
See the beauty of classical Chinese novels from "Dream of Red Mansions"! Gu Zuoyi Huacheng College of Literature gave a lecture

author:South + client

Recently, Gu Zuoyi, editor-in-chief of the "Chinese Classic Art Aesthetics" series, president of the Guangdong Volunteer Federation, and scholar of Chinese traditional culture, visited Huacheng Academy of Literature and Literature to elaborate on the meaning of the aesthetics of Chinese classical novels around the book series "The Aesthetics of Chinese Novels in Dream of Red Mansions". The event was hosted by Huacheng Publishing House, Huacheng Academy of Literature, and Bay Area Book House.

See the beauty of classical Chinese novels from "Dream of Red Mansions"! Gu Zuoyi Huacheng College of Literature gave a lecture

The Aesthetics of Chinese Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber.

"Dream of Red Mansions" writes the meaning of "dream".

Starting from the evolution of the title of "Dream of Red Mansions", Gu Zuoyi believes that the title of the book is like a person's eyebrows, and a good title determines the attractiveness of the novel to a certain extent. The evolution of the title of Dream of Red Mansions is precisely the embodiment of this kind of expressiveness, allowing readers to appreciate its condensed beauty, philosophical beauty and imagery beauty.

See the beauty of classical Chinese novels from "Dream of Red Mansions"! Gu Zuoyi Huacheng College of Literature gave a lecture

Gu Zuoyi, editor-in-chief of the "Chinese Classic Art Aesthetics" series, president of the Guangdong Volunteer Federation, and scholar of Chinese traditional culture.

Cao Xueqin is a master of dreaming. In the name of dreams, "Dream of Red Mansions" describes in detail the occurrence process, causes and consequences of each dream, and writes about the free beauty, hazy beauty, artistic conception beauty and flowing rhythm beauty of dreams. "Who is close to a dream, and the eternal lover is alone."

The "dream" in "Dream of Red Mansions" talks about philosophy, literature, thoughts, views and attitudes towards life, expands the "three-dimensional space" of the narrative's geographical space, time space, and spiritual space, and aggregates the "triple world" of the real world, the illusory world, and the ideal world, and constructs an epic "Dream of Red Mansions" edifice, which not only endows the dream with wonder, but also endows it with profound ideological connotation, which is unique and clever beyond all writing "dreams".

A good novel is structured like a building

The vitality and influence of a novel depend on its ideological power, that is, the height of ideas and the depth of culture it expresses. Gu Zuoyi believes that the reason why "Dream of Red Mansions" can become an immortal literary classic is that it not only reveals the sorrow, sorrow and reflection of personal fate, the rise and fall of the family and the rise and fall of the country, but also that it holds high the banner of humanism and fully demonstrates the beauty of human nature and humanity.

See the beauty of classical Chinese novels from "Dream of Red Mansions"! Gu Zuoyi Huacheng College of Literature gave a lecture

Gu Zuoyi, editor-in-chief of the "Chinese Classic Art Aesthetics" series, president of the Guangdong Volunteer Federation, and scholar of Chinese traditional culture.

"Dream of Red Mansions" talks about human nature as a kind heart, a kind of compassion, a sense of equality, and a deep reflection, questioning and criticism of the imperial examination system, marriage system, hierarchy system, and ethics and morality in feudal society. Taking Jia Baoyu as an example, on the surface, Baoyu is a little stupid, but it is his true temperament and true colors. Baoyu's emotional world was suppressed by feudal etiquette everywhere, and the emotional ideals pursued and embodied in the Grand View Garden were opposed to the principles of etiquette pursued by Jia Zheng in Jiafu. Jia Zheng is utilitarian and inhuman, while Baoyu is natural and human.

What is a beautiful novel structure? In Gu Zuoyi's view, first, the main structure is clear, the theme, the main line, and the protagonist are all prominent and interconnected; Second, the hierarchical structure is clear, just like a building, the layers are clear, and the characters and plots are reasonably arranged; Third, the structure is coherent, connected from end to end, and echoed before and after, forming a closed-loop system.

The beauty of the structure of Dream of Red Mansions is like the three-dimensional beauty of painting and the polyphony and harmony of music, including the integrity of the beginning and the end, and at the same time has a multi-form structure of space, with the beginning and the end echoing.

At the sharing meeting, Gu Zuoyi also introduced the beauty of the novel "Dream of Red Mansions" from the aspects of character image, narrative technique, style and style, and believed that interpreting "Dream of Red Mansions" from an aesthetic perspective is like opening a window of "beauty"; This "Book from Heaven" not only gives people the enjoyment of beauty, but also provides a valuable reference for how to follow the laws of shaping "beauty" and create "beautiful" works in the creation of novels.

See the beauty of classical Chinese novels from "Dream of Red Mansions"! Gu Zuoyi Huacheng College of Literature gave a lecture

The scene of the event.

It is understood that the "Chinese Classic Art Aesthetics" series is published by Huacheng Publishing House, which selects novels, poems, calligraphy, gardens, paintings, and music as models of classic masterpieces in six art categories, uses aesthetic theories to discuss in detail, and is accompanied by more than 300 exquisite ancient painting illustrations, aiming to open the door to "beauty" for readers.

[Writing] Southern + reporter Dai Xueqing

【Correspondent】Yang Liuqing

Photo courtesy of the organizer

【Author】 Dai Xueqing

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client

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