
"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

author:Guanhai News

From 8 a.m. on June 18 to 20 a.m. on July 1, Pingjiang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, suffered the longest-lasting, most intense and most rainfall flood since meteorological records began.

As of 23:00 on July 1, the water level of the Pingjiang County section of the main stream of the Miluo River was 77.65 meters, and the super-alert water level was 7.15 meters, the highest water level since 1954. The Pingjiang County Flood Control Department has upgraded the flood control emergency response to Level I. Waterlogging occurred in many places in Pingjiang County. At present, more than 1,800 people from relevant local departments are on duty on the streets to carry out emergency disposal and risk removal. Fire and rescue personnel raced against time to rescue and evacuate the trapped people.

3 cadres during flood control investigation

The vehicle was swept away by a flash flood, and one person is still missing

At 11:55 on July 2, the Weibaling official account issued a notice saying: At about 21 o'clock on July 1, three cadres from Maotian Town drove in Mengcheng Village for flood control investigation, and due to a sudden flash flood, the vehicle was washed into the downstream river. At present, two cadres have been confirmed to be safe, and one cadre is missing. More than 200 local people were organized to search and rescue the people.

"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

On July 1, the Pingjiang County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued a notice on uniting to fight the catastrophic flood, in order to effectively do a good job in the current flood prevention work, the people of the county are requested to obey and cooperate with the county and township flood control headquarters dispatch, and residents in the central urban area do not go out or watch unless necessary, so as not to affect the flood control and rescue work; Residents in low-lying areas of the county should quickly move to safe areas, stay away from dangerous areas, and ensure their own safety; Move the vehicle to higher ground quickly; Neighbours should help each other and cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties together.

"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

"This station reports, this station is flooded"

The Pingjiang County Rong Media Center was flooded

According to Hunan Daily, at 23 o'clock on July 1, the water level of the Pingjiang County section of the main stream of the Miluo River was 77.65 meters, and the super-alert water level was 7.15 meters, the highest water level since 1954.

On the evening ......of July 1, the first floor of the Pingjiang County Rong Media Center was flooded, and the on-site report issued by the center's reporter in the stairwell attracted widespread attention. After announcing the latest flood situation to the public, dozens of reporters, editors, and post-production personnel stranded at the center were evacuated by assault boat and headed to the temporary news center.

Many netizens cheered for Pingjiang: "In order to report the first news, I worked hard!" Be sure to stay safe! Pingjiang hold on! ”

On July 2, when the reporter met Zhou Xing, director of the new media center of the Pingjiang County Financial Media Center, she was writing the latest flood control manuscript at the flood control and drought relief headquarters.

Zhou Xing introduced that in addition to the 2 editorial staff on duty at the headquarters, all the staff of the Pingjiang County Financial Media Center stuck to their posts, and the reporters were divided into 4 groups to go deep into the front line of flood control, and the editors and post-production personnel worked overtime to station in the temporary news center to release the latest flood situation in a timely manner.

"I haven't seen such a fierce water in so many years"

The water level at the Pingjiang Station of the Miluo River rose by 9.5 meters in two days

According to Xinhua News Agency, at about 17 o'clock on July 1, when the reporter arrived at Daxi Village, Tianyue Street, Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, the flood water level here was still rising. Heavy rainfall, which began in the early hours of the morning, caused the water levels of the Xianjiang and Miluo rivers near the village to rise rapidly, and the flood water overflowed the river embankment and poured into farmland and homes.

"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

"I've never seen such a fierce water in so many years." Mao Suizhong, the village secretary of Daxi Village, said. Looking in the direction of Mao Suizhong's finger, the flood was about to pass the street lights, and the telephone poles were crooked on the water.

After receiving the rainstorm warning yesterday, the village has organized more than 200 villagers living in the risk area of geological disasters to move to avoid danger in advance. Mao Suizhong said that on the morning of the 1st, the flood water soared several meters deep, and more than 100 people were trapped in the flood and waiting for rescue.

On the morning of the 1st, a rescue team of more than 40 people, composed of militia, emergency and civil rescue forces, urgently assembled, drove assault boats and kayaks, and raced against time to evacuate the villagers. "When you go ashore, your heart will be stable." Mao Yisheng, a 71-year-old villager, told reporters that when he was rescued, the water had risen to the second floor of his house.

Since June 18, 759.6 mm of rainfall has fallen in Pingjiang County, the highest since meteorological records began in 1961. As of 19 o'clock on the 1st, a total of 190 reservoirs in the county overflowed. In the past 48 hours, the water level at the Pingjiang station of the Miluo River has risen by as much as 9.5 meters.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention Center, affected by the flood of the Miluo River, the Luojiang Dam, Songbaiyuan, Shuangchuyuan, Shuanghe Dam, and Huxi Dam in the downstream Miluo City, as well as the Quyuan Dam in the Qu Yuan Management Area, may exceed the guaranteed water level, and some embankment sections with low elevation at the top of the embankment may overflow, and the flood safety of these embankments is extremely risky. The Hunan Provincial Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention Center has reminded the above-mentioned areas to make preventive arrangements in advance, strengthen the defense of embankments, and ensure the safety of people's lives.

As of 21 o'clock on the 1st, some embankments in Miluo City have exceeded the guaranteed water level, in view of the flood peak of the Miluo River that is about to cross, Miluo City is organizing forces to build sub-embankments in key embankment sections, and at the same time organizing a large number of party members and cadres to go to the embankment, inspect and defend all culverts, embankment buildings, and dangerous sections, find and dispose of problems in a timely manner, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the embankment.

Pingjiang, Hunan Province experienced the largest flood since meteorological records began

At 01:20 on July 2, the Yueyang Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Center of Hunan Province issued a water situation report: at 00:30 on July 2, the flood peak water level of 77.67 meters appeared at the Pingjiang Station of the main stream of the Miluo River, exceeding the warning water level (70.50 meters) by 7.17 meters and exceeding the guaranteed water level (74.00 meters) by 3.67 meters.

According to the reporter's understanding, nearly one-third of the old city of Pingjiang is flooded, and nearly half of the new city is flooded. On the morning of the 1st, the local residents who were at risk had been safely transferred. According to preliminary statistics, a total of 340,000 people in Pingjiang County have been affected by the disaster, more than 2,600 bridges and roads have been washed away, 10 houses in 5 households have been completely destroyed, 26 houses in 11 households have been seriously damaged, and nearly 170,000 mu of crops have been damaged, causing economic losses of more than 200 million yuan. As of the evening of the 1st, there were power and communication interruptions in some areas of Pingjiang County. Up to now, it is still being repaired in full swing.

"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

According to reports, the rainfall in Pingjiang has three characteristics:

First, it has lasted for a long time, and it has been raining continuously from June 18 to the present. Second, the rainfall intensity is high, and the rainfall at Pingjiang Station has reached 800 mm since June 18. The third is the heavy rainfall, according to statistics, this is the longest-lasting, most intense, and most rainfall flood in Pingjiang since meteorological records began.

"This station reports that this station is flooded"! The water level is approaching the height of the traffic light...... A notice was issued to fight against the catastrophic flood

According to records, the highest water level in Pingjiang County in history was 78.16 meters. At 6 a.m. on the 2nd, the water level had dropped to 77.43 meters. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the rain in Pingjiang will weaken significantly during the day today, with light to moderate intensity. At present, the rescue efforts of the relevant local departments are still ongoing.

Source: Comprehensive CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency, Pingjiang County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Hunan Daily, The Paper, Daily Economic News, Beijing Youth Daily, etc

Editor in charge: Lv Jingwen

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