
The essence of high blood pressure lies in these 4 points of blockage, dredge it, and it's good!

author:Fan Lihua, Department of Cardiology

Nowadays, there are a large number of patients with high blood pressure, but most patients rely on antihypertensive drugs for temporary control, or even lifelong medication.

However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, high blood pressure can be regulated by grasping its essence to regulate.

We all know that using the method of "sealing" to control the demon, it will always wait for an opportunity to commit it again, and only by exploring its source, grasping its life, and directly destroying it can it be truly peaceful.

The same is true for the sick.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that high blood pressure is just a reaction exerted by the disease on the human body, a signal sent by the body to eradicate the disease, and the signal of high blood pressure does not need to exist.

The essence of hypertension can be described in two words, that is, "blockage". To put it simply, in fact, there is precipitation, stagnation, and unobstructed.

Why is there a blockage? We need to look at each of them dialectically.

The essence of high blood pressure lies in these 4 points of blockage, dredge it, and it's good!

The first type of blockage is that there is too much garbage in the blood.

It's like, now we have a straw with a fixed thickness, and we use it to drink water and then drink porridge.

In the end, three things will be obvious:

1. With the same suction, drinking water is fast, but drinking porridge is very slow;

2. When drinking water, there will only be a little water stain left on the straw wall, but when drinking porridge, there will be more porridge particles left on the straw wall;

3. When drinking water, it is unimpeded, but there will be large lumps in the porridge that block the straw.

Under normal circumstances, the flow of qi and blood in the human body is as smooth as drinking water through a straw. However, when the amount of waste in the blood vessels increases, it may become like porridge, and it needs to be sucked more vigorously, that is, pressurized.

So what if you don't want to pressurize?

Then it is necessary to "purify", turn porridge into water, clean the porridge knots, and clean the pipe walls.

For patients with less blood waste, in fact, taking care of the liver can achieve a good conditioning purpose, and the liver will be responsible for "purifying" the garbage in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good sleep habits and maintain a light diet.

For patients with severe congestion, it is not only necessary to nourish the liver, but also to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. In thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many prescriptions, such as [Xuefu Zhuyu Soup], [Guizhi Poria Soup], etc., which have good curative effects when used in clinical additions and subtractions.

The essence of high blood pressure lies in these 4 points of blockage, dredge it, and it's good!

The second type of blockage occurs on the meridians.

The meridians are the channels through which the body's qi and blood run, connect various viscera, and run through the upper and lower parts of the human body.

We also take the example of drinking water with a straw, which is the function of the meridians. Then, when we pinch the straw, it is more difficult to drink water, and we need more pressure to suck.

What diseases cause high blood pressure due to blockage of the veins?

Such as cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, knee arthritis, etc., these are all blockages in different places, and high blood pressure is also easy to occur.

In this regard, there are many methods of TCM physiotherapy, such as scraping, massage, moxibustion, acupuncture, etc., which will have good results.

In addition, you can also do more exercise in daily life, walking, tai chi, and qigong can play a role in recovery.

The third type of blockage occurs in the liver, that is, hyperactivity of liver yang.

Some friends may think, "It's all hyperactive, it's going up, why is it still blocked?" ”

This also has a corresponding example in life, when we take a water pipe to connect it to the faucet, when we block a little nozzle with our fingers, we will obviously feel that the water flow is more fierce and can impact farther.

The same is true when applied to the liver, the more the liver yang is pressed, the more it goes up, and it will also run forward with the blood.

The human blood is the overall circulation, the flow rate in the front is accelerated, and the back has to keep up, the heart will increase the power to push the blood, and the blood pressure will rise.

Closely related to this is the emotional factor of people.

The essence of high blood pressure lies in these 4 points of blockage, dredge it, and it's good!

We often say that "anger burns the liver" and "depression hurts the liver", but in fact, bad emotions such as impatience, anger, depression, and anxiety are like fingers blocking the mouth of the tube, which will promote hyperactivity of the liver yang.

In order to solve this syndrome, it is very necessary for patients to adjust their mentality, face life positively, and reduce their emotions such as anxiety and irritability.

In terms of drug treatment, it is necessary to calm the liver and latent yang, and if you press the liver, you can use the famous prescription [Gastrodia Hook Vine Drink] [Zhenfeng Quenching Liver Soup] and other additions and subtractions.

The fourth type of blockage, which many people will ignore, is constipation.

Constipation is also a kind of blockage, we said earlier that the meridians run through the upper and lower parts of the human body, and the stomach and intestines are the largest channels in the meridians, and all food through the human body needs to be discharged from the stomach and intestines.

However, when constipation occurs for a long time, the flow of qi and blood and the emotional state of the person will be affected, which will cause the human body to produce a high-pressure state.

The essence of high blood pressure lies in these 4 points of blockage, dredge it, and it's good!

In the treatment, it is necessary to focus on the regulation of gastrointestinal function and the dredging of garbage, and the problem is still relatively easy to deal with.

In general, the essence of the occurrence of hypertension lies in the blockage inside the body, and it is not impossible to start in traditional Chinese medicine conditioning.

When the root of the disease appears in front of us, there is no reason to let it continue to grow.

Therefore, when high blood pressure occurs, it is necessary to actively adjust the mentality, do not be afraid and anxious, actively regulate, and clean up the blockage in time, so that the body will still be strong.
