
Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

author:Speed Starry Sky 4DO

In the process of programmer interviews, designing for a given scenario is a common problem, but it seems that there are few websites or books that describe and explain it, and it seems to be more biased towards the programmer's own experience.

Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

Then we can start from our own experience, review the problems encountered in the project in the past and how we solved them, which can not only help us understand the essence of the problem, but also exercise our thinking ability and problem-solving ability.

In an interview for design questions, programmers are often required to demonstrate their innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and in-depth understanding of technical details. However, due to the highly specialized and personal nature of these types of questions, it is really difficult to find a comprehensive book or a detailed website that answers every possible question in detail. But today, the editor found a front-end scene interview question, and the content is very comprehensive to share with you

Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)
Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)
Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

The content of this front-end scenario interview question covers all aspects of front-end development, from basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to modern frameworks and libraries such as React, Vue, etc. It also includes some common performance optimizations, security issues, and UX design considerations.

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Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

During the interview, you may be asked how to design a high-performance image lazy loading component, or how to optimize the loading speed of a complex single-page application (SPA). These questions not only require you to understand the details of the front-end technology, but also require you to have a global perspective, be able to think about the problem from multiple angles, and find the best solution.

Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

In addition, this interview question also contains some questions about user experience design. For example, how to design an easy-to-use form validation system, or how to optimize a mobile page layout to fit different screen sizes. These questions require you to focus not only on the implementation of the technology, but also on the needs and experience of the users.

Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

Overall, this front-end scenario interview provides us with a good opportunity to learn and review. By solving these problems, we can better understand all aspects of front-end development and improve our technical level and problem-solving skills. At the same time, it can also help us better prepare for the interview and demonstrate our professional ability and innovative thinking.

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Finally waiting for you! GitHub's official front-end development scenario interview manual (color page version)

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