
Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

author:Li Bian please 03

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's give you something new today. There is a small village in the south of our pimple, there is a bachelor named Li Ergou, don't look at his name with a "dog", our buddy is very diligent, the few acres of melon fields at home can grow a big and sweet melon every year, and the life is very moist.

But a few days ago, Li Ergou encountered a strange thing, which made him surprised, happy, angry and annoyed. That day, as soon as the sky was bright, Li Ergou carried a hoe to the melon field. This melon field, but the treasure handed down by his ancestors can produce a big and sweet melon every year. Li Ergou pondered as he walked, this melon is growing well this year, and he will have to celebrate when the harvest is completed.

When he arrived at the melon field, Li Ergou was stunned. What did he see? I saw a figure dangling in the melon field, and that figure looked like a woman, holding a big watermelon in her hand. Li Ergou sighed in his heart, this early in the morning, who is so short-sighted and dares to steal his melons? He crept closer, trying to catch a catch.

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

It's closer, it's closer, Li Ergou can see it more clearly, what kind of stranger is it, it's Liu Cuihua, the widow in the village! Liu Cuihua usually lives alone, and lives a very tight life by sewing and mending for the people in the village. Li Ergou is so angry in his heart, this Liu Cuihua looks very honest on weekdays, why did she do this trick of stealing chickens and touching dogs?

Li Ergou thought in his heart, the movements in his hands did not stop, and he rushed up with an arrow step and grabbed Liu Cuihua's wrist. Liu Cuihua was taken aback, and the melon in her hand also fell to the ground and fell to pieces. "Ouch, Li Ergou, what are you doing here?" Liu Cuihua hurriedly explained, "I'm not here to steal melons, I'm ......" "Not to steal melons?" So what are you doing in my melon field early in the morning? Li Ergou interrupted her and asked angrily.

Liu Cuihua looked around, then at Li Ergou, and said with an embarrassed face: "I can't tell you about this, but it's really not stealing melons." If you can trust me, let me go, and I promise not to come again. When Li Ergou heard this, he became even more angry. He thought to himself, this Liu Cuihua must have seen that he was a bully, so he dared to steal melons so blatantly. Where is he willing to put it, he is going to the village with Liu Cuihua in tow, ready to find the village chief to comment.

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

When Liu Cuihua saw this posture, she was anxious, and hurriedly grabbed Li Ergou and whispered: "Ergou, if you let me go, I will compensate you ten acres of wasteland, what do you think?" "What? Ten acres of wasteland? Li Ergou was stunned, he didn't expect Liu Cuihua to put forward such a condition. You must know that ten acres of barren land was a lot of money at that time, enough for him to grow a few more acres of melons. But he also knew in his heart that this Liu Cuihua must have something unspeakable to hide before she would bloom such a condition.

Li Ergou hesitated, he looked at Liu Cuihua's pleading eyes, and then at the broken melon, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. We have to think about this matter slowly, and we can't just make a hasty decision. Hey, this whole thing is really uncomfortable. Let her go, let's panic in our hearts; But if we don't let it go, we can't bear to look at her pitiful appearance. Just thinking about it, Li Ergou, this kid, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought about it. As soon as he let go, he said to Liu Cuihua: "Okay, let's let you go." But you have to give us a secret, why do you have to steal this melon? Also, what's the matter with the ten acres of wasteland you mentioned? Liu Cuihua heard Li Ergou say this, quickly nodded and agreed, and the two of them sat on the edge of the melon field, and Liu Cuihua began to tell her bizarre story...... "Ergou, listen well, I'm not stealing melons, I'm ...... I'm saving melons. Liu Cuihua opened her mouth, and Li Ergou was stunned, what is it? Save the melon? Doesn't this melon grow in the ground in a good way, why does it still need to be saved?

Liu Cuihua looked at Li Ergou with a confused expression, and continued: "A few days ago, I had a dream at night, and I dreamed that the old fairy in our village, he told me that there is a ghost in our melon field who has only become a fine, and he specializes in harming the melon field. This ruzi can't hide during the day, and he comes out at night to make trouble, if it goes on like this, your melon field will be finished. Li Ergou listened, and his heart beat a drum. He had heard of this gentleman, who specialized in harming crops, but if he wanted to say that he had become a fine, he would only harm his melon fields, and he had really never heard of this. But looking at Liu Cuihua's seriousness, it doesn't seem like she's making up nonsense.

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

"Then tell me, how do you know that this son will plague my melon field and not others?" Li Ergou asked. Liu Cuihua sighed and said, "The old fairy said that this ruzi has an enmity with you, so he specializes in harming your melon fields." He asked me to come to the melon field every night and use the yang energy in my body to drive the seed, so that your melon field can be saved. When Li Ergou heard this, he was even more confused. He has lived for so many years, and he has never offended any cowards, why does this coward have an enmity with him? However, seeing that Liu Cuihua said so seriously, he didn't want to ask too much, so he could only nod in disbelief.

"Then what's the matter with the ten acres of barren land you said?" Li Ergou asked again. Liu Cuihua paused and said, "I'll tell you the truth, I've had a hard time in the past few years. My man left early, leaving me alone, an orphan and a widow, and life was not easy. I don't earn much money from my sewing and mending jobs, and my family is still in debt. The ten acres of barren land are my mother's land, and my mother's family said that as long as I can get this done, they will give me the ten acres of land so that I can live a better life. As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he understood in his heart. This Liu Cuihua did this to save his melon field and to live a good life for herself. Although he is still a bachelor, he is also a loving and righteous person, and after listening to Liu Cuihua's words, he also felt quite unpleasant.

"That'...... Do you come every night? Li Ergou asked again. Liu Cuihua nodded slightly, with a hint of helplessness on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Well, I come here every day." I was afraid that I would be seen during the day, so I chose to come in the darkness at night. It's a misfortune that I was hit by you today. Li Ergou listened, and his heart was mixed. He glanced at Liu Cuihua's haggard face, and his heart was also sour. He pondered for a while, and said, "Liu Cuihua, I understand your matter. Don't worry, let's watch the matter of this melon field in the future, and you don't need to run every day and night. When Liu Cuihua heard this, she wiped her tears and said, "Ergou, you are really a sincere person." I...... I don't even know how to thank you. Li Ergou waved his hand and said, "Thank you, we are all from the village, and we should help each other." Besides, you are also for the good of our melon fields. ”

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

In this way, Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua hit it off and decided to take care of the melon field together in the future, so as not to let the cunning cunning son make trouble again. Liu Cuihua also got the ten acres of barren land as she wished, and the life of the family gradually improved. This story spread in the village, and everyone thought it was quite magical. Some say that Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua are a match made in heaven, some say that this melon field has spirituality, and some say that it is true that Ruzi has become a sperm. Anyway, this matter can be regarded as a happy ending. Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua got closer because of this matter, the two took care of the melon field together, shared the ups and downs of life together, and the relationship between them became deeper and deeper. In the end, the two really came together and became a good story in the village.

So, ladies and gentlemen, what does this tell us? It is to believe that good people have good rewards, and they must know how to help each other. Isn't that the reason, you say? Okay, that's all for today's story, we'll see you next time!

The story of Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua spread in the village and became a topic of conversation among the villagers after dinner. Originally, the two came together just for the melon field, but they didn't expect that this back and forth would also spark a little love. After saying that, Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua started their "great cause of guarding melons". When night fell, the two of them went to the melon field together, holding wooden sticks and patrolling every corner of the melon field vigilantly. At first, both of them were a little embarrassed, after all, they didn't have much intersection before, but as time went by, the tacit understanding between them gradually increased.

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

"Ergou, why do you think this son is so smart? We've been here for so many days, and we haven't even seen a shadow of it. Liu Cuihua said to Li Ergou while inspecting the melon field. Li Ergou smiled and said, "If that Ruzi really becomes a refinement, he must be smart." But let's not be discouraged, this melon field is our lifeblood, and we have to guard it well. In this way, while chatting, the two continued to inspect the melon fields, and their story spread in the village and became a good story. The night slowly fell, and the breeze blew gently, and the fragrance of melons in the melon field drifted far away. The two of them walked like this, and before they knew it, they had walked into the depths of the melon field. Suddenly, a strange sound came, and the two of them tightened their hearts, quickly stopped, and pricked up their ears to listen carefully. The voice was getting closer, as if something was coming towards them. The two of them clenched their sticks in their hands and looked around nervously.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly came out of the melon bush and rushed straight towards the two of them. Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua saw this posture, and hurriedly waved their wooden sticks, preparing to fight. But the shadow stopped less than a meter away from them and let out a strange scream. The two of them widened their eyes and saw that it was a squirrel! The Ruzi was covered in black hair, his eyes were as red as something, and he looked particularly fierce.

Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua were shocked, but quickly stabilized. "Don't be afraid, let's go together!" Li Ergou shouted loudly. The two of them brandished their sticks together and rushed towards the monkey. After a fierce fight, Naruzi was finally defeated by the two of them. Both of them were so tired that they couldn't breathe, but they both had triumphant smiles on their faces. "Ergou, did we kill that Ruzi?" Liu Cuihua looked at the Ruzi on the ground and asked a little uncertainly. Li Ergou shook his head and said, "No, it's just dizzy." Although this coward is fierce, we have a lot of strength, and it is definitely not our opponent. ”

Caught the widow stealing melons, the bachelor was ready to call people. Widow: Is it feasible to pay 10 acres of wasteland?

The two dragged the fainted Ruzi back to the village, ready to deal with it the next day. This night, the two of them successfully guarded the melon, and the melon field was safe. Early the next morning, the two of them brought the fainted Ruzi to the entrance of the village. When the villagers heard that the two had defeated the Ruzi who had plagued the melon fields, they all came to see the excitement. Everyone looked at the Ruzi on the ground and couldn't help but admire. "Ergou, you are really the heroes of our village!" The village chief patted Li Ergou on the shoulder and said. Li Ergou smiled and said, "Wherever and wherever it is, this is all the credit of Liu Cuihua." If she hadn't come to guard the melon every night, how could this ruzi be defeated by us so easily. ”

When Liu Cuihua heard this, a shy smile appeared on her face. She looked at Li Ergou and felt warm in her heart. She knew that she had finally found someone to rely on in the village. Since then, Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua's relationship has become closer. The two often work, chat, and eat together, like an old husband and wife. The people in the village also slowly accepted their "old husband and wife" and cast envious eyes. But the good times didn't last long, just when the relationship between the two was getting hotter and hotter, a sudden change broke their peaceful life. That night, there was another strange noise in the melon field. Li Ergou and Liu Cuihua hurriedly ran to the melon field to see what was going on. Oh, look at this melon field, what has become of the scourge! The melon seedlings, which were originally growing vigorously, are now all lying down, and the melons are also gnawed. When the two of them saw this tragic situation, their hearts were half cold, and they were angry and a little sad. They knew in their hearts that this must have been a good deed done by the beaten man. But the two of them were defenseless, so they could only stare dryly, watching their hard-earned results go down the drain.

Just when they were disheartened, the old people in the village came, one by one, like bodhisattvas, and comforted them: "This is fate, we can't change it." But when they heard this, the two of them felt even more uncomfortable in their hearts, and it was more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis. Just when they were disheartened and ready to admit it, hey, a mysterious old man appeared. The old man was holding a crutch in his hand, wrapped in a tattered robe, and looked a little bit fairy-like posture. He told the two of them that as long as they were willing to contribute some money, he could help them put the melon fields in order. When the two of them heard this, their hearts were overjoyed, and they hurriedly asked the old man what the price was. The old man smiled slightly and said, "As long as you two truly love each other and never give up, I will help you." The two of them glanced at each other, and Xiao Jiujiu understood the little bit in their hearts, clasped their hands, and nodded. Since then, the two have embarked on a new path in life.