
Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

author:Guanhai News

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 2 Today, Qingdao experienced heavy rainfall and the road was slippery. In order to ensure the safety and orderliness of the road traffic environment in the jurisdiction and prevent and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, the Huangdao traffic police are all on the road, sticking to their posts in the rain, and making every effort to guide and direct traffic to ensure that the road is safe, orderly and smooth.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

In the early morning, the entire west coast was immersed in heavy rain, and at various intersections in the city, traffic police wore reflective raincoats and braved the heavy rain to stick to their posts and do their best to maintain road traffic order. In the case of large traffic flow, the traffic police guide through shouting, whistles, command gestures and other ways to relieve congestion at the fastest speed, deal with various emergencies in a timely manner, and strictly prevent major traffic accidents. At the same time, the traffic police department pays attention to the weather conditions in real time, and increases the fixed police force for the main roads, water-prone road sections, and congestion-prone road sections.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

At about 7 o'clock in the morning, the number of vehicles picking up children around the school increased significantly, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the road surface at the school gate was slippery, and the safety of students could not be ignored. The traffic police on duty made preparations early, arrived at the student aid post in advance, diverted traffic in the road sections around the school, directed vehicles to park reasonably, maintained order, and guided and escorted students through the intersection in a safe and orderly manner, and the traffic on the roads around the primary and secondary schools was in order.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

At the same time, the command center uses video surveillance and other channels to timely grasp the traffic situation of water-prone road sections and main roads, and command and dispatch squadrons in various jurisdictions to deal with congested road sections and waterlogged points in a timely manner. According to the plan and the actual traffic situation of the road, the squadron police force quickly adjusted the deployment of regional police forces to minimize the impact of rainfall. For waterlogged road sections, the police on duty will set up warning and reminder signs to guide vehicles to pass slowly and detour. In the event of severe water accumulation, the police on duty will use police cars, isolation piers, warning belts, road closure signs and other available objects to immediately close them, and contact the drainage department to rescue and drain water. If it is found that the vehicles and personnel are trapped, the police on duty will immediately rescue the trapped vehicles and personnel, and quickly tow or push the stalled vehicles that can be removed from the waterlogged road section to a location that does not obstruct the passage to ensure traffic safety along the route.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

The traffic police reminded drivers: pay attention to slow down when driving in rainy days and keep a sufficient safety distance from the car in front. In addition, try to avoid driving on the waterlogged road, if the waterlogged road exceeds the height of the exhaust pipe, you must take a detour, if the water depth is only soaked in a small half of the tire, you can pass at low speed, do not stop, change gears or turn sharply in the middle of the road, to prevent the vehicle from stalling and engine damage due to operation errors. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter Liang Chao, correspondent Feng Xijun, Yang Hui)

Check the waterlogged road section, inspect the road facilities, and remove obstacles...... Fluorescent green in the rain guards the smooth flow of traffic

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 2 This morning, the wind and rain were combined, the road was slippery, the line of sight was blocked, and the road traffic in the morning rush hour was seriously affected. The Licang traffic police direct and guide the traffic at various intersections of the main roads in the jurisdiction to guide the traffic flow in an orderly manner. The patrol traffic police shuttle in the rain curtain and become the guardian of the flow, check the hidden danger of water accumulation, check the road facilities, remove obstacles in time, ensure that every vehicle can safely pass through the waterlogged road section, and make every effort to ensure the safety and smoothness of the morning rush hour.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

At 6:28 in the morning, when Feng Shuangshuang and Luan Chongquan, auxiliary police officers of the Tianshui Road Squadron, immediately patrolled to the intersection of Yongchuan Road, Jinshui Road, they found that there was a pond in the northeast corner of the intersection, and immediately got out of the car to check, and at the same time reported the problem to the command center. After the staff of the municipal department arrived at the scene, auxiliary police officer Luan Chongquan walked out of the stagnant water and continued to carry out patrol and platoon work.

At around 9:30, when Liu Xueyao, an auxiliary police officer of the Lisha Road Squadron, patrolled near Zhonglao Road on Middle Heilongjiang Road, he found that a coulee was pushed out by stagnant water, and he immediately restored the coulee to its original position, and conducted command and guidance here to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain
Guiding vehicles, directing traffic, standing guard and nursing ...... This morning, they have been in the rain

The rainy season in summer is frequent, and the Licang traffic police remind: driving in rainy days, please slow down, keep a safe distance, pay attention to the road conditions, especially through the waterlogged area, drive cautiously, avoid emergency braking, and ensure safe travel. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter Liang Chao correspondent Zhang Runjiang Wang Weiwei)

Editor in charge: Wang Yiqun

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