
Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money
Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

Text: Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

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Is it possible to have better development only by going abroad? Why do you know that Japan has committed crimes in China, but still "recognize the thief as your father" and become a Japanese citizen?

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

Wei Qingguang is like this, after he became Japanese, he began to spare no effort to play for Japan, and also cultivated one talent after another for the Japanese table tennis team, becoming a threat to our Chinese table tennis team......

Countless Chinese people did not understand or agree with Wei Qingguang's actions, so when they learned that he returned to China in his later years to "make money", it caused a lot of controversy.

Why did Wei Qingguang become a Japanese citizen in the first place? What has he achieved for Japan? Why did you want to return to China in your later years?

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

["Recognizing the thief as a father" Wei Qingguang]

Before becoming a Japanese citizen, Wei Qingguang was a legend in our Chinese table tennis world, even more famous than Liu Guoliang.

Born on July 2, 1962 in Nanning, Guangxi, he entered the Municipal Amateur Sports School at the age of 8 and began to receive professional training in 1972, and then entered the Guangxi team.

8 years old and 18 years old are all the age of playing, but Wei Qingguang has already shone in the field he likes and is good at, which shows that he belongs to the "genius player".

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

In 1984, Wei Qingguang also won three gold medals in men's singles, mixed doubles and team at the National Table Tennis Championships......

And with these outstanding achievements, he joined the national team at the age of 23, at such an age, such achievements, which are beyond the reach of others.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

In 1987 and 1988, Wei Qingguang also partnered with teammate Chen Longcan, and won the men's doubles gold medal at the 39th World Table Tennis Championships and the Seoul Olympics.

This victory is not only a recognition of the individual strength of the two athletes, but also a symbol of the rise of Chinese table tennis on the world stage, so Wei Qingguang also has a pivotal position in our Chinese table tennis community.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

Unexpectedly, after Wei Qingguang retired, he became a Japanese citizen in 1997 and changed his name to "Weiguan Qingguang".

This incident caused a great sensation at the time, after all, the "crime of aggression" committed by Japan in China is still vividly remembered, and as an out-and-out Chinese, Wei Qingguang's approach is tantamount to "recognizing a thief as his father......

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

But no matter how disturbed the outside world was, Wei Qingguang resolutely became a Japanese citizen, changed his name to "Weiguan Qingguang", and even became a "cultural exchange ambassador" between China and Japan.

His technique and tactics, especially his trademark "left-handed straight shot back-to-back arc", have left his opponents in the dust, so he has also coached a number of excellent international players in Japan.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Wei Qingguang's "apprentice" Misei Ito and teammate Mizutani Hayabusa defeated Liu Guoliang's "apprentices" Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen.

For such a record, countless people feel very embarrassed, and some people even bluntly said: Wei Qingguang shook Liu Guoliang's absolute rule!

This battle also clearly made everyone see Wei Qingguang's strength clearly, and at the same time, it also made everyone feel puzzled and regretful again, why did people like Wei Qingguang have to join Japanese nationality?

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

In fact, Wei Qingguang's road to table tennis was not smooth sailing, although he was a talented player, he suffered a loss in physical condition.

Hepatitis, a disease that can no longer train a lot, found Wei Qingguang and completely blocked his table tennis career, but Wei Qingguang, who was extremely tenacious, did not admit defeat easily, but recovered his body little by little, and picked up the table tennis racket again......

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

After all the hardships along the way, Wei Qingguang gritted his teeth and persevered, and retired perfectly after achieving proud results, in fact, if he had not joined the Japanese nationality, he would probably have become a well-known coach like Liu Guoliang now.

Although Wei Qingguang became a Japanese citizen, he repeatedly reiterated his promise: he will never represent Japan in the Chinese team! And he really did!

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

[Returning to China to make money in his later years]

Today, Wei Qingguang, who is 62 years old, although he still lives in Japan, has been engaged in business, and he even extended his hand to our China, and then opened a stadium in China, taught skills, and became a messenger of Sino-Japanese table tennis exchanges.

For Wei Qingguang's behavior, many netizens said that they didn't buy it, after all, he is already a Japanese, and now he is still doing business in China, as if he is returning to China to make money.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

But in fact, think about it differently, Japanese people who come to China to do business abound, and Wei Qingguang cannot be treated differently because he was once Chinese, and he only opened a specialty store selling table tennis equipment, and there is no large-scale gold making.

Some netizens believe that Wei Qingguang's return is not only a return to his roots, but also a continuation of Sino-Japanese table tennis exchanges.

But no matter what, his past behavior is still causing controversy, and there are still people who think that he is a "thief as a father" and a "traitor", and that he does not cultivate the good seedlings of his own country, but cultivates Japan, which is simply extremely hateful!

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money


In fact, there are two sides to everything, although Wei Qingguang went to Japan, he did not do anything to hurt China, and he still went after retiring.

After retiring, Wei Qingguang has not stayed away from table tennis, and his influence and experience continue to be passed on to the new generation of athletes, although it is in Japan, but when the two countries exchange, the players still learn from the experience.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

He also devotes himself to coaching because he just wants to pass on his rich game experience and tactical wisdom to young players, and most importantly, he is also actively involved in the promotion of table tennis, so that more people can understand and love the sport.

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

If you put aside the country of Japan, Wei Qingguang is only working in another country, and he has also been contributing to the exchange of table tennis between China and Japan, so don't treat it too extremely.

Maybe in Wei Qingguang's heart, his own value can only be reflected in Japan, after all, we are full of Chinese talents, and if we want to get ahead, our competitiveness is still very great......

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money
Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money


Sohu reported on September 18, 2023 on "Wei Qingguang is a late bloomer, the table tennis legend of a Japanese coach".

Confess the thief as a father! The Chinese table tennis genius joined the Japanese and defeated Liu Guoliang, but in his later years, he returned to China to make money

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