
Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes


On the afternoon of June 28th, the opening ceremony of the double solo exhibition of Chinese freelance artist Chen Ben and French expressionist artist Jean Michel and the special exhibition of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France was held in Guangzhou. With the theme of "Harmony", this special exhibition vividly shows the wonderful picture of Chinese and French cultural beauty and harmony, harmony and difference through the representative works of two Chinese and French contemporary artists. The opening ceremony was attended by Ruben VERSMESSEN, Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Belgium in Guangzhou, Benoit AUGER, Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, Li Changsong, Chairman of the Liwan District Artists Association, artists Chen Ben and Jean Michel, as well as a number of Chinese and foreign cultural and art circles.

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

The scene of the event

Civilization is splendid and colorful because of exchange. Benoit AUGER, Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, said in his speech, "Today we are gathered together not only to appreciate the beauty of Chinese and French art, but also to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and to celebrate the Sino-French friendship that has flourished and developed over the past 60 years of cultural exchanges and cooperation. He believes that the work of these two outstanding artists is a strong burst of innovation and a full demonstration of the power of art to bring people together.

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

Ou Ruibin, Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

In his speech, Li Changsong, chairman of the Liwan District Artists Association, first extended a warm welcome to the artists and friends from afar. He then said that over the past 60 years, China and France have achieved fruitful results in cooperation in various fields, and cultural exchanges are an important part of them. "Through this exhibition, we can not only enhance our deep friendship with each other, but also look forward to the bright future of Sino-French cultural exchanges, and jointly promote the continuous development and growth of Sino-French cultural exchanges and cooperation."

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

Li Changsong, chairman of the Liwan District Artists Association

Chen Ben and Jean Michel also delivered speeches. Chen Ben shared with the guests that back in the 90s, he held many exhibitions in Guangzhou. Since 2002, he has been studying in France every year, drawing inspiration from local museums and trying to integrate Chinese and Western art into his works. "This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Therefore, it is of great significance to return to his hometown Guangzhou to hold a solo exhibition. Jean Michel said that this solo exhibition brings together important works created during his 15 years of living in China, and can be regarded as a personal retrospective. In this exhibition, you can see the evolution of the style of my work, and even the direction of my future creation. He also made special mention of the important work "Yellow Mountain", created in 2014 for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and exhibited in this exhibition.

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

Chinese freelance artist Chen Ben

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

French expressionist artist Jean Michel

The exhibition will run from June 29 to July 12. According to the on-site understanding of the reporter of the Xinhua News Agency, the main theme of Chen Ben's works on display this time is "Chinese women in the past dynasties". The classic female images of various dynasties are vividly presented in front of the audience under his pen, outlining the unique charm of Chinese women with one stroke. "China has a profound traditional cultural heritage, and we should take the essence of it and inject unique connotations into contemporary works, and this process can also rejuvenate excellent traditional culture," Chen said. "His works not only embody the fusion of Chinese and Western artistic characteristics, but also show the calm atmosphere of classical and modern innovation, like an elegant dance of ink and color, deftly capturing the connection between people and the spirit of the times.

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

"Sinking Fish and Falling Geese, Closing the Moon and Embarrassing Flowers"

Jean Michel told the news agency that although French culture is the background color of the inspiration for his works, Chinese culture has a profound influence on his works and even his thoughts. The two special exhibition works, "Jade and Golden Friendship" and "Clemons and Golden Friendship", combine Chinese and French cultural elements such as Sanxingdui and the Eiffel Tower, depict the friendship between two Chinese and French women, and express the beautiful vision that Sino-French relations will get better and better over time. Jean Michel said: "Despite the cultural differences between China and France, our common points such as the importance of family and the love for culture have allowed people to break cultural boundaries and make the friendship between China and France more firm, stable and long-lasting." ”

Paint a new picture of Sino-French art exchanges with brushes

Jean Michel with "Jade and the Golden Friendship" (left), "Cremonse and the Golden Friendship" (right)

Since the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, cultural exchanges between the two countries have always played an important role in promoting people-to-people ties and people-to-people ties, and have continuously pushed China-France relations to a new height. The China-France relationship, which keeps pace with the times and moves forward steadily, has not only brought more benefits to the people of the two countries, but also set an example for the friendly relations between China and the EU in an equal, inclusive and harmonious manner.

Text/Yi Chunyan

Photo/Yi Chunyan, Luo Tianyu (intern)

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