him an eviction order.

"It's late at night, you hurry back."

If something goes wrong, she accidentally becomes a sinner for the ages.

"I, I'll send you up."

Van Xingyun followed her out of the car and followed closely behind.

By the way, go and see his daughter, who was born to him by Yoyo.

A beautiful and lovely daughter like her.

Thinking back to what he had done in the past, he suddenly understood why Yoyo didn't let their father and daughter recognize each other.

It was he who personally severed the connection between father and daughter, and it was he who denied the existence of the child.

Wu Youyou stretched out his hand to block him, "You don't need to send it, the old man and the child are asleep at this point." ”

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Without waiting for the other party to refuse, he opened the car door and drilled into the car.

As long as he runs fast, he will never be able to catch up with him if he is rejected.

If he follows him upstairs, he will inevitably not follow the bed.

This weekend, Xiao Niannian doesn't have to go to school, early in the morning, the little guy carries his schoolbag and looks at the sleeping people on the bed.

"Mommy sleeps~ Baby is not noisy, Mommy is sleeping."

She struggled to put her bag down and pulled out a pink rope from it.

He sat on the ground with a rope and wrapped it around his feet.

This is a gift she picked up for herself in kindergarten.

A finger-thick rope, about a meter long, wrapped in a layer of transparent plastic.

Shake it up, crackling.

Wu Youyou sat up from the bed with a pillow, and before his eyes were fully opened, he saw a soft and glutinous little thing sitting on the ground.

"What time is it?"

After becoming a mother, sleeping lazily has become a luxury.

The little guy turned his head and shouted at the bedside table, "Xiaodu, Xiaodu, what time is it?" ”

"It's 7:51 a.m. Beijing time."

Oh my God, it's only seven o'clock!!

She threw her hands up and collapsed on the fluffy bed.

"Mommy, baby finish drinking grandma."


"Mommy, look, baby has a rope."


"Mommy, the call is coming."

She took her phone from the bedside table and held it up in front of Wu Youyou, and there was another voice from the bedside, "Hmm." ”


"Shhh~ Mommy is sleeping, can't be noisy."

The little guy walked out with his mobile phone in his arms and closed the door by the way.

She hid under the living room dining table and struggled for a long time to insert the earplugs.

He said a few words, then raised a hand and shook his body excitedly.

The old man thought that she had made a special trip to listen to music under the table.

Laughing from ear to ear.

In a few moments she crawled out and ran merrily to the door.

Standing on tiptoe, struggling to open the door.

Van Xingyun walked in from outside the door with a full gift box in both hands.


Suddenly, a big living person appeared, scaring the old man into a cold sweat.

Push the reading glasses on the bridge of your nose to make sure that you are not looking at the wrong person, and then put up the score.

"When will you buy my little grandchild?"

Putting down the gift box in his hand, Van Xingyun looked hesitant.

He believed that the old man must also know that the child was his flesh and blood, and the reason why he hid it from him must have been dissatisfied with himself in his heart.

"Mommy is there, rat, Mommy is there."

Xiao Niannian pointed to Mommy's bedroom, tilted her head and said to him.

The small mouth is babala, and Rao is cute.

If it weren't for the old man lying in the living room, he really wanted to rush straight in.

However, this little thing, as if reading his heart, actually took his hand and brought it into the room.

"Baby, Mommy is sleeping."

The old man nodded to her, implying that she should not take others to wake up Mommy.

"The Way of Treasure and Wisdom."

But Uncle doesn't know, Uncle must have never seen Mommy sleeping.

Xiao Niannian is most proud of that she has a mommy.

With any child she befriended, she would try to introduce her mommy to others.

Fan Xingyun turned around and smiled apologetically at the old man.

You can see it, it's your little grandson who dragged me there, but I didn't want to go by myself.

Who can bear to refuse, such a cute little friend?

As soon as the father and daughter entered the door, the little guy quietly closed the door, "Shh~shh~"

Fan Xingyun gently held the little one in his arms, smelled the fragrance above her head, and carefully looked at the person on the bed.

A white dress with a skirt pulled up to the thighs, revealing a pair of slender and slender legs.

She leaned slightly sideways, her long hair scattered on the white pillow.

The chest rises and falls with shallow breathing, and the long eyelashes are slightly curled.

Shallow eyelids, pale blue blood vessels are clearly visible.

It's like Snow White sleeping on a cloud.

He took out his mobile phone and secretly took a few photos of her sleeping face.

The little guy gestured to the scissorhands, "Mouse, yes!" ”

At the head of the bed, there was the slightest whisper of the father and daughter, and they even covered their mouths for laughter and held back their voices.

How do you have this kind of dream in broad daylight?

She reached out to the bedside table, and Xiao Niannian immediately stuffed the phone into her hand.


This big and small one stood on the ground, like two life-seekers, and she was so frightened that her soul flew away.

Van Xingyun immediately took her hand and comforted her, and put his other hand on her soft chest like a baby to sleep.

Pat gently.

There was a hot heat coming from the palm of his hand.

"Yu Yu."


When he opened his eyes, his gaze wandered between the two, "How did you get in?" ”

The little guy offered a treasure, "Mommy, baby will open the door." ”

Wu Youyou's eyes widened, looking at the ceiling, before the person could return to his soul, the mobile phone in his hand vibrate.

After hesitating for a while, he sat up and took the phone.

From the opposite side came the woman's terrible cry, the cry from hell, which made people panic.

She glanced at the caller ID, it was from Guancheng, and then, it was not in her address book.

The woman suppressed herself and cried and prayed.

"Mr. Wu, save Archie, please, save Archie."


Van Xingyun pricked up his ears, trying to make out the voice on the other side.

"Yes, yes, I'm Xiaowan, Archie...... He ......"

In the photo, Jiang Qiqi was tied up in various ways, pressed to the ground, and a person next to him was dying in a pool of blood.

It is said that he dug into the corners of other people's walls and forced girls to have a relationship.

was caught and raped in bed by someone's boyfriend, and between the two of them arguing, they drew knives to meet each other.

Jiang Qiqi stabbed a knife into the other party's stomach, and his intestines were pulled out.

Since the incident happened indoors, there was no monitoring to check.

In the woman's confession, it was indeed Jiang Qiqi who made the first move.

The police investigation found that before the incident, Jiang Qiqi was in the seafood restaurant, and he also beat people because he was molesting girls.

and being controlled.

The audience at the scene actively testified and confirmed that Jiang Qiqi was a habitual offender.

The police called Jiang Meiqi, but the other party replied that they didn't know each other and hung up directly.

Jiang Qiqi had no way to ask for help, and then asked people to contact Li Xiaowan, he knew that Li Xiaowan really loved him, and she would definitely find a way to save herself.

Even if it is to raise money to pay compensation to the victim, seek forgiveness from the other party, or hire a good lawyer for him.

But Li Xiaowan has no money and no connections, all she can think of is Wu Youyou, except for her boss Mr. Guo.

Not only is she rich, but she has recently cooperated with more than a dozen companies in Guancheng.

If you don't have a certain network base, you won't even have the opportunity to meet these people.

Not to mention, in such a short period of time, the advertisements of more than a dozen large companies have been covered.

Li Xiaowan's cry passed through the eardrum,

"Mr. Wu, I beg you, Archie was wronged, he said that when he came out of the seafood restaurant, he was targeted.

Archie did it out of self-defense, and he never thought of hurting anyone, Mr. Wu.

Please, can you help him find a famous lawyer team in Yongzhou, the victim does not accept compensation at all, and the other party also hired the best local lawyer, and now only you can help him. ”

Got targeted when you left the seafood restaurant?

Thinking of those sharp eyes yesterday, Wu Youyou suddenly understood.

This sweeping pioneer of pornography provoked people who did not provoke them, and the other party used fishing methods to lure people to Guancheng before they started.

If she guessed correctly, the woman was also a member of the game.

Then she really can't help.

Besides, she didn't want to help.

Van Xingyun shook his head and motioned for her not to interfere.

This matter must be inseparable from Lao Dong.

The other party has been rooted in Guancheng for more than 20 years, how could he let a hairy boy jump on his granary.

Of course, he is the driving force behind this.

He borrowed Lao Dong's hand to get rid of Jiang Qiqi.

Who gave him the idea to fight Wu Yoyo? Then he's damned!

At the same time, with the help of Jiang Qiqi, Lao Dong was disqualified from bidding, and screened out bad partners for him without offending anyone.

"Xiaowan, I can't help you in this matter, Jiang Qiqi is guilty of criminal law, and he should be punished."

"No, he was wronged! Miss Wu, I know that this matter is very difficult for you, but I owe you a favor, I am willing to pay it back for the rest of my life, please, save Archie, save Archie...... Woohoo......"

Li Xiaowan knelt on the ground, hugged her stomach and cried loudly.

Suddenly, the crying stopped abruptly.

There was a shrill whistle in my ears, the sound of tires rubbing against the floor.

There are also the voices of men scolding.

"! If you touch porcelain, if you want to die, you should die far away, don't look for bad luck here in Lao Tzu. ”

"Miss, Miss, how are you? Wake up, wake up! ”

Wu Youyou had a bad premonition, "Xiaowan, where are you, Xiaowan!" ”

On the phone, a woman's voice came, "Hello, the owner is unconscious." ”

"Where are you unconscious?"

"International Trade Building ......"

"I'll be there soon!"

When the two rushed to the hospital, Li Xiaowan was already awake.

Pale face, empty eyes, always staring at the ceiling.

A pair of thin hands grabbed the futon hard.

The doctor said that the patient was pregnant, weak, and anemic, and if he didn't pay attention, the child would not be kept.

Wu Youyou asked her if she knew about pregnancy.

Li Xiaowan grabbed her hand and prayed.

I hope she will save Jiang Qiqi for the sake of the child, and also said that the child can't live without his father, otherwise his life will be miserable.

made a special trip to Yongzhou to let Wu Youyou see his sincerity.

As long as the other party is willing to take action, she believes that she can discuss the case with the lawyer today.

Speaking of children, Wu Youyou's heart softened.

But she knew that the child's suffering had begun when his mother had chosen this father for him.

Such a scumbag who is not responsible and does not respect women is not qualified to be a father at all.

"Miss Li, it's better not to have such a father, maybe in the future, the suffering that the child has endured will be brought by this father.

The doctor said that this child is less than a month old, so you might as well do it as soon as possible to save yourself from entanglement with this man in the future. ”

Van Xingyun put his hands in his pockets, and spoke coldly and ruthlessly.

It's like persuading someone to throw away a useless thing.

The two looked at him in surprise.

How cruel it is for a mother to give up the fetus in her womb.

But Fan Xingyun said it easily.

This can't help but make people wonder if Wu Youyou thought the same way when he talked about his pregnancy.

Otherwise, why would he deny that she was pregnant?

Li Xiaowan held her stomach and stepped back again and again, "No! This is my child with Archie, the crystallization of our love, I can't give him up, I can't! No! ”

Jiang Qiqi is in her, she doesn't even have love, where does the crystallization of love come from?

Why can't this woman be able to carry it until now?

"Xiaowan, the child's business, it's not too late to make a decision when you calm down."

Unbeknownst to her, she excitedly shook off Wu Youyou's hand.

Fan Xingyun quickly took the person into his arms, for fear that the other party would suddenly hurt people like a mad dog.

"Put away your pretense, I know you don't like Archie, and naturally you don't like his child, in your heart, you must wish that this child can't be kept, I won't fulfill your wish."

These words reached Wu Youyou's heart.

In Li Xiaowan's state, she is not suitable for having children at all.

There are several sisters in the family, all of whom are poor haha, but their parents are old and frail.

If there is another father who is imprisoned for multiple crimes, the child will also be born with a sin.

This kind of heavenly collapse start, no one will be grateful for such a life.

"You take good care of your body, Jiang Qiqi's matter is a foregone conclusion, I hope you can cheer up again, you have every chance to choose a better life."

At this point, the path Li Xiaowan chose could only be taken by herself.

Before leaving the hospital, Wu Youyou paid the medical bills in advance.

On the way back, she always looked out the window, and the sun was shining on her face unscrupulously.

From the side, only her long, curled eyelashes can be seen, which are distinct in the golden light.

"You're not happy?"

"Yours eyes, upset to see me?"


Title: Bamboo horses don't know green tea, and Xiaoqingmei runs with the ball

If it is invaded and deleted