
National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life
National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Text: Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

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When it comes to sports, the national football team should be the most heart-wrenching project, many friends who like football hate it, of course, there are friends who ridicule the national football team as a national sports balancer and so on.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

In order to make the national football team progress as soon as possible, many teams have carried out the policy of international football planning, which is to recruit some excellent football players from the world, and then change the nationality of these foreign football players to ours.

So that they can contribute to our football, and what we are going to say today is a naturalized player, but he has been in our country for 4 years and has not contributed much.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Even after getting the money, he directly left our nationality and rejoined his original country, at this time, some friends may be curious, who is this person? Why did he do it?

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

[A foreigner with Chinese ancestry]

Xiao Taotao was born in Peru in the late 90s, but in the strict sense of the word, he is not a pure Peruvian, because his maternal grandfather is a Chinese from Guangdong.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

So Xiao Taotao actually has Chinese ancestry, and Xiao Taotao's father also uses Cantonese when communicating with his children, because in their opinion, he should not forget where his roots are.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Although Xiao Taotao has certain differences with Chinese in appearance, there is no problem with communication, and he has shown great love for football since he was a child, coupled with the support of his family, Xiao Taotao has become a football team of the local sports university.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

When he was 16 years old, he made his debut, which also made Xiao Taotao a well-known local football player, and even later received an invitation to the national team, which was a very good opportunity for Xiao Taotao.

But what he didn't expect was that after joining the national team, Xiao Taotao did not get any chance to play, so it can be said that he was treated coldly, and at this time, our country's football team carried out a plan to naturalize players.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

To put it simply, this plan is that the domestic football association recruits foreign players, in order to let them play for the national football, it costs a lot of money, fishes them out to China, and then changes the nationality to make these players temporarily Chinese.

But not every player wants to come to our country and play for our team, on the contrary, there are many players who don't, but in the face of this situation, all the team can do is try to increase the price.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

This has indeed attracted a lot of players to come, among them, Xiao Taotao is one, because he has Chinese ancestry, so he has received the attention of many domestic teams, in this process, Guangzhou Evergrande took a fancy to Xiao Taotao and contacted him.

So, how did Xiao Taotao live after he came to our country?

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

[Less money, more chic]

I think that in 2019, Roberto Xiao joined Evergrande with a naturalization fee of 1 million, and was warmly welcomed by many fans.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Therefore, the salary given to the naturalized personnel is money that they can't get locally, and after being favored by Evergrande, Xiao Taotao discussed with Evergrande, and then joined Evergrande's team with a successful transfer of $1 million.

Before he came, Xiao Taotao's news was exposed by Evergrande, and in 2020, Xiao Taotao officially came to our country, but at that time, because of the epidemic, everyone was isolated at home, and there were few games.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Xiao Taotao also spent a very stable life in our country, after all, for him, as long as he came to China, he could get 12 million yuan a year, which was much more than what he earned in his own country.

It's a pity that because of the lack of overall strength of the team, Xiao Taotao's true level can't be played, after all, he can't play against 11 people alone, which also causes Xiao Taotao to not stand firm in Evergrande.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Later, Xiao Taotao was loaned to Shanghai Shenxin, and then came to the Kunshan team, but his results were still not ideal, and he did not have the ability of other naturalized players.

Although he has been in our country for 4 years, he was still "unemployed" in one of those years, but after all, he signed a contract, so Xiao Taotao was able to get 36 million in the end, even if he did not represent the Guangdong team in a game.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

When the contract ended, Xiao Taotao took the money, returned to his own country, and rejoined the Peruvian nationality, and behind this, the person who lost the most may be Evergrande, after all, the player did not help make money, and he still posted so much.

In fact, there are many naturalized players like Xiao Taotao, such as the player we will talk about next, so who is he?

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

[More than one person like this]

Gaotra is also one of the naturalized members of the Evergrande football team, he was originally from Brazil, he is a Brazilian native, and the reason why he came to Evergrande and was favored by Evergrande is also because his previous performance on the field was good enough.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

After all, when he didn't come, he was known as a Brazilian international, and in 2015, Evergrande poached it and spent more than 100 million yuan in the middle, which can be said to be quite rare in our country's football world.

Although Gotra's remarks and performance were not bad in the early stage, as time went by, his mood began to change, so that in the end he failed to represent the national football team.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

Later, he chose to quit the nationality of our country, and he also wanted to quit football, maybe for him, this time to come to our country is still a lot of gains, after all, the salary level is very high.

In fact, whether it is Xiao Taotao or Gaotra, their performance in their own team is very good, otherwise, they will not be valued by our team, and would rather spend a lot of money to poach players.

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

But I have to say that when Evergrande was looking for naturalized players, its vision was still almost meaningless, after all, a lot of money was spent, but not only did it not get better results, but even in the end, even the players did not stay, which is indeed a bit "miserable".

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life


In fact, in recent years, the development of football in our country is still very objective, the results are getting better and better, and the school is also focusing on cultivating young people's love for football, so we believe that the development of Chinese football will be better and better in the future.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life
National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life


Red Star News on March 11, 2023 on "Exchange 4 years of youth for 36 million! Xiao Taotao joins his old club in Peru and restores his Peruvian nationality".

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life

On January 10, 2023, the Observer Network reported on "Goulart confirmed the renunciation of Chinese nationality and set a record for Chinese football transfer fees".

National football farce! Earned 36 million in 4 years of naturalization! At the age of 25, he returned to his original nationality and did not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life